The italicized number is the volume number, following number(s) are the page number(s).
Subject Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q |R | S | T | U | V | W | X |Y | Z
Abbot, Mt., first ascent, 1908, 7, 8-14; 11, 249, 382; ascents, 13, 81; 15, 110; 6, 103; origin of name, 2, 252; 11, 249, 381; ill., 4, 200; 7, 7, 14; 10, 105; 12, 181; 15, 15, 18
Abbot Pass (Canadian Rockies), 2, 8; ill., 2, 152
Abbott, Mt. (Canada), 23, 104
Abbott, Mt., see also Abbot, Mt.
Abert, Mt., see Black Kaweah
Abies, see Fir
Abieteneae, 2, 63
Absaroka Range (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 276
Acadia Mountain (Acadia Nat'l Park), ill., 11, 12
Acadia National Park, 11, 6; ill., 11, 12, 13; see also Lafayette N.P.
Accidents and fatalities, 18, 112; 26, 129; 33, 127-130; Black Kaweah, 1927, 13, 93-94; Mt. Brewer, 1902, 4, 278-279; Bugaboo Spire, 1948, 34, 29, 70-73; Cathedral Spire, 1947, 33, 127-130; Devils Slide, 1947, 33, 130; El Capitan, 1905; 25, 49; Mt. Lefroy, 1896, 2, 8; Longs Peak,3, 196; 13, 64; Mt. McKinley, 1932, 18, 86-87; Minarets, 1933, 19, 81; Frederick Morley, 1921,11, 307, 310; Rae Lakes, 1908, 8, 49-50; Mt. Rainier, 1897, 2, 193, 234; 3, 282; Redoubt Peak, 1927, 13, 6
Acker Peak, 11, 382
Actitis, see Sandpiper
Adam's Peak (India), 19, 91
Adams, Mt. (Washington), 19, 58; 29, 36; ill., 7, 170
Admiralty Island (Alaska), ill., 17, 66
Adolphus, Lake (Canada), ill., 14, 94
Aesculus, see Buckeye
Africa, 6, 207; 12, 403-404; see also Ruwenzori ; South Africa
Agassiz, Mt., 13, 34, 87; 16, 105-107; 19, 95; 24, 49-50; origin of name, 5, 3; 11, 382; 24, 42;26, 39; ill., 9, 308; 21, 30-31
Agassiz Col, 24, 46
Agassiz Needle, see Agassiz, Mt.
Agnes, Mt. (Washington), 22, 77-78
Agnew Lake, 11, 382
Agnew Meadow, 11, 17, 383; 24, 2
Agnew Pass, 11, 382
Agriculture, see National forests
Aguereberry Point, 24, 91
Ahwabnee, 10, 205; 11, 382
Ahwiyab Point, 23, 117; 25, 50
Ajo Mountains (Arizona), 34, 146-147
Alabama Hills, 10, 342; ill., 22, 15; 33, 30-31
Alaska, 28, 56-58; bear, 17, 59-66; ill., 10, 32; 11, 156; see also Glenora Mountain; McKinley, Mt.; Muir, John; St. Elias, Mt.; Stikine Glaciers
Alger Lake, 11, 382; 25, 122
Alice, Mt., see Temple Crag
Alkaline lakes, 3, 71-74
Alpina Americana, 6, 280; 8, 296; 10, 129
Alpinae (Alpine pines), 2, 65, 66
Alpine Club of Canada, 8, 52; membership, 8, 187, 188; Sherbrooke Lake outing, 1911, 8, 185-192
Alpine Congress, 10, 438-440
Alps, 18, 97-99, 111-113; 20, 24-25; 21, 60-63; compared with Sierra Nevada, 6, 168-169; 14, 85; 22, 1; travel in the 16th century, 17, 33-42; U.S. Mountain troops in, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-45; ill., 6, 75, 78, 82; 12, 289; 17, 34, 35, 42; 31, 14-15; see also Blanc, Mt.; Dolomites; Matterhorn; Tyrol; Wetterstein
Alta Meadows, ill., 5, 280
Alta Pass, 11, 424; ill., 11, 423
Alta Peak, 4, 306; ill., 6, 162; 13, 17
Altitude, see Elevation
Amazon River, canoe trip, 18, 88-96; ill., 18, 94-95
American Alpine Club, 13, 91-92; 14, 88
American Forestry Congress, 1905, 5, 269-270
American River, ill., 11, 294
Amethyst Lake (Canada), ill., 14, 31, 70, 78
Amphitheater Lake, 5, 8; 11, 382
Andes Mountains, 12, 404-405; 22, 85-91; 29, 77-81; ill., 29, 46-47
Andreas Canyon, 11, 351-352; ill., 10, 332
Angel Terrace (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 437
Angeles National Forest, 10, 374; 12, 196
Animals, see Mount Rainier National Park-Animal life; Sierra Nevada-Animal life; Yellowstone National Park-Animal life; Yosemite National Park-Animal life; see also Badger; Bat; Bear; Beaver; Beaver, Mountain; Bighorn sheep; Bison; Caribou; Chipmunk; Cony; Cougar; Coyote; Deer; Donkey; Elk; Fawn; Flying squirrel; Fox; Goat; Gopher; Ground-squirrel; Jackrabbit; Marmot; Marten; Mice; Moose; Mountain lion; Muskrat; Otter; Porcupine; Predatory animals; Rabbit; Ringtail; Sea lion; Shrew; Squirrel; Weasel; Wolf; Wolverine; Woodchuck
Animals, Packing, see Pack animals
Annual outings, see Sierra Club annual outings
Ansel Adams, Mt., 11, 316; 20, 36, 104-105; 11, 258; 20, 30-31
Antarctic expedition, 26, 95-101
Antivenin, 18, 45
Anza expedition, 13, 55-56
Aplodontia major, see Beaver, Mountain
Appalachian Mountain Club, 1, 338-339; 3, 314; 6, 133-134; 12, 311, 377-381, 424; 13, 88-89;14, 87-88; 16, 100-101; 17, 107; 18, 122-123
Appalachian National Forest, 7, 125-126, 201-203; 8, 241
Appalachian National Park, proposed, 3, 264; 4, 174-175
Appelaminy River, 28, 41, 43
Aquilegia, see Columbine
Arachova, see Parnassus, Mt.
Arangua (Caucasus), ill., 2, 295, 297
Arbor-vitae, Giant (Thuya plicata), 4, 104-106
Arc Pass, 26, 106
Arch Rock entrance (Yosemite N.P.), 34, 37-38; ill., 34, 34-35
Arctic expeditions, 10, 324
Arctostaphylos, see Manzanita
Arenaria Rossii, 32, 18
Argiewicz, Mt. (Canada), 33, 126; ill., 33, 6
Argyroxiphium, see Silversword
Armstrong Redwoods, 3, 266
Army Pass, 9, 23; 26, 105; ill., 9, 23, 24
Arndt Lake, 11, 382
Arrastre Spring, 24, 85, 103, 104
Arrow Creek Falls, ill., 6, 118
Arrow Peak, 4, 179-183; first ascent, 1895, 1, 305-309; 11, 382, 423; 26, 40; ill., 1, 306; 4, 177, 182, 261; 8, 17; 12, 317; 25, 14-15; 34, 14-15
Arrowhead, 24, 129; 25, 55, 119; 26, 140;
Arrowhead Chimney ascents, 27, 134-136; 33, 122-123
Arrowhead Lake, 19, 45
Arrowheads, see Indian arrowheads
Asama-Yama { Japan), 6, 186-195; ill., 6, 153, 192
Ash, Flowering (Fraxinus dipetala), 3, 307
Aspen, Quaking (Populus tremuloides), ill., 25, 102-103; 27, 78-79
Asperity, Mt. (Canada), ill., 33, 6
Associated Mountaineering Clubs of North America, 10, 234-235, 351-352, 440-441; 11, 99
Astegg (Austria), ill., 12, 289
Athabaska Pass (Canada), 14, 28-33
Aurelia Harwood Memorial Lodge, 15, 102; 16, 95; 17, 98; 19, 43; ill., 19, 47
Automobiles and hiking, 17, 110
Avalanche, 10, 415-417; 16, 53; 17, 38-40; 18, 118-120; ill., 17, 35; Echo Lake, 34, 74-81; ill.,34, 94; Shadow Creek, 24, 6, 29-30; ill., 24, 30-31
Avalanche Lake (Glacier National Park), ill., 7, 226; 12, 114
Avalanche Pass (Kings River Canyon), ill., 26, 94
Avalanche Peak, 1, 242
Avenue of Giants, see Redwood Highway
Bacon Meadow, 11, 382
Badger, California, 15, 58-63
Badger Pass, ill., 33, 102-103
Bago, Mt., 26, 129
Baker, Mt. (Washington), 22, 72
Baldy, Old, see San Antonio, Mt.
Balfour, Mt. (Canada), 2, 263-269; ill., 2, 266
Balkan War, 14, 34-36
Ballons d'AIsace, 11, 179
Balloon Dome, 1, 83, 225
Baltoro Glacier (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Banner Peak, 23, 24; first ascent and naming, 1883, S, 193; 11, 248, 382; ascents, 17, 114-115; 23, 24; 32, 130; Winter ascent, 25, 126-127; ill., 1, 70; 6, 290, 304; 7, 6; 9, 253; 10, 447; 11, 16, 231; 15, 1, 31, 39, 46, 58, 75; 23, 25, 31; 24, 30-31; see also Ritter Range
Barbara Brook, 3, 110
Barbican (Canada), ill., 14, 6
Barbour Bill, see Sequoia National Park
Bark Beetle, 9, 206
Barnard, Mt., 1, 85-89; 11, 383; 26, 110; ill., 10, 214; 22, 14-15
Barney Lake, 12, 126; ill., 11, 451; 12, 93
Barton Flats, 11, 52; ill., 11, 52
Base Camp Trip, see Sierra Club-Base camp trips
Basin Mountain, 16, 108
Basket Dome, 25, 47
Bastion Peak (Canada), 13, 7; ill., 13, 5; 14, 6, 30
Bat, 17, 20
Battle Creek, 11, 383
Baxter, Mt., 11, 383
Bear, 6, 34; 8, 217; 9, 208; 12, 240, 336-338, 345; 17, 14-15; Alaska (Grizzly), 17, 5-6; ill.,17, 58, 59; California grizzly, 23, 70-81; Kodiak, see Bear, Alaska Bear Creek, 1, 229; 11, 383;ill., 10, 104; 27, 30-31
Bear Creek Spire, 16, 103; i9, 97; ill., 12, 181; 15, 19; 16, 6; 27, 30-31; 32, 30-31
Bear Lake (Rocky Mountain N. P.), ill., 7, 234-235
Bear Valley Meadow, 21, 15
Bear-clover; Bear-mat; Bear-weed; see Mountain misery
Bearpaw Meadow, 10, 226
Bearskin Meadow, 11, 383
Bearup Lake, 11, 383
Beaver, 6, 35-36; 12, 340; 27, 116-118; dam (ill. ), 12, 345
Beaver, Mountain (Aplodontia major), 1, 20; 6, 37-38; 17, 19
Beck Lakes Pass, 23, 24
Bebr's Alpine Sulphur, see Colias behrii
Belaying, 16, 67-88; 27, 69-72; 33, 129-130; belaying the leader, 31, 68-100; Mt. Williamson, 1903, 5, 47; ill., 16, 86; 31, 93; see also Climbing and mountaineering; Rope technique
Bell, Mt. (Canada), 22, 33-35; ill., 22, 30-31
Belly River (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 166
Bench Lake, 11, 383, 422; 25, 122; ill., 8, 17, 70; 25, 14-15; 34, 14-15
Bench marks on mountain peaks, 16, 99-100
Bennett Creek, 11, 383
Bennett's Well, 24, 82, 102
Bennington Glacier (Canada), ill., 14, 7, 34
Bennington Peak (Canada), ill., 13, 9
Benson Lake, 11, 383; 17, 5; ill., 8, 154, 209; 12, 65; 17, 11; 27, 1
Benson Pass, 11, 383
Berg Lake (Canada), ill., 10, 281; 14, 15, 87
Bergschrund, 5, 276-277; ill., 5, 276; 6, 296; 7, 188, 189; 10, 292; see also Glaciers and glaciation
Bicycle camping trips, 2, 99-104
Big Arroyo, 11, 383; 13, 17-19; ill., 9, 2, 18-19; 10, 182, 198; 11, 172; 18, 46; 22, 62-63
Big Basin, 3, 187, 218-223; map, 3, 218
Big Basin Redwoods State Park, 3, 266, 337-339; 4, 74, 251, 274; ill., 3, 220; see alsoCalifornia Redwoods State Park
Big Bear Lake, 19, 45
Big Bird Lake, 11, 392
Big Bird Rock, 22, 106; ill., 13, 36; 18, 7
Big Game Ridge (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 344
Big Horn Lake, 4, 203
Big Kaweah, see Kaweah, Mt.
Big Oak Flat Road, 10, 97; 34, 37; realignment, standards, 34, 45-50; ill., 34, 34-35
Big Pine Creek, 9, 261-263; ill., 9, 1
Big Pines, 19, 44-45
Big Thompson River (Rocky Mountain N.P.), ill., 7, 234
Big Tree, see Sequoia gigantea
Bigelovia, see Chemisal
Bigelow Peak, 11, 384
Bighorn Plateau, ill., 32, 30-31
Bighorn Sheep: Glacier N. P., 7, 226; ill., 12, 187, 190; Grand Canyon, 30, 65; San Gabriel Mountains, 22, 111; 23, 98; 27, 121; Sierra Nevada, 4, 202-203; 21, 86, 87-88; 26, 125-126;27, 120-121; 33, 12-13; numbers and future survival, 34, 119-122; restoration to Yosemite, 20, 28-31; Yellowstone N.P., 8, 217; 12, 334; ill., 12, 187, 190, 268
Bigler, Lake, see Tahoe, Lake
Birch Mountain, ill., 11, 422
Bird photography, 5, 103; 8, 158
Bird sanctuaries, 11, 95-97
Birds, see Sierra Nevada-Birds; Yosemite National Park-Birds; Yosemite Valley-Birds; see alsoBird photography; Bird sanctuaries; Bluebird; Bunting; Chickadee; Clark Crow; Creeper; Eagle; Finch; Flicker; Grosbeak; Grouse; Gull; Hummingbird; Jay; Junco; Kinglet; Magpie; Osprey; Partridge; Ptarmigan; Quail; Robin; Sandpiper; Solitiare, Townsend; Sparrow; Swallow; Swift; Tanager; Thrush; Towhee, Vireo; Warbier; Water Ouzel; Woodpecker; Wren
Bishop Creek, 11, 384; 20, 78-80; Halliday's Corral ill., 25, 102; headwaters, skiing and climbing, 23, 36-39; ill., 23, 14-15
Bishop Pass, 9, 307-308; 11, 384; 27, 89; ill., 9, 306, 308
Bison, 12, 334; ill., 12, 268
Bitterroot (Lewisia), 11, 149; 26, 68-69
Bivouacking, 31, 24-31
Black Buttes (Mt. Shasta), ill., 5, 86
Black Divide, 11, 384; 27, 88, 103, 104
Black Giant, 5, 236; 11, 399; 27, 88, 105; ill., 16, 11; see also Goode, Mt.
Black Giant Pass, 27, 92, 104
Black Kaweah, 11, 130-134, 254, 311-312, 384, 440; 12, 49; 13, 86-87; 18, 128; 21, 99; first ascent, 1920, 11, 130-134, 254, 384; 12, 49; ill., 4, 304, 306; 7, 38; 11, 132, 133; 13, 1, 24, 92; see also Kaweah peaks
Black Mountain, ill., 6, 106
Black Rock Pass, 7, 101; 11, 135; ill., 7, l00; 11, 132, 410-411
Blackfoot Glacier (Glacier N.P.), 23, 102; ill., 7, 228
Blacksmith Peak (Yosemite N.P.), 19, 31, 98; 20, 106; 22, 56; ill., 20, 110-111
Blanc, Mont (Alps), 30, 79-80, 82-85; ill., 31, 14-15
Blaney Meadow, 3, 254; 5, 154-155; 11, 384
Blazing-star (Mentzelia laevicaulis), 11, 150; ill., 11, 148
Bloody Canyon, 3, 76; 11, 384
Blue Flower Pass, 3, 144; ill., 3, 137, 147
Blue Lakes, 1, 322
Blue Mountain (Washington), 22, 78
Bluebird, Mountain (Sialia arctica), 8, 260-264; 9, 271; ill., 8, 262, 263
Bob Ingersoll Rock, see North Dome (Kings River Canyon)
Boilie, 13, 50; ill., 13, 49
Bogs, 11, 81-82
Bolivian Andean Ski Club, 29, 77-81; Cabana (ill. ), 29, 46-47
BoIling Memorial Redwood Grove, 11, 327
Bolton Basin, 3, 168; see also Sixty Lakes Basin
Bolton Brown, Mt., 11, 426; 16, 107
Bond Pass, 11, 384
Bonpland, Lake, see Tahoe, Lake
Boothe Lake Camp, 12, 40
Boots, see Camping-Boots
Borneo, see Kinabalu
Boreal Plateau, 22, 10
Boston Glacier (Washington), ill., 22, 94-95
Boulder Field Shelter Cabin (Longs Peak), 13, 63; ill., 13, 65
Boulder Peak (Glacier N. P.), 23, 103
Boundary Hill, 11, 384
Bow Lake (Canada), ill., 2, 264
Bowline knot, 16, 71, 75
Bowman Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 115; 23, 110-111
Bradley, Mt., 2, 273; 11, 385; 26, 40
Branigan Lake, 11, 385
Breeze Creek and Lake, 11, 385
Brenta Spire (Canada), 24, 62; ill., 24, 62-63
Brenthis, 9, 91
Brevifoliae (Short-leaf pines), 2, 67-70
Brewer, Mt., first ascent and naming, 1864, 2, 87-88; 11, 252, 285; 14, 39; 26, 32; record of first ascent (ill. ), 11, 251; ascents, 1, 288, 289; 2, 21; 4, 278-284; 6, 159; 11, 252; Brewer east basin map, 3, 108; fatality, 4, 278; route, 3, 156; view, 4, 284; 6, 170; ill., 1, 92, 193; 2, 17, 20, 21, 98, 249; 4, 95, 278, 281, 282; 6, 162; 7, 239; 10, 206, 407; 11, 120, 251, 410-411;12, 237; 26, 94-95; 30, 62-63
Brewer Creek, ill., 6, 162
Bridalveil Fall (Yosemite Valley), 3, 32; 6, 307; 7, 265; 11, 385; ill., 3, 32, 45; 7, 169
Bridal Veil Falls (Cataract Canyon), ill., 4, 87
Bride Peak (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Bridger Lake (Yellowstone), ill., 12, 377
Bright Angel Trail (Grand Canyon), 4, 160-163
British Columbia, Coast mountains, 33, 1-10, 124-127; ill., 33, 6-7
Broad Peak (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Brocken, see Spectre of the Brocken
Brockway, ill., 8, 257; 9, 274, 275
Broderick, Mt., 25, 51
Broderici Canyon, 25, 48
Brothers (Yosemite N.P.), Lower Brother, 22, 107; 23, 118; 24, 129; 25, 52, 54-55, 119; 26, 139; Middle Brother, 25, 52
Brown, Mt. Bolton, see Bolton Brown, Mt.
Browne Tower (Alaska), ill., 28, 30-31
Browns Pass (Glacier N. P .), ill., 12, 115
Bruce, Mt. (Canada), 9, 243-245; ill., 9, 244
Brué map of California, 28, 41; ill., 28, 30-31
Brussels Peak (Canada), 34, 144
Bryanthus breweri, 4, 298; ill., 12, 33
Bryanthus Lake, see Bullfrog Lake
Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah), ill., 11, 318
Bubbs Creek, 1, 99, 190; 11, 385; map, 2, 271; name, 10, 340; 11, 385; ill., 1, 186, 192; 8, 274; 26, 15; see also Bubbs Creek Falls
Bubbs Creek basin, 6, 118-119; map, 2, 114, 128; ill., 18, 14
Bubbs Creek Falls, ill., 8, 13, 281; 29, 46-47
Buckeye (Aesculus californica), 3, 303
Buckner, Mt. (Washington), ill., 22, 94-95
Buckthorn, Gray (Ceanothus cuneatus), 3, 303; White (Ceanothus divaricatus), 3, 307
Budd Lake, ill., 10, 470
Buenaventura River, 15, 77-78, 85
Buffalo, see Bison
Bugaboo Glacier (Canada), ill., 24, 62-63
Bugaboo Range (Canada), 24, 59-62; 26, 59-63; 27, 122-125; 34, 68-73; see also Brenta Spire; Bugaboo Spire; Crescent Spire; Flat-top; Howser Spire; Pigeon Spire; Snowpatch Spire
Bugaboo Spire (Canada), 24, 60; 26, 60; death by lightning, 1948, 34, 29, 69-73; ill., 24, 62-63
Bullfrog Lake, 1, 100; 3, 154; 4, 95; 7, 185; ill., 2, 79, 272; 4, 282; 8, 48-49, 285; 11, 379; 15, 67
Bullfrog Lake region, ill., 4, 95; 7, 238; 11, 379
Bummer, see Ground-squirrel, Sierra golden-mantled
Bumpass Hot Springs (Bumpass' Hell), 2, 213-214
Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis), ill., 12, 118
Bunting, Lazuli, 6, 252
Burney Falls, 2, 313; ill., 2, 314
Burr map of California, 28, 41; ill., 28, 30-31
Burro, 17, 89-93; ill., 22, 95
Burro trips, 24, 31-39; 25, 122; 26, 131-133; see also Sierra Club-Burro trips
Butte Valley, 24, 85, 104
Butter, 2, 113
Butterflies, 9, 85-94, 99-101; 21, 88-89; bibliography, 9, 102; collecting, 9, 269; 18, 47-55; ill.,9, 94, 99; see also Brenthis; Chionobas; Colias; Erebia; Eurymus; Grand Canyon of the Colorado-Butterflies; Oregonia; Parnassius; Sierra Nevada-Butterflies Butterfly noose, 16, 71-72; ill., 16, 72
Button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), 3, 305
Byrd Antarctic expedition, 26, 95-101
Cactus, 33, 43; ill., 17, 71
Caesar, Mt. (Trinity Alps), 21, 95; ill., 21, 14-15
Calaveras Big Tree Grove (Calaveras Big Trees State Park), 1, 316, 322; 9, Ill; 12, 43, 196-197, 409-410; bills and legislation, 3, 262-263; 4, 175; 5, 85, 150; "Mother of the Forest," 33, 63-64, 68; need for preservation, 3, 182-185; 1, 2-4; ill., 9, 110-111; 12, 400, 401
Calaveras Grove Association, 12, 409-410
Calbovista subsculpta, 21, 90
California: birds, 5, 262; geology, 4, 292; lava regions of northern California, 2, 312-319; maps,15, 90, 91; 28, 30-31; mountains of southern California, 11, 49-55; 25, 68-72; mountains over 5000 feet, 31, 115-117; national forests, 12, 96; primitive areas, see Wilderness areas; Spanish explorations, 13, 54
California Alpine Club, 12, 311-312, 425; 14, 88-89; 15, 112-113
California Associated Societies for the Conservation of Wild Life, 9, 45, 57-58, 105
California Botanical Society, 9, 110, 183, 299
California Club, 4, 250
California Falls, 1, 203; 4, 27; ill., 7, 217
California Forestry Law of 1905, 5, 303-309, 325
California Redwood Association, 10, 486
California Redwoods State Park, 4, 251; 6, 141, 283; see also Big Basin Redwoods State Park
California State Board of Forestry, 11, 219
California State Geological Survey, 10, 135-136; 11, 244-254; 14, 39-40; 26, 31-32; 32, 75-76;33, 66; ill., members, 1863, 12, 126
California State Parks, 2, 244-245; J8, 120; 13, 75-80; State Parks Commission, 13, 66; State Parks Commission bill, 1927, 13, 75-77; see also Big Basin Redwoods State Park; California Redwoods State Park; Calaveras Big Tree Grove; Cuyamaca State Park; DelNorte Coast Redwoods State Park; Humboldt Redwoods State Park; Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park; Mill Creek Redwoods State Park; Muir Woods Nat'l Monument; Point Lobos Reserve State Park; Redwood Highway; Tamalpais State Park
California Water and Forest Society, 2, 324-325
California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association, 10, 375-376, 485
Callospermophilus, see Ground-squirrel
Calvatia Sculpta, 14, 61-63; 21, 90; ill., 14, 62, 63
Calycanthus, see Sweet-scented shrub
Caminetti Bill, 23, 13
Camp Hale (Colorado), 28, 55-56, 59-60, 68
Camp Seeley, 10, 335
Campanula, see Harebells
Camping, 2, 29-43; 7, 25S-260; 9, 264-267; 12, 381; 14, 34-38; bedding, 2, 34-35, 100-101; 5, 77-78, 319; 22, 42-44; bicycle, 2, 99-104; bivouacking, 31, 24-31; boots, 7, 267; children, 33, 34-40; 34, 87-94; ill., 30, 62-63; 34, 87; clothing, 2, 33-34; 22, 46; equipment, 1, 200-201; 2, 29-43, 99-104; 3, 181, 242; 4, 216-217; 5, 77-78, 31S-321; 11, 276, 292; 15, 30-31; 22, 3S-47; 26, 90-94; first aid, 12, 16S-174; 18, 44-46; 33, 31-33; food and commissary, 2, 29-32, 111-114; 3, 173-181; 15, 31; 18, 31-37; 21, 45-48; 22, 44-46; 23, 65-69; 24, 27; frying pan uses, 3, 181; snow, 23, 33; 26, 90-94; tent, 22, 39-42; 26, 90-94; winter, 3, 242-248; 4, 216-227; 5, 318-321; 8, 249-259; 9, 81-83; 11, 292-299; 15, 69-72; 22, 38-47; 26, 90-94; see also Packers and packing
Canada, forestry, 9, 71; mountains, 11, 20S-209; 13, 1-9; 33, 1-10, 124-127; see also Bugaboo Range ; Canadian Rockies; Selkirk Range
Canadian Alpine Club, 11, 208-209; Journal, 7, 74
Canadian Rockies, 2, 1-8; 8, 185-192; 10, 269-275; 11, 208; 13, 1-9; 14, 1-33; bibliography,13, 9; 34, 144-145
Canoeing in the Sierra, ill., 12, 261
Canyon de Chelly National Monument (Arizona), 24, 71; ill., 30, 46-47
Canyon Creek, see Roaring River
Canyon Creek Lakes, 21, 15
Capitan, see El Capitan
Capitan type of ice sculpture, 10, 75-76
Carabiner, 19, 34; 25, 97; 31, 84-86; ill., 25, 102-103; 33, 102-103
Carbonated springs, 3, 66-67; see also Soda springs
Cardinal Lake, 11, 386
Cardinal Mountain, 11, 386, 425; 25, 121; ill., 11, 422; 25, 14-15
Caribou, 10, 274; ill., 10, 280
Caribou Lakes, 21, 15
Caribou range (Canada), ill., 10, 281
Carillon, Mt., 26, 110
Carlsbad Cavern (New Mexico), ill., 30, C 46-47
Carmel Bay, ill., 18, 67
Carpenteria californica, 11, 151-153; ill., 11, 152
Carson Pass, 15, 82; map, 15, 83; ill., 33, 102-103
Carson River, 15, 78
Cartridge Creek, 1, 299; 4, 256-261; 11, 386; ill., 1, 301; 9, 162-163
Cartridge Creek Divide, ill., 4, 253
Cartridge Pass, map, 17, 106
Casa Diablo Hot Springs " Geyser, " 23, 82-83; ill., 23, 14-15
Cascade range (Washington), 22, 69-79; 23, 46-49; ill., 22, 94-95; see also Chelan, Lake
Cascade Valley, 11, 386; ill., 15, 74; 24, I
Case Mountain, 11, 386
Cassiar Trail, 10, 347-349
Cassiope, ill., 12, 33; 24, 30-31
Castilleja Lake, 2, 21
Castle Cliffs, 26, 136
Castle Dome (Arizona), 19, 102
Castle Dome (Kings River), 26, 128
Castle Peak, ill., 27, 30-31; 33, 30-31, 102; see also Matterhorn Peak ; Tower Peak
Castle Rock Spire, 32, 132-133
Castor Peak (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 276
Cataract boats, 27, 53-54
Cataract Canyon (Arizona), 4, 77-87; ill., 4, 77, 82, 85, 87
Cataract Creek, 5, 10
Cataract Glacier (Canada), ill., 33, 6-7
Cataract Pass, 11, 425; ill., 11, 423
Cataract Peak, 11, 425
Cathedral (Canada), ill., 8, 189
Cathedral Chimney, 24, 129; 25, 58
Cathedral Creek, 4, 29-34; 20, 42-45; Falls, ill., 9, 255; 20, 62
Cathedral Peak, 3, 236-241; 11, 386; 17, 113; 20, 103; ill., 3, 236; 7, 95; 8, 152; 10, 470; 11, 24; 17, 7; 20, 110-111; summit spire (ill. ), 3, 238
Cathedral Range, 3, 55, 63-64, 68-69, 74; 8, 1-2; 11, 21-28; 17, 113; 34, 110; ill., 3, 55, 240;7, 149; 8, 1, 225; 9, 224, 252, 292; 11, 25; 34, 35 Cathedral Rocks, 19, 100; 21, 98; 22, 107;25, 62; 27, 136; ill., 30, 46-47
Cathedral Spires (Yosemite N. P.), Higher Spire, 19, 100; 25, 61; first ascent, 1934, 19, 34-37;20, 107; 25, 61; ascents, 21, 98; 23, 118; 26, 138, 140; accident, 1947, 33, 127-130; south face ascent, 34, 150; ill., 19, 46-47; 25, 102-103; 34, 94-95; Lower Spire, first ascent, 1934,20, 107-108; 25, 60; ascents, 21, 98; 22, 107; 23, 118; 24, 130; 25, 58; 26, 140; 27, 136; new route, 34, 149; ill., 20, 111; 25, 102-103
Caucasus Mountains, 2, 296; 22, 92-93; ill., 2, 295, 297; 31, 14-15; see also Arangua; Dykhtau; Elbrus, Mt.
Cavalier, Mt. (Canada), 22, 33
Cavell, Mt., see Edith Cavell, Mt.
Ceanothus cuneatus, see Buckthorn
Ceanothus integerrimus, see Snow-brush
Cedar, 2, 75-76; 4, 102-109; Incense (Libocedrus decurrens), 4, 106-109; ill., 4, 103; Pacific red (Thuya plicata), 4, 104-106; Post, see Cedar, Incense
Cedrus, see Cedar
Center Basin, 26, 21; crags, 22, 129; map, 2, 271; ill., 8, 69, 166; 18, 14
Center Peak, 2, 272; first ascent, 1896, 2, 273; 11, 386; 26, 40; ascent, 20, 69; ill., 11, 378;18, 14; 26, 14-15
Central America, 4, 266-273
Cephalanthus occidentalis, see Button bush
Cercis occidentalis, see Redbud
Cercocarpus parvifolius, see Mahogany, Mountain
Cerro Gordo, 27, 138
Certhia familiaris, see Creeper, Brown
Cervino, see Matterhorn
Chabot, Lake, 6, 175-176; ill., 6, 175
Chagoopah Falls, 4, 304; 11, 386
Chagoopah Plateau, 10, 155-158; 11, 386; 22, 11; ill., 4, 302, 304; 11, 172
Challenger, Mt. (Washington), 22, 78
Chamaebatia foliolosa, see Mountain misery
Chamaebatiaria millefolium, see Spiraea, Desert
Chamaecyparis, see Cypress
Chamberlin, Mt., 26, 118
Chaparral, 3, 303-312; 11, 49
Charleston Peak (Nevada), 18, 130-131; 27, 83-85; ill., 27, 78, 79
Charlotte Creek, ill., 26, 94-95
Charlotte Lake, 1, 100; 3, 154; 26, 13
Charmoz (Alps), 30, 82-85
Charybdis, 11, 387; 12, 131; 27, 88, 104, 105; ill., 12, 12, 17, 20
Chelan, Lake (Washington), 8, 174; 10, 235-237; 22, 79; 23, 46; ill., 10, 234, 235; see alsoCascade range
Chemisal (Bigelovia arborescens), 3, 307
Chickadee, Mountain (Penthestes gambeli), 8, 160; ill., 8, 158
China Canyon, see Matterhorn Canyon
"Chinquapin," 12, 152-154
Chionobas, 9, 89-90; ill., 9, 94
Chipmunk, 10, 401-413; Alpine (Eutamias alpinus), 10, 406-408; 17, 18-19; ill., 10, 402; Long-eared, ill., 10, 406; Mariposa (Eutamias merriami), 10, 402-404; Merriam, see Chipmunk, Mariposa; Tahoe (Eutamias speciosus), 10, 404-406; ill., 10, 403
Chiquito Creek, 11, 387
Chittenden Peak, 11, 387; 27, 126
Chiwawa Mountain (Washington), 8, 183
Chocolate Glacier (Washington), ill., 8, 180
Chocolate Peak, 25, 126
Cholla cactus, ill., 17, 71
Christmas-berry, see Toyon
Christmas trees, 9, 73
Church Tower (Yosemite Valley), 21, 98; 25, 58, 119; 26, 140; 34, 147
Cinclus mexicanus, see Water Ouzel
Cinder cones, ill., 2, 318-319; 11, 235
Circle Meadow, ill., 12, 213
Cirque: bowl and glacier, ill., 5, 271; wall, ill., 5, 273; see also Glaciers and glaciation
Cirque Lake, 5, 160
Cirque Peak, 26, 120
Citadel, 271 104
Citlaltepetl, see Pico de Orizaba
Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge, 20, 2-3; 21, 81-83; ill., 20, 30-31; 22, 94-95; 26, 94-95; 27, 30-31; 33, 30-31
Claire Lake, see Little Claire Lake
Clarence King, Mt., 1, 241-253; 12, 51; first ascent, 1896, 2, 94-97; 12, 51; 26, 40, 128; drawings, 1, 245; 3, 138; origin of name, 12, 51; 10, 238; 26, 32; ill. 1, 241; 4, 182; 12, 245;21, 30-31; 34, 14-15
Clark, Mt., 8, 152; 10, 227-229; 11, 210, 387; 17, 118-119; 21, 96; Winter ascent, 23, 43, 117;ill., 3, 240; 10, 230; 11, 410; 15, 59; 26, 94-95; 33, 103
Clark Crow (Nucifraga columbiana), 4, 142; 6, 250-251; ill., 4, 142
Clarke-McNary Act, 12, 317-318
Claw Peaks (Canada), 33, 124-125
Clear Lake, 6, 209
Cleayage, 9, 226-239
Cleaver Notch, 22, 53
Cleaver Peak, 19, 31, 98; 20, 47, 106; 22, 52, 56
Cleveland, Mt. (Glacier N. P .), 12, 156-157; 23, 103; ill., 12, 156, 157, 166
Cliff Creek Canyon, 7, 102; ill., 7, 102, 103; 13, 20
Cliff dwellings, Cataract Canyon, 4, 84-86; ill., 4, 85; Grand Canyon, 4, 162-163
Climate maps, 30, 90-91
Climber's Guide to the High Sierra: 1-The Sawtooth Ridge (Yosemite N. P.), 22, 48-57; 2-The Ritter Range, 23, 20-32; 3-The Palisades, 24, 40-58; 4-Yosemite Valley, 25, 41-63; 5-The Whitney Region, 26, 102-121; 6-The Evolution Region and the Black Divide, 27, 86-111
Climbing and mountaineering>, 2, 54; 6, 169; 12, 223; 16, 90; Ascents, see under name of mountain; beginner's impressian, 26, 25-27; bibliography, 31, 68-97; Caucasus, 22, 92-93; classification of difficulty, 21, 60; 22, 49; 24, 41; 26, 107; climbing-irons, ill., 17, 42; dangers in 16th century, 17, 33-42; Dolomites, 21, 60-63; early history, 17, 33-42; 19, 91; 23, 50-64; ethics, 16, 68-69; fourteen thousand-foot climbers' certificates, 18, 127; 21, 103-104; highest ascents, 5, 78, 141; 6, 137-138; 7, 194, 252; 8, 213; " Jam Crack Joe" (song), 29, 82-89; Japanese Alps, 22, 93-94; local rock-climbing, 19, 28-30; mountain troops in the Alps, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-45; national parks rules and policies, 26, 135-136; " One Hundred Peaks" goal, 31, 115-117; Owens Valley ascent routes, 13, 31-35; philasophy, 23, 50-64; post-war mountain training, 31, 46-56; precautions, see Safety in climbing; reasons for, 2, 54 12, 183, 296; 23, 50, 64; records, see Sierra Club-Registers; technique, see Belaying, Expansion bolts, Rappel, Rock climbing, Rope, Rope technique; terminology, 18, 70; values, 19, 28-30; Wales, 22, 92; Wetterstein, 21, 60-63; winter, 23, 36-39; World War I, 10, 79-80, 325; World War II, 30, 79-85; 31, 32--45; see also Accidents and fatalities, Alps, Climbing equipment, Climbing photographs, Safety in climbing, Women and mountaineering Climbing equipment, 2, 138; 18, 126; "Little Gem Co.," 26, 72-77; Lost Arrow equipment, 33, 103-106; ill., 33, 102-103; see also Carabiner; Expansion bolts; Crampons; Pitons; Rope
Climbing Photographs, Alps, 16th C., 17, 42; Higher Cathedral Spire, 34, 94-95; Lost Arrow, 26, 94-95; 32, 1, 12-13; 33, 102-103; Lower Brother, 23, 111; Lower Cathedral Spire, 25, 102-103; " Machete, " 25, 102-103; Monument Peak, 25, 102-103; Shiprock, 25, 14-15; Mt. Whitney, 23, 110-111
Clitheroe, Mt. (Canada), ill., 14, 22
Cloud Canyon, 6, 156; 7, 71-73; 11, 119-120, 388; 12, 47--48; ill., 1, 189; 8, 163; 11, 120; 13, 33; 26, 14-15
Cloudburst effects, 2, 299-300
Clouds, ill., 22, 63, 94; 26, 14-15
Clouds Rest, 7, 264; 11, 387; 26, 138
Cloudy Canyon, see Cloud Canyon
Cloudy Pass (Washington), ill., 8, 181, 184
Cloudy River, see Roaring River
Clough Cave, 11, 388
Club Alpin Français, 10, 438-440
Club Andino Boliviano, 29, 77-81; cabafia (ill. ), 29, 46-47
Club de Exploraciones de Mexico, 12, 418; 13, 92; 14, 90-91; 18, 124-125
Clyde Meadow, 17, 54
Clyde Spires, 19, 94; 27, 96
Coast Range of British Columbia, 33, 1-10, 124-127; ill., 33, 6-7
Coast Range of Mexico and Central America, 4, 264-273
Coast Redwood, see Sequoia sempervirens
Coccothraustes vespertinus, see Grosbeak
Cockscomb Crest, 11, 26-27, 388; 17, 113; 19, 99; 20, 103; 34, 110-111; ill., 11, 21, 29
Cockscomb type of ice sculpture, 11, 21-28; ill., 11, 21, 28, 29
Col de Doodad, 22, 51, 52
Colby Lake, 9, 3; 13, 85; ill., 9, 3; 11, 121
Colby Meadow, 11, 388; 27, 87; ill., 5, 232; 10, 105; 11, 140; 12, 249
Colby Mountain, 11, 388
Colby Pass, 3, 167; 9, 2, 48; 11, 119-129, 388; 22, 105; ill., 8, 167; 9, 3; 11, 120, 121; 13, 32
Colias behrii, 9, 91, 99-102; bibliography, 9, 102; ill., 9, 99
Colias lycaena, 9, 92
Colima (Mexico), 4, 264
Coliseum Peak, 3, 55; see also Tenaya Peak
Collapse of mountain summits, see Geological studies
College Fiord (Alaska), ill., 10, 394
Colony Meadow and Peak, 11, 388
Colorado, mountains and parks, 3, 189-199; 7, 234-236; 28, 55-56; see also Camp Hale; Longs Peak; Mt. Elbert; Rocky Mountain N.P.
