Our 2019 Minnesota Legislative Priorities

Commit to 100% Clean Energy by 2050 --

Move Minnesota towards a healthy, equitable energy future that increases good family-supporting jobs, saves customers money, and ensures that climate solutions benefit those most affected by environmental injustice.

We support:

  • A commitment that 100% of Minnesota’s electricity will be generated by clean, renewable energy by 2050A commitment to increase energy efficiency and prioritize efficiency programs for low-income households

  • Clean energy jobs training programs, economic development for communities transitioning away from coal, and policies to ensure that clean energy jobs are local and sustaining

Invest in Clean Transportation --

All Minnesotans deserve clear air, safe streets, and access to jobs and opportunity—transit, bicycling, walking, and electric vehicles are critical to delivering on this.

We support:

  • Dedicated, long-term funding for transit, bicycling and walking. 

  • Securing investments to transition our transportation system from fossil fuel to electricity via charging infrastructure and zero emission electric buses.

  • Investments can and should positively impact the people who struggle the most: communities of color, the elderly, low income families, and people with disabilities.

Protect Our Waters

Minnesotans care deeply about our lakes, rivers and the communities that depend on them.

We support:

  • Prove it First Sulfide Mining Policy -- Toxic sulfide ore mining releases acid and toxic metals that contaminate rivers and groundwater for hundreds of years. Mining companies must be required to prove that they have operated and closed a similar mine in a water-rich environment without long-term pollution of surface or groundwater. Until they do, copper-nickel sulfide mines should not be permitted in Minnesota, and existing safeguards—including requirements for wetland preservation and replacement—should be upheld and strengthened.

Contact: Margaret Levin, State Director: margaret.levin@sierraclub.org

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