Getting Outdoors

Maryland is such a beautiful state.  We have mountains, rolling hills, farmland, waterways and beaches. Miles of hiking and biking trails.  Back roads to explore.  And all of it is there for us to enjoy!  But nature also needs our help and protection so future generations can also reap the benefits of these things.

Outings Chair Wanted!

The Catoctin Group wants to reactivate our outings activities and is seeking a volunteer to serve as our Outings chair. Carroll and Frederick counties offer countless opportunities to explore the mountains, forest, streams, rivers, and the historic C&O towpath. Citing the Sierra Club motto to “Explore, Enjoy & Protect the Planet," the Outings chair will help people connect with the outdoors that we so passionately care about.

If you are interested in becoming the Outings chair for the Catoctin Group, please contact Kerri Hesley, at Training for an outings chair is available 2-4 times per year by the Maryland Chapter. Contact Pat Soffen at to learn more about the outings program and how to become an outings leader! 


Native Plants

The Frederick County Forest Conservancy District Board, Frederick County non-profit organizations, and the 5 Million Trees for Maryland Campaign join together for planting activities across Frederick and Washington Counties. Check their websites for upcoming activities, events, and volunteer opportunities.

Native plants

Why Plant Natives?  See our latest Blog post for some reasons why we should be using more of these beautiful and functional plants especially adapted to Maryland's climate conditions!