Colorado Mountain Club, 8, 280; 12, 310, 424-425; 13, 90-91; 14, 89; 15, 111-112; 16, 101;17, 109-110; 18. 123-124
Colorado River, boat trip, 27, 50-58; 30, 67-70; ill., 27, 78-79; 30, 62-63; see also Cataract Canyon Colorado River, Grand Canyon of the, see Grand Canyon National Park and Monument, and Grand Canyon of the Colorado
Colored Lady, ill., 6, 102; 7, 183; 8, 16-17, 65; 9, 160, 161; 10, 431; 21, 31
Colosseum Mountain, 11, 421; ill., 11. 422
Columbia 's Finger, 11, 25-26; ill., 9, 292; 11, 25, 28
Columbine (Aquilegia pubescens), 11, 149
Columbine Lake, ill., 7, 101, 103; 9, 20
Columbine Peak, 24, 58
Commissary, see Camping
Coney, see Cony
Confederation, Mt. (Canada), 26, 140; 33, 109-114
Conifers of the Pacific Slope, 2, 61-78, 156-173; 4, 100-131, 154-156; classification charts concerning, 2, 77-78, 173; 4, 131
Conness, Mt., 4, 287; 10, 393; 11, 18-19, 245-246, 388-389; 30, 94; ill., 3, 323; 5, 279; 10, 292, 345, 369; 18, 70, 71; 20, 62-63; 34, 86-87
Conness Glacier, ill., 5, 279; 10, 292
Conservation, 7, 64-69; 8, 131-132; 14, 68; 15, 58; 32, 36-42, 71-74; beaver, 27, 116-118; birds, 9, 176; 11, 95-97; California Associated Societies for the Conservation of Wild Life, 9, 57-58; conference of governors, 1908, 6, 318; elk, 9, 207-208; Europe, 8, 235; history of early governmental conservation attempts, 16, 16-26; legislation, 9, 205; 16, 16-26; mountain meadows, 8, 39-42; 27, 16; 32, 53-62; 34, 140-143; National Conservation Commission, 7, 77-79; need, 30, 51-55; predatory wild beasts, 8, 57; Sequoia, 11, 1-4, 87, 327-329; toyon, 11, 97-98; wild flower conservation, 8, 200-203; i1, 88; wild life conservation, 9, 45, 57-58, 105, 176; 33, 11-18; wilderness conservation, 27, 14-22; wilderness problems, 32, 43-52; see also Forestry; National Forests; Save-the-Redwoods League; Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation Conservation organizations, see Mountaineering and conservation organizations
Consultation Lake, 1, 291; ill., 1, 291
Contact Pass, 24, 48
Continental Divide, ill., 12, 40
Contra Costa Hills Club, 11, 319
Converse Basin, 11, 389
Convict Lake, 9, 55; 11, 389; ill., 9, 55
Conway Summit, 21, 54-59
Cony (Ochotona): Mt. Rainier N.P., 6, 36; Yellowstone N. P ., 12, 343-344; Yosemite, 10, 159-164; 17, 13-14; ill., 10, 160, 162
Copper Canyon, see Deadman Canyon
Copper Creek, 11, 389
Copper Pass, 27, 62
Copperhead, see Ground-squirrel, Sierra Golden-mantled
Corcoran, Mt., see Langley, Mt.
Cordilleras (Mexico), 4, 265
Coso Peak, 27, 138
Costa Rica, 4, 272
Cotter Peak, 21, 93; 26, 128
Cottonwood Lakes, 8, 193-199; ill., 9, 24
Cougar, 6, 35
Cowlitz Glacier (Washington), ill., 1, 115
Coyote: Mt. Rainier N.P., 6, 35; Yellowstone N. P., 12, 339; Yosemite, 17, 15-16; 33, 15-17
Coyote Creek, 11, 389
Coyote Pass, 10, 292; 11, 389
Crabtree Creek, 4, 210; see also Wbitney Creek
Crabtree Creek Canyon, see Big Arroyo Crabtree Pass, 26, 106
Crag Alexander Winchell, 7, 109; ill., 7, 110
Crag Ericsson, ill., 9, 25; see also Ericsson, Mt.
Crag Reflection, 3, 109
Craig Peak, 27, 126
Crampons, 17, 35
Crane Creek Road, 34, 45-50
Crane Flat, 11, 389
Crater Lake (Oregon), 1, 31-39; 10, 356-358; map, 1, 37; ill., 1, 36
Crater Lake National Park (Oregon), 8, 222; 9, 63, 320; 10, 100, 108, 356-358, 368
Crater Mountain, 11, 421
Creeper, Brown (Certhia familiaris), 6, 248
Crescent Meadow, ill., 12, 308
Crescent Spire (Canada), 24, 61
Crest-lines, 5, 279-286; 18, 73-75; ill., 18, 75
Crevasse, ill., 8, 176; 9, 156; 14, 39; see also Glaciers and glaciation
Crocker, Mt. (Sierra Nevada), 20, 75-76; 32, 131
Crocker, Mt. (Galapagos), 27, 79-82
Crossley Lake (Glacier N. P.), 12, 113; ill., 12, 117, 159
Crotalus, see Rattlesnake
Crow, Clark, see Clark Crow
Crown Mountain, 11, 390
Crown Point, ill., 11, 451; 12, 93
Cryptograms, see Pictographs
Cryptomeria, 2, 170
Crystal Cave, 11, 10
Cucamonga Mountains, ill., 5, 122
Cupressoides, 4, 120
Cupressus, see Cypress
Cut-throat Peak (Wash.), 23, 46-47
Cuyamaca State Park, 18, 121
Cyanocitta stelleri, see Jay, Blue-fronted
Cyclales, 4, 100-131
Cyclamen, ill., 16, 19; 26, 14-15
Cypress, 4, 100-101, 109-118, 131; Alaska (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis), 4, 111; Arizona (CupressusArizonica), 4, 117; Bonito (Cupressus Arizonica bonito), 4, 118; ill., 4, 103; Gowen (Cupressus goveniana), 4, 116; 18, 66; Guadaloupe (Cupressus Guadaloupensis), 4, 117; Lawson (Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana), 4, 111-113; ill., 4, 111; MacNab's (Cupressus Macnabiana), 4, 116; Monterey (Cupressus macrocarpa), 4, 113-115; 18, 64-67; ill., 4, 111; 18,63, 66; Pygmy (Cupressus goveniana parva), 4, 116; Swamp, 2, 169
Dade, Mt., 16, 103; 19, 97
Daggett, 1, 4Q-42
Dais Glacier (Canada), ill., 21, 14-15; 22, 30-31
Dakota National Forest (North Dakota), 7, 77
Daly, Mt. (Canada), 8, 187-188
Damnation Creek, ill., 16, 30
Dana, Mt., 2, 10; 3, 68-69, 319-328; 4, 21-22; 11, 246-247, 390; 17, 31-32; bibliography, 16, 108-111; early ascents, 16, 108-111; ill., 3, 323, 326; 4, 19; 9, 247; 11, 250; 13, 48; 17, 22;18, 71
Dana Glacier, 5, 22
Da1lte's View (Death VaIley), ill., 17, 74; 24, 62-63
Darwin, Mt., 11, 390; 12, 306; 16, 104; 25, 13; 27, 87, 93-94, 98; first ascent, 1908, 11, 390;12, 87-90; 27, 93; ascents, 11, 138, 284-289; 12, 306; 19, 93; 25, 120; summit pinnacle, 12, 306; 16, 104; 18, 88; 27, 94; ill., 5, 232; 11, 137, 278, 286, 287, 418; 12, 181; 16, 10; 19, 94
Darwin Canyon, 22, 110; ill., 11, 278
Darwin Glacier, ill., 11, 278
Davis Mountain, 11, 390; 12, 305; 23, 24
Day Needle, 11, 391; 26, 114; ill., 10, 175; 32, 30-31
De Alpibus Commentarius, 17, 33-42
Deadman Canyon, 6, 156, 158; 7, 71-72; 11, 119, 391; ill., 6, 156; 13, 36; 18, 7
Dease Lake (Alaska), ill., 10, 48
Death Valley (Death Valley Nat'l Monument), 1, 40-53; 17, 67-76; depression, 18, 110-111; maps, 24, 62-63, 78; trailing the forty-niners, 24, 74-108; ill., 17, 67, 70, 71, 74, 75; 24, 62-63; 27, 78-79; 30, 46-47; see also Panamint Range; Telescope Peak
Deer, eating habits, 5, 194-210; Mt. Rainier National Park, 6, 33-34; Yellowstone N.P., 12, 335-336; Yosemite N. P., 17, 12; ill., 11, 314, 315; 12, 236; 27, 78-79
Deer Creek, 10, 179-183; ill., 9, 2
Deer Creek Canyon, ill., 10, 135
Deerhorn Mountain, 11, 391; 13, 88; 17, 120; 18, 127; 25, 123, 124; 26, 129, 135; ill., 2, 79, 272; 9, 25; 10, 207; 15, 67
Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park: creation, 16, 29-36; Henry S. Graves Grove, 12, 198-199; ill., 16, 30, 31, 34, 35
Delaney Creek, 11, 391
Delphi (Greece), ill., 9, 278, 279
Denali Pass (Alaska), ill., 28, 30-31
Dendragapus, see Grouse
Dendroica auduboni, see Warbler, Audubon
Dendromecon rigida, see Poppy, Bush
Dentiform, Mt. (Canada), 33, 6-8, 127
Denudae, 2, 169
Denudation, 2, 295-311; 5, 33-43; ill., 2, 295, 296, 299, 301; see also Erosion
Depressions, 18, 110-111
Desert Peaks Section, 27, 137-138
Desolation Lake, 11, 391; ill., 11, 56
Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein, 18, 111-113
Devils Bathtub, 11, 391; 25, 111
Devils Crags, 1, 296; 19, 19-23; 27, 106-110; first ascent, 1913, 9, 180, 188; 11, 391; 19, 19;27, 106; ascents, 16, 104-105; 19, 19-23; 20, 73; 24, 128; 25, 121; 27, 106-110; ill., 1, 297;5, 2; 9, 162-163, 188, 189; 11, 359; 16, 15; 19, 20, 46-47; 25, 14-15; routes of ascent, ill., 19, 20
Devils Postpile National Monument, 1, 74; 8, 170-173; 11, 46-47, 391; 15, 1-8; established, 1911, 8, 226; map, 8, 227; water power site, 8, 52-53; ill., 8, 170, 171, 226, 227; 11, 45; 15,6, 7; 24, 30-31; 29, 46-47; 33, 30-31; see also Rainbow Falls
Devils Slide, 33, 130
Devils Tower (Grand Teton N. P.), 32, 128-129
Devils Woodpile, see Devils Postpile
Diablo, Mt., 16, 99
Diamond hitch, 1, 327-329; 21, 40-44; ill., 1, 328; 21, 41, 94-95
Diamond Mesa, 2, 274; 26, 129
Diaz Pass, 27, 63
Dicentra uniftora, see Steer's head flower
Dick 's Peak, 2, 121
Diet, see Camping-Food and commissary
Dinkey Creek, 11, 391
Dipper, see Water Ouzel
Dirt Glacier, see Flood Glacier
Disappearing Creek, 11, 392; 12, 7-20; 22, 106; 27, 88; ill., 12, 12, 16, 17, 20; see alsoEnchanted Gorge
Disappointment Peak, 16, 107; 24, 42, 56; 25, 16
Dishes, see Camping-Equipment
Diving Board, 24, 129; 25, 48, 49, 51, 53, 112
D.O.A.V., see Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein
Dodwell Rixon Pass (Washington), ill., 9, 152
Dog Lake (Mt. San Gorgonio), ill., 11, 53
Doghead Peak, 8, 136-137
Dogwood blossoms, ill., 30, 46-47
Dollar Lake, see Big Bird Lake
Dolomites, 11, 292-296; 21, 6D-63; 30, 80-81
Dome Mountain (Washington), 22, 78
Domes and dome structure, 5, 211-220; 9, 228-229; ill., 5, 216, 218, 220; see also Geological studies
Donald, Mt. Sir, see Sir Donald, Mt.
Donkey, 17, 89-93
Donner Summit, ill., 33, 102
Donohue Pass, 11, 392; ill., 7, 95
Donohue Peak, 11, 392; 25, 122
Doodad, 20, 106; 22, 53
Doré Cliff and Pass, 11, 392
Dorothy Lake, 11, 392
Dorst Creek, 11, 392
Double Rock, 20, 105
Douglas squirrel, see Squirrel, Douglas
Downingia montana, 11, 147-148
Draba lemmonii, 11, 149
Dragon Peak, 14, 87
Dragonback (Canada), 33, 126; ill., 33, 7
Dragtooth, 22, 53
Drawbridge Gap (Canada), 13, 6; ill., 13, 5
Drawbridge Peak (Canada)>, ill., 13, 5; 14, 10
Eagle Peak (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 9, 95
Eagle Peak (Yosemite N. P .), 3, 50; 11, 393
Eagle Peak Falls (extinct, Yosemite Valley), 7, 222-224; map, 7, 224
Eagle Point, see Eagle Peak (Yosemite N.P.)
Eagle Scout Peak, 12, 420; ill., 13, 80; 18, 47
Eaglehead, Mt. (Canada), 33, 126
Earthquake, 10, 20-21
East Creek, ill., 7, 187; 26, 95
East Creek amphitheatre, 2, 270-277; map, 2, 271
East Lake, 3, 155, 156; 11, 393; 26, 133, 134; 30, 57; ill., 2, 20; 8, 48; 26, 95
East Temple (Zion N. P.), 23, 112-114
East Vidette, ill., 8, 13, 48-49; 10, 179; 26, 14-15; see also Videttes
Echo Lake avalanches, 34, 74-81; ill., 34, 94
Echo Peaks, 20, 104; 34, 110-111; ill., 9, 292; 11, 21, 25
Echo Ridge, 17, 113; 20, 103" -104; ill., 15, 59; 20, 110-111; see also Matthes Crest
Ecuador, 22, 85-91
Edith Cavell, Mt. (Canada), 14, 20-21; ill., 14, 22
Edith Lake, 11, 393
Ediza, Lake, ill., 33, 30-31; 34, 15
Ehrnbeck Peak, 11, 393
El Capitan type of ice sculpture, 10, 75-76
El Capitan (Yosemite Valley), 7, 264; 9, 7-15; 10, 75-76, 206; 11, 393; 23, 115-116; ill., 1, 134; 3, 32, 47; 7, 85; 11, 410; El Capitan Chimney, 25, 54;
El Capitan Gully, 25, 49
El Commandante, 2, 47; ill., 2, 47
El Nevado de Toluca, see Nevado de Toluca
El Picacho del Diablo, see Picacho del Diablo
El Portal, 11, 394
El Yunque, see Yunque de Luquillo
Elbert, Mt. (Colorado), 29, 22
Elbrus, Mt. (Caucasus), 22, 92-93
Eldorado, Mt. (Washington), 22, 72
Eleanor Creek, 11, 393
Eleanor Lake, 1, 330; 5, 142; 11, 393
Electra Peak, 20, 104; ill., 17, 27; 20, 31
Electric Peak (Yellowstone N. P.), 12, 368
Electrical storms, 5, 259; 20, 62; see also Lightning
Elevations of mountain peaks, 4, 285-291; 5, 90; 7, 249-250; Mt. Rainier, 6, 10; Mt. Shasta, 6, 11; Mt. Whitney, 5, 90-101; table of elevations, 4, 290
Eliot Glacier (Mt. Hood, Oregon), 12, 309, 423
Elizabeth Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 161
Elizabeth Pass, 11, 120, 393; 18, 8-9; ill., 6, 156; 18, 6
Elk, Mt. Rainier, 6, 32-33; Yellowstone, 8, 217; 9, 207-208; 12, 335-336
Ellery Lake, 11, 394
Ellesmere Island arctic expedition, 101 324
Ellis Meadow, 11, 394
Elongatae (Long-cone pines), 2, 65-66
Elston bill, 26, 47, 48, 49
Elwha basin (Washington), 9, 150-151; ill., 9, 150
Emerald Bay, 1, 319; 2, 56-57; ill., 8, 140
Emerald Lake (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Emerald Peak, 11, 394; 12, 307; 27, 102
Emeric Creek and Lake, 11, 394; ill., 5, 218
Emigrant Spring (Death Valley), 24, 88
Emperor Falls (Canada), ill., 10, 272
Enchanted Gorge, 11, 394; 22, 106; 27, 88, 103; ill., 12, 12, 16, 17; see also Disappearing Creek
Eocene Peak, 22, 57
Erebia, 9, 86; ill., 9, 94
Erectes firs, 2, 162-167
Ericsson, Crag, see Ericsson, Mt.
Ericsson, Mt., first ascent, 1896, 2, 92; 11, 394; ascents, 22, 105; 25, 123, 124; 26, 135; ill., 2, 92; 9, 25
Eriodictyon glutinosum, see Verba santa Eriogonum, Alpine (Eriogonum incanum), 11, 149
Erosion, 3, 63-64, 74; 9, 136-147, 225-239; 10, 414--428; 11, 290-291; 22, 1-18; 30, 51-55; Matterhorn, 25, 78, 82; see also Geological studies
Eshom Creek and Valley, 11, 394
Estes Park (Colorado), ill., 7, 234
Estes Park, see Rocky Mountain National Park
Etching, 28, 76-78; ill., 28, 7& -79
Eucalyptus growing, 6, 282-283; 8, 76, 241-242
Eurymus, 18, 53
Eutamias, see Chipmunk
Evelyn Lake, 11, 394
Everest, Mt. (Himalayas), 11, 430, 453; 12, 78, 104, 182-'183
Evolution Basin and Evolution Region, 1, 221-237, 287-288; 2, 259-260; 3, 255; 5, 229-237; 9, 52-53; 11, 144-146, 251, 275-289, 395, 417-420; 12, 87-90, 220-222, 250-251, 306-307, 379-380; 13, 81; 16, 104; 19, 93; 21, 102; 24, 127-128; 25, 33-34; 26, 39; 27, 128; 31, 118; bibliography, 27, 111; climber's guide, 27, 86-111; map, 5, 229; 11, 387; ill., 5, 232, 234; 7,15, 16; 10, 104, 105; 11, 36, 137, 144; 12, 180; 19, 14-15
Evolution Creek, 5, 156, 229-233; 11, 395; 25, 33; 27, 87; ill., 12, 324; 19, 14-15
Evolution Lake, 5, 233-234; 11, 395; 27, 87-90; ill., 5, 234; 10, 104; 11, 36, 144; 19, 14-15
Exhaustos, 16, 14; ill., 17, 122
Exsertae spruces, 2, 160
Expansion bolts, 34, 123-130; ill., 33, 102-103
Ex-Wallace, Mt., see Mendel, Mt.
Fairview Dome, 5, 219; ill., 5, 214; 7, 95, 149; 8, 151, 225; 9, 36, 252
Fales Hot Springs, 21, 54
Fall River Falls, 9, 110; ill., 9, 110
Fall River Mills, 3, 297; 2, 194-196
Fallen Leaf Lake, ill., 8, 141
Farewell Gap, 4, 302; 5, 54; ill., 4, 302; 5, 54
Fasciculariae conifers, 2, 64-78
Fatalities, see Climbing and mountaineering-Accidents and fatalities
Fauna, see Animals; Birds; Butterflies; Conservation; Insects; Rattlesnake; Trout
Fawn, ill., 12, 236; 27, 78-79
Feather River, Middle Fork, 9, 110; ill., 9, 110
Federal Water Power Act, 1920, 11, 213
Fern Lake (Rocky Mountain N. P.), ill., 7, 234-235
Femandez Pass, 11, 395
Fin Dome, 3, 136; 11, 395; 21, 93; 26, 128; ill., 3, 138, 142, 146; 6, 102; 8, 10, 49, 64, 71;26, 14-15
Finch, Gray-crowned, see Finch, Rosy
Finch, Rosy (Leucosticte tephrocotis), 4, 144-145; 5, 157; nest and eggs, 8, 34-38; 17, 21-22;ill., 8, 34, 35
Finger Peaks, 17, 113-114; 19, 98
Finger Rock, ill., 3, 245
Fir (Abies), 2, 162-167, 173; Arizona (Abies Arizonica), 2, 167; Black, see Fir, Colorado white; Bristle-cone (Abies venusta), 2, 166; California white (Abies Lowiana), 2, 164-165; Colorado white (Abies concolor), 2, 167; Lovely red (Abies amabilis), 2, 163; ill., 2, 170; Noble (Abies nobilis), 2, 164; Oregon white (Abies grandis), 2, 164; Red (Abies magnifica), 2, 165; 4, 298;ill., 10, 24; Santa Lucia (Abies boacteata), 18, 66; Shasta (Abies magnifica shastensis), 2, 165-166; ill., 2, 156; 4, 51; Silver, see Fir, Red; Subalpine (Abies lasiocarpa), 2, 163
Fire Prevention Conference, 1924, 12, 191
"First Error" (Lost Arrow), 25, 59
First Recess, ill., 15, 11
First-aid, 12, 168-174; frostbite, 33, 31-33; rattlesnake bite, 18, 44-46
Fish, see Trout
Fish Creek, 4, 196; 11, 395; map, 4, 205; ill., 15, 30; 24, 1, 30-31
Fish planting, see Trout planting
Fish Valley, 11, 395
Fishermen's Peak, 4, 289; 14, 47; 32, 76; see also Whitney, Mt.
Fiske, Mt., 11, 200, 395, 417-420; 27, 87, 99; ill., 5, 234; 11, 418, 419; 19, 14-15
Fissures, 17, 30
Five Lakes Basin and Kaweah Peaks, ill., 11, 347; 18, 39
Flat-top (Canada), ill., 24, 62-63
Fletcher Creek and Lake, 11, 395
Flicker, Red-shafted (Colaptes cafer collaris), 4, 140; 6, 249
Flint bill, 12, 132; 26, 46
Flood Glacier (Alaska), 12, 122
Flora, see Puffball; Trees and shrubs;
Wild flowers
Florence Creek, 11, 396
Florence Lake, 11, 395; 20, 62
Florence Mountain, 10, 229-230; 11, 396; 17, 115; ill., 10, 231; 11, 410; 16, 47; 29, 46-47
Flowers, see Wild flowers
Flying Cloud Pass, 3, 143; ill., 3, 140-141
Flying squirrel, see Squirrel, Flying
Foerster Creek, 11, 396
Foerster Peak, 11, 396; 20, 105; 22, 102
Food for camping, see Camping-Food and commissary
Foothill trees and shrubs, 3, 303-312
Footwear, see Camping-boots
Foraker, Mt. (Alaska), ill., 28, 30-31
Forest conservation history, 16, 16-26
Forest denudation, see Denudation
Forest experiment station, 11, 330
Forest fires, 5, 148-149; 7, 77; 9, 70, 322-325; 10, 377-378, 484-485; 11, 330-331, 447-448;12, 97-98, 195; airplane fire patrol, 11, 221-222, 331; control, 12, 317; Du Bois system of fire prevention, 9, 209-210; effects, 6, 22-24; 31, 18-23; hunters, 11, 447-448; " Light burning, " 5, 33-39; 8, 43-47; 11, 89, 106-107, 173; 12, 197-198; ill., 5, 35, 39; 8, 42, 43; lightning, 9, 26;11, 447; lookout stations, 7, 207; Marin County fire, 31, 18-23; motion pictures, 9, 70; prevention, protection, 6, 208-209; 7, 207, 269; 8, 142-143; 9, 75, 185-188, 209--211; 10, 115-117; 11, 221-222, 331; 12, 168-174; 18, 44-46; Fire Prevention Conference, 12, 191; Santa Cruz Mountains, 5, 265; storms, 11, 447; suppression of, 6, 22-24; Tamalpais, Mt., 9, 185-188;10, 115-117; ill., 9, 185; see also National Forests
Forest Industries Committee, 10, 377, 484
Forest Reservations and Forest Reserves, 1, 254-286; 2, 290, 320-324; 3, 262; 4, 173-174, 248, 320-322; 6, 70-72; 139--140; area, 5, 145; Congressional Act of 1891, 1, 259; court decision on grazing, 4, 73; grazing and pasturage, 5, 146-148; list, 1, 258; 2, 303; management, 5, 145-149; need, 1, 285-286; policy, 2, 304-311, 322; public lands, 4, 246; Sierra Forest Reservation,1, 254-267; 6, 121-123; transfer, 5, 84, 326-327; see also Forestry; National Forests
Forest Service, see United States Forest Service
Foresters Pass, 8, 163-164; 16, 97; 17, 103; 18, 10-12; 25, 23; 26, 21; 27, 62; 30, 61; ill., 8, 69, 166; 18, 15, 22, 23; 22, 14-15
Forestry, 2, 201-204, 244-245, 290-293, 320-325; 3, 112-118, 182-188; 262-270, 336-339; 4, 71-75, 173-176, 246-252, 319--323; 5, 82-85, 145-152, 265-270, 325-328; 6, 22-24, 69-73, 139-142, 208-210, 282-283, 334-336; 7, 77-84, 135-137, 204-208, 269--271; 8, 76-80, 142-143, 240-242, 290-292; 9, 70-75, 116-117, 209-211, 322-325; 10, 115-120, 253-257, 373-378, 483-486; 11, 219--223, 327-334, 447-452; 12, 94-101, 195-199, 317-318; airplane patrol, 11, 331; American Forestry Association, 3, 115-116; American Forestry Congress, 5, 269--270; appropriations, 4, 73, 323; Boy Scout Forest Aid badges, 9, 325; California Forestry Law, 1905,5, 303-309, 325; California Forest Policy, 7, 205; California State Forestry Board created, 1919,11, 219; Canada, 9, 71; chaparral control, 7, 208; distillation experiments, 8, 292; Division of Forestry, 3, 200-202; eucalyptus planting, 6, 282-283; fire lookout stations, 7, 207; fire-warning publicity, 8, 290; forest ranger system, 3, 112-113; Germany, 8, 240-241; highway tree planting, 11, 449; homesteading, 8, 291; instruction, 4, 175-176; lumbering, 3, 200; memorial trees, 10, 486; municipal forests and forestry, 7, 204-205; San Diego, 8, 241-242; Europe, 9, 74; nursery, 10, 485; penal institutions and conservation, 8, 242; private forestry, 11, 171-174; ranger school, 7, 208; redwood conservation, 3, 200-202; 11, 328-329; revenues, 8, 242; President Theodore Roosevelt, 4, 71-73; schools (Cornell University, 2, 291; 5, 83-84; University of California, 9, 70, 209; 10, 376, 486; 11, 452; 12, 197; University of Southern California, 3, 116; Yale University, 3, 186-187, 270); Sequoia gigantea seedlings, 8, 291; Southern California Conservation Association, 12, 94; states rights movement, 9, 116-117; taxation, 7, 270-271; timber sales, 8, 240; 10, 483; 11, 448-449; tree census, 8, 292; turpentine experiments, 8, 290; Western Forestry Association, 8, 241; wood-using industries, 8, 79; see also Forest fires; Forest Reservations and Forest Reserves; National Forests
Formidable, Mt. (Washington), 22, 78; ill., 22, 94-95
Forsyth Pass, 25, 113
Forsyth Peak, 11, 396
Fountain-Dome Falls, 12, 10; ill., 12, 13
Fourteen-thousand-foot peaks, 18, 127; 21, 103-104
Fourth Recess, ill., 10, 293; 15, 14; 32, 30-31
Fox, 17, 16
Fox Creek (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 344
Fox Meadow, 11, 396
Fox's Bridge, 3, 152
Fracticonae pines, 2, 67, 70-72
"Frances, Lake," 5, 157-158; ill., 5, 158
Francis, Lake (Glacier N. P .), ill., 12, 158
Franklin Glacier (Canada), 21, 1
Frasera speciosa, 6, 160
Fraxinus dipetala, see Ash, Flowering
Freel Peak, ill., 33, 102-103
Fremont National Park, proposed, 8, 141
Fremontia californica, 3, 307; ill., 3, 306
French Alpine Club, 10, 43& -440
French Creek Canyon, 17, 123; ill., 10, 215; 19, 94-95
Frost, 10, 425-426
Frostbite, 7, 124; 33, 31-33
Frozen Lake Pass, 11, 425
Frying pan uses, 3, 181
Fry's Point, 11, 396
Fujiyama (Japan), 7, 229-233; 22, 94; ill., 7, 229
Funeral Range, ill., 17, 67
Fungi, see Calbovista; Calvatia; Lycope'.don
Funston Meadow, ill., 4, 304; 11, 172
Furnace Creek, 1, 51-52; ill., 17, 67
Gabb, Mt., 2, 252; 10, 292; 11, 396; ill., 4, 200; 12, 181
Galapagos archipelago, 27, 79-82
Gale Peak, 11, 397
Gallatin map of the West, 28, 40, 51; ill., 28, 30-31
Garda, Lake, 31, 32-45
Garden Wall (Glacier N.P.), 23, 103; ill., 12, 41, 111
Gardiner, Mt., 2, 19, 80-82; 11, 397; 26, 32, 40; ill., 1, 293; 2, 81; 4, 182; 5, 280; 29, 46-47
Gardiner Pass, 27, 63
Gardner, see Gardiner
Garnet Lake, ill., 11, 17, 231, 259; 15, 1, 39; 24, 30-31
Gasherbrum (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Gaylor Lakes, 11, 397
Geikie, Mt. (Canada)>, 13, 4, 7; 14, 22-24; ill., 13, 8; 14, 6, 23
Gem Lake, 11, 397
General Grant Big Tree Grove, 4, 90-91
General Grant National Park, 8, 225; 9, 319-320; 10, 249-250, 340; 11, 11; 26, 43; see alsoSequoia National Park
Genevra, Mt., 11, 397; 12, 307
Gentian Meadow, 4, 212
Gentry's, 1, 133-134
Geological studies, cockscomb type of crest, 11, 21-28; domes and dome structure, 5, 211-220;9, 228-229; ill., 5, 216, 218, 220; Eagle Peak Falls (extinct), 7, 222-224; map, 7, 224; glacial action, 3, 57-64, 74; glacial cirques, 5, 279-286; ill., 5, 271, 273, 280, 282, 284; glacial denudation, 10, 304-318; glacial polish, ill., 18, 127; glacier measurement and motion (Eliot Glacier, 12, 423; Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier, 17, 108; Nisqually Glacier, 6, 10S-114; value of measuring, 20, 20-27;
Giant Forest, 3, 170; 7, 103; ill., 12, 213, 236, 308; 13, 16
Giant Sequoia, see Sequoia gigantea
Gibbs Mountain, 11, 397; ill., 4, 19
Gibraltar Rock (Mt. Rainier), 2, 230; 3, 278; ill., 1, 116; 6, 4
Gilbert Lake, ill., 7, 240
Gilbert, Mt., 11, 398; 27, 97
Gilbert, Mt. (Alaska), ill., 10, 394
Gilia, Scarlet (Cilia aggregata), 11, 148
Giraud Peak, 11, 398; 12, 307; 24, 58
Giroud, see Giraud
Glacier Col, 22, 53
Glacier Divide, 25, 120; 27, 92, 97, 98; ill., 12, 221
Glacier Gorge (Rocky Mountain N. P .), ill., 7, 234-235
Glacier Lodge, 24, 44
Glacier Notch, 24, 49
Glacier Peak (Washington), 8, 174-184; 22, 72; ill., 8, 176, 180, 181
Glacier Point, 3, 29; 7, 265; 23, 118-119; 25, 57-58, 119; " Terrace " 25, 53-54; Trail circle, 25, 112; ill., 3, 28; 7, 153
Glaciers and glaciation, 10, 66-8, 184-201; 18, 71; bergschrund, 5, 276-277; ill., 5, 276; 6, 296; 7, 188, 189; glacial action, 3, 57-64, 74; 9, 225-239; 10, 184-201, 305-308; 19, 89; 29, 92-95; glacial cirque, 5, 279-286; ill., 5, 280, 282, 284; glacial denudation, 10, 304-318; glacial epoch in California, 3, 61-64; 9, 87; 10, 184-201; 11, 21-28; glacial erosion, 3, 60, 63; 10, 66-68; 11, 184-185; glacial flow diagram, 5, 282; glacial lakes, 9, 7-15; glacial moraines, 3, 59, 61, 77, 194; 9, 7-15, 140-144; 10, 308; 11, 70-74; glacial moraines with ice cores, 33, 87-96; glacial motion, recession, and measurement, 3, 59-60; 5, 282; 6, 108-114; 12, 309, 423; 17, 108; 20, 20-27; glacial polish, 3, 53; 10, 306-307; ill., 18, 127; glacial striation, 10, 307; glacial valleys, 10, 195-197; Himalayas, 7, 250; lect!lre by Prof. Joseph LeConte, 3, 57-64; photography, 5, 23-25; vanations, 5, 20-25; Yosemite, 9, 136-147; 10, 184-201; see also names of mountains for specific glaciers; see also Crevasse; Geological studies; Serac
Glacier National Park, 7, 225-228; 8, 218-219; 9, 63-64, 321; 10, 100-101, 245, 366-367; 12, 34-36; 111-120; animal life, 7, 226; 12, 117; compared with Sierra Nevada, 12, 111-114; glacier recession, 20, 22-23; Mountaineers' outing, 1914, 9, 311; Sierra Club ascents, 1937, 23, 102-103; Sierra Club outing, 1924, 12, 115-120, 158-162; ill., 7, 225-229; 30, 46-47; see also Avalanche Lake; Belly River; Black-foot Glacier; Boulder Peak; Bowman Lake; Browns Pass; Cleveland, Mt.; Crossley Lake; Elizabeth Lake; Francis, Lake; Garden Wall; Glenns Lake; Going-to-the-Sun Chalet; Gould, Mt.; Grinnell Glacier; Grinnell Lake; GrinneIl Mountain; Gunsight Pass; Indian Pass; Janet Lake; Josephine, Lake; Kinnerly Peak; Kintla Peak; Logan, Mt.; Logan Glacier; Logan Pass; McDermott, Lake; McDonald, Lake; Merritt, Mt.; Peary Lake; St. Mary Lake; Wilbur, Mt.
