October is Energy Month!

Sierra Club Members and Friends,

October is energy month and winter is coming so now is a great time to evaluate your energy situation and prepare for the colder months.  Regardless of where you live in the county everyone can take steps to save energy, reduce their carbon footprint and take advantage of the expanding number of energy efficiency and clean renewable energy opportunities.  Check out the programs below and make the most of energy month possibilities as offered by government agencies, non-profit organizations and others. The Sierra Club will continue to support your energy efficiency and clean energy goals as together we address climate change and preserve and protect our environment for future generations!!

  1. National Solar Home Tour – October 6-7, 2018.  This national event is a great opportunity to visit local solar homes in our area!  To learn more about the event visit: https://nationalsolartour.org/

  2. Books and Bulbs!  Take advantage of the county’s program to provide free LED lightbulbs at county libraries.   See the following website to participate:


  1. Geothermal and Other Federal Tax Credits:  Great news!!  Congress reinstated federal tax credits for geothermal energy heating systems earlier this year.  Visit the following website to see all current federal clean energy tax credits and take advantage before they expire! U.S.  Department of Energy: https://www.energy.gov/savings/residential-renewable-energy-tax-credit

  2. Community Solar:  After years of passing bills and making regulations, the efforts of the Sierra Club and our partners has paid off.  Community solar projects have now gone online in Maryland! Regardless of where you live (including apartments and condos), county residents can sign up for clean energy from community solar arrays in your utility area through subscriber organizations approved by the State of Maryland.  Take advantage of this hard-won opportunity by visiting our partner organization, Solar United Neighbors at: https://www.solarunitedneighbors.org/maryland/learn-the-issues-in-maryland/community-solar-in-maryland/

  3. Low – Income Energy Assistance:  We are fortunate that there are good programs to support individuals and families that need energy assistance, especially during the colder months.  Please see and share the following information on energy assistance programs. https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/green/energy/assistance.html

Contact:  Stephanie Riddick – Stephanie.Riddick@mdsierra.org