New Fact Sheets Available Explaining Why Enbridge Line 3 is a Bad Idea

Tar sands from the air

Four Fact Sheets are now available on our website explaining the Enbridge Line 3 proposal and why it is a bad idea. Line 3 carries Canadian tar sands crude oil from Alberta to Superior, Wisconsin. The 1,097 mile pipeline includes a 337-mile stretch across northern Minnesota, posing an unnecessary risk to our lakes and streams.

Please feel free to print and distribute these fact sheets in your advocacy work.

  • What are Tar Sands? provides background on Canadian tar sands extraction and the many ways it is harmful to the environment.
  • Line 3 and the Pipeline System explains Enbridge’s plan to abandon its current Line 3 in place and install a new and larger pipeline. It’s proposed new route – crossing the Mississippi headwaters area and prime wild rice area – threatens the state’s clean waters.
  • Line 3 and Energy Security explains why Line 3 is not about our country’s energy security, but about corporate profits.
  • Line 3 and Treaty Rights explains how Enbridge’s proposal threatens the Treaty of 1855, which gives the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) people the right to hunt, fish and gather wild rice in a large area of northern Minnesota, including off-reservation lands.