Glass Mountain, 2, 316-318; ill., 2, 316, 318
Glen Alpine Gorge, ill., 8, 141
Glen Alpine Springs, 1, 319-320
Glen Aulin, 12, 41-42; ill., 17, 10
Glen Canyon (Colorado River), ill., 30, 62-63
Glen Pass, 3, 139-148; 6, 106; 7, 184; 11, 398; 26, 20; 27, 63; ill., 6, 106; 7, 186; 26, 94-95
Glenn Meadow, ill., 9, 164
Glenn Pass, see Glen Pass
Glenns Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 117
Glenora Mountain (Alaska), 11, 154-160
Glissading, 6, 172
Goat, Mountain, see Mountain goat
Goat Crest, 11, 398; ill., 5, 284
Goat Mountain, 2, 79; 3, 153, 158; 4, 190; 6, 104; 11, 398
Goat-grazing experiments, 7, 208
Goddard, Mt., 27, 100-101; first ascent, 1879, and naming, 11, 251, 398; 20, 64; 26, 39; 27, 87; ascents, 2, 259; 3, 255; 5, 237; 9, 52-53; 16, 104; 25, 11; ill., 12, 21, 181; 19, 14-15
Goddard Creek, 12, 7-20; map, 12, 8; ill., 12, 13
Goddard Divide, 27, 91; ill., 7, 16
Godwen Austen, Mt. or " K2 " (Himalayas), 7, 251; ill., 31, 14-15
Going-to-the-Sun Chalet (Glacier N.P.), ill., 12, 44
Gold Hill., 24, 84, 104
Golden Trout, see Trout, Golden
Golden Trout Creek, 4, 307; 5, 79; 11, 398; 12, 141; ill., 7, 252; see also Volcano Creek
Goodale Creek and Goodale Mountain, 11, 399; ill., 11, 422
Goodale Pass, see Silver Pass
Goode, Mt., 11, 399; 27, 97
Goode, Mt. (Washington), 22, 78; 23, 47
Gopher (Thomomys moliticola), 17, 19
Gould, Mt., 7, 186; 11, 399; 12, 140; 26, 40; ill., 10, 207; 26, 94-95
Gould, Mt. (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 111
Government control of water power, 7, 84
Grace Meadow, 11, 400
Grade profile in glacial erosion, 5, 271-278; ill., 5, 271, 273, 275, 276
Grand Canyon National Park and National Monument, and Grand Canyon of the Colorado (Arizona), 3, 333-335; 4, 160-172; 11, 6, 31& -319; 15, 107; bridge over the Colorado, 15, 107-108; boat trips, 22, 80-84; 27, 50-58; butterflies, 18, 55; cliff dwellings, 4, 162; Lake Mead, 24, 124-125; map, 4, 80; trails, 3, 333-335; 4, 160-164; ill., 11, 319; 27, 7& -79; 30, 46-47; see also Bright Angel trail; Cataract Canyon; Hance trail; Havasupai Canyon; Mystic Springs trail
Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne, see Tuolumne, Grand Canyon of the
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, see Yellowstone, Grand Canyon of the
Grand Mountain, 12, 66
Grand Sentinel, 3, 152; ill., 26, 94-95
Grand Teton, 12, 360-362; first ascent, 12, 361; ascents, 12, 356-364; 32, 128-129; ill., 11, 164; 12, 356, 368; 16, 54
Grand Teton National Park, see Devils Tower; Grand Teton; Jackson Lake; Jenny Lake; Middle Teton; Moran, Mt.; Owen, Mt.; Symmetry Spire; Tetons Granite Basin, 1, 294; 4, 254; 11, 400;ill., 9, 162
Granite Creek, 11, 400; see also Rock Creek
Granite detail photographs, 17, 6; 28, 78-79
Granite Falls (Colorado River), ill., 27, 78-79
Granite Meadows, see Little Jackass Meadows
Granite Pass, 10, 355; 11, 37, 400
Granite Peak (Montana), 12, 368-372; ill., 12, 368-372, 369
Granite Valleys, 10, 62-77
Grant Grove (Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park), ill., 16, 35
Grasshoppers, 17, 114-115
Graves Grove, see Henry Solon Graves Grove
Graveyard Meadows, 11, 400
Graviconae pines, 2, 73-74
Gray Peak, 11, 400
Grayback, see San Gorgonio, Mt.
Grazing and pasturage, 1, 169-171, 264-265; 3, 51-52, 56-57; 5, 146-148; 10, 322-323, 336-338, 433, 441-442; 11, 37-38, 100-101; 12, 176; 32, 36-42, 53-62, 71-74; chaparral control by goat grazing, 7, 208; drought conditions, 9, 104, 114-115, 116; effect on vegetation, 2, 292; Mount Rainier N. P., 10, 358; mountain meadows, 8, 40; 27, 16; 32, 53-62; 34, 140-143; recreational areas, 27, 115-116; Yosemite, 9, 104, 114-115; see also National forests -Grazing; National parks -Grazing
Great Western Divide, 1, 254; 11, 400; ill., 11, 120; 13, 17
Greece, 14, 34; 30, 71-78; see also Olympus, Mt.; Parnassus, Mt.
Green, Mt. (Canada), 2, 2; ill., 2, 152
Gregory 's Monument, 3, 157; ill., 2, 21, 22, 26; see also Stanford, Mt.
Grepon (Alps), 30, 82-85
Grinnell Glacier (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 37, 111
Grinnell Lake (Glacier N. P .), ill., 23, 110-111
Grinnell Mountain (Glacier N. P.), 23, 103; ill., 12, 4
Grizzly Giant tree, 3, 25; ill., 10, 430; 29, 46-47
Grizzly Lake and Meadow (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Grizzly Peak (Yosemite N. P.), 2, 217; 9, 133, 311; 11, 400; 21, 96; 25, 43, 49, 51, 57, 119
Grizzly Point, see Grizzly Peak
Grosbeak: Black-headed (Zamelodia melanocephala), 6, 246-247; 8, 119; California pine (Pinicola californica), 4, 141-142; 9, 33-35; ill., 9, 34, 35; Western evening (Coccothraustes vespertinus montanus), 4, 141-142; ill., 4, 141
Ground-squirrel, Sierra golden-mantled, 10, 408-409; ill., 10, 403
Grouse, Sierra blue (Dendragapus obscurus sierrae), 4, 136-137; 17, 21
Grouse Meadow, 7, 18; 11, 400; map, 11, 359; trail, 9, 191, 306, 307; ill., 7, 1, 17; 9, 133, 159, 303; 11, 153; 19, 14-15; 29, 46-47
Grouse Valley, see Grouse Meadow
Grunigen Creek, 11, 400
Guardian of the Grove tree, ill., 3, 222
Guatemala, 4, 266-269
Guitar Lake, 11, 400
Gul1, Ca1ifomia, 17, 21
Gull Lake, 11, 400
Gunsight, 25, 52, 118
Gunsight Lead, 24, 74, 93, 100
Gunsight Pa55 (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 40
Guyot, Mt., 11, 401; 26, 120; 32, 80
Haeckel, Mt., 11, 138, 144-146, 401; 19, 94; 20, 79; 21, 102; 27, 87, 95; ill., 11, 137, 144, 145, 279, 286, 418; 12, 181
Halberdier, Mt. (Canada), 22, 33
Hale, Mt., 26, 111
Haleakala (Hawaii), 11, 232-234; ill., 11, 234, 235
Halemaumau, see Kilauea
Half Dome, 7, 264; 11, 401-402; 25, 48, 51, 53; 31, 118; first ascent, 1875, 11, 401-402; 25,43, 48; ascent, 1884, 31, 1-9; ascents, 9, 133-135, 311-312; 19, 100; 21, 96-97; 31, 120-121; cable stairway, 11, 92, 101-103, 201; ill., 11, 100; geology, 5, 212, 219; 10, 71-77; ill., 3, 28;5, 212, 216; 7, 153; 8, 132; 9, 126-128; 10, 72-75; 11, 57, 101, 410; 16, 1, 38j30, 46
Hallett Glacier (Rocky Mountain N. P .), ill., 7, 235
Hal1iday's Corral (Bi." hop Creek), ill., 25, 102
Halstead Meadow, 11, 402
Hamilton, Mt., 11, 408-412; 12, 143; ill., 11, 41Q-411; 12, 181
Hamilton Lakes, lower (main) lake, ill., 10, 135; 18, 54; upper lake, ill., 18, 47
Hammond, Mt. (Canada), 8, 51
Hance Trail (Grand Canyon N. P.), 4, 163-164
Hand, The, (Pinnacles National Monument), 33, 123-124
Hanging valleys, 5, 10; 12, 231
Haplodon, see Beaver, Mountain
Happy Gap, 11, 402
Happy Isles, 11, 402; 25, 110
Hardscrabble Pass, 10, 293
Harebells (Campanula rotundifolia), ill., 12, 118, 348
Harper Glacier (Alaska), ill., 28, 30-31
Harrington, Mt., 2, 45
Harrison Pass, 1, 290; 2, 270; 3, 156-157; 5, 115-121, 297-302; 11, 402; 22, 101; 30, 58; ill.,5, 120, 297, 300; 9, 25; 30, 62; see also Madary's Pass
Hartmanweilerskopf (France), 11, 176
Harwood Lodge, see AureIia Harwood Memorial Lodge
Havasu Indians, 4, 78
Havasupai Canyon, see Cataract Canyon
Havasupai cliff dwellings (Grand Canyon National Park), ill., 4, 85
Hawaii National Park, 10, 244, 478; 11, 231-243; 12, 401; ill., 11, 239, 242, 243; see alsoHaleakala; Kilauea
Hawk, Cooper, 27, 15
Hawk's Head Notch, 22, 53
Hawks Rest (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 377
Hayden Peak (Alaska), ill., 32, 62-63
Hayes, Mt., see Gray Peak
Hazel Green, 11, 402
Heart Lake, 11, 402
Heart Lake (Yellowstone N. P.), 12, 272; ill., 12, 269
Heartstone, Mt. (Canada), 33, 125
Height of mountains, see Elevations
Helen Lake, 11, 402; 27, 88; ill., 11, 181; 11, 419
Helen 's Dome, 3, 110
Hell-for-Sure Pass, 11, 403; 19, 98; 27, 88, 91; map, 17, 106
Helms Meadow, 11, 403
Hemlock, Alpine ( Tsuga Pattoniana , Tsuga Hookeriana ), 2, 160; ill., 2, 160; Mountain [Western] (Tsuga mertensiana), 2, 159-160; ill., 9, 273; 10, 25; 17, 1
Hemlock spruce (Tsuga), 2, 159-161
Hemlock spruce, False (Pseudotsuga), 2, 161-162
Hennessy Lakes (Trinity Alps), ill., 11, 367, 370, 374
Henry, Mt., 11, 403; 25, 120; see also Kaweah Peaks
Henry Solon Graves grove (Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park), 12, 198-199; ill., 16, 31, 34
Hermit, 5, 232-233; 11, 403; 12, 222; 16, 104; 19, 93; 25, 120; 27, 87, 102-103; ill., 5, 232;11, 137, 140; 12, 325; 16, 7; 19, 14-15
Hermit group (Canada), ill., 23, 110-111
Hetch-Hetchy Fall, see Wapama FaIl
Hetch-Hetchy Reservoir: controversy, 6, 211-222; 7, 200; 8, 63, 206, 271; editorial in opposition, 7, 69-71; hearings, 7, 260-263; 9, 44-45; Hechy-Hetchy bill passed, 1913, 9, 174-176; Frederic Law Olmsted's report, 9, 192-199; Secretary of Interior's decision on application for sites, 6, 321-329; Sierra Club plea, 6, 264-268
Hetch-Hetchy Valley, 1, 332; 6, 211-222; 7, 96, 129, 152; 8, 156; 9, 145; 10, 71; 11, 403; bibliography, 7, 133; waterfalls, 6, 212-214; 7, 152; ill., 6, 211, 216, 218, 242; 7, 64-69, 152, 200, 201, 260-263; 8, 151, 156; 9, 260; 29, 46-47
Hidden Lake, 11, 355
High Horse Trip, 25, 21-25
High mountain route, 1, 61-84, 221-237, 287; 2, 249-262; 4, 177-184, 253-263; 7, 1-22; 20, 54-67; 25, 129-130; map of LeConte route, 7, 22; see also John Muir Trail
High Sierra Camps, 12, 37-42; 25, 115-116; map, 12, 38
High Sierra Trail, 16, 97; 17, 104; 18, 7; ill., 16, 99; 18, 54
High Sierra trails, 25, 108-116
High Trips, see Sierra Club-Annual outings
Highest mountain ascents, see Climbing and mountaineering-Highest ascents
Hikers' Camps, see High Sierra Camps
Hiking, 1, 314-324; automobiles, 17, 110; see also Camping; Knapsack trips
Hilgard, Mt., 11, 404; ill., 4, 200; 12, 181
Himalaya, 5, 78; 7, 250-252; 12, 403; ill., 31, 14-15; see also Baltoro Glacier; Bride Peak; Broad Peak; Everest, Mt.; Gasherbrum; Godwen Austen, Mt. (K2); Kangchenjunga; Karakorum range; Mustagh Tower; Paiju Mountain; Siniolchun
Hitchcock, Mt., 11, 404; 26, 117; 32, 80; ill., 7, 148; 22, 14-15
Hitchcock Lakes, ill., 7, 148; 22, 14-15
Hockett Lakes and Meadows, 11, 404
Hockett Trail, 1, 1-8, 101; 3, 169; 4, 207-208; 11, 404
Hodaka, Mt. (Japan), .22, 93-94
Hoffman, Mt., 11, 404, 405; 17, 31; 26, 32; ill., 5, 282; 8, 151; 9, 292; 11, 386; 20, 110-111; " The Thumb, " 9, 230; 20, 105; ill., 9, 230; 11, 386; 20, 110-111
Hoffman Glacier, 10, 185
Hog Ranch, 11, 405
Hoh Glacier (Olympic National Park), ill., 9, 153, 156
Holly, Wild, see Toyon
Homers Nose, 11, 405
Homestead Laws, 5, 82-83, 150-151; 6, 70-72, 336
Hood, Mt. (Oregon), 12, 309, 423; 19, 58
Hopkins, Mt., 20, 75; 32, 131
Horn Creek Rapid, ill., 27, 78-79
Horse Corral Meadow, 11, 405
Horsethief Creek (Canada), ill., 9, 241
Horton Lake, 11, 405
Hospital Rock, 11, 405
Howser Spire (Canada), 26, 6G-63; 27, 122-125; ill., 24, 62-63; 26, 94-95; South Tower, 27, 122; ill., 26, 94-95
Huascaran, Mt. (Andes), 7, 124, 249-250
Hulsea algida, 10, 284
Humboldt Redwoods State Redwood Park, 11, 327, 449-451; 12, 100; ill., 11, 303, 311
Hummingbird, 4, 135; 11, 148; ill., 12, 119; 25, 102-103
Humphreys, Mt., 2, 253-258; 11, 249-251, 277, 405-406; 19, 15-18; first ascent, 1904, 5, 153-175; 11, 250, 405-406; 19, 116; first ascent from the east, 21, 49-53; first ascent wrongly attributed to John Muir, 11, 182, 250-251; ascents, 11, 56-59, 203-204, 313; 15, 110; 16, 104;17, 119; 19, 16-18, 92; 24, 126-127; 26, 131-132; bibliography, 19, 18; Married Men's Point, 5, 170; 19, 16; origin of name, 11, 405; 19, 15; view, 11, 182; 24, 14; ill., 4, 200; 5, 153, 158, 168; 9, 306; 11, 56, 204; 15, 10; 19, 16, 46; 20, 62-63; 25, 102-103; routes of ascent on, ill.,19, 16
Humphreys Basin, 13, 35; ill., 19, 46
"Hundred Peaks" goal, 31, 115-117
Huntington, Mt., 20, 75
Hunt's Cove (Oregon), ill., 3, 204
Hurd Peak, 10, 440; 27, III; ill., 23, 14-15
Hutchings, Mt., II, 406
Huxley, Mt., 5, 234; 11, 406; 25, 121; 27, 87, 99; ill., 5, 234; 7, 15; 11, 36, 117; 19, 14-15
Hylochichla, see Thrush
Ibex Hills (Death Valley), ill., 17, 70
Ibex Meadows, 7, 110
Ice caves, 2, 318; 4, 159-160
Iceberg Lakes, ill., 23, 30-31; 24, 30-31; 33, 30-31
Icebergs, 26, 96
Iceland, 30, 30
Idaho, 26, 78-81
Idwal Slabs (Britain), 22, 92
IIlilouette Creek, 11, 406
Illilouette Fall, 3, 42-43; 6, 307; 11, 406; 25, 53
Illilouette Glacier, 10, 191-192
Illilouette Ridge Trail, 25, 112
Inimani, Mt. (Andes), 29, 80-81
Inclusae spruces, 2, 157-160
Inconsolable Range, 24, 56
Indefatigable Island (Galapagos) 27, 79-82
Indefatigable Island (Galapagos), 27, 79-82
Independence, view of Sierra Nevada, 22, 110
Indian arrowheads, 9, 325; ill., 9, 325
Indian baskets, 12, 193
Indian Canyon trail, 25, III
Indian Henry 's (Mt. Rainier N. P.), 9, 284-285; 16, 64; ill., 9, 284, 285
Indian Joe 's Spring, see Providence Spring
Indian legends, 12, 388-389
Indian names, 9, 55; 11, 382, 385, 386, 389, 393, 394, 401, 403, 406; 12, 49-52, 55, 59, 61,63, 64, 128, 130, 132, 137-140, 145, 146, 253, 388-390
Indian Pass (Glacier N.P.), ill., 12, 116
Indian pictographs: Cataract Canyon (Arizona), 4, 82; ill., 4, 82; Pate Valley, 6, 258-259; 27, 125; ill., 6, 258-259
Indian spearhead, ill., 10, 333
Indian villages and' camp-sites in Yosemite Valley, 10, 202-209
Indian Wells (Death Valley), 24, 95
Indians: Death Valley, 24, 80, 92, 101; Havasupai, 4, 78; Kings River region, 26, 28-29; Navajo, 24, 70; Queniult, 9, 156; ill., 9, 157; Yokut, 12, 385-400; 17, 50; ill., 12, 385; Yosemite, 10, 202-209; 11, 415; 17, 27
Infant Buttes, 11, 406
Insects, 9, 268-270; see also Bark Beetle;
International Geographic Congress, 5, 76, 260-261
Inyo County, 11, 406
Inyo National Forest, 26, 124
Ionian Basin, 27, 104
Ireland Creek and Lake, 11, 407
Iron Mountain, 23, 32; ill., 23, 30-31
Ironwood, Catalina (Lyonothammus ftoribundus), 18, 66
Irrigation, 4, 246-247; 6, 282
Irvine, Mt., 12, 306; 26, 118
Isberg Pass, 11, 407; Trail, 20, 59, 60; 25, 114
Isberg Peak, 11, 407
Island Pass, ill., 7, 6
Isosceles Mountain, see Merriam, Mt.
Italy, Lake, 11, 407
Italy Pass, 27, 63
Ixtaccihuatl (Mexico), 8, 52, 104-107; ill., 8, 96, 104-106
Izaak Walton, Mt., 11, 45-46; 24, 10; ill., 15, 30, 74; 24, 1
Izalco, Mt. (Salvador), 4, 269
J. O. Pass, 11, 407
Jack Main Canyon, 1, 181; 2, 280-283; map, 1, 179; name, 12, 126
Jackass Meadow, 1, 333-335; 11, 137; ill., 11, 136; see also Perfection Meadow
Jackrabbit, White-tailed (Lepus townsendi sierrae), 12, 343; 17, 14
Jackson Lake (Grand Teton N. P.), 11, 161-162; ill., 11, 164; 12, 356
"Jam Crack Joe" (song), 29, 82-89
Jan, Lake (Utah), 24, 109-120; ill., 24, 62-63
Janet, Lake (Glacier N. Po), ill., 12, 160
Japan, 6, 186-195; 7, 229-233; 22, 93-94; see also Asama-Yama; Fujiyama ; Ho-daka; Karuizawa; Yari, Mt.
Jasper Park (Canada), 14, 28-33
Jay, Blue-fronted (Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis), 6, 245-246; 8, 122; Rocky Mountain, 4, 139
Jay hawker Spring (Death Valley), 24, 88-89
Jay hawker Well, see McLean 's Spring
"Jay hawkers," 24, 78, 87-99, 105
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, see Mill Creek Redwoods State Park
Jefferson, Mt. (Oregon), 3, 203-209; 12, 309-310; ill., 3, 189, 204, 208
Jennie Lake, 11, 407
Jenny Lake (Grand Teton N. P.), ill., 11, 165
Jerusalem Oak, see Mountain misery
Jester, Mt. (Canada), 22, 30; ill., 22, 30-31
Jigsaw Pass, 24, 45-46
Joe Devel 's Peak, 23, 108-109; 26, 118
John Muir-Kings Canyon National Park, see Kings Canyon National Park
John Muir Memorial Shelter, 16, 12, 97-98; 19, 7; 22, 99-100; 27, 91-92; ill., 16, 98; 19, 14-15;25, 102-103
John Muir National Park, 10, 14; see also Kings Canyon National Park
John Muir Trail, 10, 14, 86-92, 213, 221-225, 330, 343; 11, 34-48, 358; 12, 416-417; 14, 83;15, 37-46; 17, 103-104; 20, 56-57; 26, 39, 143; beginnings, 10, 86-91; 20, 54-67; 25, 28-40; elevation and mileage, 11, 48; 15, 45; knapsack trip, 1927, 13, 81-82; map, 7, 22; 17, 106; route, 10, 86-91; 11, 34-48, 358; 15, 40; ski trip, 1929, 15, 69-73; specifications and drawings,15, 43-44; ill., 10, 89, 104, 105, 159, 178, 199, 214, 215, 422; see also High mountain route
Johnson, Mt., 27, 97
Jordan, Mt. (Kings-Kern), 17, 47, 119; 22, 105; 26, 134; first ascent, 1925,
12, 307
Jordan, Mt. (North Palisade), 1, 296; 5, 3; 17, 47; see also North Palisade
Joseph, Mt., 11, 376-378; 28, 39-42
Josephine Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 14. 37 .
Joshua tree, ill., 17, 71
Julius Caesar, Mt., 19, 97
Jumbo (Canada), 9, 246
Jumbo Glacier, ill., 9, 245, 246
Junco, Sierra (Junco oreganus thurberi), 6, 251-252; 8, 158; ill., 8, 158
Junction Meadow, ill., 8, 274
Junction Pass, 10, 175, 218; 11, 36; ill., 10, 178, 214, 422 -
Junction Peak, 3, 172; 11, 407; 18, 127; 26, 40, 129, 135; first ascent, 1899, 3, 172; 11, 407;26, 40; ill., 8, 69; 18, 14, 15
June Lake, 11, 407; 12, 128; ill., 33, 102-103
Juniper (Juniperus), 4, 118-125; AIligator (Juniperus pachyphlaea), 4, 120; Basin (Juniperus utahensis), 4, 122; California (Juniperus calijornica), 4, 121; Cosnino (Juniperus utahensis cosnino), 4, 122-123; ill., 4, 103; Creeping (Juniperus communis Siberica), 4, 121; ill., 4, 111; Mountain, see Juniper, Western; One-seeded (Juniperus monosperma), 4, 124; Prickly (Oxycedrus), 4, 120-121; Rock (Juniperus scopulorum), 4, 124-125; Savin, see Sabina; Sierra,see Juniper, Western; Western (Juniperus occidentalis), 4, 123; 10, 298-303; 18, 115-116; ill.,4, 123; 10, 300, 301, 304, 305; 12, 244; 13, 81; 16, 22, 23; 18, 115; 25, 14-15; 28, 78-79; Wyoming (Juniperus Knightii), 4, 125
Junipero Serra, Mt., 6, 52-53
Junipers of Lake Valley, 10, 298-303
"K2" (Himalayas), see Godwen Austen, Mt.
Kaiser Pass and Peak, 12, 49
Kanawyer, 12, 49
Kangchenjunga (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Karakoram Range (Himalayas), 7, 250-251; ill., 31, 14-15
Karstens Ridge (Mt. McKinley N. P.), 18, 83; 28, 10-15; ill., 18, 86, 87; 28, 30-31
Karuizawa (Japan), 6, 186; ill., 6, 186
Kat Pinnacle, 26, 138
Kat Walk, 24, 129; 25, 54
Kaweah, Black see Black Kaweah
Kaweah, Mt., 2, 187; 4, 306; 7, 27-30; 12, 49; first ascent, 1881, 11, 254; 12, 49; 32, 81; ill.,4, 304, 306; 7, 30
Kaweah, Red see Red Kaweah
Kaweah, South, see Kaweah, Mt.
Kaweah Gap, ill., 9, 2; 18, 46; 22, 62-63
Kaweah peaks, 2, 185-191; 11, 254; 12, 49; " Gray Kaweah, " 21, 99; " Second Kaweah, " 12, 49; map, 2, 185; ill., 4, 304, 306; 5, 297; 7, 27; 9, 2-3; 11, 132, 172, 347, 410-411; 13, 17, 25; 18, 39; 22, 14-15, 62-63
Kaweah Peaks " Pass ", 7, 33-38
Kaweah River, 2, 185; 12, 49; Middle Fork, ill., 10, 135; 13, 37
Kearsarge Lakes, 12, 49-50; ill., 4, 95; 8, 12; 10, 207, 407; 12, 220; 26, 94-95; 29, 46-47
Kearsarge Pass, 2, 20; 4, 95; 9, 160; 12, 49; crossing, 1864, 10, 340; origin of name, 10, 342;12, 49-50; poem, 20, 50-53; Winter ascent, 7, 237-242; ill., 4, 95; 7, 238-241; 8, 67, 68; 10, 407; 12, 237; 15, 70
Kearsarge Peak, 12, 49-50
Kearsarge Pinnacles, 12, 49-50; 18, 126; 25, 123; ill., 1, lOO; 4, 95; 7, 239; 8, 12; 10, 179, 190, 207, 407; 12, 220; 26, 94-95
Keeler Needle, 12, 50; 26, 114; ill., 10, 175; 32, 30-31
Keith, Mt., 2, 84; 10, 237; 12, 50; first ascent, 1898, 2, 274; 12, 50; 26, 40
Kennedy Lake, Meadow and Pass, ill., 2, 280
Kern Basin : Cross-section diagram, 22, 18; ill., 22, 14-15, 30-31
Kern Canyon, see Kern River Canyon
Kern Lake, ill., 4, 302; 5, 58; 7, 27; 8, 275; 9, 17; 10, 423
Kern Point, 26, 131
Kern Ridge, 22, 105
Kern River, 4, 301-307; 9, 16-24; 12, 50; discovery, 13, 56; headwaters, ill., 13, 29; 22, 62-63;32, 30-31; origin of name, 12, 50; 15, 87; trails, 7, 195; 9, 111-112
Kern River Canyon, 4, 301-307; 5, 57-61; 7, 99; birds, 5, 102; glaciation, 13, 17-19; lightning-struck tree, 9, 25-27; ill., 5, 60; 9, 16, 21; 13, 28; 22, 14-15
Kern-Kaweah Canyon, 8, 166; 9, 21; ill., 7, 38
Kern-Kaweah Falls, ill., 5, 106
Kern-Kaweah Gap, ill., 4, 304
Kern-Kaweah Pass, 11, 130
Kern-Kaweah River, 2, 188; 7, 37; 9, 21; 12, 50; ill., 8, 166, 167
Kern-Kaweah Valley, see Kern-Kaweah Canyon
Kerrick Canyon, 1, 179; map, l, 177, 179
Kettle Dome, 11, 313
Keyser, see Kaiser
Keystone, ill., 4, 304, 306
Kid Peak, 26, 18, 127
Kilauea (Hawaii N. P.) 11, 231-243; ill., 11, 242, 243
Kinabalu (North Borneo) 8, 18-24; ill., 8, 18
King, Mt. Clarence, see Clarence King, Mt.
King, Starr, see Starr King, Mt.
King Spur, 26, 128
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned (Regulus calendula), 8, 161-162; ill., 8, 162
Kings Canyon National Park: boundary extension of Sequoia N. P. proposed by Sierra Club, 8, 207, 220-221; 12, 76-77; cave discovered, 6, 275; created, 1940, 26, 56-57; development plan, 1947, 32, 112-125; maps, 32, 112, 119; highway extension, 32, 112-125; 34, 41-45; legislative history, 11, 6; 26, 42-58; national park status proposed, 6, 115-125; 10, 14; 11, 29-33; trails and trail development, 3, 150-158; 23, 88-89; 26, 123-124; water-power sites opposed by Sierra Club, 11, 441-446; see also John Muir National Park; Kings River; Kings River Canyon; " Roosevelt-Sequoia N. P ."
Kings Canyon Road, 6, 121, 203-205, 276; 7, 130-131, 195; see also Kings Canyon National Park-Highway extension
Kings Kern Divide, see Kings-Kern Divide
Kings River: early history, 10, 340; 12, 51; 26, 28-41; map 1, 302; origin of name, 10, 237-238; 12, 51; 13, 58; 26, 29; water-power site applications, 11, 441-446; see also Kings River, Middle Fork of the; Kings River, South Fork of the; Kings River Canyon
Kings River, Middle Fork of the, 1, 293-313; 5, 1; 6, 119; 10, 352-356; map, 2, 49; 5, 18; ill.,6, 115, 120; 7, 1, 18, 19, 253, 256; 8, 41, 280; 9, 125, 146; 10, 222; 11, 37, 149, 153, 173, 180, 181, 196; 21, 30-31; 26, 14-15; 29, 46-47
Kings River, South Fork: headwaters, 1, 293-313; 4, 177-184, 253-263; 7, 180-187; 8, 163; Upper Basin, 9, 56; 11, 421-426; ill., 11, 423; 25, 14-15; 26, 14-15; see also below
Kings River Canyon, 2, 44-49, 106-109; 4, 88-99, 153; 6, 100-107, 115-125; 10, 352-356; 12, 224-236, 237-249; 20, 54, 66; 26, 1-8, 9-14; cave, 6, 275; compared with Yosemite Valley, 4, 96-99; 6, 115-117; 12, 224-236; 26, 5; cross-section diagram, 10, 71; 12, 232; early explorations, 12, 237-249; 26, 1-14, 28-41; geology, 4, 96; 12, 224-236; glaciers, 10, 69; 12, 229; history, 26, 28-41; in 1868, 12, 237-249; Indians, 26, 28; map, 12, 228; 32, 112; master plan map, 1947, 32, 112; mines, 26, 37; national park status, 6, 123; 26, 57; plant life, 26, 4; road, see Kings Canyon Road; Sierra Club report and recommendations, 6, 115-127; trails and routes, 1, 93-106, 209-213, 221-237; 3, 15G-158; 6, 120-121, 124; 7, 120; 11, 314; 20, 54-67;23, 88-89; Winter, 4, 156-159; ill., 6, 100, 104; 9, 158; 10, 69, 71; 12, 225, 229, 317; 26, 1, 14-15, 94-95; see also Kings Canyon National Park; Kings Canyon Road; Kings River, South Fork of the
Kings-Kern Divide, 1, 214-220; map, 2, 26; ill., 1, 92, 187; 2, 22; 8, 15; 10, 207; 26, 95
Kinnerly Peak (Glacier N. P.), 23, 103; ill., 12, 162
Kintla Peak (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 162
Kirkwood 's, 1, 321
Kit Carson tree, 1, 321; 2, 59
Klamath Lake Bird Sanctuary, 11, 95-97
Klamath River Road, 11, 451
Klapatchie Park (Mt. Rainier N. P.), 16, 64; ill., 16, 62, 67
Knapsack Pass, 24, 49; 27, 63
Knapsack trips, 1, 314-324; 27, 128-130; 32, 99-103; see also Camping; Packing
Knapsacking see Knapsack trips
Knots, 16, 70-72, 75; see also Bowline knot; Butterfly noose; Diamond hitch
Koip Crest, 12, 51; 25, 122
Koip Pass, 27, 62; ill., 11, 4
Kolana, ill., 7, 262
Korbel Peak, 3, 110
Kuna Crest and Peak, 12, 52; ill., 5, 220; 9, 247, 293
Lacey Transfer Bill, 4, 174
Ladder Lake, 27, 104
Lady Franklin Rock, 12, 52
Lafayette National Park, 11, 6; ill., 11, 12, 13; see also Acadia National Park ; Acadia Mountain
Laggard Pass, 10, 295
Laguna Mountain Recreation Area, 10, 483
Lake Canyon Creek, see Grunigen Creek
Lake Fork, see Kings River
Lake of the Fallen Moon (Poem), 11, 374
Lake of the Lone Indian, see Lone Indian, Lake of the Lake ramparts, 5, 157; 6, 225-234; bibliography, 6, 233-234; ill., 6, 225
Lakes, Salt and Alkaline, 3, 71-74
Lall, Lake (Utah), 24, 109-119; ill., 24, 62-63
Lamarck, Mt., 27, 92-93
Lamarck Col, 27, 89
Lambert, see Lembert
Lambert Soda Springs, see Soda Springs (Tuolumne Meadows)
Langille Peak, 27, 105, 129; ill., 19, 14-15
Langley, Mt., 1, 6; 12, 52; 26, 119; first ascent, 1871, 11, 253; 14, 41-43, 26, 119; mistaken for Mt. Whitney, 7, 141; 11, 253; 14, 41-43; origin of name, 12, 52; ill., 1, 6; 7, 147; 10, 175;14, 46; 22, 14-15; 32, 30-31
Langue Peak, ill., 7, 256
Lanivireo see Vireo
Larch (Larix), 2, 76, 78; Western (Larix occidentalis), 2, 76; Wooly ( Larix Lyalli ), 2, 76
Larix see Larch
Lassen, Mt., 2, 207-215; 3, 288-297; eruptions, 9, 300-304; 10, 92-96; Winter ascent, 18, 128-129; ill., 9, 298-302; 10, 96, 97; 17, 50
Lassen Butte, see Lassen, Mt.
Lassen National Forest, 4, 320-322
Lassen Volcanic National Park, 10, 244; 11, 324
Laterales pines, 2, 67, 72-75
Laurel Mountain, 16, 106
Lava, 11, 242-243; ill., 11, 242, 243
Lava Beds National Monument, 2, 312-319; ill., 2, 318-319
Lava Region of California, see California -Lava regions of Northern California
LeConte, Mt., 12, 53; 14, 86; 23, 109-110; 24, 131; first ascent, 1, 325-326; 12, 305; 26, 119;ill., 1, 325; 14, 46; 22, 15; 32, 30-31
LeConte Canyon, 12, 54; ill., 9, 159; 11, 153
LeConte Cascade, see LeConte Falls
LeConte Divide, 12, 52
LeConte Dome, see Half Dome
LeConte Falls, 1, 204; 4, 28; 12, 52; ill., 4, 31; 7, 218
LeConte Gully, 25, 53
LeConte memorial lectures, 11, 414, 435
LeConte Memorial Lodge (Yosemite), 5, 66-69; 10, 142-143; 11, 91; dedication services and address, 5, 176-180, 254; inscription, 5, 296; opening, 5, 135; reports, 5, 241; 6, 129, 268; 7,59, 191; 8, 129, 210; 9, 50, 181, 294; 10, 83, 215, 328; 11, 92, 201, 308, 435; 12, 83, 187, 414; 13, 71; 14, 77; 15, 103; 16, 95; 17, 100; 18, 106; 19, 79; 20, 100; 21, 80; ill., 5, 1, 66;10, 143, 395; 11, 208
Leaning Chimney, 26, 137; 27, 136
Leaning Tower, 21, 98; 25, 54
Leevining Creek, 12, 54; 13, 83-85
Lefroy, Mt. (Canada), 2, 1-8, 149-155; ill., 2, 5, 152; 8, 189
Lembert Dome, 7, 150; 12, 54; ill., 6, 235; 8, 1; 9, 225, 293; 11, 411; 16, 39
Leucosticte, see Finch, Rosy
Lewis, Mt., 16, 62
Lewis Creek, 12, 54
Lewisia, see Bitterroot
Liberty Bell, Mt. (Washington), 23, 46
Liberty Cap (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 1, 125; see also Rainier, Mt.-North Peak
Liberty Cap (Yosemite), ill., 3, 28
Libocedrus, 4, 101; see also Cedar, Incense
Lick Observatory, 11, 408-412
Liebre Peaks, 31, 116
Lieu Land Law, 5, 327-328
Life zones, 3, 298-312; 4, 132-145; 27, 80-81
Light-burning, see Forest fires-" Light burning"
Lightning, 9, 25-27; 17, 105-107; 34, 27-30; diagrams, 34, 28-29; fatalities on Bugaboo Spire, 1948, 34, 70-73; fire zones, 11, 447; lightning-struck tree in Kern Canyon, 9, 25-27; ill., 9, 26, 27
Lilium Kelleyanum, 4, 300
Lily, Mariposa, ill., 12, 33
Lincoln, Mt., ill., 27, 30-31
Lining, 27, 57
Lion, Mountain, see Mountain lion
Lion Rock, 2, 186; ill., 11, 410-411
Lippincott, Mt., 12, 54; ill., 11, 410-411
Little America, 26, 98-101
Little chief hare see Cony
Little Claire Lake, 4, 214; 12, 54
Little Five Lakes, ill., 13, 92
" Little Gem Co., " 26, 72-77
Little Jackass Meadows, 1, 335
Little Kern Lake, ill., 10, 170
Little Lakes Valley, ill., 27, 30-31
" Little Lost Valley" of Shepherd Crest,
see Shepherd Crest-" Little Lost Valley"
Little Pete Meadow, ill., 19, 14-15
Little South Fork (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Little Yosemite Valley, 7, 40-41; 8, 3-9; 12, 39; ill., 3, 28; 5, 216; 8, 6, 7
Live-oak, Foothill ( Quercus Wislizeni ), 3, 303
Lobelia (Downingia montana ), 11, 147-148
Loch Leven trout, see Trout, Loch Leven
Logan, Mt. (Glacier N. P.), 23, 102
Logan Glacier (Glacier N. P .), ill., 12, 162
Logan Pass (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 41; .30, 46-47
Lola, Mt., 31, 12
Lone Indian, Lake of the, 4, 197; 12, 55; ill., 4, 197; 11, 44
Lone Pine Canyon, 7, 105-118; ill., 22, 14-15
Lone Pine Creek, 5, 88
Lone Pine Peak, 26, 118; ill., 1, 326; 22, 15
Long Lake, ill., 9, 307; 10, 297
Long Meadow, ill., 11, 25
Longley Pass, 1, 190; 12, 55; 27, 63; ill., 1, 192, 193
Longs Peak (Rocky Mountain N. P.), 3, 196-197; 13, 62-64; ill., 3, 196, 198; 7, 234-235; 13,64, 65
Lookout Mountain, see Sugarloaf
Lookout Peak, 4, 187; 12, 145, 242, 245
Los Angeles Municipal Mountain Camp, 10, 335
Los Gatos Creek, ill., 2, 301
Lost Arrow, 12, 55; 21, 99; 23, 119; 25, 59; 27, 134; 31, 118; first ascent, 1946, 31, 121-122;32, 1-10; vertical ascent, 1947, 33, 103-108; ill., 26, 94-95; 32, 1, 12, 13; 33, 102-103
Lost Brother, 27, 133-134
Lost Canyon, ill., 7, 100; 9, 20
Lost Valley (Merced Canyon), 7, 40
Lost Valley (San Joaquin River), see Blaney Meadows
Louise, Lake (Canada), 2, 1; 23, 103; ill., 2, 1
Lowell Peak (Canada), 34, 144
Lucy, Lake, see Rae Lakes
Lucy 's Footpass, 3, 109
Lukachukai Mountain (Arizona), 24, 72
Lukens Lake, 12, 55
Lukens Trail, 2, 109
Lumbering, 10, 375; 32, 37-42
Lundy, 13, 40-53; ill., 13, 40, 41
Luther Pass, ill., 11, 295
Lycoperdon sculptum, 6, 39-42; ill., 6, 39
Lyell, Mt., 11, 185, 247-248; 12, 55-56; first ascent, 11, 247; 12, 56, 304-305; 23, 7; ascents,1, 136-143; 4, 22-23; 5, 181-186; 7, 218; 9, 251-253; ascent in one day from Yosemite Valley,23, 110; 26; 143; glacier, see Lyell Glacier; origin of name, 11, 246; 12, 55; south face ascents, 20, 104; 24, 126; Winter ascent, 23, 41; ill., 1, 66; 3, 326; 5, 20, 184; 7, 94, 95; 9, 250, 251; 10, 231; 11, 49, 410; 15, 47; 17, 22, 23; 20, 104; 29, 46-47; routes of ascent, ill.,20, 104
Lyell Fork, see Merced River -Lyell Fork; Tuolumne River-Lyell Fork
Lyell Glacier, 1, 63-64; 5, 23, 183, 276; 11, 185, 247; 23, 6-7; ill., 5, 20; 7, 188, 189; 11, 49;17, 22
Lyell group, ill., 7, 95
Lyell Meadows, ill., 11, 258
Lyman Glacier (Washington), ill., 8, 181
Lyman Lake (Washington), ill., 8, 184
Lyonothammus, see Ironwood
McAdie, Mt., 5, 317; 14, 86; 18, 133; 26, 117; ill., 7, 147
McArthur, Lake (Canada), ill., 8, 185
McCabe Lake, ill., 18, 71
McClure, Mt., see Maclure, Mt.
