Bulletin from Rochester: Clean Energy Has Come a Long Way

From Rick Morris, Chapter Organizing Representative, Rochester:
It's taken me a night and half a day to write this update because I am moved to tears when I think about where we started together 4 years ago, and where are now.
Yesterday the RPU board voted to move forward on two infrastructure plan scenarios - one for "net 100% renewable energy" and one for "fossil free 100% renewable energy." That's it. One of those options will be how we generate electricity in Rochester by 2031.
In 2015 the previous Mayor made a proclamation that Rochester should strive to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2031. When you stood up and asked our utility to consider the goal you were all but laughed out of the room. When you asked Public Transit to consider electrifying buses, you were told it was unreasonable. When you said we had a responsibility to act on global warming, you were told to be more realistic.
But you kept fighting. You grew our movement. From a few dozen people at the first People's Climate March to its peak of 1000 marchers in downtown Rochester. From a lone proclamation to a mayor and council members seeking your endorsement and campaigning on sustainability. From banging your heads against the wall at RPU board meetings month after month, to last night RPU board members thanking you for pushing them to act on climate.
The fight's not over. RPU and City Council still have upcoming study sessions and more votes. Utility staff are still stuck in old ways of thinking that don't account for the gross human and environmental cost of fossil fuel "back bone infrastructure." Once we secure 100% renewable electricity, we need to electrify transportation and heating and cooling to eliminate our climate footprint.
But the tide is turning. Unexpected allies keep stepping up. Last night at the meeting, RPU board member Tim Haskin said "If scenario 3 [100% with fossil fuel back up] is the bare minimum of what we find acceptable, we should be striving for scenario 5 [fossil free 100%]."
The Olmsted County Youth Commission asked for our help to write a petition for 100% renewable energy. Those high school students collected 1000 signatures in addition to the 1000 of our own petition. Another group of HS students led by Siham Abdi led hundreds of their peers to walk out of school on strike to demand our politicians do something about the climate crisis. The Sisters at Assisi Heights messaged board members reminding them of their responsibility for our common home. Members of Christ United Methodist stood up in the board meeting and said their faith leads them to call for 100% renewable energy. They all stand on the platform of action that you've built over the years.
Here are pictures I snapped yesterday of some of you at the board meeting yesterday. And here is a link to the front page of this morning's Post Bulletin.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You call Rochester to act out our highest values. You are saving lives. I am beyond proud that I get to support your efforts every day.
Montage of Rochester Clean Energy people and actions

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