Transit Social

On April 14, 2018, the Montgomery County Sierra Club Group and Friends of Forest Glen co-sponsored a Transit Activist Social – an evening of networking and socializing, with keynote speaker former MD Governor Parris Glendening. We also celebrated recent transit victories, such as the passage of dedicated funding for Metro!  Five Councilmembers were recognized for their support of funding for the second Forest Glen Metro entrance, including Roger Berliner, George Leventhal, Marc Elrich, and Tom Hucker.  Hans Riemer was singled out for special recognition for his work on transit. We look forward to many more opportunities for grassroots organizations to come together around common issues to protect our environment.  

Group attending Transit Social on 4/14/2018 (photo 1 of 4)

Group attending Transit Social on 4/14/2018 (photo 2 of 4)

Group attending Transit Social on 4/14/2018 (photo 3 of 4)

Group attending Transit Social on 4/14/2018 (photo 4 of 4)