McClure Glacier, see Maclure Glacier
McClure Lake, 12, 57
McClure Meadow, 12, 57; ill., 11, 137
McClure 's Pass, map, 1, 173
McCormick, Mt. (Canada), 33, 125
McDermott, Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 36, 45
McDonald, Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 7, 225, 228-229; 23, 110; 30, 46-47
McDonald Peak (Canada), ill., 13, 9
McGee, Mt., 16, 104; 19, 93; 27, 101; ill., 12, 181
McGee Lake trail, 25, 113
McGonagall Pass (Mt. McKinley N. P.), 18, 81; ill., 18, 83
"Machete," The, (Pinnacles National Monument), 25, 130-131; ill., 25, 102-103
McKinley, Mt. (Mt. McKinley N. P., Alaska), 6, 280; 18, 81-87; 28, 1-35; 30, 95; 34, 95-109; first ascent, 1913, 18, 82; first ascent of North Peak by " Sourdough" party, 1910, 18, 81-82;34, 99-106; second ascent, 1932, 18, 81-87; ascent claimed by Dr. Cook, 1906, 6, 280; 34, 97-98; bibliography, 34, 109; discovery and exploration, 34, 95-97; Dr. Cook's false summit, 34, 107; ill., 34, 95; origin of name, 18, 81; 34, 96; " Sourdough" party, 18, 81-82; 34, 99-106; ill.,34, 94-95; temperature, 18, 83-84; war equipment testing expedition, 28, 1-35; ill., 18, 82, 83, 86, 87; 28, 30-31; 34, 94-95; see also Karstens Ridge; Mount McKinley N. P.; Muldrow Glacier
McKinley grove, 10, 296
McKinney's, 1, 317
McLean's Spring, 24, 80, 101
McLoughlin, Mt., ill., 17, 51
Maclure, Mt., 12, 56; 20, 104; ill., 3, 326; 5, 23; 7, 94, 95; 9, 250; 10, 231; 11, 410; 17, 22;20, 104; 29, 46-47; routes of ascent, ill., 20, 104
Maclure Glacier, ill., 5, 23; 17, 22
Macomb Ridge, 12, 56
Madary's Pass, 1, 195; ill., 1, 196; see also Harrison 's Pass
Magic Circle, 11, 275-283
Magpie, 4, 134-135; ill., 4, 134
Mahogany, Mountain (Cercocarpus parvifolius), 3, 308
Malaspina Glacier (Alaska), 2, 134-141
Malheur Lake Bird Sanctuary, 11, 95
Mallory, Mt., 12, 306; 21, 100; 26, 117; ill., 14, 43
Mammoth Hot Springs (Yellowstone N . P, ), ill., 12, 437
Mammoth Mine, 13, 48
Mammoth Mountain, 21, 57
Manly Lake, 17, 76
Manly Lookout, 24, 85, 86
Manzanita (Arctostaphylos), 3, 305, 309; ill., 3, 305
Maps: Big Basin, 3, 218; Mt. Brewer east basin, 3, 108; Brown, Prof. Bolton Coit, 1, 302; 2, 26; Brue map of California, 28, 30-31, 41; Bubbs Creek basin, 2, 114, 128, 271; Burr map of California, 28, 30-31, 41; California, 15, 83, 90, 91; 28, 30-31, 40-41; Carson Pass, 15, 83; Cartridge Pass trail, 17, 106; Center Basin, 2, 271; Colby Pass region, 11, 128; Crater Lake, 1, 37; Crespi map of San Francisco Bay, 13, 56; Death Valley, 24, 62-63, 78; Devils Postpile National Monument, 8, 226-227; Eagle Peak Falls site, 7, 224; Estudillo map of San Joaquin Valley, 26, 30; Evolution region, 5, 229; Fall River Mills to Susanville, 2, 194; Fish Creek upper basin, 4, 205; Fractional scales, 5, 260; Fremont explorations, 15, 83, 90, 91; Gallatin map of California, 28, 30-31, 40; Goddard Creek region, 12, 8; Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 4, 80; Grouse Meadow to Vidette Meadow, 11, 358-359; Hell-for-Sure Pass Trail, 17, 106; High mountain route, 7, 22; High Sierra Camps, 12, 38; Jack Main Canyon, 1, 179; John Muir Trail, 7, 22; 17, 106; Kaweah Peaks, 2, 185; Kerrick Canyon, 1, 177, 179; Kings River, Head-waters, 1, 302; Middle Fork, 5, 18; Kings River Canyon and Kings Canyon National Park, 2, 49; 12, 228 (development plans, 1947, 32, 119; Master plan, 1947, 32, 112); Kings-Kem Divide, 2, 26; LeConte map of Sierra Nevada, 4, 311; 25, 35; Little Lost Valley of Shepherd Crest, 18, 69; 34, 84; McClure's Pass, 1, 173; Medicine Lake Lava region, 2, 312; Mountaineers' Olympic outing, 9, 148; Muir Crest, 26, 110; Muir Gorge trail, 1, 206; Olympic Range (Washington), 9, 148; Ouzel Basin, 3, 109; Palisades, 5, 18; 24, 46; Pinchot Pass trail, 17, 106; Pine Ridge trail, 1, 210; Preuss map of California, 15, 91; Rae Lakes basin, 3, 136; Ritter range, 23, 30; Ritter-Whitney triangulation, 2, 286; Roaring River, 11, 128; Mt. St. Elias, 2, 136; San Francisco Bay region,13, 56; San Joaquin River, South Fork, 5, 229; San Joaquin Valley, 26, 30; Sequoia National Park, 8, 220; 12, 416; Shepherd Crest, 18, 69; 34, 84; Sierra Club Soda Springs property, 9, 37; Sierra Nevada, 4, 311; 25, 35; 32, 78; Sixty Lakes Basin, 3, 136; Slide Canyon to Kerrick Canyon, 1, 177; Susanville to Fall River Mills, 2, 194; Taboose Pass trail, 17, 106; Tehipite Valley, 12, 127; to Kings River Canyon, 2, 49; Tenaya Canyon, 9, 134; Triangulation between Mt. Ritter and Mt. Whitney, 2, 286; Tuolumne Meadows property, 9, 37; United States Geologic SuI:Vey maps, 2, 115-117; Vernon Lake region, 1, 185; Vidette Meadow to Grouse Meadow, 11, 359; Whitney region, 26, 110; Whitney-Ritter triangulation, 2, 286; Mt. Whitney trail, 1, 1; Wilkes map of California, 28, 31, 40; Yokut Indians range, 12, 388; Yosemite, Lake (ancient), 9, 11; Yosemite High Sierra Camps, 12, 38; Yosemite mining history, 13, 43; Yosemite Valley, 12, 228
Marble Canyon (Colorado River), ill., 27, 78-79
Marble Mountain Primitive Area, 18, 29
Margaret, Lake (Canada), ill., 2, 264
Marian, Lake (Utah), 24, 109-120; ill., 24, 62-63
Marie Lake, ill., 11, 40
Marin County fire of 1945, 31, 18-23
Marine borer protection, 8, 78
Marion Gorge (Olympic N. P.), ill., 9, 150
Marion Lake, 4, 259; 12, 56, 154; ill., 12, 316
Marion Peak, 12, 154
Mariposa Battalion, 25, 41; 26, 30-31
Mariposa grove, 3, 24-25; 5, 242-250; 6, 58-61; 7, 219; 12, 57
Marjorie, Lake, 12, 57
Marmolata (Canada), 26, 61
Marmot, 4, 281; 6, 37; 21, 86; ill., 12, 105, 120
Marmot Ridge, 3, 110
Marsh, Mt., 7, 109; ill., 7, 111
Marten, 17, 18; 21, 86
Martha Lake, 12, 57; 27, 88
Marvin Pass, 12, 57
Massive, Mt. (Colorado), 29, 22-23
Mather Pass, 11, 269-270, 359-367, 423, 424; 12, 57, 417-418; 16, 107; 27, 91; ill., 11, .362, 423; 15, 71
Matlock Lake, ill., 7, 240
Matterhorn (Alps), 6, 75-86; 13, 82-83; 14, 85; 18, 111; 25, 73-87; 30, 81-82; ill., 6, 75, 78, 82; 31, 14-15
Matterhorn Canyon, 1, 175; ill., 8, 209
Matterhorn Peak (Yosemite N. P.), 3, 159-163; 4, 287; 11, 256; 20, 76, 106; 22, 53; 27, 126;ill., 3, 118-162
Matterhorn Peak, False, ill., 3, 118
Matthes Crest, 17, 113; 34, 110-111; ill., 15, 59; 20, 110-111; 34, 86-87; see also Echo Ridge
Maturango Peak, 27, 138
May Lake trail, 25, 113
May Lundy mine, 13, 40-53; ill., 13, 40
Maye, Lake (Canada), 9, 242; ill., 9, 240
Mayon (Philippine Islands), 4, 228-234
Mazamas, 2, 57-58; 6, 132; 9, 200; 10, 231; 12, 309, 422-423; 13, 89; 14, 89-90; 15, 111; 17, 108; 18, 121; Glacier Peak outing, 1911, 8, 174-184; Mt. Jefferson outing, 1900, 3, 203-209; Mt. Rainier outing, 1897, 2, 192-193; 3, 271-287; 1914, 9, 310; Mt. St. Helens outing, 1909, 7, 170-179; Three Sisters outing, 1910, 8, 53-54
Mead, Lake (Colorado River), 24, 124
Meadows, deterioration and protection, 8, 39-42; 27, 16; 32, 53-62; 34, 140-143; ill., 8, 40, 41;32, 62-63; see also Wilderness areas and preservation
Meadows, Poison, 4, 195, 213
Medicine Bow Mountains (Wyoming), 12, 283-288; ill., 12, 288
Medicine Lake lava region, 2, 312-319; map, 2, 312; ill., 2, 314, 316, 318; see also Modoc Lava Beds
Melanerpes formicivorus, see woodpecker, California
Mendel, Mt., 16, 104; 27, 98
Mentzelia, see Blazing-star
Merced Canyon, 2, 105; 6, 235-237, 290-293; 7, 39-48; 8, 152-153; ill., 3, 28; 6, 236, 292; 7, 171
Merced Canyon soda springs, see Soda Springs-Merced Canyon
Merced grove, 12, 57
Merced Lake, 7, 40; 12, 57; ill., 6, 236; 7, 39, 171; 20, 30-31
Merced Lake Camp, 12, 40
Merced Pass and Peak, 12, 57
Merced Range, 11, 187-188
Merced River, 2, 197-199; 7, 265; 25, 114; discovery and naming, 12, 57; 13, 58; Lyell Fork,11, 315; 17, 8; ill., 6, 307; 7, 87; 8, 132; 11, 258; 17, 23; 20, 30-31
Merriam, Mt., 17, 123; 19, 93; ill., 19, 94-95
Merritt, Mt. (Glacier N. P .), 12, 165-167; ill., 12, 5
Mesa Verde National Park, 9, 65, 321
Metasequoia, 34, 82
Meteorological observatories, 5, 314; 6, 7-14, 177-185; see also Conness, Mt.; Rainier, Mt.; Rose, Mt.; Whitney, Mt.; Shasta, Mt.
Mexico: Club de Exploraciones, see Club de Exploraciones de Mexico; mountains, 4, 264-273; 8, 96-109; see also Colima; Cordilleras; Ixtaccihuatl; Nevado de Toluca; Paricutin; Picacho del Diablo; Pico de Orizaba; Popocatepetl; San Felipe Desert; Sierra San Pedro Martir; Valle de la Grulla
Mice, 12, 344; 17, 20
Michaelis, Mt., 12, 58
Middle Fork, see name of river
Middle Kaweah, see Red Kaweah
Middle Palisade, 19, 96; 24, 42, 55-56; first ascent, 1921, 11, 252, 264-270; 12, 62; 24, 42; ascents, 12, 307; 16, 105, 107; 25, 16, 121; new route, 19, 96; West Peak, 16, 107; 19, 96;24, 55; ill., 9, 189; 10, 223; 11, 197, 266, 267, 274, 423; 12, 325; 19, 94-95; routes of ascent,ill., 11, 266; see also Palisades
Middle Teton, 16, 47-54; ill., 16, 50, 51, 54; routes of ascent, ill., 16, 50
Milestone Basin . 9, 1-6; 18, 13; ill., 9, 2-3
Milestone Bow. see Milestone Bowl
Milestone Bowl. 2, 188; 9, 1-6; 12, 58; ill., 4, 306; 11, 121
Milestone Creek, ill., 13, 93; 18, 38
Milestone Mountain, 11, 313, 440; 12, 58-59; 26, 130; first ascent, 1912, 9, 1-6; 12, 59; ill., 9, 2-6, 48; 11, 120. 410-411; 18, 30, 31, 126; 22, 30" -31
Mill Creek Redwoods State Park (now Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park), 25, 106-107; ill.,25, 102-103
Miller Lake, 1 174; 12, 59; 28, 97
Mills, Mt., 15, 110; 32, 78
Mills Tower (Canada), 33, 125
Mimulus, 26, 67
Minaret Gap, 23, 23
Minaret Lake, ill., 23, 30-31
Minarets, 1, 74-76; 17, 114; 19, 99; 23, 110; 24, 6-7, 126; 31, 117; Climber's Guide, 23, 27-32; Clyde Minaret first ascent, 1928, 14, 87; 15, 109-110; 23, 27; comparison between Clyde and Michael Minaret, 15, 109; highest point, 15, 109; 17, 119; Leonard Minaret first ascent, 18, 134; map, 23, 30; Michael Minaret, 19, 83-85; 22, 106, 109; 23, 27; first ascent, 1923, 12, 28-33, 59; search for Walter A. Starr, Jr., 19, 81-85; ill., 1, 78; 6, 290, 304; 11, 48; 12, 28, 29;15, 31; 23, 28, 29, 30" -31; 24, 30-31; 33, 30-31; 34, 15; see also Ritter Range
Mineral King, 3, 170, 255-257; 12, 59; winter sports possibilities, 34, 112-118; ill., 33, 102-103
Miner's Peak, see Sawtooth Peak
Mining history east of Yosemite, 13, 40-53; map, 13, 42; ill., 13, 40, 41, 48, 49
" Minnesota National Park " proposed, 3, 263
Minster, 3, 110; 25, 123
Mirror Lake (Yosemite N. P.), 3, 34; 8, 94; 9, 318; 12, 59; 25, 112; ill., 8, 89
Mirror Point, 26, 116
" Mississippi Boys, " 24, 78-105
Mist Falls, 1, 243; 8, 16; ill., 26, 14-15
Mitchell Meadow and Peak, 12, 59
Miter, 26, 118
Moat Lake (Canada), ill., 13, 5; 14, 30, 71
Modoc Lava Beds, 2, 312-319; 12, 96; see also Medicine Lake lava region
Momotombo (Nicaragua), 4, 270
Monarch Divide, ill., 11, 173
Monkey-flower, 26, 67
Mono County, 12, 59
Mono Craters, 3, 80-81
Mono Creek, 1, 226; 12, 59; Poison meadows, 4, 195; ill., 32, 30-31
Mono Creek Canyon, 1, 221-237; 2, 251-262; 4, 194; 7, 8-14; ill., 2, 256
Mono Creek Pass, see Mono Pass
Mono Lake, 3, 78-79, 82-83; 7, 95, 195; 12, 59; ill., 3, 326
Mono Lake Basin road, 7, 130
Mono Mesa, 32, 15-18, 130
Mono National Forest, 26, 124
Mono Pass, 12, 59; 15, 113-115; ill., 7, 14; 10, 105
Mono Rock, 32, 131
Mono Trail, ill., 10, 293
Montara Club, 4, 313
Montgomery, Mt., 20, 102
Monument Peak (Death Valley), 25, 117-118; ill., 25, 102-103
Monument Valley (Arizona), 24, 68-73
Moose, 12, 335; ill., 12, 340
Moraga expedition, 1806, 13, 58
Moraine Dome, 25, 112
Moraine Lake, 4, 306; 9, 19; 10, 226-227; ill., 7, 27; 9, 18-19; 10, 174, 198; 11, 172
Moraine Park (Rocky Mountain N. P.), 3, 194-196; ill., 3, 193, 195; see also Willow Park
Moraines, see Glaciers and glaciation
Moran, Mt. (Grand Teton N. P.), 11, 161-166; 12, 365-367; 32, 129; ill., 11, 164; 12, 356, 360, 368
Moran Point (Yosemite), 25, 112
Moro Rock, 12, 60; 25, 127-128; 34, 145-146
Morris Meadow (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Morrison, Mt., 12, 60; 32, 130
Mott Lake, 13, 85; ill., 15, 23
Mount Desert Island (Maine), ill., 11, 12, 13; see also Acadia N.P.
Mount Lyell Camp, 12, 40
Mount McKinley National Park (Alaska), 10, 244; see also Karstens Ridge; McGonagaIl Pass ; McKinley, Mt.; Muldrow Glacier; Parker Pass
Mount Olympus National Park, see Olympic National Park
Mount Rainier National Park (Washington), 2, 320; 6, 44-51; 7, 194, 247; 8, 55, 222; 9, 65, 208, 320; 10, 99, 109, 248, 358, 367; animal life 6, 32-38;
Mountaineers' Outing, 1930, 16, 63-66; see also Cowlitz Glacier; Eagle Peak; Gibraltar Rock; Indian Henry's; Klapatchie Park; Liberty Cap; Navada Falls; Nisqually Glacier; Paradise Glacier; Paradise Park; Paradise River; Paradise Valley; Rainier, Mt.; Skyline Trail; Spray Park; Tatoosh Range; Unicorn Peak; .Van Trump Park
Mount Shasta Rest House, 11, 307
Mount Whitney Club Journal, 4, 318
Mount Whitney Trail, 1, 1-8; 5, 258-259; 14, 84; map, 1, I; ill., 1, 292; 22, 14-15, 62-63; 32, 31
Mountain beaver, see Beaver, Mountain
Mountain building, see Geological studies; Mountain summits
Mountain Creek (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 341
Mountain goat, 6, 20, 32; 7, 226; 12, 117; ill., 8, 177; 12, 186, 187
Mountain lion: Yellowstone N; P., 12, 338; Yosemite N. P., 10, 442; 17, 16; ill., 10, 442, 486
Mountain meadows, see Meadows
Mountain military training, 31, 46-56
Mountain misery (Chamaebatia foliolosa), 3, 311; 9, 4!}-42; ill., 9, 41
Mountain photography, see Photography
Mountain ranges of the United States, 6, 201-203
Mountain summits, 11, 181-193, 290-291
Mountain troops, see United States Army-Mountain troops
Mountain warfare, 31, 32-56
Mountaineering, see Climbing and mountaineering; Skiing and ski-mountaineering
Mountaineering and conservation organizations, see Alpine Club of Canada; Alpine Congress; American Alpine Club; Appalachian Mountain Club; Associated Mountaineering Clubs of North America; California Alpine Club; California Associated Societies for the Conservation of wildlife; California Botanical Society; Canadian Alpine Club; Club Alpin Franc; ais; Club Andino Boliviano; Club de Exploraciones de Mexico; Colorado Mountain Club; Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein; French Alpine Club; Mazamas; Montara Club; Mountaineers Club of Seattle; N ational Parks Association; Save-the-Redwoods League; Scottish Mountaineering Club; Sierra Club; Southern California Conservation Association; Tamalpais Conservation Club
Mountaineers Club of Seattle, 9, 81-83; 149-158, 200, 311; 10, 232-233; 11, 91; 12, 310, 423;13, 90; 15, 111; 16, 63-66, 101; 17, 108; 18, 123
Mountains, naming, see Place names
Muir, Mt., 12, 60, 306; 21, 100-102; 26, 116; ill., 14, 43; 22, 14-15; 32, 30-31
Muir Crest, 22, 6; bibliography, 26, 121; Climber's Guide, 26, 102-121; map, 26, 110; passes,26, 105; ill., 22, 15, 110; see also Whitney region
Muir Gorge, 1, 14, 205-206; 2, 181; 7, 215-216; 12, 60; descents-swimming, 17, 82-88; 20, 42-45; naming, 1, 206; map, 1, 206; i" ., 6, 241; 7, 216; 17, 82, 83, 86, 87
Muir Hut (Muir Trail), see John Muir Memorial Shelter
Muir grove, 12, 60
Muir Lodge (San Gabriel Range), 9, 80, 170-172, 181; 10, 60-61, 334; ill., 9, 170, 171; 10, 60
Muir Pass, 5, 236; 10, 346-347; 11, 3& -39, 139-140, 281; 12, 60; 27, 91, 129; ill., 11, 141, 181; 12, 248; 16, 11; 19, 14-15; 25, 14-15
Muir Pass-John Muir Memorial Shelter, see John Muir Memorial Shelter
Muir Trail, see John Muir Trail
Muir Woods National Monument, 6, 276, 285, 287-289; 11, 324-325; 13, 79; 21, 31; ill., 6, 285-288
Muldrow Glacier (Mt. McKinley N. P.), 28, 4-7; ill., 18, 83
Mules, 20, 71; 25, 14-15; 32, 10& -110; 33, 19-22; 34, 23-24; ill., 22, 95
Mulkey Meadows, 1, 4; 12, 61
Multiple-use policy of U. S. Forest Service, see United States Forest Service-Multiple-use policy
Municipal forests and forestry, 7, 204; Europe, 9, 74; San Diego, 8, 241-242
Murdock Lake, 12, 61
Muriel Lake, 27, 92
Muriel Peak, 27, 97
Muro BIanco, ill., 6, 118
Murphy Creek, 12, 61
Murray Canyon, 11, 351, 353
Muskeg, 14, 3
Muskrat, 12, 340
Mustagh Tower (Himalayas), ill., 31, 15
Myiochanes, see Pewee
Mystic Spring Trail, 3, 334
Names and naming, see Place names
Nance Peak, 12, 61
Nannus, see Wren
Narada Falls (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 9, 95
Narrative of Zenas Leonard, 27, 36-48
National Conference on Parks, 1921, 11, 196
National Conservation Commission, 7, 77
National forests: 6, 334-336; 11, 329-331; 32, 71-74; ~ agriculture, mining, fire and their influence on forest land, 3, 226-229; ill., 3, 226; American Forestry Congress, 1905, 5, 269-270; boundaries and boundary changes, 7, 135-137, 269-270; California, 12, 96; California Forestry Law, 1905, 5, 303-307; Clarke-McNary Act., 12, 317-318; concessions, 6, 335; denudation of vegetation, 2, 295-311; ill., 2, 295, 301; district administration, 7, 79, 82, 135, 137; Division of Forestry studiesfor scientific lumbering, 3, 200-202; experiment stations, 7, 81; federal vs. state control, 9, 72-73; fire prevention laws, 6, 208-209; fish planting, see Trout planting; forest fires and fire prevention, see Forest fires; grazing and pasturage (8, 80; 10, 483; 12, 298, 410; court decision, 4, 73-74; effects, 2, 295-311; 32, 36-42; High Sierra policy, 2, 292-293; limited grazing permission, 9, 104; Sierra Club stand, 27, 115-116; see also Grazing); hillside farmer and the forest, 5, 33-39; homestead laws, 5, 82-83, 150-152; 6, 70-72; list of national forests, 1908, 6, 336; management, 5, 145-150; 6, 334; maps, 10, 117, 375; multiple-use policy of U. S. Forest Service, 4, 71-72; 6, 125-National forest (cont.) 127; 32, 71-74; need for forest reserves, 1, 269-270; 2, 295-311; primitive areas, 18, 24-30; 23, 93-96; see alsoWilderness areas and wilderness preservation; public camps, 11, 448; public lands withdrawal for national forests, 4, 247-249; reasons for federal control, 9, 46, 72; recreational uses, 10, 117-120, 253; 23, 85-93; reforesting, 3, 224-229; 7, 206-207; 8, 291; relation to national parks, 9, 60; 10, 253-255; 12, 98; revenue, 6, 139; 7, 80; San Francisco field headquarters, 7, 82; state regulation of deforestation, 6, 335; timber sales, 9, 116; transfer of reserves to Department of Agriculture, 5, 326; trout planting, see Trout Planting; United States Forest Service, see United States Forest Service; White Pine blister rust, 11, 334; see alsoConservation; Forest fires; Forest Reservations and Forest Reserves; Forestry; Grazing; United States Forest Service; Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation; see also Angeles National Forest; Appalachian National Forest; Dakota National Forest; Inyo National Forest; Lassen National Forest; Ocala National Forest; Sequoia National Forest; Shasta National Forest; Tahoe National Forest; Trinity National Forest
National Irrigation Law, 1902, 4, 246
National Park Act, 1916, 10, 241
National Park Bureau, 8, 205, 231, 232-234, 282, 284
National Park Conferences, 8, 234; 9, 67; 10, 104, 250
National Park Idea, 12, 270, 348, 350; 33, 46-76; bibliography, 33, 77-78
National Park Service, 10, 362-372, 433; 11, II; 14, 69-70; beginnings, 8, 205, 232-235, 282-283; bill, 10, 113-114, 241-242; created, 1916, 10, 244; 26, 47; proposed, 9, 288; 10, 80; reports, 10, 362-372, 476-478
National Parks and Monuments: 4, 174; 8, 55-63, 217-239, 282-289; 9, 28-32, 60-69, 113-115, 106-208, 316-321; 10, 97-114, 214, 241-252, 362-372, 47~ 482; 11, 5-13, 117; Act of 1916,10, 241; additions and extensions pro-National Park and Monuments (cont.) posed, 10, 107; 11,6, 11-12; administration, 9, 114; animal life, 10, 107; 15, 108; animal problems survey, 1929,15, 108; appropriations and revenues, 10, 103-105, 247-248, 349, 364; 11, 321; area, 1, 257;8, 59; 10, 107; automobiles, 10, 104-105, 252; 11, 15, 321; California, 25, 108-116; commercial interests, 11, 212-214; conservation, 1, 272; 10, 107; dates of establishment, 8, 59; economic value, 10, 103, 349-350; first mention, 33, 52; grazing and pasturage, 10, 322-323, 330, 336-338, 371-372; 12, 176; growth and development, 8, 58-63; 11, 5-13, 212-218; jurisdiction, 10, 107; landscaping, 29, 61-66; list, 1, 257; 8, 59; National Park Service, seeNational Park Service; need, 8, 236-239; 9, 28-32, 60-61; 11, 117; " National Park Idea, " 33, 46-78; new national parks, 10, 108, 244; Frederic Law Olmsted on governmental preservation of natural scenery, 29, 61-66; origin, see National Park " Idea" ; overcrowding, 11, 15; 34, 31-54; patented lands, 9, 177; photograph exhibits, 8, 219; policy, 1; 0, 97-101, 478-482; private holdings, 8, 61; 9, 177; 10, 105-106; publications, 9, 69; recommendations proposed, 8, 58;11, 11-12; relation to national forests, 9, 6{}-61; 10, 253-255; 12, 98-99; reports, 7, 197; 8, 231; 10, 113, 251; 11, 212-218; road standards, 34, 31-54; ill., 34, 34-35; trail development,see names of individual national parks; see also Trails, supervisors, 1918, 10, 372; visitors, 8, 63; 10, 103, 104-105, 252; 11, 89, 321; 34, 31-54; Water Power Act, 11, 321; see also Acadia National Park; " Appalachian N .P ." ; Bryce Canyon N. P.; Canyon de Chelly National Monument; Death Valley N. M.; General Grant N. P.; Glacier N. P.; Grand Canyon N. P.; Grand Teton N. P.; Hawaii N. P.; Kings Canyon N. P.; Lassen Volcanic N. P.; Mesa Verde N. P.; " Minnesota N. P." ; Mount McKinley N. P.; Olympic N. P.; Mount Rainier N. P.; Muir Woods N. M.; Oregon Caves N. M.; " Palm Canyon N. M." ; Saguaro N. M.; Pinnacles N. M.; Rainbow Bridge N. M.; Rocky Mountain N. P.; " Roosevelt-Sequoia N. P." ; Sequoia N. P.; " Tahoe N.P." ; Zion N.P.
National Parks Association, 11, 103-105
Natural history, see Animals; Birds; Butterflies; Insects; Puffball; Rattlesnake; Trees and shrubs; Trout; wildflowers
Nature-guide service in Yosemite Nat'l Park, see Yosemite Nat'l Park-Nature-guide service
Navajo desert region, 24, 68-73
Navajo Indians, 24, 68-73
NealI Lake, 12, 61
Needle, Third, see Third Needle
Needle borer, 9, 206
Needles, see Shiprock
Nevada Fall, 3, 38; 6, 308; 12, 61; ill., 3, 28, 39; 30, 46-47
Nevada Glacier, 10, 188; ill., 10, 190
Nevado de Toluca (Mexico), 8, 97-101; ill., 8, 97, 100, 101
New Guinea, 28, 58, 68-69
New York Butte, 27, 138
Newcomb, Mt., 26, 118
Niagara Falls, 7, 131-132; 8, 239, 279; 33, 69, 72
Nicaragua, 4, 270
Nichols, Mt. (Canada), ill., 2, 152
Niles Peak (Canada), 8, 189-190; ill., 8, 188
Niles-Daly Glacier (Canada), ill., 8, 188
Nine Lake Basin, 7, 35; ill., 10, 182
Nineveh legend, 18, 97-99
Nisqually Glacier (Mt. Rainier N.P.), 3, 287; motion,, 108-114; chart, 6, 112; recession, 20, 21-22; ill., 6, 2, 108, 110
Nisqually Valley, ill., 9, 82
Nivation, 18, 72; 22, 17; ill., 22, 30-31
Nomenclature, see Place names
Noon Mark, 3, 110
Norden, 20, 2-3; ill., 22, 94-95; 26, 94-95; 27, 30-31; see also Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge
North Dome, 12, 61; ill., 3, 43; 8, 132
North Fork, see name of river
North Guard, ill., 26, 94-95
<p='margin-left:.25in; text-indent:-.25in;="" tab-stops:81.0pt;="" mso-layout-grid-align:none;="" text-autospace:non="" north="" palisade,="" <i="" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8000001907349px; line-height: normal;">1, 296; 5, 1-19; 11, 204-205, 251; 12, 62; 19, 24-27; 24, 42, 51-53; first ascent, 1903, 5, 1-19; 11, 204, 205, 251; 12, 62; 19, 24; 24, 42, 52; North Palisades (cont.) ascents, 9, 180; 11, 204-205, 251, 313; 12, 91; 14, 58-60, 86-87; 16, 105, 107; 17, 124-125; 19, 24-26, 95-96; 23, 33; glacier, see Palisade Glacier; named Mt. Jordan, 1, & 96; Northwest Peak, 24, 53; routes,11, 204-205; 19, 25; 24, 52-53; traverses, 16, 105; 19, 25, 95; 24, 128; Winter ascent, 1940,26, 142; ill., 1, 297; 5, 15; 9, 263; 10, 223; 11, 205, 267; 12, 92, 305; 16, 14; 19, 14, 25, 94-95; 21, 3(}-31; 23, 62-63; routes of ascent, ill., 19, 25; see also Palisade Glacier; Palisades; " U" -Notch route
North Peak, ill., 18, 70, 71; 34, 86-87
North Sister (Oregon), 8, 54
North Star Mountain (Washington), ill., 8, 181, 184
North Star Park (Washington), 8, 183; ill., 8, 184
Northeast Gully (Yosemite N. P.), 25, 51
Novitates (Arizona pines), 2, 72 -
Nucifraga, see Clark Crow
Nutcracker, Clark, see Clark Crow
Nuthatch, Red-bellied (Sitta canadensis) 6, 248
Nutmeg, California false (Tumion californicum) 4, 127-128; ill., 4, 123
Nutmeg, Coast (Tumion californicum littoralis), 4, 128
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Oak, Blue (Quercus douglasii), 3, 304; Brewer's (Quercus breweri), 3, 308; ill., 3, 309; Scrub (Quercus dumosa), 3, 309; see also Live-oak
Obelisk, 33, 120
ObergabeIbom (Switzerland), ill., 6, 78
Observation Peak, ill., 8, 280; 9, 189
Ocala National Forest (Florida), 7, 77
O'Hara, Lake (Canada), ill., 8, 188
Olancha Peak, 26, 120
Old Baldy, see San Antonio, Mt.
Old Faithful geyser (Yellowstone N. P .), ill., 30, 46-47
Olympic National Park (Washington), 21, 22-24; Mountaineers' Outing, 1913, 9, 149-158; ill.,21, 15; see also Elwha Basin; Hoh Glacier; Olympus, Mt.; Queets Basin; Quenault River; Seattle, Mt.
Olympic Range (Olympic National Park), 9, 148-158; map, 9, 148; see also Olympic National ParkOlympus, Mt. (Greece), 9, 313-315; 30, 71-77; bibliography, 9, 315; ill., 9, 309
Olympus, Mt. (Olympic N. P.), 9, 152-153; ill., 9, 152, 153, 156; see also Olympic N. P.
Olympus, Mt. (Rocky Mountain N. P.), ill., 7, 234
" One Hundred Peaks" goal, 31, 115-117
Onion Valley, ill., 7, 240
Oregon, 20, 109; see also Crater Lake; Eliot Glacier; Hood, Mt.; Hunt's Cove; Jefferson, Mt.; North Sister; ThieIsen, Mt.; Three Fingered Jack; Three Sisters; Washington, Mt.
Oregon Caves National Monument, 9, 58-59, 115
Oregonia, 18, 51-52
Organizations and clubs, see Mountaineering and conservation organizations
Orientation, 32, 12-13
Orizaba, see Pico de Orizaba
Osprey, 14, 36
Otter, Sea, 33, 13
Ottoway Peak, 12, 61
Outpost, 22, 57
Ouzel, Water, see Water Ouzel
Ouzel Basin, 3, 109-111; 12, 62; map, 3, 109
Ouzel Camp, 3, 110
Ouzel Creek, 3, 109; 12, 62
Ouzel Pool, 3, 110
Overgrazing danger, 32, 36-42; see also
Grazing and pasturage
Ovis canadensis, see Bighorn Sheep
Owen, Mt. (Grand Teton N. P.), 32, 129
Owens Lake, 12, 62; 17, 72
Owens River, 12, 62
Owens Valley, 12, 62; Sierra Nevada ascent routes, 13, 31-35; skiing, 19, 47; ill., 7, 31
Oxycedrus, see Juniper, Prickly
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Pacific Glacier (Alaska), ill., 10, 17
Pacific slope conifers, see Conifers of the Pacific Slope
Pack animals, 2, 36-43, 287-289; 17, 89-93; 21, 40-44; Harrison Pass crossing, S, 115-121, 297-302; see also Diamond hitch; Packers and packing
Pack trips, see Packers and packing
Packers and packing, 2, 36-43, 287-289; 16, 9; 24, 25-28; 25, 14-15, 21-25; 34, 22-26; commissary list, 24, 27; meadow conservation, 34, 140-143; saddling and loading, 21, 40-44; wilderness policy, 32, 96-98; ill., 11, 439; 24, 30-31; 26, 94-95; see also Bivouacking; Camping; Diamond hitch; Sierra Club-Annual outings.
