A flourishing democracy is the bedrock of all the work that Sierra Club does to protect human health and the environment. 2024 is an incredibly important election year, and here is all the information you need to participate effectively in this year’s elections.
All the information regarding voter registration can be found here.
Remember, we have same-day voter registration now, and we have early voting available for all Michiganders!
All important voting dates can be found here, but here are the big ones to be aware of:
Tuesday August 6th – Michigan Primary Election, polls for in-person voting open from 7am to 8pm.
Tuesday November 5th – General Election, polls for in-person voting open from 7am to 8pm.
We encourage Sierra Club members and supporters to VOTE EARLY and consider signing up to be a part of the Democracy MVP program to work as a poll worker through Michigan’s Secretary of State office. The non-partisan, free, and fair administration of elections is the bedrock of our democracy. Get involved and stay involved!