Guidelines and Resources

The Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter Sustainable Land Use Committee reviews and makes recommendations on plans and proposals near El Camino, downtowns, and transit stations. Such plans include General Plans, Downtown Plans, Station Area Plans, Pedestrian Plans, Bicycle Plans, individual development proposals, etc. In addition to Sierra Club California Urban Growth Management Policy Guidelines, we use our Chapter's Guidelines for Downtown and Station Area Plans as well as our Chapter's Guidelines for Residential/Mixed-Use Projects to review plans and projects. 

astro Street Sidewalk cafes

Our guidelines outline and expound upon the top five goals we have set for new development near transit:
  • Compact Development - Livable, mixed-use communities with a diversity of housing options
  • Community & Economic Benefits – Improved parks, additional shops and services, active downtown, healthy ecology
  • Pedestrian Priority – Prioritize walking and active lifestyles
  • Transportation  Alternatives – Safe bicycle facilities, reliable public transit, alternatives to driving
  • Energy & Resource Efficiency – Green buildings and site developments
  • Healthy Ecology - For residents' and employees' wellbeing and for enhancing ecology

When we fully understand a Specific Plan or large development and feel it is important to comment, we generate letters with what is good about the project and what we believe can be improved. We work closely with the Chapter's local active members and other community groups to interact with the City or County to make our recommendations known. 


White Papers

You can find past comment letters on the Projects page.

For some additional resources from earlier projects, click here