Packsack, 22, 38-39
Paiju Peak (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Painted Lady, see Colored Lady
Pait Valley, see Pate Valley
Palisade, Middle, see Middle Palisade
Palisade, North; Northeast, see North
Palisade, South; Southeast, see Split Mountain
Palisade Creek Canyon, 5, 9; 11, 357; ill., 9, 189; 11, 197, 358, 359, 363; 19, 14-I5, 46-47, 94-95; 25, 14-15
Palisade Crest, 24, 55; ill., 19, 95
Palisade Glacier, 5, 12, 13; 9, 261-263; 14, 58-60; 17, 124; 19, 25; ill., 5, 15; 9, 54, 262, 263
Palisade Lakes, lower lake, ill., 11, 363; upper lake, ill., 11, 358
Palisades, 1, 296; 5, 1-19; 12, 62; 16, 107; 17, 124-125; 19, 24, 95-96; 23, 33-35, 104; 24, 40-58; bibliography 24, 44-45; Climber's Guide, 24, 40-58; history,, 2-3; 11, 251-252; 12, 62;19, 24; 24, 42; map, 5, 18; 11, 359; 24, 46; origin of name, 5, 3-4; 11, 251; 12, 62; 19, 24; Owens Valley ascent routes, 13, 33-34; passes, 24, 45, 49; ill., 1, 297; 4, 177; 5, 2, 5, II; 9, 188; 10, 223; 11, 173; 19, 95; 21, 30-31; 23, 62-63; see also Middle Palisade; North Palisade; Palisade Glacier; Sill, Mt.; Split Mountain
Palm, Washington (Washingtonia filifera) 11, 218, 325-326, 351, 352; ill. 11, 350
Palm, Wax, 22, 86-91; ill., 22, 94-95
" Palm Canyon National Monument " proposed, 11, 325-326; ill., 11, 350
Palm Springs, 11, 218, 325-326; ill., 11, 350
Palmer Mountain, 12, 62
Pam, Mt. (Canada), 10, 272-273; ill., 10, 276, 277
Panama Canal, 4, 271
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 9, 178, 288
Panamint Lake, 171 72-73
Panamint Range, 271 83; ill., 24, 62-63
Panamint Valley, 24, 87, 90, 104
Panorama Cliff, 22, 108; 23, 117; 25, 57
Papago Saguaro National Monument, see Saguaro National Monument
Papilio indra, 9, 90-91; 18, 51
Paradise Glacier (Mt. Rainier N. P .), ill., 1, 113
Paradise Park (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 11, 96
Paradise River (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 1, 113
Paradise Valley (Kings River), 1, 242-243; 3, 152; 4, 178-179; 6, 102-103, 117-118, 123; 7, 181-182; trail, 7, 190-191; ill., 2, 90; 6, 118; 7, 182; 8, 16, 48-49; 26, 14-15, 94-95
Paradise Valley (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 9, 82, 83
Paragon Peak, 13, 6; ill., 13, 9, 12
Paricutin (Mexico), 29, 67-76; ill., 29, 46-47
Parker Pass (Mt. McKinley N. P.), ill., 28, 30-31
Parnassius, 9, 93-94; 18, 49; ill., 9, 94
Parnassus, Mt. (Greece), 9, 278-283; ill., 9, 280-283
Parsons Memorial Fund, 9, 223-224
Parsons Memorial Lodge, 9, 223, 287; 10, 144, 359; 23, 96-97; reports, 10, 84-85, 436; 11, 202; 21, 80; ill., 9, 224; 10, 80, 81, 88, 143; 11, 411
Parsons Peak, 12, 63
Partridge, Plumed, see Quail, Mountain
Parviconae pines, 2, 69-70
Passes, 271 59-64; see also Place names; Climbers Guide to the High Sierra
Pasturage, see Grazing and pasturage
Pate Valley, 1, 207; 2, 181-182; Indian pictographs and relics, 6, 241-242, 258-259; 271 125; rattlesnakes, 2, 182; ill., 6, 242, 258, 259; 9, 261; 12, 24, 25
Patented lands, see National Parks and Monuments-Patented lands; Yosemite N. P .-Patented lands
Patriarchs (Zion National Park), ill., 10, 340
Pavilion Dome, 12, 63
Peaks, elevations of, see Elevations of Mountain Peaks
Pear Lake ski slopes, ill., 271 30-31; 33, 102-103
Peary Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 104
Peeler Lake, 12, 126
Peltiphyllum, see Umbrella plant
Pendente spruces, 2, 157-162
Peninsula Meadow, see Cascade Valley
Penthestes, see Chickadee
Perfection Meadow, ill., 11, 136
Perkins, Mt., 12, 63; ill., 11, 422
Persistentes, 2, 64
Peter, Lake, 12, 63
Peter Grubb Hut, ill., 27, 30-31
Peter Peak, 27, 102
Pewee, Western wood (Myiochanes richardsonii), 8, 264-265; ill., 8, 265
Phacelia, 26, 67, 69
Phelan Bill, 11, 6; 26, 47-49
Philippines, 4, 172; 5, 26-32; 14, 37-38
Phlox, Alpine (Phlox douglasii), 11, 149; ill., 12, 348
Photography, 11, 408; 25, 30; 26, 82-89; 29, 41-46; 31, 15-17; birds, 5, 103; 8, 158; comparison photography, 29, 95-96; composition, 26, 88-89; development, 26, 87; equipment and technique, 8, 158; 10, 409-413; 20, 55; 26, 83-89; 29, 42, -43, 44; film material, 26, 84; filters, 26, 85; glaciers, 5, 23-25; interpreting the natural scene, 30, 47-50; lenses, 26, 85; lighting and exposure, 26, 86; sunshades, 26, 85; see also, in Index of Names: Ansel Adams, Joseph N. LeConte, Vittorio Sella, Cedric Wright
Picacho (California), 19, 101-102
Picacho del Diablo (Mexico), 18, 56-62; ill., 18, 58, 59, 62
Picea, see Spruce
Pickering, Mt., 26, 118
Picket Guard, 2, 189; 12, 63; 22, 105; ill., 4, 304
Picket Range (Washington), 22, 78
Pico de Orizaba (Mexico), 8, 106-109; 9, 109; ill., 8, 108
Pictographs, see Indian pictographs
Pigeon Spire (Canada), 26, 63; ill., 24, 62-63
Pika, see Cony
Pike's Peak (Colorado), 3, 190
Pilot Knob, 19, 92
Pinaster pines, 2, 65, 66-75
Pinatubo, Mt. (Philippines), 5, 26-32
Pinchot, Mt., 4, 262, 288; 12, 63; ill., 11, 422
Pinchot Pass, map, 17, 106; ill., 11, 422, 423; 32, 30; 34, 14-15
Pines: 2, 64-75; Balfour (Pinus balfouriana), 4, 214, 299, 303; 27, 24; Big-cone, see Coulter Pine; Bishop (P. muricata), 18, 65-66; 31, 20; Black, see Jeffrey Pine; Foxtail (P. aristata; P. Balfouriana), 4, 208, 214, 219, 303; 27, 24; ill., 4, 214; 9, 74; 10, 158, 167; 22, 62; Heavy-coned, see Graviconae; Jeffrey (P. jeffreyi), 27, 24; Lodge-pole (P. murrayana, 4, 208-209, 299; 9, 206; 12, 136-137; 27, 24; destruction by pests, 9, 206; ill., 4, 209; 10, 328; 11, 53; 16, 18); Lone, see Torrey Pine; Monterey (P. radiata), 18, 65; Nevada nut, see Pinon Pine; Pinon (P. monophylla), 4, 298-299; 11, 150; Prickle-cone, see Bishop Pine; Rocky Mountain white (P. ftexilis), 4, 299; Single-leaf, see Pinon Pine; Sugar (P . lambertiana), 13, 13; Swamp, seeBishop Pine; Tamarack, Tamrac, see Lodgepole Pine; Torrey (P. torreyana), 18, 66; Western yellow (P. ponderosa), 11, 52; White-bark (P. albicaulis), 4, 299; 27, 24; ill., 10, 159; 34, 1;see also Conifers
Pine Ridge trail, 1, 209-213; map, 1, 210
Pinicola, see Grosbeak, California pine
Pinnacle Pass, 26, 106
Pinnacle Pass Needle, 22, 109; 26, 115 Pinnacle Ridge, 26, 114; Pinnacles, 19, 93; 25, 120; see also Pinnacles National Monument
Pinnacles National Monument, 5, 85; 11, 325; 19, 93; first ascent of the " Hand, " 33, 123-124; first ascent of the " Machete, " 25, 13{}-131; ill., 25, 102-103
Piranga, see Tanager
Piscator Peak, 11, 46
Pitons, 19, 34; 27, 73-74; 31, 86-90; ill., 33, 102-103; see also Climbing and mountaineering
Pitt River Canyon, ill., 2, 318
Piute Branch, see Piute Creek (San Joaquin)
Piute Creek (San Joaquin), 5, 154-155, 255; 11, 278; 12, 63; ill., 10, 89
Piute Creek (Yosemite N. P.), ill., 20, 62-63
Piute Indians, 12, 63
Piute Mountain, 12, 63
Piute Pass, 11, 277; 27, 89
Pivot Crag, see Fin Dome
Place names, 2, 53-55; 3, 109-111; 4, 239-241; 5, 139-140, 254-255, 260; 6, 52, 87-99, 201-203; 9, 55; 11, 27; 27, 104; of High Sierra region; Names A-J, 11, 380-407; K-Q. 12, 47-64; R-Z, 12, 126-147; of Southern Sierra peaks, 11, 244-254; see also Indian names; Rainier, Mt.-Tacoma-Rainier controversy; Sierra Nevada-Nomenclature
Plains-Trees and shrubs, 3, 301-302
Planesticus, see Robin
Plants, Galapagos Archipelago, 27, 81-82; Sierra Nevada-east side, 33, 42-45; reappearance on burned areas, 31, 18-23; see also Trees and shrubs; Wild flowers
Plum, Wild (Prunus subcordata), 3, 309
Pohono trail, 12, 64; 25, 112
Point Lobos Reserve State Park, 18, 110, 120-121; Cypresses, 18, 64-67; poem, 18, 63; ill., 18, 63, 66, 67
Poison meadows, 4, 195, 213
Poison-ivy and Poison-oak, 12, 173-174
Polemonium, ill., 17, 14; 26, 14-15
Polemonium Club, 27, 9
Pollux Peak (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 276
Pongo de Manseriche (Brazil), 18, 94; ill., 18, 94
Pope's Peak (Canada), 8, i90-191; ill., 8, 189
Popocatepetl (Mexico), first ascent, 1519, 25, 88; early ascent by Spanish .conquistadores, 11, 316; 25, 88-95; ascents, 2, 10; 8, 101-104; 17, 77-81; 28, 71-75; ill., 8, 96, 104, 105
Poppy, Bush (Dendromecon rigida), 3, 309
Porcupine, Sierra Nevada, 15, 57-58; Yellowstone, 12, 343; ill., 10, 296; 12, 337
Porcupine Flat, ill., 8, 40
Pothole Lake, ill., 10, 191
Powell, Mt., 12, 64; 27, 88, 96; first ascent, 1925, 12, 222, 250-251; 27, 96; ill., 11, 275; 12, 248
Prattville, 3, 289
Predatory animals, 33, 13-17
Preuss map of California, ill., 15, 91
Primitive areas, see Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation
Primrose, Sierra (Primula suffrutescens), 6, 165; 11, 149; 21, 89-90
Primrose Pond, 3, 110
Primula, see Primrose
Projectile, Mt. (Canada), 33, 4-5, 124
Providence Spring, 24, 94
Prunus, see Plum
Pseudotsuga, see Spruce, Douglas ; Spruce, Big-cone
Ptarmigan, 4, 144; 6, 38; ill., 12, 119
Public lands, 3, 112; 4, 246-249; frauds, 5, 269; laws, 4, 322; 5, 82-83
Public service, 12, 78
Puffball, Sierra, 6, 39-42; 14, 61-63; 21, 90; ill., 6, 39; 14, 62, 63; see also Calbovista; Calvatia; Lycoperdon
Pulpit Rock, 23, 119; 26, 140; 31, 119; first ascent, 1939, 25, 62, 119
Pumice, 15, 4
Purcell Range, see Bugaboo Range
Purple Lake, ill., 33, 30-31
Pyramid Peak, 2, 120
Pyweack Fall, 25, 49-50
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Quail, Mountain (Oreortyx picta), 17, 21; 27, 15
Quarry Peak, 27, 127
Quarter Domes, 25, 47-48
Queets Basin (Olympic N. P.), 9, 152-153
Quenault River (Olympic N.P.), 9, 154-157; ill., 9, 157
Quinn Horse Camp, 12, 64
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Rabbit, Snowshoe, 12, 343
Rae Lakes, 7, 182-183; 8, 16-17; 12, 127; map, 3, 136; ill., 6, 102; 7, 183; 8, 10, 16-17, 49, 64, 65, 71; 9, 160, 161; 10, 431; 21, 31; 26, 14-15
Rafferty Creek, 12, 127; ill., 6, 225
Rafferty Peak, 12, 127
Ragged Peak, 30, 94; ill., 10, 289; 17, 15
Rainbow Bridge National Monument (Arizona), 7, 249; 24, 68; 30, 69
Rainbow Falls (Devils Postpile N. M.), 8, 52, 172; 11, 46; ill., 8, 171; 29, 46-47
Rainier, Mt., 1, 109-132; 16, 63-66; ascents, 1, 109-132; 2, 192-193, 227-237; 3, 271-287; 6, 1-6; 9, 310; Camp Muir Shelter Hut, 10, 233; Crater Peak, 1, 124; elevation, 6, 10, 13; 9, 97-98, 189-191; glaciers, 6, 108-114; meteorological observatory, 6, 7-14; naming, 1, 109-110; 6, 12-13, 87-99; Rainier, Mt. (cont.) 9, 95-98; North Peak first ascent, 1, 124; Success Peak, 1, 124; Tacoma-Rainier name controversy, 1, 109-110; 6, 12-13, 87-99; 9, 95-98; Winter, 11, 94-95; ill., 1, 109, 113, 115, 116, 125; 3, 271, 277, 284; 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 21, 108, 110; 7, 170; 9,82, 83, 95, 98, 285; 11, 9, 96, 97; 16, 62, 63, 66, 67; 28, 78-79; see also Cowlitz Glacier; Gibraltar Rock; Indian Henry's; Klapatchie Park; Liberty Cap; Mount Rainier National Park; Nisqually Glacier; Spray Park; Van Trump Park
Ralston, Mt., ill., 10, 304; 33, 102-103
Rambaud Creek, ill., 11, 180, 197
Rambaud Peak, 12, 127; 19, 95; 27, 106
Ramparts (Canada), 13, 4-9; 14, 3, 22-24; ill., 13, 5, 8; 14, 6, 23, 30, 31, 70, 71, 78
Rancheria Canyon, ill., 3, 161
Rancheria Mountain, 8, 156; 9, 255-256; ill., 27, 78-79
Rappel, 16, 86-88; 25, 96-101; bibliography, 25, 100-101; ill., 16, 87; 25, 102-103; see alsoRope technique
Rat, Wood or Trade, 12, 342, 343
Rattlesnake, 2, 182; 12, 9; 18, 38-46; first-aid for rattlesnake bite, 12, 171-172; 18, 44-46
Rattlesnake Creek (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Rearguard (Canada), ill., 14, 94
Recess Peak, 12, 127; see also Hilgard
Records, see Sierra Club-Registers
Recreational values in the Sierra Nevada, 23, 85-96; see also, Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation
Red Kaweah, 9, 48; 12, 49; ill., 13, 24; see also Kaweah peaks
Red Mountain, 1, 309; see also Pinchot, Mt.
Red Mountain (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 269
Red Pass, 1, 304
Red Peak (Yosemite N. P.), 8, 25-33; 15, 110; ill., 20, 62-63
Red Slate Mountain, 2, 251-252; 11, 248; 12, 128; ill., 4, 200
Red snow, 5, 174; 6, 167
Red Spur, 2, 189; ill., 4, 302, 304, 306
Red-and-White Mountain, 4, 193-206; 12, 127; 16, 103; ill., 2, 252; 4, 197, 200
Red-berry, see Toyon
Redbud (Cercis occidentalis), 3, 306
Redoubt Peak (Canada), ill., 13, 5; 14, 71
Reds Meadow, 8, 172; 12, 128
Redwood, Coast, see Sequoia sempervirens
Redwood, Dawn, see Metasequoia
Redwood Highway, 16, 28, 31; " Avenue of the Giants, " 25, 106
Redwood Meadow (Sequoia N. P.), ill., 13, 16
Redwood Mountain Big Trees, 25, 107-108
Redwood Reservation Act, 3, 338-339
Redwoods League, see Save-the-Redwoods League
Reflection Crag, 3, 109
Reflection Lake, 1, 192; 4, 281; 12, 128; ill., 8, 14, 15; 30, 62-63
Reforestation, 6, 72; Shasta National Forest, 7, 206-207; Sierra Nevada, 3, 224-229; Tahoe National Forest, 8, 291; see also Forestry; Sequoia gigantea
Registers, see Sierra Club-Registers
Regulation Peak, 12, 128; 17, 4-5; ill., 7, 151; 9, 257; 11, 255
Regulus, see Kinglet
Reinstein, Mt., 12, 128
Relief Creek, ill., 2, 280
Resplendent, Mt. (Canada), 14, 7-9; ill., 10, 277; 14, 11, 35, 42, 79
Return Canyon and Creek, 1, 170-171; 10, 288
Reversed Creek, 12, 128
Rhoda Lake, see Charlotte Lake
Ribbon Fall, 12, 128
Ribes velutinum, 3, 304
Ringtail, 17, 18
Ritter, Mt., 11, 188, 248; 12, 129; 23, 24-27; first ascent, 11, 248; 12, 129; 23, 24; ascents, 1, 67-68; 5, 186-193; 6, 290-306; 11, 259, 313; 12, 91; 17, 115; 27, 137; early ascents, 1, 9, 10, 67, 68; 5, 193; origin of name, 11, 248; 12, 129; triangulation map, 2, 286; ill., 1, 66, 74, 78;5, 184; 6, 290, 296, 304; 7, 6; 10, 447; 15, 1, 31, 34, 38, 39, 46, 47, 50; 17, 27; 23, 1, 14, 25, 30-31; 24, 30-31; see also Ritter Range
Ritter Lakes, ill., 23, 30-31
Ritter Pass, 23, 23
Ritter Pinnacles, 23, 27
Ritter Range, 8, 170-171; 15, 2; Banner-Ritter saddle, 23, 22; bibliography, 23, 22; Climber's Guide, 23, 30-32; map, 23, 30; passes, 23, 22-24; ill., 6, 290, 296, 304; 15, 31; 23, 30-31
River of No Return, see Salmon River (Idaho)
Rixford. Mt., 3, 149, 155, 158, 169; 7, 186; 12, 129; 18, 126; ill., 3, 145; 6, 102; 7, 183; 8, 16-17, 65, 71; 9, 160, 161; 10, 431; 26, 14-15
Rixon's Pinnacle (Yosemite Valley), 34, 148-149
Roads in national parks, high versus low standards, 34, 31-54; ill., 34, 34-35; see also Big Oak Flat Road; Kings Canyon Road; Tioga Road
Roaring River, 1, 189-190; 7, 71-73; 11, 314-315; map, 11, 128; ill., 1, 189; 6, 156; 8, 163, 167; 10, 183
Roaring River basin, 3, 167; 6, 119; map, 11, 128
Roaring River Falls, ill., 29, 46-47
Roaring River Gorge, 11, 314-315
Robin, Western (Planesticus migratorius propinquus), 6, 245; 8, 118-119
Robson, Mt. (Canada), 10, 269-275; 13, 1-3; first ascent, 1913, 10, 270; 13, 2; 14, 14; ascents, 10, 270; 14, 13-19, 32-33; bibliography, 13, 3, 9; origin of name, 14, 32; ill., 10, 269, 272, 273, 277; 13, 4; 14, I, 14, 15, 18, 19, 26, 27, 35, 38, 39, 86, 94
Robson Cirque, ill., 14, 35
Robson Glacier, ill., 14, 27, 38, 39
Rock climbing, see Climbing and mountaineering
Rock Creek, 1, 178; 12, 129; ill., 32, 30-31
Rock Island Lake, 1, 178; 12, 129; ill., 11, 254
Rock-rabbit, see Cony
Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado), 3, 189-199; 7, 234-236; 9, 113; 10, 100, 101-102, 250, 365, 477; ill., 9, 81, 113; see also Bear Lake; Big Thompson River; Fern Lake; Glacier Gorge; Hallett Glacier; Longs Peak; Moraine Park; Olympus, Mt.; Willow Park
Rocky Mountains, 3, 189-199; see also Rocky Mountain N. P.
Rocky Point, 25, 112
Rodgers Lake, 12, 129; 17, 4; ill., 7, 151; 8, 153; 9, 257; 11, 255
Rodgers Peak, 12, 129; 20, 110-111; ill., 11, 10; 17, 23, 26; 20, 31
Roosevelt National Park, see Kings Canyon National Park
" Roosevelt-Sequoia National Park" proposed, 10, 431-433; 11, 6, 29-33, 40-41, 2)6, 301-302, 306, 323-324, 428-429, 442; 12, 186, 298; 26, 42-58; water-power sites, 11, 441-446; see alsoKings Canyon N. P .-water-power sites
Rope, Climbing, 31, 77-85
Rope technique in climbing, 7, 175-176; 16, 67-88; 19, 28-30; 25, 44, 77, 79, 81, 96-101; 27, 69-72; belaying the leader, 31, 68-100; see also Belaying; Rappel Roping down, see Rappel
Rose, Mt., 4, 224-226; 8, 250-259; meteorological observatory, 6, 177-185; ill., 4, 224; 6, 177, 180, 182, 184; 8, 250, 251
Rose Lake, 12, 130
Rostrum, 27, 134
Rosy Finch, see Finch, Rosy
Rothorn (Switzerland), ill., 6, 78
Rowell Meadow, 6, 154; 12, 130
Royal Arches, 12, 130; 21, 97-98; 22, 108; 23, 117; 25, 60; ill., 3, 43; 8, 132
Royce Peak, 17, 123-124
Rubicon Springs, 1, 318; 2, 56
Rundle, Mt., ill., 28, 78-79
Rush Creek, 1, 65; ill., 9, 253
Ruskin, Mt., 12, 130
Russell, Mt., 12, 130; 26, 110-111; first ascent, 1926, 12, 382-384; 26, 110; ascents, 13, 86;14, 86; 17, 121; 18, 128; 21, 100; ill., 12, 384; 13, 88, 89; 22, 14-15
Rutherford Lake, 12, 130
Ruwenzori Range (Africa), 6, 207; ill., 31, 14-15
Ryekrisp, 7, 196
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Sabrina, Lake, 12, 130
Sacramento River, 1, 54-59
Saddle trips, see Sierra Club-Saddle Trip
Saddlebag Lake, 3, 323; ill., 3, 323; 11, 250
Saddlehorn, 25, 121
Sadler Lake and Peak, 12, 130
Sadlier, see Sadler
Safety in climbing, 21, 94; 27, 65-78; see also Climbing and mountaineering-Accidents and fatalities
Saguaro cactus, ill., 30, 46-47
Saguaro National Monument (Arizona), 9, 317; Saguaro cactus, ill., 30, 46-47; see also Papago Saguaro Nat'l Monument
St. Elias, Mt., first ascent (1897), 2, 129-148; second ascent, 32, 63-70; map, 2, 136; ill., 2, 144; 32, 62-63, 70
St. Elmo lights, 17, 107
St. Helens, Mt. (Oregon), 7, 170-179; first ascent, 1853, 19, 58; ill., 7, 170
St. Mary Lake (Glacier N.P.), ill., 7, 227; 12, 1, 44
Salix, see Willow
Salmon Alps, 11, 368--373; ill., 11, 366, 367, 370, 371, 374, 375; see also Trinity Alps
Salmon River (Idaho), 26, 78--81
Salmon-Trinity Alps, see Salmon Alps; Trinity Alps
Salmon-Trinity Alps Primitive Area, 18, 29
Salt and alkaline lakes, 3, 71-74
Salvador, 4, 269
San Antonio, Mt., 5, 122-132; 11, 49-51; 12, 313-314; 25, 69-70; Bighorn sheep, 23, 98; ski lodge, 21, 83-84; skiing, 19, 43; ill., 5, 122; 11, 52; 12, 191
San Bernardino Mountains, 12; 314-316; 25, 70-71; 31, 116-117; ill., 11, 52
San Bernardino Peak, 16, 106
San Diego Mountains, 31, 117
San Felipe Desert (Mexico), ill., 18, 58
San Francisco Bay region map, 13, 56
San Francisco Peaks (Arizona), 5, 108--114; ill., 5, 108
San Gabriel Range, 11, 50; 25, 70; 31, 116; ill., 11, 52-53
San Gorgonia, Mt., 11, 52-54; 16, 107; 17, 106; 25, 70; Winter, 17, 121-123; 19, 45-47; 20, 112; ill., 11, 53; 19, 47
San Gorgonio Pass, 11, 348-349
San Jacinto, Mt., 11, 54-55, 348-356; 19, 47; 25, 71; ascents, 10, 332-334; 18, 134-135; effort to save, 12, 313-315; game refuge, 12, 190; 13, 74; ill., 10, 332; 11, 351
San Jacinto Range, 31, 117
San Joaquin Company, 24, 76, 100
San Joaquin Dome, 10, 71
San Joaquin Mountain, ill., 15, 51
San Joaquin River, 12, 131; Middle Fork, 8, 170; ill., 15, 51; North Fork, 1, 61-84; ill., 9, 253; South Fork, 1, 225; 2, 249-262; 10, 292-297; map, 5, 229; ill., 10, 344; 11, 136
San Joaquin Valley map, 26, 30
San J uan River (Utah), 24, 69; 30, 63-67; ill., 30, 62-63
San Marcos Pass (Guatemala), 4, 267-268
San Marcos Range, 13, 56; see also Sierra Nevada
San Pedro Martir, see Sierra San Pedro Martir
Sandpiper, Spotted (Actitis macularius), 6, 247
Santa Ana Mountains, 31, 117
Santa Barbara Range, 31, 115-116
Santa Cruz Mountains, 4, 276; fire of 1904, 5, 265-266
Santa Rosa Mountains, 31, 117
Santa Rosita, ill., 28, 78-79
Saranbid, Mt. (Ceylon), 19, 91
Sarcodes, see Snow-plant
Sardine Lake, 12, 131
"Sarvis" bush, see Service bush
Sastise Mountain, see Shasta, Mt.
Saurian Crest, 12, 131; 27, It6; ill., 8, 157; 27, 78, 79
Save-the-Redwoods League, 11, I, 87, 302, 327; 12, 308-309, 421-422; 25, 106-107
Sawblade, 22, 56
Sawmill Pass, 11, 421
Sawtooth Mountain (Trinity Alps), 21, 94-95; ill., 21, 14-15
Saw-Tooth Mountains, see Palisades
Sawtooth Peak, 4, 302; 12, 131; ill., 7, 101, 103; 9, 20; 10, 171; 11, 410--411; 13, 21
Sawtooth Ridge (Yosemite N.P.)>, 19, 31-33; 20, 39, 46-49; ascents, 3, 159-163; 17, 6, 113-114; 18, 134; 19, 31-98; 20, 46-49, 76, 105-106; 31, 117-118; Climber's Guide, 22, 50-57; ill.,3, 119; 19, 46-47; 20, 110-111; 22, 52; see also Matterhorn Peak; Three Teeth Scaffold Meadow, 6, 156
Scarper Peak, 4, 243-Z45 S
Scenery, 7, 64-69, 199-201; 29, 61-66; 30, 47-50; 33, 48-59
Schofield Peak, 12, 131
Scimitar Glacier (Canada), ill., 33, 6-7
Scottish Mountaineering Club, 1, 339; 6, 131
Scylla, 12, 131; 27, 88, 103, 104; ill., 12, 12, 17
Sea lion, California, 33, 13
Searles Lake, 17, 72; 24, 93
Seattle ; Mt. (Olympic N. P.), ill., 9, 151
Seattle Mountaineers, see Mountaineers Club of Seattle
Seavey Pass, 12, 131; ill., 12, 57
Sebrina, Lake, see Sabrina, Lake
Secretary of the Interior, reports, 8, 58-63; 9, 66-67; 10, 101-108
Selden Pass, 11, 41-42; 12, 131; 24, 23; ill., 11, 40; 24, 30-31
Seldon Pass, see Selden Pass
Selkirks (Canada), 8, 51; 9, 240-246; ill., 9, 240, 241, 244-246; 23, 110-111; see also Bruce, Mt.; Hermit Group; J umbo; Maye, Lake; Sir Donald, Mt.; Starbird Glacier
Senger, Mt., 12, 132; 16, 103
Sentinel, Mt. (Washington), 22, 77
Sentinel Dome, 3, 27-28; 12, 132
Sentinel Rock, 12, 132; 22, 107; 25, 51-52; 26, 136; 31, 119; 34, 147-148; ill., 3, 35; 11, 410;29, 1
Sequoia, 2, 170; nomenclature, 18, 116-118; see also Metasequoia; Sequoia gigantea; Sequoia sempervirens
Sequoia gigantea (Big Tree), 2, 171-172; 4, 293, 295-296; 26, 3; avalanche in a Sequoia N. P. grove, 18, 118-120; conservation, 11, 1-4; discovery, 1833, 27, 46; McKinley Grove, 10, 296; nomenclature, 18, 116-118; Placer County grove, 1, 17-22; seedlings, 8, 291; Yosemite Valley planting, 1913, 9, 201-203; ill., 2, 170; 9, 110-111; 11, 414; 12, 213, 236, 308, 400, 401; 13, 16; see also Calaveras Big Tree grove; Giant Forest; McKinley grove.
Sequoia Lake, 26, 10
Sequoia National Forest, 12, 132
Sequoia National Park, 3, 264, 265; 8, 57-58, 220; 9, 319; 10, 98, 249, 368, 477; 11, 10, 217, 323-324; animals, 8, 57; avalanche, 18, 118-120; Barbour Bill, 11, 433, 441-443; 12, 409; 26, 49-51; Elston Bill, 26, 47-49; enlargement, 8, 58, 207, 220-221, 280-281; 10, 249, 352-356, 360, 431-433; 11, 6-7, 10, 216-217, 323-324; 12, 76-77, 331-332, 408-.409; 26, 53; map, 8, 220; 12, 216; established, 1890, 16, 21; 17, 51-52; 26, 43; fishing, 8, 57; Flint Bill, 12, 132;26, 46; Giant Forest, ill., 12, 213; improvements proposed, 8, 225; legislative history, 11, 216;12, 132; 26, 42-58; origin of name, 12, 132; Phelan Bill, 26, 47-49; trails and roads, 9, 319;16, 97; 25, 109-110; Vandever Bill, 16, 21; 26, 43; see also General Grant N. P.; Kings Canyon N. P.; "Roosevelt-Sequoia N. P."
Sequoia sempervirens (Coast Redwood), 2, 170-171, 244-245; 11, 1-4, 328-329; 12, 45, 99-100; forestry, 11, 328-329, 451; 12, 99-100; Monterey County, 12, 190-191; Schwarz gift, 1924, 12, 198-199; ill., 3, 200, 202; 6, 285-287; 11, I, 4, 5, 8, 303, 311; 16, 34, 35; 25, 102-103; see also Dyerville-Bull Creek Redwoods; Muir Woods National Monument; Save-the-Redwoods League; see also California State Parks for list of Redwoods State Parks
Sequoia Waskingtoniana, see Sequoia gigantea
Serac, ill., 14, 39; see also Glaciers and glaciation
Serra, Mt. (Canada), 33, 9, 126-127
Serpentine Glacier (Alaska), ill., 10, 394
Service bush, 6, 161
Seven Gables, 11, 205-206; 12, 132; first ascent and naming, 1894, 1, 230; 11, 205-206; 12, 132; ascents, 2, 253; 10, 293; 11, 206; ill., 10, 104; 12, 181; 15, 22; 24, 31
Sewellel, see Beaver, Mountain
Shadow Creek, ill., 23, 31; 24, 30-31
Shadow Lake, ill., 10, 447; 15, 31, 34, 51; 24, 30-31
Shadow Lake trail, ill., 15, 35
Shand, Mt. (Canada), 33, 125
Sharktooth Peak, 12, 132
Shasta, Mt., 2, 205-215, 242; 12, 193, :, 252-267; first ascent, 1854, 12, 254; I, 19, 58; ascent by John Muir, 27, 130; r ascents, 12, 254; 18, 128-130; 19, 58-70; 20, 111; 27, 23-29; bibliography, 27, 29-30; botanical ascents, 27, 23-29; elevation, 6, 11; 9, 190; 12, 258-259; 19.68; geology, 12, 261; history, 12, 252-262; 19, 58-70; 27, 23-29; meteorological observatory, 6, 7-14; mountaineering, 12, 259; names, 12, 253; natural history, 12, 263-267; poem, 11, 13; record ascents, 12, 260; 27, 130-131; routes, 2, 240-243; shelter lodge, seeShasta Alpine Lodge; summit monument, 12, 257; timberline traverse, 14, 91-96; Winter ascent, 18, 128-130; ill., 2, 205, 211; 12, 252, 253, 260; 17, 50, 51
Shasta Alpine Lodge, 11, 433, 438-440; 12, 83-85, 187-188, 414-415; 13, 71-72; 14, 76-77; 15, 104-105; 16, 95-96; 17, 100-101; 18, 106-107; 19, 78-79; 20, 100; 21, 81; ill., 11, 438
Shasta Butte, see Shasta, Mt.
Shasta National Forest, 7, 206-207
Shaste, see Shasta
Shastl, see Shasta
Sheep, Mountain, see Bighorn sheep
Sheep grazing and sheep herders, see Grazing and pasturage
Sheep Mountain, 25, 125; see also Langley, Mt.
