Green Bang for Your Bucks

Last week, I did a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) about the draft environment chapter of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that appeared on WikiLeaks (spoiler: It's a terrible draft). People asked many good questions, but my favorite from the session was one I never get tired of hearing: "What can we do?"

In the case of the TPP, we can write to Congress. But every single day, there are things we can do, choices we can make, that help protect the planet. Small or large, they make a difference.

Many of those choices center on how we spend our money. You might favor environmentally responsible products or companies, for instance. But if you're gauging effort versus impact, it's tough to make a more effective choice than replacing your big bank credit card with one from a bank that shares your values: Allow me to introduce the new Sierra Club credit card from One PacificCoast Bank.

Not so long ago, switching credit cards -- not to mention banks -- was a serious hassle. Thanks to the digital age, that's no longer true. So why give your business to a giant corporation that may be financing the same kinds of projects that you're writing to Congress to stop -- especially if you don't have to sacrifice any convenience or features like reward points?

The Sierra Club chose to partner with One PacificCoast Bank for a reason. Their mission is "to build prosperity in our communities through beneficial banking services delivered in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner." The only part of that you'll find in the mission statement of most banks is "banking services."

Of course, by using a Sierra Club credit card, you are not only doing business with an environmentally responsible bank, you're also helping support the mission of the Sierra Club. By making one easy choice, you're doing something good for the planet all year long.

After all, no one ever said that everything that makes a difference has to be hard.