Why I Risked Arrest in Bemidji

Sierra Club stands with allies to stop Line 3

By: Margaret Levin 

Today in Bemidji, I joined partners from across our movement to risk arrest in order to escalate our call to stop Line 3. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) failed Minnesotans when they approved the Line 3 pipeline, siding with a foreign pipeline company to allow them to run more dirty tar sands through some of our most precious natural and cultural resources. 

So we are escalating our call to action to stop this project. This is not a decision I took lightly. In its 125-year history, this is only the third time Sierra Club leaders have participated in a peaceful direct action to risk arrest. Civil disobedience has a long and dignified history of helping people speak truth to power. At this critical moment, I feel a great obligation and responsibility to do everything in my power to stand with allies, and fight for the clean energy future that we know is possible.

For years, we have been working against tar sands expansion with community members, tribal leaders, faith leaders and other environmental groups. By standing with these groups in action today we sent a strong and unified message: together we are resolved to protect land, clean water, Tribal sovereignty, and our climate.

Up until now we have been engaged in the state’s process through the PUC, urging them to make the right choice and reject this tar sands pipeline. You, our members and supporters, joined us submitting public comments, attending hearings, rallying across the state, and building the movement in opposition to Line 3. But the PUC ignored the tens of thousands of public comments, of which over 90% were against the pipeline. The PUC even rejected testimony from the Minnesota Department of Commerce which concluded the benefits of Line 3 are outweighed by the harm it will cause. 

The PUC process was flawed and it failed. Our actions today highlight this failure and our commitment to stopping Line 3.  

Join us in telling Gov. Dayton to act immediately to halt the permits and any pre-construction until legal appeals have been heard, courts have weighed in, and the tribal cultural properties survey has been completed and its findings fully considered.

Enbridge’s track record and history of spills makes it clear that this pipeline poses an unacceptable threat of permanent damage to the Mississippi River headwaters region and the pristine lake country of northern Minnesota. The route also directly threatens Ojibwe wild rice treaty rights and sensitive ricing waters. Minnesotans shouldn’t have to bear these risks for the benefit of foreign tar sands companies. Instead, we must transition from fossil fuels to clean energy solutions that support local economies, public health, and a clean, just, equitable future. 

Our clean water and our communities are on the line, and we won’t stop fighting to protect them.

In hope and solidarity,

Margaret Levin
Sierra Club North Star Chapter
State Director

P.S. Read more about work to move Minnesota Beyond Oil and how you can join this volunteer team. 

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