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Press Coverage of our Climate Conference
May 30, 2019
The Free Press - Serving Midcoast Maine since 1985 covers our climate conference!
Testimony in Support of LD 1711 An Act to Promote Solar Energy Projects and Distributed Generation Resources in Maine
May 23, 2019
LD 1711 will likely stimulate demand for smaller distributed Solar PV projects that opt for the
simplicity of net metering. It will do so by increasing the cap to 1 MB and number of participants
from 9 to 200. Beneficiaries of this loosening of...
Testimony in Favor of LD 1646 An Act To Restore Local Ownership and Control of Maine's Power Delivery Systems
May 23, 2019
Sierra Club Maine supports LD 1646, a bill that creates the Maine Power Delivery Authority as a
consumer-owned utility to acquire and operate all transmission and distribution systems in the State
currently operated by the monopoly investor-owned...
Testimony in Support of LD #1679An Act to Establish the Maine Climate Change Council to Assist Maine to Mitigate, Prepare for and Adapt to Climate Change
May 23, 2019
We salute the Governor and her Commissioners for developing this far reaching proposal to
address Climate Change, the most serious threat to the future of our state. This bill obviously
was the result of enormous effort and we commend you for...
Testimony In Favor Of LD 1494 An Act To Reform Maine's Renewable Portfolio Standard
May 5, 2019
We encourage the use of Clean and Renewable Resources only. We prefer carbon and pollution free
energy sustainably collected from renewable sources including wind, solar, tidal, and geothermal. We
encourage you to incentivize these resources over...
EPA's comments to the Army Corps Public Notice on NECEC
May 3, 2019
As the lead Federal agency for the review of the project under NEPA and for CWA Section 404 permitting, USACE holds the primary responsibility to coordinate both in a predictable and transparent manner. The lack of an organized, consolidated...
Sierra Club, Maine Chapter’s Comments on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Public Notice Regarding Central Maine Power Company’s Application to Construct a New High Voltage Direct Current Electrical Transmission Line and Related Facilities
May 2, 2019
As the Corps is aware, the CMP Transmission Project is the second attempt by the state of
Massachusetts to acquire electric power from large hydropower dams in northern Canada via
transmission lines through other New England states. The first...
Minutes from the March Executive Committee In-person meeting
May 1, 2019
Link to PDF
Executive Committee Meeting
Saturday March 23, 2019 - Time 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
GSB Community Board Room 367 Main St. Yarmouth Maine (Otto’s/Inside Handy’s Market
Conf. Call 1-866-501-6174 Code 100 5900#
note -...
Testimony In support of LD 179 by Representative Benjamin Collings: "An Act to Change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day"
April 29, 2019
We stand proudly in expressing our support of LD 179 for the renaming of this holiday in celebration of the 1st Nations to inhabit the lands we all now consider our home.
Much of the history learned in celebration of the founding of the...
LD Testimony to Support LD102 An Act To Improve the Manufacturing of Plastic Bottles and Bottle Caps
April 29, 2019
The Sierra Club believes that unless action is
taken at the state level plastic pollution will continue to balloon into a crisis.
LD 102 takes a simple approach to reducing the amount of plastic in our environment: Force
manufactures to use...