A Fighter for the Senate

A lot of politicians spend plenty of time and money trying to convince us they're on our side. They flood the airwaves and our mailboxes, telling us what they think we want to hear. All too often, though, their rhetoric doesn't reflect their record.

That's why the best way to judge candidates is to look at what they've already achieved. Examine the record of Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, and you'll see that she's worked tirelessly as an advocate for American families. She's spent her career protecting taxpayers, holding Wall Street accountable, and ensuring tough oversight of folks in high places. She's gone toe-to-toe with some of the most powerful special interests in the world -- and she's won.

During a time when far too many in Congress are willing to do the bidding of big polluters before addressing the needs of everyone else, there's no doubt that Elizabeth would stand on the side of the American people. That's why I am so proud to announce that the Sierra Club is endorsing Elizabeth Warren in her campaign for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts.

As with every fight she's taken on, I know Elizabeth will bring a relentless passion to the Senate as a champion for the things we in the Sierra Club work for every day. That's because she understands that fighting for middle-class families means standing up to big banks and to big polluters. She knows that protecting our air, our drinking water, and the health of our children and our communities should always come before boosting polluter profits. And she's dedicated to investing in a clean-energy future that will create new jobs and protect our planet for generations to come.

I was fortunate to have the chance to meet Elizabeth a few weeks ago in Boston. We talked about the issues that will help determine the future of our nation and our planet. We discussed hiking in New England's beautiful hardwood forests, the need for stronger protections for our air and water, and the urgent challenges posed by the destabilization of our climate. I left our meeting thinking that Elizabeth is exactly the kind of person we need in the halls of government.

Right now, we face a choice between two very different visions for the future. On the one hand, we have politicians and lobbyists who will sell out our health and our environment for a quick buck. On the other, we have people like Elizabeth Warren, who are ready to fight for healthier air, cleaner water, renewable energy, and good American jobs.

Big polluters know who's got their back, and they're willing to do whatever it takes to keep Elizabeth from challenging their reckless agenda in Congress. They've already run TV ads praising her opponent's support of dirty energy policies. You can be certain they'll do or say whatever they think it will take to beat her.

When Elizabeth signed the People's Pledge -- to limit the influence of outside money in her race -- she did so knowing she would need to count on the grassroots, not billion-dollar corporations, for support. Of course, Big Coal, Big Oil, and other special interests would rather our 26,000 members in Massachusetts sit this race out. They'd rather we didn't fight at Elizabeth's side on behalf of American families.

That's not going to happen.

Elizabeth has stood with us time and again -- now we need to stand with her. This November, we can send a strong message that it's time for Congress to stop protecting polluter profits at the expense of public health and start investing in a cleaner, healthier future. There's no better way to do that than by supporting and electing Elizabeth Warren. Let's work together to make sure that happens.