Tell Minnesota Legislators: Reject Special Session Agriculture & Environment Omnibus Budget Bill

Minnesota State CapitolIn the special session, your legislators will vote on the revised Agriculture & Environment Omnibus Budget bill (HF 846) – a “dirty water bill” that reverses decades of progress and protections for clean water, the environment, and health. Act now and tell them to vote NO.

The 2015 state legislative session will be remembered for unprecedented attacks on clean water -– at a time when our rivers, lakes, streams and drinking water face historic threats. Some of the worst rollbacks were passed literally in the middle of the night, with no opportunity for public response. After Governor Dayton vetoed the bill, the legislature had a chance to get it right. Disappointingly, the final bill contains unacceptable provisions including:

  • Stops enforcement of the water quality standard that protects wild rice lakes
  • Eliminates the Citizens’ Board of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
  • Exempts sulfide mining from solid waste rules – a “surprise” amendment that was never introduced or heard
  • Restricts the MPCA’s ability to enforce limits on pollution and requires expensive, unnecessary cost analysis of water quality standards
  • Raids dedicated environmental funds
  • Allows deceptive labeling for pollinator-friendly plants
  • Weakens wetlands protections, opening the door to increased sulfide mining
  • Grants polluters amnesty from enforcement and penalties

Now, legislators will vote once again on whether to weaken the safeguards that have helped to make our state an environmental leader. Urge them to vote NO on the special session Omnibus Agriculture & Environment Budget bill when it comes back for a final vote.

Let your elected officials know how important this vote is to you. Please send your message today.