The Clean Power Plan Goes to the Federal Register: Facts vs. Bogus Lawsuits

This blog is being cross-posted from the Union of Concerned Scientists. You can view the original blog here. 

The Clean Power Plan Goes to the Federal Register: Facts vs. Bogus Lawsuits 

By Rachel Cleetus, lead economist and climate policy manager, Union of Concerned Scientists

Tomorrow the final Clean Power Plan will be published in the Federal Register, which is the official publication of the federal government notifying the public about new regulations and guidance or changes to existing ones. We already know the Clean Power Plan is good for our health and our pocketbooks but that won’t stop naysayers from filing an avalanche of bogus legal challenges to it.

The Clean Power Plan is flexible and achievable

The Clean Power Plan (CPP) is a strong, flexible framework to help reduce power plant carbon emissions, which are the largest source of U.S. global warming emissions. It will cut those emissions 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. The plan provides a number of cost-effective compliance options for states, including using renewable energy and natural gas to replace coal-fired power, increasing energy efficiency, and bringing online nuclear plants currently under construction. It also allows states to take advantage of multi-state carbon trading systems to cut emissions, if they so choose.

Analysis from the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that many states are already taking clean energy actions that will put them well on the path to meeting their CPP goals. Using the CPP’s rate-based targets:

  • 31 states are already on track to be more than halfway toward meeting their 2022 Clean Power Plan benchmarks, with 21 set to surpass them.
  • 20 states are already on track to be more than halfway toward meeting their 2030 Clean Power Plan final targets, with 16 set to surpass them.

The final CPP expands on the role of renewable energy in cutting emissions. It also takes a number of steps to limit the rush to natural gas and ensure reliable electricity....

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