Shepard, see Shepherd
Shepherd Creek, 12, 133; ill., 10, 159, 199
Shepherd Crest, ill., 10, 288; " Little Lost Valley, " 18, 68-80; 34, 85-86; ascents, 19, 99; 22, 111; map, 18, 69; 34, 84; ill., 18, 70, 71; 34, 86
Shepherd Pass, 12, 133
Sherbrooke Lake (Canada), 8, 185-192; ill., 8, 189
Sheridan, Mt. (Yellowstone N.P.), ill., 12, 269, 372
Shiprock, (New Mexico), 23, 114-115; first ascent, 1939, 25, 1-7; ill., 25, 1, 14-15
Shoes, see Camping: Boots
Shorty's Well, 24, 83, 103
Shoshone Lake (Yellowstone N. P .), 12, 271
Shrew, 12, 344
Shrubs, see Trees and shrubs
Shuksan, Mt. (Washington), ill., 28, 78
Sialia, see Bluebird
Sierra Blanca, see White Mountain (New Mexico)
Sierra Club: 10, 135-145; 20, 95-96; 22, 96-97; achievements, activities, 5, 71-73; 8, 150; 10, 142-145, 211-212; 20, 95-96; 22, 96; archives, 15, 97-98; base camps: 1940, 26, 133-135; 1941, 27, 136-137; 1946, 32, 130-132; Bulletin, 10, 152-154; 11, 428; 13, 67; 21, 79; 28, 109; burro trips: 1938, 24, 31-39; 1939, 25, 122; 1940, 26, 131-133; by-laws, 6, 143-151; desert peaks section, 27, 137-138; local walks, 10, 335; charter members, 6, 152; conservation work,14, 82-83; cups, 25, 64-67; directors and officers, 1892-1935, 21, 77-79; 1892-1943, 28, 105-108; 1892-1945, 30, 106-108; fish transplanting, see Trout planting; founding, 1892, 10, 139;27, 28; 32, 108; " fourteen-thousand-foot" climb certificates, 21, 103-104; gifts and bequests,10, 153; 11, 196; history, 10, 135-145, 211-212. 16, 1-15; " Hundred Peaks" goal, 34 115-117; knapsack trips, 1939, 25, 123-125; 1941, 27, 128-130; 1946, 32, 99-103; local walks, 5, 136;10, 144; ill., 5, 136; meadow use, 33, 29-30; 34, 140-143; membership, 9, 289; 10, 323; 11, 87-88, 211; 1894, 1, 107-108; 1897, 2, 124-'-127; offices in MiIIs Building, 6, 316; officers: 1892-1935, 21, 77-79; 1892-1943, 28, 105-108; 1892-1945, 30, 106-108; origin, 12, 428; packers and packtrain, 24, 25-28; ill., 15, 38; 17, 114; 18, 6, 22; 24, 30-31; 26, 94-95; presidency, 10, 79; publications, 10, 152-154; 19, 109-110; 20, 96; 22, 97; 28, 109-110; 30, 109-110; purposes, 5, 71-73; 8, 150; 12, 77-78; 20, 95-96; records lost in fire of 1906, 6, 131-134; registers, 1, 337-338; 2, l20-122; 23, 117; ill., 12, 157; saddle trips, 1939, 25, 21-25; 1948, 34, 130-137; seal, 10, 142; Soda Springs property, 8, 272-274; 9, 36-39; 10, 144, 359-360; map, 9, 37; ill., 9, 36, 224, 225; 17, 115; song, 15, 26; stove, 16, 4-'-5; twenty-fifth anniversary, 10, 211-212; in World War 1 (children's fund, 10, 360-361; honor roll, 10, 447-449; war service letters, 10, 450-475; war service record, 10, 320-321; 11, 106); in World War II (correspondence from members, 28, 54-'-70; 29, 1-35, 46-47; 30, . 1-43; GI climbs in the Alps,30, 79-85; harvest camps, 29, 9091; war service record, 31, 102-111); Yosemite and the Sierra Club: 23, 11-19; 9, 297-298; Yosemite Valley headquarters, 2, 239-240; 4, 61; 10, 142-143; Lodge, ill., 10, 142; 29, 46-47
Sierra Club annual outings (or High Trips); 3, 250-253; 7, 259-260; 10, 143, 152-153; 12, 373-375; 22, 97; 33, 19-30; camps, ill., 13, 92; 15, 39; 23, 110-111; 24, 30-31; campfires, 25, 19; ill., 12, 25; 22, 62-63; 25, 14-15; 27, 32, 30-31; Comments and impressions: Appalachian's, 12, 377-381; Britisher's, 15, 22-25; Easterner's, 24, 16-24; Freshman's, 24, 16-24; Leader's, 33, 19-30; memories of twenty-nine years, 16, 1-15; packer's, 24, 25-28; Sierra Club cups, 25, 64-67; Sierra sounds, 30, 44-47; social aspects, 5, 221-228; food and commissary, 16, 5-9; 25, 15-16; ill., 11, 209; 12, 373; 24, 30-31; grazing and meadow use, 32, 59-60; 33, 29-30; 34, 140-143 Articles on outings: 12, 374; 1901 first annual outing-Yosemite National Park), 3, 250-253; 4, 12-24, 60-61; 16, 1-3; 1902 (Kings River Canyon and Mt. Brewer), 4, 62-63, 185-192, 236, 278-284, 292-300, 314-317; 16, 3; ill., 12, 376; 1903 (Kern River and Mt. Whitney), 4, 236-238; 5, 50-65, 74-75; bibliography, 5, 257; 1904 (Yosemite National Park), 5, 221-228, 240, 258; bibliography, 5, 258; 1905 (Mts. Rainier, Hood and Shasta), 6, 1-6, 50-51; 1906 (South Fork, Kings River), 6, 100-107; 1907 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Rainier), 6, 235-243, 255-257, 261-262; 7, 85-98; 1908 (Kern River and Mt. Whitney), 7, 23-32, 61-62, 99-104; fatality, 7, 62, 63; 1909 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Ritter), 7, 85-98, 149-152, 189-190; 1910 (South Fork, Kings River), 8, 10-17, 49-50; ill., 8, 48; 1911 (Yosemite National Park), 8, 151-157, 208; 1912 (Kern River and Cottonwood Lakes), 9, 16-27, 48-49; 1913 (South and Middle Forks of Kings River), 9, 159-164, 179-181; 1914 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Ritter), 9, 247-Sierra Club annual outings (cont.) 257, 258-260, 292-293; ill., 9, 293; 1915 (Yosemite National Park and Devils Postpile), 9, 293-294; 10, 82-83; 1916 (Kern River Canyon and Bubbs Creek), 10, 170-178, 217-219; 1917 (Yosemite National Park), 10, 287-291, 328-329; 1919 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Ritter), 11, 7, 14-20; 1920 (South Fork, San Joaquin River and Middle Fork, Kings River), 11, 136-150, 199-201; ill., 11, 209; 1921 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Ritter), 11, 255-260, 307-308; 1922 (Kern River Canyon and Kings River Canyon), 11, 433-435; 1923 (Yosemite National Park), 12, 21-27, 82-83; ill., 12, 25; 1924 (Glacier National Park), 12, 115-120, 156-157, 158-162; 1925 (South and Middle Forks, Kings River and South Fork, San Joaquin River), 12, 213-223; 1926 (Yellowstone National Park), 12, 268-276, 333-355, 377-381; 1927 (Kern River and Roaring River), 13, 10-16; ill., 13, 32, 92; 1928 (Canada: Jasper Park, the Ramparts and Mt. Robson), 14, 1-12; ill., 14, 10; 1929 (South, Middle and North Forks, San Joaquin River), 15, 9-25; ill., 15, 22-25, 38, 39; 1930 (South Fork, San Joaquin River and Middle Fork, Kings River), 16, 11-15; 1931 (Yosemite National Park), 17, 1-24; ill., 17, 122; 1932 (Giant Forest, Bubbs Creek and Kern River), 18, 5-19; 1933 (South Fork, San Joaquin River and Middle Fork, Kings River), 19, 1-14; 1934 (Yosemite National Park), 20, 32-45, 48; 1935 (South Fork, Kings River), 21, 35-39, 86-87, 91-94; 1936 (Kern River), 22, 58-68, 104-106; ill., 22, 62-63; 1937 (Glacier National Park), 23, 102; ill., 23, 110-111; 1938 (North and South Forks, San Joaquin River), 24, 1-28; ill., 24, 30-31; 1939 (South Fork, San Joaquin River and Middle Fork, Kings River), 25, 8-20, 120-122; 1940 (South Fork, Kings and Kern River, 26, 16-24, 127-131; ill., 26, 94-95; 1941 (Yosemite National Park, 27, 1-13, 125-127; 1946 (Kern River, South and Middle Forks, Kings River and South Fork, San Joaquin River), 32, 19-30; 1947 (North, Middle and South Forks, San Joaquin River), 33, 19-30; 1948 (South Fork, Kings River),34, 1-14
Sierra Club chapters: Loma Prieta, 19, 76, 78; Riverside, 18, 106; 19, 77-78; 24, 124; San Francisco Bay, 1924, 12, 189-190; 1925, 12, 312-313; 1926, 12, 426; 1927, 13, 73; 1928, 14, 74; 1929, 15, 102-103; 1930, 16, 94-95; 1931, 17, 99-100; 1932, 18, 104-105-; 1933, 19, 75-76; rock climbing section, 19, 28-30; 24, 127-128; Southern California: 1913, 9, 181; 1914, 9, 295; 1917, 10, 332-336; 1921, 11, 223; 1922, 11, 437-438, 449; 1923, 12, 86-87; 1924, 12, 190-192; 1925, 12, 313-316; 1926, 12, 426-427; 1927, 13, 74; 1928, 14, 75-76; 1929, 15, 102; 1931, 17, 98-99; 1932, 18, 105-106, 133; 1933, 19, 76-77; 1938, 24, 124-125; beginnings, 5, 126; founding, 8, 209; 10, 144
Sierra Club lodges and shelters, 20, 95-96; 22, 96-97; see also Aurelia Harwood Memorial Lodge; Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge; J ohn Muir Memorial Shelter; LeConte Memorial Lodge; Muir Lodge; Parsons Memorial Lodge; San Antonio, Mt.-Ski Lodge; Shasta Alpine Lodge
Sierra del Pongo (Brazil), 18, 94
Sierra Forest Reservation, 1, 254-267, 284
Sierra Madre (Southern California), see San Gabriel Range
Sierra National Forest, 1, 254-267; 12, 133
Sierra Nevada, administration, 23, 91; animal life, 10, 240; 17, 12-24; 21, 86-88; 27, 14-22;33, 11-18; see also Animals; bibliography, 15, 94-95; 28, 51-53; biology of wilderness protection, 27, 14-22; birds, 4, 132-145; 5, 262-263; 6, 245-254; 8, 118-124; 8, 158-162; 17, 21-24; see also Birds; butterflies, 9, 85-94, 99-101; 21, 88-89; collecting, 18, 47-55; see also Butterflies; camping, see Camping; campsites, 23, 90; changes, 15, 27-36; chipmunks, 10, 401-413; comparisons: Alps, 14, 85-86; 22, 1; Glacier National Park, 12; 111-114; Rocky Mountains of Colorado, 3, 189-190; conservation, see Conservation; crest traversed, 1895, 1, 314-324; 22, 101-102; 1939, 25, 129-130; crest-lines, see Crest-lines; cross-section diagram, 22, 4, 18; description, 10, 285; 15, 1-2; 16, 27-28; discovery, 13, 54-61; early explorations, 10, 135-137;11, 375-379; earthquake, 10, 20; eastern slope, 13, 31-35; 21, 54-59; 33, 41-45; ill., 22, 110;25, 15; Easterner's impressions, 12, 377-381; elevation of peaks over 12, -000 ft., 4, 290-291; endurance records, 23, 110-111; 26, 143; fish, 27, 16; flora, 6, 158-174; 11, 147-153; 26, 67-71; 33, 43-45; see also Trees and shrubs; Wild flowers; John Fremont in the Sierra Nevada, 11, 152-153; 15, 74-95; fungi, see Puffball; geology, 4, 292-293; 15, 1-8; see also Geological studies; Glaciers and glaciation; glaciers, see Glaciers and glaciation; grazing, 23, 90; see also Grazing and pasturage; history of explorations (10, 135-137; 11, 244-254; Fremont, John, 11, 152-153; 15, 74-95; Smith, Jedediah, 11, 375-379; 26, 30; 28, 36-53; Spanish, 13, 54-61; Walker, Capt. Joseph R., 9, 165-169; 11, 152-153; 12, 141-142; 27, 35-49); Indians, 6, 258-259; 10, 202-209; 11, 375; 12, 49, 385-400; see also Indians; insects, 9, 268-270; lakes, 3, 122; life zones, 1, 259-262; 3, 298-312; 4, 133-134; chart, 3, 301; maps by LeConte and Solomons, 1, 335-336; 4, 311; 7, 134; mining, see Mining history east of Yosemite; natural history course, 11, 105-106; nomenclature, 13, 66-67; 25, 39-40; 28, 41; see also Place names; northern Sierra, 1, 316-324; 2, 194-196; origin of name, 12, 133; 13, 54, 55; Owens Valley ascents, 13, 31-35; passes, 27, 59-64; photographs from Mt. Hamilton, 11, 408-412; ill.,11, 410-411; 12, 181; place names, see Place names; recreational values, 23, 85-96; reforestation, 3, 224-229; see also Reforestation; roads, 15, 33-34; skiing, see Skiing and ski-mountaineering; sky-line, ill., 22, 30-31; Jedediah Smith's first crossing, 11, 375-379; 15, 75;26, 30; route, 28, 36-53; snowfall, 6, 310-314; 15, 73; 34, 55-67; see also Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada; soil formation, 11, 85; sounds, 30, 44-46; summit formation, 11, 181-193; Telescope Peak view of Sierra Nevada, ill., 27, 79; trails, 15, 31-33; 23, 86-90; 26', 123-125; see also Trails; trees, 1, 259-262, 282-283; 2, 61-78, 156-173; 3, 298-312; 4, 100-131, 154, 299; see also Trees and shrubs; wagon trips, 3, 210-217; Capt. Joseph R. Walker's explorations,9, 165-169; 11, 152-153; 12, 141-142; 15, 75; 27, 35-49; wilderness areas, 23, 93-96; see also Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation; Winter, 3, 126, 242; 4, 64-66, 156-159, 216-227;7, 105-118, 237-242; 8, 249-259; 15, 69-73, 97-98; weather records, 15, 72-73; see also Sierra Nevada-Snowfall; zones, see Sierra Nevada-Life zones; illustrations, see Sierra Nevada-Photographs from Mt. Hamilton; glacier variation, 5, 20-25; grade profile in glacial erosion, 5, 271-278; ill., 5, 271, 273, 275, 276; Kern Canyon glaciation, 13, 17-19; lake ramparts, 5, 157;6, 225-234; ill., 6, 225; moraines with ice cores, 33, 87-96; mountain building, 11, 181-193; mountain sculpture, 9, 225-239; mountain summit collapse, 11, 290-291; post-glacial denudation, 10, 414-428; rock-sliding and striped rock floor of Little Yosemite Valley, 8, 3-9; ill., 8, 6, 7; Shepherd Crest and Little Lost Valley, 18, 68-80; 34, 82-86; ill., 18, 70; 34, 86-87; snow sheet formation, ill., 23, 15; soil formation, 11, 69-85; Studies in the Sierra by John Muir (l-Mountain sculpture, 9, 225-239; 2-Mountain sculpture, origin of Yosemite valleys, 10, 62-77; 3-Ancient glaciers and their pathways, 10, 184-201; 4-Glacial denudation, 10, 304-318; 5-Post-glacial denudation, 10, 414-428; 6-Formation of soils, 11, 69-85; 7-Mountain-building, 11, 181-193); Whitney region's geologic history, 22, 1-18; winds of Yosemite Valley, 8, 89-95; Yosemite Valley, glacial history, 9, 136-147; 10, 62-77, 184-201; studies by F. E. Matthes (l-The extinct Eagle Peak Falls, 7, 222-224; 2-The striped rock floor of the Little Yosemite Valley, 8, 3-9; 3-The winds of the Yosemite Valley, 8, 89-95; 4-El Capitan moraine and ancient Lake Yosemite, 9, 7-15); Yosemite Valley and Kings Canyon compared, 12, 224-236; see also Cleavage; Erosion; Glaciers and glaciation; Nivation; Sierra Nevada-Geology; Whitney, Mt.; Yosemite Valley-Geology, Glacial origin Geyser, see Casa Diablo Hot Springs " Geyser" ; Old Faithful Geyser
Sierra Point, 2, 216-221; 25, 43
Sierra Puffball, see Puffball, Sierra
Sierra San Pedro Martir (Mexico), 18, 56-62; ill., 18, 55, 58, 59, 62
Sierraville ski tour, 31, 10-14
Sill, Mt., 24, 53-54; first ascent, and naming, 1903, 5, 3, 13; 12, 133; 19, 24; 24, 42, 53; ascents, 12, 221; 13, 87; 16, 105; 23, 34-35, 104; traverse to North Palisade, 16, 105; !9, 25-26, 95; 20, 73; ill., 5, 11, 15; 10, 223; 11, 267; 12, 64, 304; 19, 94-95; 21, 30-31; 23, 62-63
Silliman, Mt., 12, 133
Silver Creek, 12, 133
Silver Lake, 1, 320-321
Silver Mountain (Washington), ill., 22, 94-95
Silver Pass, 11, 44-45; 12, 133; 24, 22-23; ill., 11, 41; 15, 22; 24, 30-31; 33, 30; 34, 14-15
Silver Peak, 12, 133
Silver Spray Falls, 12, 134
Silver Star, Mt. (Washington), 22, 75-77
Silversword (Argyroxiphium), 11, 237; ill., 11, 238
Silvertop (Montana), 12, 369
Simmons Peak, 12, 134
Simon Peak (Canada), 13, 5
Simpson Meadow, 4, 255; 9, 162; Tehipite Valley trail, 10, 225; ill., 6, 120; 8, 41; 10, 222; 11, 149; 12, 309
Simpson Peak, 21, 100
Sing Peak, 12, 134
Siniolchun ( Himalayas ), ill., 31, 14
Sir Donald, Mt. (Canada), 23, 104; ill., 23, 110-111
Sixty Lake Basin, 3, 139; map, 3, 136; ill., 21, 94--95; 26, 14--15; 32, 30-31
Sixty Lakes Pass, 27, 63
Skies, see Skis
Skiing and ski-mountaineering, 9, 271-273; 15, 64-68; 20, 1-19; Alps, 18, 113; Andes, 29, 77-81; ascents, see Mts. Clark, Lyell, Starr King, Whitney, Winchell, etc.; bibliography, 15, 68; 20, 5; Bishop Creek, 23, 36-39; ill., 23, 14--15; California (16, 39-43; 20, 1-7; ski terrain, 33, 97-102; airphotos, 33, 102-103); Camp Hale (Colorado), 28, 55-56, 59-60; Crater Lake, 10, 356-358; early history of skiing, 3, 125; 9, 200, 271-273; 10, 356-358; 15, 64--65; early illustrations of skiing (in Lapland, 23, 100-101; ill., 23, 62-63; Snowshoe Thompson, 20, 8-19; ill., 20, 11, 17, 30-31; snow-skating, 1865, ill., 17, 123; ill., 9, 83, 272); east side of the Sierra Nevada, 21, 54--59; 23, 106-107; equipment: clothing, miscellaneous items, 20, 6; 22, 46-47; skis, 4, 312-313; 20, 5; 23, 37; sled, 3, 246; 5, 318-319; snowshoes, 4, 64-66; 5, 318; tent, 5, 319-320; 22, 39-42; 26, 90-94; see also Camping-Winter; Skis; Sled; Tent; Equipment Testing Expedition to Mt. McKinley, 1942, 28, 1-35; food, see Camping-food and commissary; games,32, 11-14; lodges and cabins, 15, 98; 25, 116; see also Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge; Pear Lake Ski Cabin; Peter Grubb Hut; Mazamas, 1913, 9, 200; Mineral King region, 34, 112-118; John Muir, 3, 125; John Muir Trail, 15, 69-73; Palisades region, ill., 23, 62-63; photographs, see end of skiing and ski mountaineering section; pronunciation-" Skee" vs. "Shee," 23, 98--99; Mt. Rainier N. P ., ill., 9, 83; safety precautions, 20, 6; Sierra Nevada, 11, 292-299; 15, 67, 69- 73;16, 39-46; 18, 132-133; 19, 88-89; 20, 1-7; 21, 54-59, 104-106; 23, 36-45, 106-107; 26, 141-143; 31, 10-14; 32, 89-95, 134; 33; 97-102; 34, 112-118; ill., 9, 272; Sierraville, 31, 10-14; sites, 33, 97-102; Southern California, 19, 42-47; 25, 70-71; technique, 9, 271-272; see also Skiing and ski mountaineering-equipment; tests, 20, 4; Tioga Pass, 18, 132-133; ill., 15, 66; Trans-Sierra, 11, 292-299; 18, 132-133; Tuolumne Meadows, 21, 104-106; 32, 89-95, 134; ill.,16, 39, 42; waxes, 20, 6, 12; Mt. Whitney, 27, 127-128; Whitney Pass, 23, 106; Yosemite National Park, 16, 44-46; 19, 88-89; 21, 104-106; 26, 141-142; ski huts and trails, 25, 116; ski photographs and illustrations, 4, 312; 9, 83; 11, 294, 295; 15, 66, 67, 70, 71, 74, 75; 16, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46; 17, 123; 19, 47; 20, 11, 17, 30-31; 22, 94-95; 23, 14-15, 62-63; 26, 94-95; 27, 30-31; 28, 30-31; 33, 30-31; 34, 35; see also Skis
Skis: compared with snowshoes, 4, 65; construction, 4, 312-313; ill., 4, 312; selecting, 20, 5;23, 37
Skyparlor Meadow, il113, 25
Sky pilot, see Polemonium
Sky-line Trail (Mt. Rainier N. P.}, ill., 6, 17
Slate valleys, 10, 62
Sled, 3, 246; 4, 216; 5, 318; ill., 5, 318
Slide Canyon, 1, 177, 332; map, 1, 177; ill., 11, 450
Slide Pass, 3, 141
Slippery Ford, 1, 320
Smedberg Lake, 12, 134; ill., 8, 208
Smith Meadow and Peak, 12, 134; Snag-tooth Ridge (Washington), ill., 22, 94-95
Snake River (Wyoming), ill., 30, 47
Snake-bite, 12, 171-172; 18, 42-46
Snow camping, see Camping-Snow, Winter; Skiing and ski mountaineering
Snow chutes, 22, 15
Snow Creek Falls, ill., 7, 168
Snow detail, ill., 18, 127; 26, 14-15
Snow Gulch, 3, 109
Snow Peak, 27, 125
Snow-bird, see Junco
Snow-brush (Ceanothus integerrimus), 3, 310
Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada, 6, 310-314; 15, 69-73; 16, 43; 34, 55-67; bibliography, 34, 67; charts, 6, 311-314; 34, 56, 62-63, 64
Snowpatch Spire (Canada), 24, 61; 26, 59-63; first ascent, 1940, 26, 62; 34, 68; ascent, 27, 123-125; ill., 24, 62-63; 26, 94-95
Snow-plant (Sarcodes sanguinea), 4, 13-14; 11, 147
Snowshoes, 4, 64-66; 5, 318; 17, 37-38; ill., 4, 65, 66
Snow-skating, 1865, ill., 17, 123
Snow-Tongue Pass, 5, 160
Snowy Range (Wyoming), 12, 283-288
Soda Creek poison meadows, 4, 213
Soda Springs, 3, 66-67; Merced Canyon, 6, 237, 292; 7, 44; Tuolumne Meadows, 3, 55; 10, 110-111; Chemical analysis, 10, 111-112; ill., 1, 136; 3, 55; 17, 115
Soda Springs property of Sierra Club, see Sierra Club-Soda Springs property
Soil flow (solifluction), 18, 72; 22, 17
Soil formation, 11, 69-85
Solifluction, see Soil flow
Solitaire, Townsend, 17, 22-23
Sorata, Mt. (Andes), 8, 278
Sotcher Lake, 12, 134
South Africa, 30, 92-94
South America, 7, -249-250; see also Andes
South America, Lake, 12, 134
South Dome, see Half Dome; Sentinel Dome
South Fork, see name of river
South Guard, 10, 230-231; 12, 134, 307; ill., 2, 20; 7, 187; 26, 94-95
South Kaweah, see Kaweah, Mt.
South Lyell Glacier, see Nevada Glacier
South Palisade, see Split Mountain
South Park Canyon, 24, 107
Southern California Conservation Association, 12, 94
Southern California mountains, 11, 49-55; 25, 68-72; mountains over 5000 feet, 31, 115-117
Southfork Pass, 24, 48
Spanish discovery and exploration, 13, 54-61
Sparrow, Chipping (Spizella passerina), 6, 252; White-crowned (Zonotrichia leucophrys), 4, 143;ill., 4, 142
Spectre of the Brocken, 22, 105; 28, 57
Spencer, Mt., 5, 234; 12, 134; 27, 87, 99; ill., 11, 137, 144, 279; 19, 14-15
Sphinx, 26, 131; ill., 21, 94-95; 26, 94-95
Spiller Creek, 1, 172-173; 12, 135
Spiller Lake, 12, 135
Spiraea, Desert (Chamaebatiaria millefolium), 9, 41-42
Spirit Lake (Washington), ill., 7, 170
Spizella, see Sparrow, Chipping
Split Mountain, 11, 314; 12, 135; first ascent, 1902, 4, 262; 11, 252, 314, 423; 12, 62; ascents,11, 314, 423; 19, 94; 23, 35; origin of name, 1, 309; 11, 423; 12, 62, 135; Winter, 26, 142; ill.,1, 309; 4, 253, 261; 11, 422; 15, 71; 25, 14-15
Split Pinnacle, 24, 129; 25, 58-59; 26, 139
Spray Park (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 16, 63
Spruce, 2, 157-159; Big-cone (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa), 2, 162; Blue (Picea pungens), 2, 159; Columbian (Picea columbiana), 2, 158; Douglas (Pseudotsuga taxifolia), 2, 161; ill., 2, 156; Engelmann's (Picea Engelmanni), 2, 159; ill., 2, 160; Feather-cone (Exsertae), 2, 160; Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), 4, 299; Naked-cone (Inclusae), 2, 157-160; Tide-land (Picea sitchensis),2, 157-158; Weeping (Picea breweriana), 2; 158; ill., 4, 51
Squirrel, 21, 87; Douglas, 8, 26; 10, 401, 405; Flying, 12, 342; 17, 19; Yellowstone N. P., 12, 341-342; Yosemite N. P., 17, 18-19; ill., 12, 105; see also Ground-squirrel
Stanfield Grazing Bill, 12, 298, 410
Stanford, Mt. (Kings-Kern Divide), 2, 22; 3, 156-157; first ascent and naming, 1896, 2, 94, 121;3, 109; 12, 135; 26, 40; ascents, 17, 20
Stanford, Mt. (Mt. Goddard), 12, 135; 13, 81
Stanford Basin and Stanford Brook, 3, 110
Stanford Point, 31, 120
Stanley, Mt. (Ruwenzori Range, Africa), ill., 31, 14-15
Starbird GI.acier (Canada), 9, 243-244; ill., 9, 244
Starr, Mt., 32, 130
Starr King, Mt., 12, 135-136; 17, 115-118; 21, 96; 25, 53; first ascent, 1876, 12, 136; 17, 116;25, 43, 53; ascents, 12, 136; 17, 115-118; origin of name, 12, 135; Winter, 23, 44, 117; 25, 53
State Parks Commission, see California
State Parks Commission
State Peak, 12, 136
Steer's head flower (Dicentra uniftora), 8, 266-269 : 26, 69 : ill., 8, 267, 268
Stefansson expedition, 1917, 10, 324
Stikine Glaciers (Alaska), 12, 121-125; ill., 12, 123
Stikine River (Alaska), 10, 347-349; 12, 121; ill., 12, 121, 122
Stiletto Needle (Canada), 33, 8-9, 127
Stiletto-Dentiform Ridge, 33, 1-10; ill., 33, 6-7
Stocking streams and lakes, see Trout planting
Stone's Peak (Colorado), ill., 3, 193, 195
Stove, 6, 3
Strawberry Lake area, ill., 33, 102-103
Strawberry Peak, 25, 128
Striped Mountain, 12, 136; ascent, 11, 422; origin of name, 1, 309; 11, 423 j ill., 11, 422
Strobus pines, 2, 65
Stuart's Fork (Trinity Alps), ill., 11, 367
Stubblefield Canyon, 1, 330-332; ill., 3, 161
Sugar Bowl, ill., 27, 30-31
Sugarloaf, 1, 188 : 12, 136; 22, 106; ill., 1, 188
SugarJoaf Creek and Meadows, 12, 136
Sun Dance Canyon, ill., 28, 78-79
Sunrise Mountain, 18, 134
Sunset Peak (Trinity Alps), 4, 49, 69; ill., 4, 41
Susanville, 2, 194-195
Swallow, Violet-green (Tachycineta thalassina), 4, 135-136
Swedish bread, see Ryekrisp
Sweet-scented shrub (Calycanthus occidentalis), 3, 305
Switzerland, 8, 289; 14, 85; see also Alps; Matterhorn; ObergabeJhorn; Rothorn; Weisshorn
Swift, White-throated (Aeronautes melanoleucus), 6, 251
Symmetry Spire (Grand Teton N. P.), 32, 129
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Table Mountain, 7, 72-73; 12, 136; 13, 88; ill., 9, 48; 13, 29; 18, 126; 22, 14-15, 30-31
Table Mountain (Bishop Creek), 21, 103; 25, 126; ill., 23, 14-15
Table Mountain (Colorado), ill., 3, 196
Taboose Pass, 12, 136; ill., 8, 68
Tacoma, Mt., see Rainier, Mt.
Taft Point, 12, 136; 24, 129
Tahoe, Lake, 3, 96-100; knapsack trips, 1, 314-324; origin of name, 15, 87; Winter, 3, 119-126; 4, 216-227; 9, 274-277, ill., 8, 140, 141, 257; 9, 272, 274, 275; 25, 102-103
Tahoe Forest Reserve, 2, 321; National Park status proposed, 8, 141
Tahoe National Forest, 8, 291; ill., 27, 30-31
" Tahoe National Park" proposed, 8, 141
Tahoe Valley, ill., 25, 102-103
Tahoe-Yosemite trail, 10, 256, 374, 486
Tahoma, Mt., see Rainier, Mt.
Tahquitz National Game Preserve, 11, 353
Tahquitz Rock, 23, 111-112; .?5, 71
Tai Shan (China), 10, 165-169; ill., 10, 166
Tamalpais Conservation Club, 12, 311
Tamalpais State Park, 5, 85; 9, 185-188; 13, 79-80; Tamalpais National Park proposed, 8, 140-141; ill., 9, 185
Tamarack Flat, 12, 137
Tamarack Meadow, 3, 110
Tamarack pine, see Pine, Lodgepole
Tamrack pine, see Pine, Lodgepole
Tanager, Western (Piranga ludoviciana), 6, 246
Tappaan Lodge, see Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge
Tar bush, see Mountain misery.
Tarn Erica, 3, 110
Tatoosh Range (Mt. Rainier N. P.), 6, 15-21; ill., 6, 15, 17, 18, 21; 9, 82, 83
Taxaceae (Yews), 4, 125-126
Taxodiae, 2, 63, 168-172
Taxodium, 18, 117-118; see also Sequoia
Taxus, see Yew
Taylor Act, 32, 38-42
Tehachipi Range, 31, 116
Tehipite Dome, 2, 47; 6, 119; 10, 354; 11, 142; elevation, 2, 284; origin of name, 12, 137; ill.,2, 44; 6, 115; 9, 49, 125, 146; 11, 173, 196; 20, 63; 29, 46-47
Tehipite Valley, 9, 125; 10, 352-356; 12, 137; map, 12, 127; route to Kings RiverCanyon, 2, 44-49, 106-110; map, 2, 49; Simpson Meadows trail, 10, 225; ill., 9, 7, 49, 75, 125
Telegraph Peak, ill., 19, 46-47
Telescope Peak (Death Valley), 10, 285; 24, ~1, 86; 27, 83-85; fi.rst ascent, 1860, 27, 84; ascents, 13, 36-39; 25, 125; 27, 84; ill., 27, 78-79
Tellot Glacier (Canada), ill., 33, 6-7
Tellot Peak (Canada), 33, 126
Tempest Peak, ill., 27, 3Q-, 31
Temple Crag, 9, 262; 13, 33; 24, 57; fi.rst ascent, 1909, 24, 57; ascents, 11, 312-313; 12, 420;20, 73; North Peak, 26, 141; ill., 9, 1; 12, 64
Ten Lakes Basin, 12, 137; ill., 10, 329, 414, 415; 11, 20; 20, 62-Q3
Tenaces pines, 2, 74-75
Tenaya Canyon, 7, 153-169; 9, 127; 25, 49; early explorations, 7, 153-154; 9, 127; 10, 276-281; map, 9, 134; Mono Indian trail, 10, 278; traverses, 3, 23Q-, 235; 7, 153-169; 9, 126...133; 10, 276-281; 19, lor; 21, 96; ill., 7, 153, 168; 9, 126-132; 11, 101
Tenaya Creek, 12, 137
Tenaya Glacier, 3, 62; 10, 186-188
Tenaya Lake, 3, 52-53; 12, 137; Tuolumne Meadows trail, 25, 113; ill., 3, 53; 6, 225; 9, 147;10, 487
Tenaya Lake Camp, 12, 42
Tenaya Peak, 3, 55; ill., 10, 487
Teneiya, see Tenaya
Tent, 5, 319-320; 22, 39-42; diagrams, 22, 39, 40, 41; sectional tent, 26, 9Q-, 94; diagrams,26, 91, 92
Tenth Mountain Division, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-56 -
Terminales pines, 2, 67
Teton, Grand, see Grand Teton
Teton, Middle, see Middle Teton
Tetons (Grand Teton N. P.), 11, 162; 12, 360; 16, 49; 32, 102; ascents, 32, 101-103, 128-129, 133; 33, 121; ; U 11, 164, 165; 12, 356, 357, 360, 361; 30, 47; see also Grand Teton; Grand Teton National Park; Middle Teton
Tharp's Peak, see Alta Peak
Tharp's Rock, 12, 138
Thielsen, Mt. (Oregon), 20, 109
Third Needle, 26, 114; 34, 145
Thomomys, see Gopher
Thompson, Mt. (Evolution peaks), 27, 96-97; first ascent, 1909, 10, 440; 27, 96; origin of name, 12, 138; 27, 88; ill., 11, 275
Thompson Canyon, 1, 179; ill., 3, 161
Thompson Peak (Trinity Alps), 4, 68; 21, 95; ill., 11, 367; 21, 14-15
Thompson Ridge, ill., 11, 275
Thor Peak, 23, 105; 26, 115
Thordyke's Canyon, see South Park Canyon
Thousand Island Lake, 8, 171; ill., 11, 16; 15, 58, 75; 24, 30-31
Three Brothers, 12, 138; 27, 132; ill., 23, 111; see also Brothers -Lower Brother, Middle Brother
Three Fingered Jack (Oregon), 20, 109; Ill., 3, 204; Three Patriarchs (Zion N. P.), ill., 10, 340
Three Sisters (Oregon), 8, 53-54; ill., 3, 204
Three Teeth (Yosemite N.P.), 19, 31-33; 20, 47-48; 22, 54-56; 27, 126-127; ill., 19, 46-47; 22, 52; see also Sawtooth Ridge
Thrush, Sierra Hermit (Hylochichla guttata, 4, 37-38; 6, 250; 8, 161; ill., 8, 159
Thumb (Mt. Hoffman), see Hoffman, Mt.-The " Thumb"
Thumb, The (Palisade Creek), 11, 271-274; 24, 56.
