Why Purchase Native Plants?

Native plants have many benefits - why should we plant them?

An easy, economical step for caring for our environment includes planting native perennials, shrubs and trees in our landscapes.  By planting native flowers and trees in our gardens, we maintain the biodiversity of the area.  Our native wildlife, especially birds, butterflies, pollinators and other organisms have evolved along with the plants that grow locally.  They depend on the plants for food and shelter.  Certain species, such as the Monarch Butterfly, are only able to feed on one specific type of plant, which is milkweed.  If the correct native plants are not present, much of the wildlife is unable to survive.

Planting native perennials provides food and shelter for local pollinators.

Conserving and reintroducing our native plants can help us recapture our regional character, with plants that are naturally adapted to our local conditions.  These plants are often more disease resistant than non-natives.  They are attractive landscaping that can help protect our natural resources by requiring fewer chemicals to treat pests and diseases, as well as less watering.  And that means less work for the homeowner, since maintenance tasks will be fewer.

And if all those benefits are not enough, native plants are beautiful!  You can select plants that will give you a continuous display of color from spring through fall.  Many shrubs and plants even provide some winter interest though berries, interesting bark, or seed heads from spent flowers.  By waiting until spring to remove spent blooms, stalks and leaf-litter in your garden, you will provide shelter for overwintering insects.  All this will make your garden the healthiest one in your neighborhood next season.

For more information on recommended native plants for Maryland, visit the University of Maryland Extension website.  There you can find a listing of plants suited for our area, as well as many other tips on going native!