Scott Russell: North Star Sierran Spotlight

Scott Russell: Stop Line 3

This week, we celebrated big news in the fight to Stop Line 3: On Monday, the courts denied Enbridge's Environmental Impact Statement for its failure to address the impact of spills on Lake Superior. We caught up with Scott Russell, this month's Sierran in the Spotlight to learn more.  

What is your role with the North Star Chapter?
I co-chair the Stop Line 3 Team.

Why did you get involved?
I got involved with the Sierra Club after the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) debacle. It was clear that Line 3 was going to be Minnesota's version of DAPL and would harm the state's clean water, increase climate damage, and violate treaty rights. I wanted to be part of the effort to stop it.

What are you most proud of having been a part of?
The Sierra Club's commitment to racial justice and its effort to be a good partner in stopping Line 3, in support of a broader climate justice movement.
What words of advice do you have for other North Star Sierrans?
Volunteers have a lot of latitude in setting the agenda. Come in, check us out, and find a spot where your talents can help in this important work, whether it's stopping Line 3, or working on clean energy, transportation or land use issues.