Thunder Mountain, 12, 13& ; 13, 88; 18, 127; 26, 135
Thunderbolt Peak, 17, 125; 19, 95; 24, 51; 32, 130; ill., 23, 62-63
Thuya, 4, 101, 102; see also Arbor-vitae
Tiedemann, Mt. and Tiedemann group (Canada), ill., 33, 6-7
Tilden Lake, 8, 155; ill., 8, 157; 27, 78, 79
Timber exchanges, 9, 177-178, 206-207, 211, 316; 10, 106; 11, 329-330
Timber-line forest, ill., 10, 158 " " '-
Tinemaha Mountain, 23, 10'}---
Tioga Mine, 3, 322; 13, 44
Tioga Pass, 12, 138; winter, 18, 132-133; 32, 90--91
Tioga Road (Yosemite N. P .), 8, 132; 10, 97; 12, 138; 34, 37, 38; improvement, 34, 50--54; Leevining Grade, 7, 195; relocation, 19, 85-88; standards, 34, 37, 38, 50--54; ill., 34, 34-35
Tirek (Caucasus), 2, 295, 297
Toluca, see Nevado de Toluca
Tom, Mt., 12, 420; 13, 35
Tonquin Pass (Canada), ill., 13, 5
Tonquin Valley (Canada), 13, 1-9; bibliography, 13, 9
Tooth, East; Middle; West, see Three Teeth
Topocobya Canyon (Arizona), 4, 81
Topographic maps, 10, 238
Totem pole drawings by John Muir, 10, 41, 61
Tower Peak, 2, 282; 8, 155; 27, 126; first ascent, 1870, 12, 419; ill., 2, 282; 3, 161; 8, 155, 157; 27, 78, 79
Tower Rock (Kern River), ill., 5, 60; 10, 423
Towhee, Green-tailed, 6, 252
Towne's Pass, 24, 81-82, 90
Townsend Solitaire, see Solitaire, Townsend
Toyon conservation, 11, 97-98
Trail building, improvement and maintenance, 2, 110; 9, 49; 10, 336; 26, 123-125; 31, 57-67; diagrams and drawings, 15, 43, 44; 31, 57-67; see also Trails and trail systems
Trails and trail systems, 23, 86-90; 25, 108-116; see also Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation-Trails
Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Dolomites), 30, 80--81
Trees and shrubs: Kings River region, 4, 298-300; Redding to Trinity Mountains, 4, 39-58; zonal distribution, 3, 298-312; see also Conifers of the Pacific Slope; Plants; see also Arbor-vitae; Ash; Aspen; Big tree; Bryanthus; Buckeye; Buckthorn; Button bush; Cactus; Cedar; Chemisal; Christmas trees; Cryptomeria; Cypress; Dogwood; Eucalyptus; Fir, Fremontia. " Grizzly Giant" ; " Guardian of the Grove" ; Hemlock; Ironwood; Joshua tree; Juniper; Kit Carson tree; Larch; Lightning-struck tree; Live oak; Mahogany; Metasequoia; Mountain misery; Nutmeg; Oak; Palm; Pine; Poison Ivy and Oak; Poppy, Bush; Redbud; Redwood; Ribes velutinum; Saguaro cactus;Sequoia; Service bush; Spiraea; Spruce; Sweet-scented shrub; Toyon; Willow; Yerba Santa; Yew
Triangulation, 16, 99-100; map of Ritter-Whitney triangulation, 2, 286
Trident, The (Yellowstone), ill., 12, 365
Trinity Alps, 4, 39-58; 21, 12-21, 94, 95; bibliography, 21, 21; flora, 4, 53-58; record of ascents, 21, 95-96; routes and camps, 4, 67-69; ill., 4, 41; 11, 366, 367, 370, 371, 374, 375;21, 14-15
Trinity County, 4, 66-69
Trinity National Forest, 4, 320-322
Triple Divide Peak, 11, 127-128; 18, 126; 22, 105; 26, 131; " Pass, " 8, 167; 10, 182; ill., 8, 167; 11, 120
Triple Falls (Cartridge Creek), 4, 257; ill., 9, 162-163; 29, 46-47
Triple Peak Falls, 6, 292-293
Trout, 9, 48; 21, 87; Golden, 7, 26, 195; 8, 165, 193-199, 215-216; 11, 398-399; coloration, 8,68, 75, 166, 216; Cottonwood Creek, 8, 193-199; 9, 48; protection and preservation, 7, 52-53; varieties, 8, 196-197; Loch Leven, 7, 255; Nelson Rainbow, 18, 57
Trout planting, 6, 198; 7, 26, 50-52, 55-59, 252-257; 8, 64-75, 165, 215-216; 9, 308-310; Cottonwood Creek and Lakes, 8, 193-199; 9, 48; Gardiner Creek and Kings River, 7, 195, 252-254; Kern River region, 9, 48; report by W. E. Colby, 1908; 7, 50-54; Yosemite N. P., 7, 127, 198; 8, 222-223; ill., 7, 26, 252-257; 8, 66, 67, 69
Trout transportation, see Trout planting
Truckee Valley, ill., 11, 295
Tsashtl, see Shasta
Tsuga (Hemlock spruces), 2, 159; see also Hemlock; Spruce, Hemlock
Tucki Mountain, 24, 81, 88
Tueeulala Fall, 6, 212-214; 7, 152; ill., 7, 152, 260
Tulainyo Lake, 10, 231; 12, 139, 382
Tumbling Glacier (Canada), ill., 10, 269, 273; 14, 86, 87
Tumion, see Nutmeg
Tunemab Pass, 12, 139; 26, 38 : 27, 63
Tunemab Peak, 12, 139
Tunnabora Peak, 10, 231 : 12, 139; 26, 110
Tuolumne, Grand Canyon of the, 1, 9-16, 199-208; 2, 174-184; 5, 287-296; 6, 221-222; 7, 221; diagrams, 10, 69; 198; explorations, 1, 9-16, 199-208; 2, 50-52, 174-184; 4, 25-30; 6, 56-58, 238-243; 7, 216-217; 9, 258-260; 12, 65-74; 25, 37; geology, 1, 11; origin of name, 12, 139; rattlesnakes, 2, 182; 5, 295; trail, 11, 307; 12, 303; ill., 2, 50; 4, 31; 5, 290, 292; 6, 235, 241, 256; 7, 216-221; 8, 224; 9, 254-256, 258-261; 17, 82, 83, 86, 87; 20, 62; 27, 78-79; see alsoHetch-Hetchy Valley; Muir Gorge; Pate Valley; see also Cathedral Creek -Falls; LeConte Fal1s; Tuolumne Falls; Waterwheel Fa11s
Tuolumne Falls, ill., 5, 290; 6, 256
Tuolumne Meadows, 1, 10-12; 3, 55-57; 5, 287; 6, 221; 7, 149-150; 8, 1-2; 11, 13-14, 21-28; 12, 41; 23, 96-98; origin of name, 12, 139; routes (Eleanor Lake, 1, 330-332; Hetch-Hetchy, 1, 332-333; Jackass Meadows, 1, 333-335; Yosemite Valley, 5, 314); Sierra Club property, seeSierra Club-Soda Springs property; skiing, 21, 104-106; 32, 89-95, 134; Soda Springs, 3, 55; 8, 272-274; 10, 110-112; trails, 25, 113-114; Winter, 21, 104-106; 32, 89-95, 134; Mt. Whitney in six days, 26, 143; ill., 1, 136; 3, 55; 4, 19; 6, 235; 7, 95, 149; 8, 1, 40, 151, 225; 9, 36, 224, 247, 252, 293; 10i 435, 446; 11, 411; 12, 32; 34, 35
Tuolumne Meadows Camp, 12, 41
Tuolumne Pass, 10, 477; ill., 16, 43, 46
Tuoluml1e Peak, ill., 23, 14-15
Tuolumne River, 12, 139; ill., 4, 19; 6, 235; 7, 69; 9, 254, 259; 17, 10; Lyell Fork, ill., 7, 94, 150; 10; 446; see also Tuolumne, Grand Canyon of the
" Turret, The" (Sierra Nevada), 3, 110
Turret, The (Yellowstone N. P; ), ill., 12, 341
Turret Peak (Canada, ill., 13, 8; 14, 6
Tuttle Pass, 26, 106
Twin Peaks, ill., 11, 423
Tyndall, Mt., 12, 140, 443-444; 26, 107; first ascent, 1864, 11, 252-253; 12, 140, 443-444; 14, 40; 26, 32, 103, 107; ascents, 1, 214-220; 11, 440; 25, 124; 26, 130; origin of name, 11, 252;12, 140, 443-444; West Peak, 12, 107; ill., 1, 91; 10, 214; 18, 30
Tyndall Col, 26, 106
Typhoid fever vaccination, 12, 174
Tyrol, 12, 289-296
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Uinta Mountains (Utah), 24, 109-120; ill., 24, 62-63
Umbrella plant (Peltiphyllum peltatum), 27, 24
Unicorn Peak (Cathedral range), 12, 140; 17, 113; 20, 103; ill., 1, 136; 3, 55; 7, 95, 149; 8, 1, 225; 9, 224, 252, 292; 12, 32
Unicorn Peak (Mt. Rainier N. P.), 6, 15-21; ill., 6, 18, 21
United States Army Mountain troops, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-56
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Bench marks, 16, 99-100
United States Forest Service, 6, 140-141; 8, 286-287; 11, 222-223; forest fire precautions, 8, 142-143; multiple-use policy in National Forests, 4, 71-72; 6, 125-127; 32, 71-74; National parks policy, 8, 139; San Francisco headquarters, 7, 82-83; see also National Forests; Trout planting. United States Geological Survey, maps, 2, 115-117, 285; meteorological observatoriessee Meteorological observatories
United States National Forests ; National Parks and Monuments, see National Forests; National Parks and Monuments
University of California, Forestry Department, 9, 209; 10, 376; Wood Technology Laboratory,ill., 10, 368
University of California Peak, see University Peak
University Peak, 12, 140; first ascent, 1896; 2, 83-84; 12, 140; 26, 40; ascents, 2, 20; 4, 242;8, 14; 26, 129; name given to Mt. Gould, 11, 399; 12, University Peak (cont.) 140; origin of name, 1, 100; 12, 140; panorama from, 3, 173; routes, Bullfrog Lake, 3, 154-155; 13, 32; ill.,2, 81; 7, 240; 8, 285; 10, 191; 11, 410-411; 29, 46-47
U-notch route (North Palisade), 24, 47
Upper Basin, see Kings River, South Fork-Upper Basin
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Valle de la Grulla (Mexico), ill., 18, 55
Valley View (Yosemite N. P.), ill., 3, 32
Van Trump Park (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 16, 66
Vandever, Mt., 12, 140; ill., 4, 302
Vermilion Valley, 1, 227; 12, 140
Vermivora rubricapilla, see Warbler, Calaveras
Vernal Fall, 3, 37; 6, 308; 12, 140; ill., 3, 28, 37; 6, 308
Vernon, Lake, map, l, 185; ill., 2, 282
Victoria, Mt. (Canada), ill., 8, 189
Vidette Lake, ill., 8, 14
Vidette Meadows, map of route to Grouse Meadow, 11, 359
Videttes, 2, 272; 12, 141; ill., 2, 79, 272; 10, 207; 15, 67; East Vidette, ill., 8, 13, 48-49; 10, 179; 26, 14-15; West
Vidette, ill., 8, 274
Vigilant, Mt. (Canada), 22, 33
Vireo, Cassin (Lanivireo solitarius), 8, 119-120; Red-eyed, 5, 106-107; Warb-ling (Vireosylva gilva), 6, 253
Virginia Canyon, 10, 287-291; ill., 10, 288
Vogelsang Lake, 12, 141
Vogelsang Pass, 12, 141; ill., 20, 30-31
Vogelsang Peak, 12, 141
Volcanic Knob, 12, 141
Volcanic Ridge and Volcanic Peaks, 23, 32; 24, 7; ill" 23, 30-31
Volcano Creek, 12, 141; see also Golden Trout Creek
Volcano Falls, 12, 141
Volcanoes, 29, 67-76; see also Asama-Yama; Coast Range of Mexico and Central America ; Devils Postpile, N . M.; Fujiyama; Haleakala; Hawaii N. P.; Ice caves; Kilauea; Lassen, Mt.; Lassen Volcanic N. P.; Lava; Lava Beds, N.M.; Mayon; Mexico-Mountains; Mono Craters; Paricutin Volunteer Peak, 12, 128; ill., 17, 1 Vosges Mountains (France), 11, 175-180
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Waddington, Mt. (Canada), 1935, 21, 1-11; 1936, 22, 29-37; 1947, 33, 1-10; first ascent, 22, 32; ill., 21, 1, 14-15; 33, 1
Wagon trips to the Sierra, 3, 210-217
Walker Pass, 12, 141-142; 27, 47
Walker River, 12, 141-142
Wallace, Mt., 27, 95-96; first ascent and naming, 1895, 12, 142; 26, 40; 27, 87, 95-96; ill., 11, 137; 19, 14-15; see also Mendel, Mt.
Wallace Creek and Lake, 12, 431
Walton, Mt. Izaak, see Izaak Walton, Mt.
Wanda Lake, 5, 236-237; 12, 142; 27, 88
Wapama Fall, 6, 214; 7, 152; ill., 7, 152, 263
Wapta, Mt. (Canada), 23, 103-104
Warbler, Audubon (Dendroica auduboni), 4, 141; 6, 253; ill., 4, 141; Calaveras (Vermivora rubricapilla), 8, 120-121; Pileo1ated (Wilsonia pusilla), 6, 253; Yosemite Valley, 6, 253
Warren, Mt., 12, 142
Wasatch Range (Utah), 11, 61
Washburn Lake, 2, 198; 12, 142; ill., 6, 236, 292; 7, 39
Washburn Plateau, 11, 315; 17, 8-9
Washington, Mt. (New Hampshire), 3, 313-318; 28, 55
Washington, Mt. (Oregon), 20, 109
Washington Column, 19, 100; 23, 117; first ascent, 1934, 21, 97; ascents, 21, 97; 22, 106-107;25, 119; direct route, 26, 137; fat man chimney, 25, 56; lunch ledge, 25, 52, 56; piton traverse,25, 56; ill., 3, 43; 8, 132
Waskingtonia filifera, see Palm, Washington
Watch Tower, see Sphinx
Water and Forest Association, 3, 224
Water Ouzel (Cinclus mexicanus unicolor), 1, 57-58; 4, 137-138; 5, 102-107; 6, 247; poem, 6, 244; ill., 5, 105, 106; 6, 44
Water Power, 7, 84; 8, 292; sites, 11, 430, 441-446
Waterfalls, see Hetch-Hetchy Valley; -Tuo1umne, Grand Canyon of the; Y 0-semite Valley
Waterproofing, 22, 42, 46
Waterwheel Falls, 1, 14, 204; ill., 7, 221; 8, 224; 9, 254, 256
Watkins, Mt., 7, 167; 12, 143; ill., 8, 89; 16, 38
Watkins Gully, 26, 139
Watkins Pinnacles, 33, 121-122
Waucoba Mountain, 27, 137
Weasel, Mountain, 17, 17
Weather observations on the John Muir Trail in winter, 15, 69-73; see also Snowfall
Weather observatories, see Meteorological observatories
Weathering, see Erosion
Weisshorn (Switzerland), ill., 6, 78
Wellingtonia gigantea, 18, 116; see also Sequoia gigantea
Wells Peak, 12, 143
West Spur, 26, 135
West Temple (Zion N.P.), 19, 38-41; ill., 19, 46-47
West Vidette, ill., 8, 274; see also Videttes
Western Divide, ill., 4, 306
Weston Meadow, 12, 143
Wetterstein (Germany), 21, 60-61
Whaleback, 11, 120; 22, 105; ill., 1, 189; 8, 163; 11, 120; 13, 33; 26, 14-15
Whatcom, Mt. (Washington), 22, 78
Wheel Mountain, 19, 94; 27, 104, 110
Wheeler Peak, 12, 143
White House Ruin (Canyon de Chelly N.M.), ill., 30, 46-47 -
White Mountain (New Mexico), 2, 222-226
White Mountain (Sierra Nevada), 1, 309; 11, 423; ill., 11, 423
White Mountain Peak (Inyo), 10, 283-286; 27, 137;, ascents, 20, 102-103; 25, 125; 26, 142, 143; ill., 10, 284
White Mountains (Inyo), 10, 282-286
White Mountains (New Hampshire), 3, 313-318
" White Pass, " ill., 21, 30-31
White pine blister-rust, 11, 334
White River Canyon (Washington), ill., 8, 177
White Top, 19, 20-21
Whitehorn, Mt. (Canada), 14, 25-27; ill., 10, 281; 14, 26, 37
Whitehorse, Mt. (Washington), 22, 72
Whitewater River, 11, 350
Whitney, Mt., 12, 143-144; accessibility, 5, 87-90; age, 22, 18; altitude, see Elevation; airplane flight, 1914, 32, 87-88; ascents, 1873, 4, 288-289; 5, 96-97; 7, 142; 8, 137-138; 11, 253; 12, 144; 14, 45-52; 20, 81-85; 26, 103, 112; 32, 75-76; 1875, 20, 85-88; 32, 76; 1878, 20, 88-89;32, 76; 1881, 5, 97; 7, 142; 20, 89-93; 32, 76, 80-81; 1883, 20, 110; 32, 81-83; 1885, 20, 110; 32, 81; 1890, 32, 83-85; 1895, 1, 290-292; 1902, 32, 85-87; 1903, 5, 44-45, 61-63; 32, 87; barometric readings on summit, 5, 91; Campbell-Abbot expedition, 1909, 7, 142-148; 21, 66-72; 32, 76-77; Climber's Guide, 26, 112-114; confUsed with Mt. Langley, 1, 5; see alsoWhitney, Mt.-Ascents, 1873; controversy over first ascent, 1873, 14, 46-51; 32, 75-76; controversy over name, 14, 51-52; 32, 76; east buttress, 23, 105, 106; 26, 113-114; east face ascents, 1, 1; 17, 53-58, 120; 20, 84-85, 109; 22, 105, 109; 23, 104-105, 106; 24, 130; 25, 129; 26, 113; 34, 145; electrical storm, 17, 105-107; 21, 66, 68; elevation computation, 4, 288-290; 5, 90-101; 7, 141-142; 11, 254; 14, 53-57; 21, 73-75; 32, 77; exploration, 4, 207-215; False Mt. Whitney, see Langley, Mt.; fatality in thunderstorm, 17, 105-107; 21, 66, 68; first ascent, see Whitney, Mt.-Ascents, 1873; first ascents by women, 1, 290-292; 20, 88-89; Fisherman's Peak, 4, 289; 14, 47, 51-52; geographical location, 21, 75; geology, 11, 189-190;22, 1-18; history, 7, 141-142; 14, 39-52; 20, 81-93; 21, 64-75; 26, 102-103; 32, 75-88; Langley expedition, 1881, 7, 142; 20, 89-93; 32, 76, 80-81; leveling, 14, 53-57; meteorological observatory site, 5, 87-101; 6, 7-8; 20, 89-93; 21, 64-72; 32, 76; military reservation, 21, 64; mountaineer's route, 16, 108; 20, 85; 26, 112; north face route, 26, 112; observatory-shelter on summit, 7, 141-148; 20, 93; 21, 67-72; origin of name, 11, 253-254; 12, 143; Pinnacle Ridge,25, 129; routes of ascent, 26, 112-114; routes to Mt. Whitney, 1, 187-198; 5, 87-88; scientific studies, 7, 141-148; shelter, see Whitney, Mt.-observatory-shelter; Sierra Club moonlight ascents, 18, 14-15, 127; 32, 31-35; southeast face ascent, 27, 131-132; summit, 20, 82; temperatures, 7, 248; trail, 1, 1-8, 93-106; 4, 207-215; 5, 139, 258-260; 14, 84-85; 21, 65-66;32, 31-35; map, 1, 1; triangulation map, 2, 286; Tuolumne Meadows in six days, 26, 143; weathering, 22, 17-18; Winter ascents, 5, 316-317; 7, .105-118, 239; 23, 106-108; 27, 127-128; illustrations: east, 5, 87; 7, 143; 14, 43; 20, 89, 110-111; 22, 14-15; 23, 110-111; north,1, 61; 2, 249; 5, 48; 13, 88; 18, 38; 22, 14-15; south, 14, 46; 22, 8; summit, 1, 197; 7, 141, 142; 10, 175; 20, 110-111; 21, 94-95; 22, 14-15; 32, 30-31, & 6, 87; trail, 1, 292; 22, 14-15, 62-63; 32, 31; view, 7, 31, 146, 147, 148; 10, 175; 20, 110-111; 22, 14-15; 32, 30-31; west, 1, 7, 105; 5, 50; 9, 22; 20, 91
Whitney Creek, 4, 210-211; see also Golden Trout Creek
Whitney Creek Gorge, 5, 79-80
Whitney Pass, 23, 106-108; 26, 105; ill., 14, 43
Whitney Region : Climber's Guide, 26, 102-121; map, 26, 110; see also Muir Crest
Whitney-Russell Pass, 26, 106
Whitney Surveys of 1863 and 1864, see California State Geological Survey
Whorl Mountain, 19, 99; 20, 106; ill., 20, 62-63
Wilbur, Mt. (Glacier N.P.), 12, 4-6; 23, 103; ill., 12, 4, 5, 36
Wild flower conservation, 8, 200-203; 9, 204; 11, 88, 97-98; 12, 96-97
Wild flowers, 6, 160-174; 11, 147-150; 26, 67-71; Yellowstone N.P., 12, 346-348; Yosemite N.P.-List of species, 6, 269-273; ill., 16, 19; 26, 14-15; see also Plants; see also Arenaria Rossii; Bitterroot; Blazing-star; Bryanthus; Bunchberry; Carpenteria; Cassiope; Columbine; Cyclamen; Downingia; Draba; Eriogonum; Frasera; Gilia; Harebells; Hulsea; Lilium Kelleyanum; Lily, Mariposa; Lobelia; Mimulus; Polemonium; Primrose; Silver-sword; Steer's head flower; Umbrella
Wild life conservation, 9, 45, 57, 176; 33, 11-18; see also Conservation; Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation
Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation, 12, 313-316; 15, 27-36; 23, 93-96; 32, 43-52; biology of wilderness protection, 27, 14-22; meadows, 8, 39-42; 27, 16; 32, 53-62; 33, 19-30;34, 140-143; ill., 8, 40; 32, 62-63; need, 32, 43-52; packing and the wilderness, 32, 96-98; 33, 19-30; 34, 140-143; roads, 34, 31-54; trails, 23, 85-96; 25, 108--109; see also Conservation
Wilkes map of California, 28, 40, 53; ill., 28, 31
Williams Meadow, ill., 32, 62
Williamson, Mt.: first ascent, 1884, 11, 253; 12, 144; 26, 108; ascents, 1, 90-92; 2, 25-27; 5, 46-48; 11, 440; 12, 192-193, 307; east peak, 25, 130; 26, 109-11" 0, 130; origin of name, 11, 253; 12, 144; routes, 26, 108-110; ill., 1, 61, 91; 5, 44, 47, 48; 7, 146; 10, 214, 422; 18, 30
Willow, Arctic (Salix arctica), 11, 150; Pollard, ill., 28, 78--79
Willow Creek Divide (Trinity Alps), ill., 11, 371, 375
Willow Park (Rocky Mountain N.P.), 3, 194-196; ill., 3, 193, 195; see also Moraine Park
Wilmer Lake, 12, 144
Wilson Creek, 12, 144
Wilsonia, see Warbler, Pileolated
Wimmelcbe River, 28, 41; see also Kings River
Winchell, Mt., 13, 33-34; 16, 105; 24, 50-51; first ascent, 1923, 12, 90-91, 145; 16, 105; origin of name, 5, 3; 12, 145; 24, 42; 26, 39; Winter ascent, 23, 45; ill., 12, 92; 21, 30-31
Winchell, Crag Alexander, see Crag Alexander Winchell
Winchell's Peak, see Lookout Peak
Wind River Range (Wyoming), 33, 120
Window Peak, 26, 127
Winds, see Yosemite Valley-Winds
Windy Point, 21, 36; ill., 21, 30-31
Winter in the Sierra Nevada, 7, 237-242; 8, 249-259; 15, 69-73; see also Avalanches; Camping-winter; Skiing and ski-mountaineering; Snowfall
Winter sports values, 9, 53-55
Wit-sa-nap, see Convict Lake
Wiwaxy (Canada), ill., 8, 188
Wizard Island (Crater Lake), 1, 31-39; ill., 1, 36
Wolf, 6, 35
Wolverine, 15, 50-58; Mt. Rainier N.P., 6, 34
Wolverton Creek, 12, 145
Women and mountaineering, 7, 249; on Mt. Brewer, 1902, 4, 279; Cathedral Spire, 1934, 20, 107; Mt. Lyell, 1892, 1, 136-143; Mt. Shasta, 1856, 19, 65; Tuolumne Grand Canyon, 1896, 2, 50-52; 1897, 2, 174-184; Mt.Whitney, 1878, 20, 88; 1895, 1, 290; Mt. Williamson, 1893, 1, 90-92; 1896, 2, 24-26; 1903, 5, 48
Wood, Mt., 12, 145
Woodchuck, 12, 341
Woodpecker, 12, 152-154; Arctic three-toed (Picoides arcticus), 4, 141; ill., 4, 134; California (Melanerpes formicivorus), 6, 248; Harris's (Dryobates villosus), 6, 248-249; Log-cock, 4, 140-141
Woods Creek, 12, 145; ill., 8, 48
Woods Creek Basin, 6, 118
Woods Creek Canyon, 6, 104-105; ill., 8, 48-49; 12, 244
Woods Lake, ill., 21, 30-31
Woodworth, Mt., 1, 295-296; 12, 145; 26, 40; 27, 110; ill., 1, 297; 5, 2; 9, 162-163
World War I, 10, 322, 325, 360-361, 373-374, 438-440, 445, 447, 449, 486; 11, 175-180; 12, 294; Sierra Club honor roll, 10, 447-449; war service letters, 10, 450-475; war service record,10, 320-321; 11, 106
World War II, 31, 32-56; correspondence from Sierra Club members, 28, 54-70; 29, 1-35; 30, 1-43; GIs in the Alps, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-45; Sierra Club members roster, 31, 102-111; postcards from prisoners of war, ill., 29, 46-47; postwar mountain training, 31, 46-54
Wren, Western winter (Nannus hiemalis), 8, 122
Wynne, Mt., 25, 122
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Xintecatl, see Nevado de Toluca
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Yari, Mt. (Japan), 22, 93-94
Yellowhead, see Ground-squirrel, Sierra golden-mantled
Yellowhead Pass (Canada), 14, 31
Yellowstone, Grand Canyon of the., 12, 274-275; ill., 12, 277, 336, 349, 364
Yellowstone Lake (Yellowstone N.P.), 12, 273; ill., 12, 352
Yellowstone National Park, 11, 161; 12, 268-276; animal life, 8, 217; 9, 207-208; 12, 333-345;ill., 12, 268, 337, 340, 345; bibliography, 12, 277-282; dam proposed, 11, 195, 199, 207; history, 12, 270; 33, 72-76; poem, 11, 412; reports, 8, 217-218; 9, 68, 207-208, 316; 10, 99, 245, 365-366, 476; Sierra Club outing, 1926, 12, 349-355; trails, 12, 268-276; wild flowers, 12, 346-348; ill., 12, 269, 276, 277, 336, 341, 344, 349, 352, 364, 365, 372; 373, 377, 437; 30, 46-47; see also Absaroka Range; Angel Terrace; Big Game Ridge; Bridger Lake; Castor Peak; Electric Peak; Fox Creek; Hawks Rest; Heart Lake; Mammoth Hot Springs; Old Faithful; Pollux Peak; Sheridan, Mt.; Shoshone Lake; -Tri-dent; Turret; Yellowstone, Grand Canyon; Yellowstone Lake
Yerba santa (Eriodictyon glutinosum), 3, 306
Yew (Taxus), 4, 125-127; Pacific (Taxus brevifolia), 4, 126-127
Yodeling, 25, 17
Yoho Valley (Canada), ill., 8, 188
Yokut Indians of the Kaweah region, 12, 385-400; map of range, 12, 388; ill., 12, 385
Yosemite, Lake (ancient), 9, 7-15; map, 9, II
Yosemite Creek Glacier, 10, 185
Yosemite Falls, 3, 40-42; 6, 308; 7, 92-93, 265; 12, 145; Lower Fall, 25, 52; 31, 119-120; ill.,3, 1, 41; 7, 87, 92, 93; 8, 284; 11, 168; 29, 46
Yosemite Glacier, 3, 62-63; 9, 7, 139-144; 11, 22-23; 12, 229-232
Yosemite Museum, 11, 415; ill., 11, 415
Yosemite National Park, 7, 127-129, 198-199, 264-266; 8, 55-57, 222-224; 9, 62, 63, 206-207, 318; 10, 97-98, 109-113, 368-372, 476-477; 11, 7-10, 215-216, 322; animal life, 17, 12-24; Bighorn sheep, 20, 28-31; birds, 6, 245-254; 17, 21-24; boundary change, 5, 250-253, 267-268, 328; 8, 285-286; 10, 112, 350-351; buildings and concessions, 10, 98, 245-247; canyons in north of Yosemite N.P., 1, 168-186, 330-335; maps, 1, 173, 177, 179, 185; congressional appropriations, 7, 263; 8, 228; 10, 247; creation, 1890, 1, 275-276; 23, 11-12; 29, 49-60, 61-66; educational development, 11, 413-416; 20, 111-112; see also Yosemite N. P .-Nature-guide service; explorations by John Muir, 1872, 23, 4-8; flora, 6, 270-273; 8, 27-28; forest fire protection, 10, 110; forests, 14, 68; geology, 9, 225-239; see also Yosemite Valley-Geology; glaciers, moraines, 10, 184-201; grazing, 9, 104, 114-115; 10, 371-372; see also Grazing and pasturage; Hetch-Hetchy, see Hetch-Hetchy; High Sierra Camps, see High Sierra Camps; history, 1, 275-278; 6, 59-61, 69-70; 12, 145-146; 13, 40-53; 21, 85-86; 23, 11-19; 29, 49-60, 61-66; 33, 47-78; "Idea," 33, 47-78; Indians, 11, 415; see also Indians-Yosemite; mining activities, 13, 40-53; map, 13, 43; natural history survey, 9, 289, 297-298; 10, 80; 11, 10; nature-guide service, 11, 167-170, 413-414; ill., 11, 168, 169, 414; origin of name, 10, 203;12, 146, 147; over-development, 33, 79-86; patented lands, 8, 55, 223; 9, 62, 318; 10, 370;14, 79-82; Patented Lands Act, 1912, 8, 288-289; pine tree pests, 9, 206; private holdings, 8, 223, 288-289; 14, 68-69, 79-83; rangers, 10, 110; recession, 8, 206; see also Yosemite Valley-Recession; roads and trails, 3, 259-260; 6, 262-263; 7, 128, 198-199; 8, 56; 10, 342-343, 369-370; 11, 215; 25, 110-116; 26, 123; 34, 31-54; ill., 34, 34-35; see also yosemite Valley-Roads; see also Arch Rock entrance; Big Oak Flat Road; Tioga Road; School of Field Natural History,20, 111-112; Sierra Club, 23, 11-19; ski exploration, 16, 44-46; 19, 88-89; 21, 104-106; ski huts and trails, 25, 116; timber exchange, 9, 206, 316; trails, 25, 110-116; see also Yosemite N. P .-Roads and trails; troop withdrawal, 9, 316; visitors, 10, 370; water-power, 11, 213; wild flowers, 6, 270-273; 8, 27-28; see also Yosemite Valley
Yosemite Point Couloir, 24, 63-67; 25, 59-60
Yosemite Valley, 3, 27-47; 7, 87-92; birds, 6, 245-254; 8, 124; bibliography, 8, 124; list of species, 8, 123; Climber's Guide, 25, 41-63; climbing, 19, 34-37, 100; 21, 96-99; 22, 106-108;23, 115-119; 24, 63-67, 130; 25, 41-63, 120; 26, 135-140; 27, 132-136; 32, 134; 34, 147-150; compared with Hetch-Hetchy Valley, 6, 212; compared with Kings River Canyon, 4, 96-97; 6, 115-117; 12, 224-236; 26, 5-6; cross-section diagram, 9, 13; 10, 71, 196; 12, 232; depth, 10, 70-72; discovery, 9, 166; 15, 75; 25, 41; 27, 35-49; 32, 126-127; bibliography, 27, 48-49; earthquake of 1872, 10, 20; earthquake origin of Yosemite, 10, 63-64; erosion origin of Yosemite, 10, 65; explorations by Prof. Joseph LeConte, 1870, 3, 27-51; federal jurisdiction, 5, 242-250, 268; 7, 129-130; 10, 143; field school, 1934, 20, 111; fish hatchery, 11, 9; flora, 6, 270-273; 26, 6-70; geology, 3, 35, 258; 7, 222-224; 8, 3-9; 9, 7-15, 136-147; 10, 62-77; 12, 224-236; 25, 45; see also Geological studies-Yosemite Valley; glacial origin of Yosemite, 3, 48-49, 258; 9, 7-15, 136-147; 10, 3, 62-77, 184-201; 12, 227-230; 21, 28; 23, 9-10; 29, 92-95; glaciers and moraines, 9, 7-15, 136-147; diagram, 10, 69; hanging valleys, 12, 231; history,23, 11-19; 25, 41-44; 27, 35-49; 33, 64-76; Indians, 10, 202-209; 25, 41; Kings River Canyon from Yosemite, 1, 221-237; 2, 104-106; 20, 54-67; latitude, 12, 93; Yosemite National Park (cont.) LeConte Memorial lectures, 11, 9-10; map, 12, 228; Mono Pass route, 15, 113-115; John Muir in Yosemite in 1872, 23, 4-8; origin of name, 10, 203; 12, 146, 147; overdevelopment and overcrowded conditions, 33, 79-86; 34, 33-36; recession to federal control, 5, 242-250, 268, 311, 328; 6, 58-61; 8, 229-230; 10, 143; 23, 13; roads, 6, 262-263; 7, 127-128; sequoia planting, 9, 201-203; Sierra Club lodge, ill., 10, 142; 29, 46-47; trail projects, 25, 110-112; Tuolumne Pass route to Tuolumne Meadows, 5, 314-31The italicized number is the volume number, following number(s) are the page number(s).
Subject Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q |R | S | T | U | V | W | X |Y | Z
Abbot, Mt., first ascent, 1908, 7, 8-14; 11, 249, 382; ascents, 13, 81; 15, 110; 6, 103; origin of name, 2, 252; 11, 249, 381; ill., 4, 200; 7, 7, 14; 10, 105; 12, 181; 15, 15, 18
Abbot Pass (Canadian Rockies), 2, 8; ill., 2, 152
Abbott, Mt. (Canada), 23, 104
Abbott, Mt., see also Abbot, Mt.
Abert, Mt., see Black Kaweah
Abies, see Fir
Abieteneae, 2, 63
Absaroka Range (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 276
Acadia Mountain (Acadia Nat'l Park), ill., 11, 12
Acadia National Park, 11, 6; ill., 11, 12, 13; see also Lafayette N.P.
Accidents and fatalities, 18, 112; 26, 129; 33, 127-130; Black Kaweah, 1927, 13, 93-94; Mt. Brewer, 1902, 4, 278-279; Bugaboo Spire, 1948, 34, 29, 70-73; Cathedral Spire, 1947, 33, 127-130; Devils Slide, 1947, 33, 130; El Capitan, 1905; 25, 49; Mt. Lefroy, 1896, 2, 8; Longs Peak,3, 196; 13, 64; Mt. McKinley, 1932, 18, 86-87; Minarets, 1933, 19, 81; Frederick Morley, 1921,11, 307, 310; Rae Lakes, 1908, 8, 49-50; Mt. Rainier, 1897, 2, 193, 234; 3, 282; Redoubt Peak, 1927, 13, 6
Acker Peak, 11, 382
Actitis, see Sandpiper
Adam's Peak (India), 19, 91
Adams, Mt. (Washington), 19, 58; 29, 36; ill., 7, 170
Admiralty Island (Alaska), ill., 17, 66
Adolphus, Lake (Canada), ill., 14, 94
Aesculus, see Buckeye
Africa, 6, 207; 12, 403-404; see also Ruwenzori ; South Africa
Agassiz, Mt., 13, 34, 87; 16, 105-107; 19, 95; 24, 49-50; origin of name, 5, 3; 11, 382; 24, 42;26, 39; ill., 9, 308; 21, 30-31
Agassiz Col, 24, 46
Agassiz Needle, see Agassiz, Mt.
Agnes, Mt. (Washington), 22, 77-78
Agnew Lake, 11, 382
Agnew Meadow, 11, 17, 383; 24, 2
Agnew Pass, 11, 382
Agriculture, see National forests
Aguereberry Point, 24, 91
Ahwabnee, 10, 205; 11, 382
Ahwiyab Point, 23, 117; 25, 50
Ajo Mountains (Arizona), 34, 146-147
Alabama Hills, 10, 342; ill., 22, 15; 33, 30-31
Alaska, 28, 56-58; bear, 17, 59-66; ill., 10, 32; 11, 156; see also Glenora Mountain; McKinley, Mt.; Muir, John; St. Elias, Mt.; Stikine Glaciers
Alger Lake, 11, 382; 25, 122
Alice, Mt., see Temple Crag
Alkaline lakes, 3, 71-74
Alpina Americana, 6, 280; 8, 296; 10, 129
Alpinae (Alpine pines), 2, 65, 66
Alpine Club of Canada, 8, 52; membership, 8, 187, 188; Sherbrooke Lake outing, 1911, 8, 185-192
Alpine Congress, 10, 438-440
Alps, 18, 97-99, 111-113; 20, 24-25; 21, 60-63; compared with Sierra Nevada, 6, 168-169; 14, 85; 22, 1; travel in the 16th century, 17, 33-42; U.S. Mountain troops in, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-45; ill., 6, 75, 78, 82; 12, 289; 17, 34, 35, 42; 31, 14-15; see also Blanc, Mt.; Dolomites; Matterhorn; Tyrol; Wetterstein
Alta Meadows, ill., 5, 280
Alta Pass, 11, 424; ill., 11, 423
Alta Peak, 4, 306; ill., 6, 162; 13, 17
Altitude, see Elevation
Amazon River, canoe trip, 18, 88-96; ill., 18, 94-95
American Alpine Club, 13, 91-92; 14, 88
American Forestry Congress, 1905, 5, 269-270
American River, ill., 11, 294
Amethyst Lake (Canada), ill., 14, 31, 70, 78
Amphitheater Lake, 5, 8; 11, 382
Andes Mountains, 12, 404-405; 22, 85-91; 29, 77-81; ill., 29, 46-47
Andreas Canyon, 11, 351-352; ill., 10, 332
Angel Terrace (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 437
Angeles National Forest, 10, 374; 12, 196
Animals, see Mount Rainier National Park-Animal life; Sierra Nevada-Animal life; Yellowstone National Park-Animal life; Yosemite National Park-Animal life; see also Badger; Bat; Bear; Beaver; Beaver, Mountain; Bighorn sheep; Bison; Caribou; Chipmunk; Cony; Cougar; Coyote; Deer; Donkey; Elk; Fawn; Flying squirrel; Fox; Goat; Gopher; Ground-squirrel; Jackrabbit; Marmot; Marten; Mice; Moose; Mountain lion; Muskrat; Otter; Porcupine; Predatory animals; Rabbit; Ringtail; Sea lion; Shrew; Squirrel; Weasel; Wolf; Wolverine; Woodchuck
Animals, Packing, see Pack animals
Annual outings, see Sierra Club annual outings
Ansel Adams, Mt., 11, 316; 20, 36, 104-105; 11, 258; 20, 30-31
Antarctic expedition, 26, 95-101
Antivenin, 18, 45
Anza expedition, 13, 55-56
Aplodontia major, see Beaver, Mountain
Appalachian Mountain Club, 1, 338-339; 3, 314; 6, 133-134; 12, 311, 377-381, 424; 13, 88-89;14, 87-88; 16, 100-101; 17, 107; 18, 122-123
Appalachian National Forest, 7, 125-126, 201-203; 8, 241
Appalachian National Park, proposed, 3, 264; 4, 174-175
Appelaminy River, 28, 41, 43
Aquilegia, see Columbine
Arachova, see Parnassus, Mt.
Arangua (Caucasus), ill., 2, 295, 297
Arbor-vitae, Giant (Thuya plicata), 4, 104-106
Arc Pass, 26, 106
Arch Rock entrance (Yosemite N.P.), 34, 37-38; ill., 34, 34-35
Arctic expeditions, 10, 324
Arctostaphylos, see Manzanita
Arenaria Rossii, 32, 18
Argiewicz, Mt. (Canada), 33, 126; ill., 33, 6
Argyroxiphium, see Silversword
Armstrong Redwoods, 3, 266
Army Pass, 9, 23; 26, 105; ill., 9, 23, 24
Arndt Lake, 11, 382
Arrastre Spring, 24, 85, 103, 104
Arrow Creek Falls, ill., 6, 118
Arrow Peak, 4, 179-183; first ascent, 1895, 1, 305-309; 11, 382, 423; 26, 40; ill., 1, 306; 4, 177, 182, 261; 8, 17; 12, 317; 25, 14-15; 34, 14-15
Arrowhead, 24, 129; 25, 55, 119; 26, 140;
Arrowhead Chimney ascents, 27, 134-136; 33, 122-123
Arrowhead Lake, 19, 45
Arrowheads, see Indian arrowheads
Asama-Yama { Japan), 6, 186-195; ill., 6, 153, 192
Ash, Flowering (Fraxinus dipetala), 3, 307
Aspen, Quaking (Populus tremuloides), ill., 25, 102-103; 27, 78-79
Asperity, Mt. (Canada), ill., 33, 6
Associated Mountaineering Clubs of North America, 10, 234-235, 351-352, 440-441; 11, 99
Astegg (Austria), ill., 12, 289
Athabaska Pass (Canada), 14, 28-33
Aurelia Harwood Memorial Lodge, 15, 102; 16, 95; 17, 98; 19, 43; ill., 19, 47
Automobiles and hiking, 17, 110
Avalanche, 10, 415-417; 16, 53; 17, 38-40; 18, 118-120; ill., 17, 35; Echo Lake, 34, 74-81; ill.,34, 94; Shadow Creek, 24, 6, 29-30; ill., 24, 30-31
Avalanche Lake (Glacier National Park), ill., 7, 226; 12, 114
Avalanche Pass (Kings River Canyon), ill., 26, 94
Avalanche Peak, 1, 242
Avenue of Giants, see Redwood Highway
Bacon Meadow, 11, 382
Badger, California, 15, 58-63
Badger Pass, ill., 33, 102-103
Bago, Mt., 26, 129
Baker, Mt. (Washington), 22, 72
Baldy, Old, see San Antonio, Mt.
