2018 Midterm Elections: Climate Deniers Out, Champions In


Minneapolis, MINN. (November 7, 2018) – Yesterday, Minnesotans from across the state exercised their right to vote in the 2018 midterm elections. With nearly unprecedented midterm turnout, Minnesota voters sent a clear message: they want unity and reject the divisive politics of President Trump and his allies. 

We now call on voters to continue the momentum and join us at our 'Training to Win' Nov. 17th from 1 - 4 pm, where they can learn skills advocate to our newly eleted leaders for people and the planet!

Sierra Club State Director Margaret Levin issued the following statement in response to the election results: “Since taking office, the Trump Administration has launched an all-out assault on America’s most vulnerable communities, on our climate, and on bedrock environmental protections. Today, Minnesotans had their chance to respond – and the state wide results are decisive.

We proudly congratulate a new generation of Minnesota leaders on a historic achievement. We look forward to working closely with Governor-Elect Walz, Lieutenant Governor-elect Flanagan, Leader Hortman and the new majority caucus in the Minnesota House, and the dozens of Sierra Club-endorsed candidates who prevailed in their races throughout Minnesota.

We are especially thankful today for the dedicated work done by Sierra Club volunteers and members throughout Minnesota in the run up to yesterday’s election. Together, we’ve participated in a critical conversation about the future of our state and planet. Now that Minnesota voters have spoken, the time has come for meaningful changes to improve the health of our communities and to re-emerge as a national leader on climate action.

Our state and planet have historic challenges. But these election results clearly show Minnesota rising to meet those challenges: climate deniers are out, environmental champions are in, and Minnesota’s voters are engaged like never before.”

Media Contact:
Margaret Levin – 612-659-9124; Margaret.levin@sierraclub.org

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