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Environmental impact statement necessary on CMP NECEC transmission line project
December 8, 2019
Op-Ed in the Lewiston Sun Journal against CMP NECEC transmission line project, by Becky Bartovics
Hydro-Quebec megadams and Central Maine Power corridor subject of Maine Events
November 26, 2019
Press Release on Impacts of CMP Corridor (NECEC)
Yale’s role in the “super highway of power” slated for Maine’s forests.
November 26, 2019
An overview of the CMP Corridor project and Yale’s role.
Army Corps must do an Environmental Impact Statement on the CMP NECEC Transmission line project
November 22, 2019
By Becky Bartovics-- Submitted Op-Ed on Impacts of CMP Corridor (NECEC)
Press Herald, Another View: Corridor Not Worth the Sacrifice
November 14, 2019
Alice Elliott's 'Another View' response regarding Central Maine Power's transmission corridor
Maine Woods LTE on PERC Wood Chip Operation
October 30, 2019
Letter to the Editor in Bangor Daily News about PERC Proposed Wood Chip Operation
Sierra Club Comments on Hazards of PFAS
August 28, 2019
At the Maine Department of Environmental Protection's PFAS Taskforce meeting on August 28, 2019, Sierra Club commented on the hazards of incineration of PFAS containing biosolids.
Maine Wants a Clean Energy Economy—Let’s Make Sure It's for Everyone!
July 24, 2019
Mainers are ready to protect our people and our planet -- and for the first time in years, our State House is aligning with communities to take bold action on climate.
Sierra Club at Pittsfield Solar Farm Celebrating Ready for 100 Bill Signing
June 27, 2019
Sue Levene: Sierra Club Maine Chapter Chair, Ben Schade: Sierra Club Maine Summer Intern and Ryan Dunfee: Sierra Club National Addup Campaign Strategy Manager travelled to the Pittsfield Solar Farm to witness Janet Mills sign three climate and clean...
Executive Committee Minutes - April 2019
May 31, 2019
Link to PDF
ExComm Sierra Club Maine meeting
April 25, 2019
Chair Levene called the meeting to order at 6pm.
Attending members: Brautigan, Jenner, Johnson, Fulford, Kelly, Ringelstein, Roxby, Tucker. Also, Alice Elliott, Becky...