Duluth Outing - Hike Along the Superior Hiking Trail

By Norm Herron

Duluth Hike

What a fabulous Spring day, May 21, for a hike on the Superior Hiking Trail! On a 75 degree and sunny day up north in Duluth, the Sierra Club sponsored contingent of 10 hikers + one ten-month old outdoorsman, enjoyed a five mile hike in the Magney-Snively Nature Area. The hike was led by Tim Jung, a veteran Sierra Club hike leader and Norm Herron, a volunteer veteran Superior Hiking Trail trail builder. The wildflowers were abundant: cut-leaf toothwart, yellow and purple violets, large-flowered bellwort, rue anemone, and, of course, the impressive white trilliums.  Great camaraderie, abundant conversation and comparing of hiking experiences. A stop at Clyde Iron restaurant in Lincoln Park rounded out a great hike with some challenges and awesome scenery of Lake Superior at the several overlooks.


White Trillium



Duluth Hike  Duluth Hike - Overlook