Balfour, Mt. (Canada), 2, 263-269; ill., 2, 266
Balkan War, 14, 34-36
Ballons d'AIsace, 11, 179
Balloon Dome, 1, 83, 225
Baltoro Glacier (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Banner Peak, 23, 24; first ascent and naming, 1883, S, 193; 11, 248, 382; ascents, 17, 114-115; 23, 24; 32, 130; Winter ascent, 25, 126-127; ill., 1, 70; 6, 290, 304; 7, 6; 9, 253; 10, 447; 11, 16, 231; 15, 1, 31, 39, 46, 58, 75; 23, 25, 31; 24, 30-31; see also Ritter Range
Barbara Brook, 3, 110
Barbican (Canada), ill., 14, 6
Barbour Bill, see Sequoia National Park
Bark Beetle, 9, 206
Barnard, Mt., 1, 85-89; 11, 383; 26, 110; ill., 10, 214; 22, 14-15
Barney Lake, 12, 126; ill., 11, 451; 12, 93
Barton Flats, 11, 52; ill., 11, 52
Base Camp Trip, see Sierra Club-Base camp trips
Basin Mountain, 16, 108
Basket Dome, 25, 47
Bastion Peak (Canada), 13, 7; ill., 13, 5; 14, 6, 30
Bat, 17, 20
Battle Creek, 11, 383
Baxter, Mt., 11, 383
Bear, 6, 34; 8, 217; 9, 208; 12, 240, 336-338, 345; 17, 14-15; Alaska (Grizzly), 17, 5-6; ill.,17, 58, 59; California grizzly, 23, 70-81; Kodiak, see Bear, Alaska Bear Creek, 1, 229; 11, 383;ill., 10, 104; 27, 30-31
Bear Creek Spire, 16, 103; i9, 97; ill., 12, 181; 15, 19; 16, 6; 27, 30-31; 32, 30-31
Bear Lake (Rocky Mountain N. P.), ill., 7, 234-235
Bear Valley Meadow, 21, 15
Bear-clover; Bear-mat; Bear-weed; see Mountain misery
Bearpaw Meadow, 10, 226
Bearskin Meadow, 11, 383
Bearup Lake, 11, 383
Beaver, 6, 35-36; 12, 340; 27, 116-118; dam (ill. ), 12, 345
Beaver, Mountain (Aplodontia major), 1, 20; 6, 37-38; 17, 19
Beck Lakes Pass, 23, 24
Bebr's Alpine Sulphur, see Colias behrii
Belaying, 16, 67-88; 27, 69-72; 33, 129-130; belaying the leader, 31, 68-100; Mt. Williamson, 1903, 5, 47; ill., 16, 86; 31, 93; see also Climbing and mountaineering; Rope technique
Bell, Mt. (Canada), 22, 33-35; ill., 22, 30-31
Belly River (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 166
Bench Lake, 11, 383, 422; 25, 122; ill., 8, 17, 70; 25, 14-15; 34, 14-15
Bench marks on mountain peaks, 16, 99-100
Bennett Creek, 11, 383
Bennett's Well, 24, 82, 102
Bennington Glacier (Canada), ill., 14, 7, 34
Bennington Peak (Canada), ill., 13, 9
Benson Lake, 11, 383; 17, 5; ill., 8, 154, 209; 12, 65; 17, 11; 27, 1
Benson Pass, 11, 383
Berg Lake (Canada), ill., 10, 281; 14, 15, 87
Bergschrund, 5, 276-277; ill., 5, 276; 6, 296; 7, 188, 189; 10, 292; see also Glaciers and glaciation
Bicycle camping trips, 2, 99-104
Big Arroyo, 11, 383; 13, 17-19; ill., 9, 2, 18-19; 10, 182, 198; 11, 172; 18, 46; 22, 62-63
Big Basin, 3, 187, 218-223; map, 3, 218
Big Basin Redwoods State Park, 3, 266, 337-339; 4, 74, 251, 274; ill., 3, 220; see alsoCalifornia Redwoods State Park
Big Bear Lake, 19, 45
Big Bird Lake, 11, 392
Big Bird Rock, 22, 106; ill., 13, 36; 18, 7
Big Game Ridge (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 344
Big Horn Lake, 4, 203
Big Kaweah, see Kaweah, Mt.
Big Oak Flat Road, 10, 97; 34, 37; realignment, standards, 34, 45-50; ill., 34, 34-35
Big Pine Creek, 9, 261-263; ill., 9, 1
Big Pines, 19, 44-45
Big Thompson River (Rocky Mountain N.P.), ill., 7, 234
Big Tree, see Sequoia gigantea
Bigelovia, see Chemisal
Bigelow Peak, 11, 384
Bighorn Plateau, ill., 32, 30-31
Bighorn Sheep: Glacier N. P., 7, 226; ill., 12, 187, 190; Grand Canyon, 30, 65; San Gabriel Mountains, 22, 111; 23, 98; 27, 121; Sierra Nevada, 4, 202-203; 21, 86, 87-88; 26, 125-126;27, 120-121; 33, 12-13; numbers and future survival, 34, 119-122; restoration to Yosemite, 20, 28-31; Yellowstone N.P., 8, 217; 12, 334; ill., 12, 187, 190, 268
Bigler, Lake, see Tahoe, Lake
Birch Mountain, ill., 11, 422
Bird photography, 5, 103; 8, 158
Bird sanctuaries, 11, 95-97
Birds, see Sierra Nevada-Birds; Yosemite National Park-Birds; Yosemite Valley-Birds; see alsoBird photography; Bird sanctuaries; Bluebird; Bunting; Chickadee; Clark Crow; Creeper; Eagle; Finch; Flicker; Grosbeak; Grouse; Gull; Hummingbird; Jay; Junco; Kinglet; Magpie; Osprey; Partridge; Ptarmigan; Quail; Robin; Sandpiper; Solitiare, Townsend; Sparrow; Swallow; Swift; Tanager; Thrush; Towhee, Vireo; Warbier; Water Ouzel; Woodpecker; Wren
Bishop Creek, 11, 384; 20, 78-80; Halliday's Corral ill., 25, 102; headwaters, skiing and climbing, 23, 36-39; ill., 23, 14-15
Bishop Pass, 9, 307-308; 11, 384; 27, 89; ill., 9, 306, 308
Bison, 12, 334; ill., 12, 268
Bitterroot (Lewisia), 11, 149; 26, 68-69
Bivouacking, 31, 24-31
Black Buttes (Mt. Shasta), ill., 5, 86
Black Divide, 11, 384; 27, 88, 103, 104
Black Giant, 5, 236; 11, 399; 27, 88, 105; ill., 16, 11; see also Goode, Mt.
Black Giant Pass, 27, 92, 104
Black Kaweah, 11, 130-134, 254, 311-312, 384, 440; 12, 49; 13, 86-87; 18, 128; 21, 99; first ascent, 1920, 11, 130-134, 254, 384; 12, 49; ill., 4, 304, 306; 7, 38; 11, 132, 133; 13, 1, 24, 92; see also Kaweah peaks
Black Mountain, ill., 6, 106
Black Rock Pass, 7, 101; 11, 135; ill., 7, l00; 11, 132, 410-411
Blackfoot Glacier (Glacier N.P.), 23, 102; ill., 7, 228
Blacksmith Peak (Yosemite N.P.), 19, 31, 98; 20, 106; 22, 56; ill., 20, 110-111
Blanc, Mont (Alps), 30, 79-80, 82-85; ill., 31, 14-15
Blaney Meadow, 3, 254; 5, 154-155; 11, 384
Blazing-star (Mentzelia laevicaulis), 11, 150; ill., 11, 148
Bloody Canyon, 3, 76; 11, 384
Blue Flower Pass, 3, 144; ill., 3, 137, 147
Blue Lakes, 1, 322
Blue Mountain (Washington), 22, 78
Bluebird, Mountain (Sialia arctica), 8, 260-264; 9, 271; ill., 8, 262, 263
Bob Ingersoll Rock, see North Dome (Kings River Canyon)
Boilie, 13, 50; ill., 13, 49
Bogs, 11, 81-82
Bolivian Andean Ski Club, 29, 77-81; Cabana (ill. ), 29, 46-47
BoIling Memorial Redwood Grove, 11, 327
Bolton Basin, 3, 168; see also Sixty Lakes Basin
Bolton Brown, Mt., 11, 426; 16, 107
Bond Pass, 11, 384
Bonpland, Lake, see Tahoe, Lake
Boothe Lake Camp, 12, 40
Boots, see Camping-Boots
Borneo, see Kinabalu
Boreal Plateau, 22, 10
Boston Glacier (Washington), ill., 22, 94-95
Boulder Field Shelter Cabin (Longs Peak), 13, 63; ill., 13, 65
Boulder Peak (Glacier N. P.), 23, 103
Boundary Hill, 11, 384
Bow Lake (Canada), ill., 2, 264
Bowline knot, 16, 71, 75
Bowman Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 115; 23, 110-111
Bradley, Mt., 2, 273; 11, 385; 26, 40
Branigan Lake, 11, 385
Breeze Creek and Lake, 11, 385
Brenta Spire (Canada), 24, 62; ill., 24, 62-63
Brenthis, 9, 91
Brevifoliae (Short-leaf pines), 2, 67-70
Brewer, Mt., first ascent and naming, 1864, 2, 87-88; 11, 252, 285; 14, 39; 26, 32; record of first ascent (ill. ), 11, 251; ascents, 1, 288, 289; 2, 21; 4, 278-284; 6, 159; 11, 252; Brewer east basin map, 3, 108; fatality, 4, 278; route, 3, 156; view, 4, 284; 6, 170; ill., 1, 92, 193; 2, 17, 20, 21, 98, 249; 4, 95, 278, 281, 282; 6, 162; 7, 239; 10, 206, 407; 11, 120, 251, 410-411;12, 237; 26, 94-95; 30, 62-63
Brewer Creek, ill., 6, 162
Bridalveil Fall (Yosemite Valley), 3, 32; 6, 307; 7, 265; 11, 385; ill., 3, 32, 45; 7, 169
Bridal Veil Falls (Cataract Canyon), ill., 4, 87
Bride Peak (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Bridger Lake (Yellowstone), ill., 12, 377
Bright Angel Trail (Grand Canyon), 4, 160-163
British Columbia, Coast mountains, 33, 1-10, 124-127; ill., 33, 6-7
Broad Peak (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Brocken, see Spectre of the Brocken
Brockway, ill., 8, 257; 9, 274, 275
Broderick, Mt., 25, 51
Broderici Canyon, 25, 48
Brothers (Yosemite N.P.), Lower Brother, 22, 107; 23, 118; 24, 129; 25, 52, 54-55, 119; 26, 139; Middle Brother, 25, 52
Brown, Mt. Bolton, see Bolton Brown, Mt.
Browne Tower (Alaska), ill., 28, 30-31
Browns Pass (Glacier N. P .), ill., 12, 115
Bruce, Mt. (Canada), 9, 243-245; ill., 9, 244
Brué map of California, 28, 41; ill., 28, 30-31
Brussels Peak (Canada), 34, 144
Bryanthus breweri, 4, 298; ill., 12, 33
Bryanthus Lake, see Bullfrog Lake
Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah), ill., 11, 318
Bubbs Creek, 1, 99, 190; 11, 385; map, 2, 271; name, 10, 340; 11, 385; ill., 1, 186, 192; 8, 274; 26, 15; see also Bubbs Creek Falls
Bubbs Creek basin, 6, 118-119; map, 2, 114, 128; ill., 18, 14
Bubbs Creek Falls, ill., 8, 13, 281; 29, 46-47
Buckeye (Aesculus californica), 3, 303
Buckner, Mt. (Washington), ill., 22, 94-95
Buckthorn, Gray (Ceanothus cuneatus), 3, 303; White (Ceanothus divaricatus), 3, 307
Budd Lake, ill., 10, 470
Buenaventura River, 15, 77-78, 85
Buffalo, see Bison
Bugaboo Glacier (Canada), ill., 24, 62-63
Bugaboo Range (Canada), 24, 59-62; 26, 59-63; 27, 122-125; 34, 68-73; see also Brenta Spire; Bugaboo Spire; Crescent Spire; Flat-top; Howser Spire; Pigeon Spire; Snowpatch Spire
Bugaboo Spire (Canada), 24, 60; 26, 60; death by lightning, 1948, 34, 29, 69-73; ill., 24, 62-63
Bullfrog Lake, 1, 100; 3, 154; 4, 95; 7, 185; ill., 2, 79, 272; 4, 282; 8, 48-49, 285; 11, 379; 15, 67
Bullfrog Lake region, ill., 4, 95; 7, 238; 11, 379
Bummer, see Ground-squirrel, Sierra golden-mantled
Bumpass Hot Springs (Bumpass' Hell), 2, 213-214
Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis), ill., 12, 118
Bunting, Lazuli, 6, 252
Burney Falls, 2, 313; ill., 2, 314
Burr map of California, 28, 41; ill., 28, 30-31
Burro, 17, 89-93; ill., 22, 95
Burro trips, 24, 31-39; 25, 122; 26, 131-133; see also Sierra Club-Burro trips
Butte Valley, 24, 85, 104
Butter, 2, 113
Butterflies, 9, 85-94, 99-101; 21, 88-89; bibliography, 9, 102; collecting, 9, 269; 18, 47-55; ill.,9, 94, 99; see also Brenthis; Chionobas; Colias; Erebia; Eurymus; Grand Canyon of the Colorado-Butterflies; Oregonia; Parnassius; Sierra Nevada-Butterflies Butterfly noose, 16, 71-72; ill., 16, 72
Button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), 3, 305
Byrd Antarctic expedition, 26, 95-101
Cactus, 33, 43; ill., 17, 71
Caesar, Mt. (Trinity Alps), 21, 95; ill., 21, 14-15
Calaveras Big Tree Grove (Calaveras Big Trees State Park), 1, 316, 322; 9, Ill; 12, 43, 196-197, 409-410; bills and legislation, 3, 262-263; 4, 175; 5, 85, 150; "Mother of the Forest," 33, 63-64, 68; need for preservation, 3, 182-185; 1, 2-4; ill., 9, 110-111; 12, 400, 401
Calaveras Grove Association, 12, 409-410
Calbovista subsculpta, 21, 90
California: birds, 5, 262; geology, 4, 292; lava regions of northern California, 2, 312-319; maps,15, 90, 91; 28, 30-31; mountains of southern California, 11, 49-55; 25, 68-72; mountains over 5000 feet, 31, 115-117; national forests, 12, 96; primitive areas, see Wilderness areas; Spanish explorations, 13, 54
California Alpine Club, 12, 311-312, 425; 14, 88-89; 15, 112-113
California Associated Societies for the Conservation of Wild Life, 9, 45, 57-58, 105
California Botanical Society, 9, 110, 183, 299
California Club, 4, 250
California Falls, 1, 203; 4, 27; ill., 7, 217
California Forestry Law of 1905, 5, 303-309, 325
California Redwood Association, 10, 486
California Redwoods State Park, 4, 251; 6, 141, 283; see also Big Basin Redwoods State Park
California State Board of Forestry, 11, 219
California State Geological Survey, 10, 135-136; 11, 244-254; 14, 39-40; 26, 31-32; 32, 75-76;33, 66; ill., members, 1863, 12, 126
California State Parks, 2, 244-245; J8, 120; 13, 75-80; State Parks Commission, 13, 66; State Parks Commission bill, 1927, 13, 75-77; see also Big Basin Redwoods State Park; California Redwoods State Park; Calaveras Big Tree Grove; Cuyamaca State Park; DelNorte Coast Redwoods State Park; Humboldt Redwoods State Park; Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park; Mill Creek Redwoods State Park; Muir Woods Nat'l Monument; Point Lobos Reserve State Park; Redwood Highway; Tamalpais State Park
California Water and Forest Society, 2, 324-325
California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association, 10, 375-376, 485
Callospermophilus, see Ground-squirrel
Calvatia Sculpta, 14, 61-63; 21, 90; ill., 14, 62, 63
Calycanthus, see Sweet-scented shrub
Caminetti Bill, 23, 13
Camp Hale (Colorado), 28, 55-56, 59-60, 68
Camp Seeley, 10, 335
Campanula, see Harebells
Camping, 2, 29-43; 7, 25S-260; 9, 264-267; 12, 381; 14, 34-38; bedding, 2, 34-35, 100-101; 5, 77-78, 319; 22, 42-44; bicycle, 2, 99-104; bivouacking, 31, 24-31; boots, 7, 267; children, 33, 34-40; 34, 87-94; ill., 30, 62-63; 34, 87; clothing, 2, 33-34; 22, 46; equipment, 1, 200-201; 2, 29-43, 99-104; 3, 181, 242; 4, 216-217; 5, 77-78, 31S-321; 11, 276, 292; 15, 30-31; 22, 3S-47; 26, 90-94; first aid, 12, 16S-174; 18, 44-46; 33, 31-33; food and commissary, 2, 29-32, 111-114; 3, 173-181; 15, 31; 18, 31-37; 21, 45-48; 22, 44-46; 23, 65-69; 24, 27; frying pan uses, 3, 181; snow, 23, 33; 26, 90-94; tent, 22, 39-42; 26, 90-94; winter, 3, 242-248; 4, 216-227; 5, 318-321; 8, 249-259; 9, 81-83; 11, 292-299; 15, 69-72; 22, 38-47; 26, 90-94; see also Packers and packing
Canada, forestry, 9, 71; mountains, 11, 20S-209; 13, 1-9; 33, 1-10, 124-127; see also Bugaboo Range ; Canadian Rockies; Selkirk Range
Canadian Alpine Club, 11, 208-209; Journal, 7, 74
Canadian Rockies, 2, 1-8; 8, 185-192; 10, 269-275; 11, 208; 13, 1-9; 14, 1-33; bibliography,13, 9; 34, 144-145
Canoeing in the Sierra, ill., 12, 261
Canyon de Chelly National Monument (Arizona), 24, 71; ill., 30, 46-47
Canyon Creek, see Roaring River
Canyon Creek Lakes, 21, 15
Capitan, see El Capitan
Capitan type of ice sculpture, 10, 75-76
Carabiner, 19, 34; 25, 97; 31, 84-86; ill., 25, 102-103; 33, 102-103
Carbonated springs, 3, 66-67; see also Soda springs
Cardinal Lake, 11, 386
Cardinal Mountain, 11, 386, 425; 25, 121; ill., 11, 422; 25, 14-15
Caribou, 10, 274; ill., 10, 280
Caribou Lakes, 21, 15
Caribou range (Canada), ill., 10, 281
Carillon, Mt., 26, 110
Carlsbad Cavern (New Mexico), ill., 30, C 46-47
Carmel Bay, ill., 18, 67
Carpenteria californica, 11, 151-153; ill., 11, 152
Carson Pass, 15, 82; map, 15, 83; ill., 33, 102-103
Carson River, 15, 78
Cartridge Creek, 1, 299; 4, 256-261; 11, 386; ill., 1, 301; 9, 162-163
Cartridge Creek Divide, ill., 4, 253
Cartridge Pass, map, 17, 106
Casa Diablo Hot Springs " Geyser, " 23, 82-83; ill., 23, 14-15
Cascade range (Washington), 22, 69-79; 23, 46-49; ill., 22, 94-95; see also Chelan, Lake
Cascade Valley, 11, 386; ill., 15, 74; 24, I
Case Mountain, 11, 386
Cassiar Trail, 10, 347-349
Cassiope, ill., 12, 33; 24, 30-31
Castilleja Lake, 2, 21
Castle Cliffs, 26, 136
Castle Dome (Arizona), 19, 102
Castle Dome (Kings River), 26, 128
Castle Peak, ill., 27, 30-31; 33, 30-31, 102; see also Matterhorn Peak ; Tower Peak
Castle Rock Spire, 32, 132-133
Castor Peak (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 276
Cataract boats, 27, 53-54
Cataract Canyon (Arizona), 4, 77-87; ill., 4, 77, 82, 85, 87
Cataract Creek, 5, 10
Cataract Glacier (Canada), ill., 33, 6-7
Cataract Pass, 11, 425; ill., 11, 423
Cataract Peak, 11, 425
Cathedral (Canada), ill., 8, 189
Cathedral Chimney, 24, 129; 25, 58
Cathedral Creek, 4, 29-34; 20, 42-45; Falls, ill., 9, 255; 20, 62
Cathedral Peak, 3, 236-241; 11, 386; 17, 113; 20, 103; ill., 3, 236; 7, 95; 8, 152; 10, 470; 11, 24; 17, 7; 20, 110-111; summit spire (ill. ), 3, 238
Cathedral Range, 3, 55, 63-64, 68-69, 74; 8, 1-2; 11, 21-28; 17, 113; 34, 110; ill., 3, 55, 240;7, 149; 8, 1, 225; 9, 224, 252, 292; 11, 25; 34, 35 Cathedral Rocks, 19, 100; 21, 98; 22, 107;25, 62; 27, 136; ill., 30, 46-47
Cathedral Spires (Yosemite N. P.), Higher Spire, 19, 100; 25, 61; first ascent, 1934, 19, 34-37;20, 107; 25, 61; ascents, 21, 98; 23, 118; 26, 138, 140; accident, 1947, 33, 127-130; south face ascent, 34, 150; ill., 19, 46-47; 25, 102-103; 34, 94-95; Lower Spire, first ascent, 1934,20, 107-108; 25, 60; ascents, 21, 98; 22, 107; 23, 118; 24, 130; 25, 58; 26, 140; 27, 136; new route, 34, 149; ill., 20, 111; 25, 102-103
Caucasus Mountains, 2, 296; 22, 92-93; ill., 2, 295, 297; 31, 14-15; see also Arangua; Dykhtau; Elbrus, Mt.
Cavalier, Mt. (Canada), 22, 33
Cavell, Mt., see Edith Cavell, Mt.
Ceanothus cuneatus, see Buckthorn
Ceanothus integerrimus, see Snow-brush
Cedar, 2, 75-76; 4, 102-109; Incense (Libocedrus decurrens), 4, 106-109; ill., 4, 103; Pacific red (Thuya plicata), 4, 104-106; Post, see Cedar, Incense
Cedrus, see Cedar
Center Basin, 26, 21; crags, 22, 129; map, 2, 271; ill., 8, 69, 166; 18, 14
Center Peak, 2, 272; first ascent, 1896, 2, 273; 11, 386; 26, 40; ascent, 20, 69; ill., 11, 378;18, 14; 26, 14-15
Central America, 4, 266-273
Cephalanthus occidentalis, see Button bush
Cercis occidentalis, see Redbud
Cercocarpus parvifolius, see Mahogany, Mountain
Cerro Gordo, 27, 138
Certhia familiaris, see Creeper, Brown
Cervino, see Matterhorn
Chabot, Lake, 6, 175-176; ill., 6, 175
Chagoopah Falls, 4, 304; 11, 386
Chagoopah Plateau, 10, 155-158; 11, 386; 22, 11; ill., 4, 302, 304; 11, 172
Challenger, Mt. (Washington), 22, 78
Chamaebatia foliolosa, see Mountain misery
Chamaebatiaria millefolium, see Spiraea, Desert
Chamaecyparis, see Cypress
Chamberlin, Mt., 26, 118
Chaparral, 3, 303-312; 11, 49
Charleston Peak (Nevada), 18, 130-131; 27, 83-85; ill., 27, 78, 79
Charlotte Creek, ill., 26, 94-95
Charlotte Lake, 1, 100; 3, 154; 26, 13
Charmoz (Alps), 30, 82-85
Charybdis, 11, 387; 12, 131; 27, 88, 104, 105; ill., 12, 12, 17, 20
Chelan, Lake (Washington), 8, 174; 10, 235-237; 22, 79; 23, 46; ill., 10, 234, 235; see alsoCascade range
Chemisal (Bigelovia arborescens), 3, 307
Chickadee, Mountain (Penthestes gambeli), 8, 160; ill., 8, 158
China Canyon, see Matterhorn Canyon
"Chinquapin," 12, 152-154
Chionobas, 9, 89-90; ill., 9, 94
Chipmunk, 10, 401-413; Alpine (Eutamias alpinus), 10, 406-408; 17, 18-19; ill., 10, 402; Long-eared, ill., 10, 406; Mariposa (Eutamias merriami), 10, 402-404; Merriam, see Chipmunk, Mariposa; Tahoe (Eutamias speciosus), 10, 404-406; ill., 10, 403
Chiquito Creek, 11, 387
Chittenden Peak, 11, 387; 27, 126
Chiwawa Mountain (Washington), 8, 183
Chocolate Glacier (Washington), ill., 8, 180
Chocolate Peak, 25, 126
Cholla cactus, ill., 17, 71
Christmas-berry, see Toyon
Christmas trees, 9, 73
Church Tower (Yosemite Valley), 21, 98; 25, 58, 119; 26, 140; 34, 147
Cinclus mexicanus, see Water Ouzel
Cinder cones, ill., 2, 318-319; 11, 235
Circle Meadow, ill., 12, 213
Cirque: bowl and glacier, ill., 5, 271; wall, ill., 5, 273; see also Glaciers and glaciation
Cirque Lake, 5, 160
Cirque Peak, 26, 120
Citadel, 271 104
Citlaltepetl, see Pico de Orizaba
Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge, 20, 2-3; 21, 81-83; ill., 20, 30-31; 22, 94-95; 26, 94-95; 27, 30-31; 33, 30-31
Claire Lake, see Little Claire Lake
Clarence King, Mt., 1, 241-253; 12, 51; first ascent, 1896, 2, 94-97; 12, 51; 26, 40, 128; drawings, 1, 245; 3, 138; origin of name, 12, 51; 10, 238; 26, 32; ill. 1, 241; 4, 182; 12, 245;21, 30-31; 34, 14-15
Clark, Mt., 8, 152; 10, 227-229; 11, 210, 387; 17, 118-119; 21, 96; Winter ascent, 23, 43, 117;ill., 3, 240; 10, 230; 11, 410; 15, 59; 26, 94-95; 33, 103
Clark Crow (Nucifraga columbiana), 4, 142; 6, 250-251; ill., 4, 142
Clarke-McNary Act, 12, 317-318
Claw Peaks (Canada), 33, 124-125
Clear Lake, 6, 209
Cleayage, 9, 226-239
Cleaver Notch, 22, 53
Cleaver Peak, 19, 31, 98; 20, 47, 106; 22, 52, 56
Cleveland, Mt. (Glacier N. P .), 12, 156-157; 23, 103; ill., 12, 156, 157, 166
Cliff Creek Canyon, 7, 102; ill., 7, 102, 103; 13, 20
Cliff dwellings, Cataract Canyon, 4, 84-86; ill., 4, 85; Grand Canyon, 4, 162-163
Climate maps, 30, 90-91
Climber's Guide to the High Sierra: 1-The Sawtooth Ridge (Yosemite N. P.), 22, 48-57; 2-The Ritter Range, 23, 20-32; 3-The Palisades, 24, 40-58; 4-Yosemite Valley, 25, 41-63; 5-The Whitney Region, 26, 102-121; 6-The Evolution Region and the Black Divide, 27, 86-111
Climbing and mountaineering>, 2, 54; 6, 169; 12, 223; 16, 90; Ascents, see under name of mountain; beginner's impressian, 26, 25-27; bibliography, 31, 68-97; Caucasus, 22, 92-93; classification of difficulty, 21, 60; 22, 49; 24, 41; 26, 107; climbing-irons, ill., 17, 42; dangers in 16th century, 17, 33-42; Dolomites, 21, 60-63; early history, 17, 33-42; 19, 91; 23, 50-64; ethics, 16, 68-69; fourteen thousand-foot climbers' certificates, 18, 127; 21, 103-104; highest ascents, 5, 78, 141; 6, 137-138; 7, 194, 252; 8, 213; " Jam Crack Joe" (song), 29, 82-89; Japanese Alps, 22, 93-94; local rock-climbing, 19, 28-30; mountain troops in the Alps, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-45; national parks rules and policies, 26, 135-136; " One Hundred Peaks" goal, 31, 115-117; Owens Valley ascent routes, 13, 31-35; philasophy, 23, 50-64; post-war mountain training, 31, 46-56; precautions, see Safety in climbing; reasons for, 2, 54 12, 183, 296; 23, 50, 64; records, see Sierra Club-Registers; technique, see Belaying, Expansion bolts, Rappel, Rock climbing, Rope, Rope technique; terminology, 18, 70; values, 19, 28-30; Wales, 22, 92; Wetterstein, 21, 60-63; winter, 23, 36-39; World War I, 10, 79-80, 325; World War II, 30, 79-85; 31, 32--45; see also Accidents and fatalities, Alps, Climbing equipment, Climbing photographs, Safety in climbing, Women and mountaineering Climbing equipment, 2, 138; 18, 126; "Little Gem Co.," 26, 72-77; Lost Arrow equipment, 33, 103-106; ill., 33, 102-103; see also Carabiner; Expansion bolts; Crampons; Pitons; Rope
Climbing Photographs, Alps, 16th C., 17, 42; Higher Cathedral Spire, 34, 94-95; Lost Arrow, 26, 94-95; 32, 1, 12-13; 33, 102-103; Lower Brother, 23, 111; Lower Cathedral Spire, 25, 102-103; " Machete, " 25, 102-103; Monument Peak, 25, 102-103; Shiprock, 25, 14-15; Mt. Whitney, 23, 110-111
Clitheroe, Mt. (Canada), ill., 14, 22
Cloud Canyon, 6, 156; 7, 71-73; 11, 119-120, 388; 12, 47--48; ill., 1, 189; 8, 163; 11, 120; 13, 33; 26, 14-15
Cloudburst effects, 2, 299-300
Clouds, ill., 22, 63, 94; 26, 14-15
Clouds Rest, 7, 264; 11, 387; 26, 138
Cloudy Canyon, see Cloud Canyon
Cloudy Pass (Washington), ill., 8, 181, 184
Cloudy River, see Roaring River
Clough Cave, 11, 388
Club Alpin Français, 10, 438-440
Club Andino Boliviano, 29, 77-81; cabafia (ill. ), 29, 46-47
Club de Exploraciones de Mexico, 12, 418; 13, 92; 14, 90-91; 18, 124-125
Clyde Meadow, 17, 54
Clyde Spires, 19, 94; 27, 96
Coast Range of British Columbia, 33, 1-10, 124-127; ill., 33, 6-7
Coast Range of Mexico and Central America, 4, 264-273
Coast Redwood, see Sequoia sempervirens
Coccothraustes vespertinus, see Grosbeak
Cockscomb Crest, 11, 26-27, 388; 17, 113; 19, 99; 20, 103; 34, 110-111; ill., 11, 21, 29
Cockscomb type of ice sculpture, 11, 21-28; ill., 11, 21, 28, 29
Col de Doodad, 22, 51, 52
Colby Lake, 9, 3; 13, 85; ill., 9, 3; 11, 121
Colby Meadow, 11, 388; 27, 87; ill., 5, 232; 10, 105; 11, 140; 12, 249
Colby Mountain, 11, 388
Colby Pass, 3, 167; 9, 2, 48; 11, 119-129, 388; 22, 105; ill., 8, 167; 9, 3; 11, 120, 121; 13, 32
Colias behrii, 9, 91, 99-102; bibliography, 9, 102; ill., 9, 99
Colias lycaena, 9, 92
Colima (Mexico), 4, 264
Coliseum Peak, 3, 55; see also Tenaya Peak
Collapse of mountain summits, see Geological studies
College Fiord (Alaska), ill., 10, 394
Colony Meadow and Peak, 11, 388
Colorado, mountains and parks, 3, 189-199; 7, 234-236; 28, 55-56; see also Camp Hale; Longs Peak; Mt. Elbert; Rocky Mountain N.P.
Colorado Mountain Club, 8, 280; 12, 310, 424-425; 13, 90-91; 14, 89; 15, 111-112; 16, 101;17, 109-110; 18. 123-124
Colorado River, boat trip, 27, 50-58; 30, 67-70; ill., 27, 78-79; 30, 62-63; see also Cataract Canyon Colorado River, Grand Canyon of the, see Grand Canyon National Park and Monument, and Grand Canyon of the Colorado
Colored Lady, ill., 6, 102; 7, 183; 8, 16-17, 65; 9, 160, 161; 10, 431; 21, 31
Colosseum Mountain, 11, 421; ill., 11. 422
Columbia 's Finger, 11, 25-26; ill., 9, 292; 11, 25, 28
Columbine (Aquilegia pubescens), 11, 149
Columbine Lake, ill., 7, 101, 103; 9, 20
Columbine Peak, 24, 58
Commissary, see Camping
Coney, see Cony
Confederation, Mt. (Canada), 26, 140; 33, 109-114
Conifers of the Pacific Slope, 2, 61-78, 156-173; 4, 100-131, 154-156; classification charts concerning, 2, 77-78, 173; 4, 131
Conness, Mt., 4, 287; 10, 393; 11, 18-19, 245-246, 388-389; 30, 94; ill., 3, 323; 5, 279; 10, 292, 345, 369; 18, 70, 71; 20, 62-63; 34, 86-87
Conness Glacier, ill., 5, 279; 10, 292
Conservation, 7, 64-69; 8, 131-132; 14, 68; 15, 58; 32, 36-42, 71-74; beaver, 27, 116-118; birds, 9, 176; 11, 95-97; California Associated Societies for the Conservation of Wild Life, 9, 57-58; conference of governors, 1908, 6, 318; elk, 9, 207-208; Europe, 8, 235; history of early governmental conservation attempts, 16, 16-26; legislation, 9, 205; 16, 16-26; mountain meadows, 8, 39-42; 27, 16; 32, 53-62; 34, 140-143; National Conservation Commission, 7, 77-79; need, 30, 51-55; predatory wild beasts, 8, 57; Sequoia, 11, 1-4, 87, 327-329; toyon, 11, 97-98; wild flower conservation, 8, 200-203; i1, 88; wild life conservation, 9, 45, 57-58, 105, 176; 33, 11-18; wilderness conservation, 27, 14-22; wilderness problems, 32, 43-52; see also Forestry; National Forests; Save-the-Redwoods League; Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation Conservation organizations, see Mountaineering and conservation organizations
Consultation Lake, 1, 291; ill., 1, 291
Contact Pass, 24, 48
Continental Divide, ill., 12, 40
Contra Costa Hills Club, 11, 319
Converse Basin, 11, 389
Convict Lake, 9, 55; 11, 389; ill., 9, 55
Conway Summit, 21, 54-59
Cony (Ochotona): Mt. Rainier N.P., 6, 36; Yellowstone N. P ., 12, 343-344; Yosemite, 10, 159-164; 17, 13-14; ill., 10, 160, 162
Copper Canyon, see Deadman Canyon
Copper Creek, 11, 389
Copper Pass, 27, 62
Copperhead, see Ground-squirrel, Sierra Golden-mantled
Corcoran, Mt., see Langley, Mt.
Cordilleras (Mexico), 4, 265
Coso Peak, 27, 138
Costa Rica, 4, 272
Cotter Peak, 21, 93; 26, 128
Cottonwood Lakes, 8, 193-199; ill., 9, 24
Cougar, 6, 35
Cowlitz Glacier (Washington), ill., 1, 115
Coyote: Mt. Rainier N.P., 6, 35; Yellowstone N. P., 12, 339; Yosemite, 17, 15-16; 33, 15-17
Coyote Creek, 11, 389
Coyote Pass, 10, 292; 11, 389
Crabtree Creek, 4, 210; see also Wbitney Creek
Crabtree Creek Canyon, see Big Arroyo Crabtree Pass, 26, 106
Crag Alexander Winchell, 7, 109; ill., 7, 110
Crag Ericsson, ill., 9, 25; see also Ericsson, Mt.
Crag Reflection, 3, 109
Craig Peak, 27, 126
Crampons, 17, 35
Crane Creek Road, 34, 45-50
Crane Flat, 11, 389
Crater Lake (Oregon), 1, 31-39; 10, 356-358; map, 1, 37; ill., 1, 36
Crater Lake National Park (Oregon), 8, 222; 9, 63, 320; 10, 100, 108, 356-358, 368
Crater Mountain, 11, 421
Creeper, Brown (Certhia familiaris), 6, 248
Crescent Meadow, ill., 12, 308
Crescent Spire (Canada), 24, 61
Crest-lines, 5, 279-286; 18, 73-75; ill., 18, 75
Crevasse, ill., 8, 176; 9, 156; 14, 39; see also Glaciers and glaciation
Crocker, Mt. (Sierra Nevada), 20, 75-76; 32, 131
Crocker, Mt. (Galapagos), 27, 79-82
Crossley Lake (Glacier N. P.), 12, 113; ill., 12, 117, 159
Crotalus, see Rattlesnake
Crow, Clark, see Clark Crow
Crown Mountain, 11, 390
Crown Point, ill., 11, 451; 12, 93
Cryptograms, see Pictographs
Cryptomeria, 2, 170
Crystal Cave, 11, 10
Cucamonga Mountains, ill., 5, 122
Cupressoides, 4, 120
Cupressus, see Cypress
Cut-throat Peak (Wash.), 23, 46-47
Cuyamaca State Park, 18, 121
Cyanocitta stelleri, see Jay, Blue-fronted
Cyclales, 4, 100-131
Cyclamen, ill., 16, 19; 26, 14-15
Cypress, 4, 100-101, 109-118, 131; Alaska (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis), 4, 111; Arizona (CupressusArizonica), 4, 117; Bonito (Cupressus Arizonica bonito), 4, 118; ill., 4, 103; Gowen (Cupressus goveniana), 4, 116; 18, 66; Guadaloupe (Cupressus Guadaloupensis), 4, 117; Lawson (Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana), 4, 111-113; ill., 4, 111; MacNab's (Cupressus Macnabiana), 4, 116; Monterey (Cupressus macrocarpa), 4, 113-115; 18, 64-67; ill., 4, 111; 18,63, 66; Pygmy (Cupressus goveniana parva), 4, 116; Swamp, 2, 169
Dade, Mt., 16, 103; 19, 97
Daggett, 1, 4Q-42
Dais Glacier (Canada), ill., 21, 14-15; 22, 30-31
Dakota National Forest (North Dakota), 7, 77
Daly, Mt. (Canada), 8, 187-188
Damnation Creek, ill., 16, 30
Dana, Mt., 2, 10; 3, 68-69, 319-328; 4, 21-22; 11, 246-247, 390; 17, 31-32; bibliography, 16, 108-111; early ascents, 16, 108-111; ill., 3, 323, 326; 4, 19; 9, 247; 11, 250; 13, 48; 17, 22;18, 71
Dana Glacier, 5, 22
Da1lte's View (Death VaIley), ill., 17, 74; 24, 62-63
Darwin, Mt., 11, 390; 12, 306; 16, 104; 25, 13; 27, 87, 93-94, 98; first ascent, 1908, 11, 390;12, 87-90; 27, 93; ascents, 11, 138, 284-289; 12, 306; 19, 93; 25, 120; summit pinnacle, 12, 306; 16, 104; 18, 88; 27, 94; ill., 5, 232; 11, 137, 278, 286, 287, 418; 12, 181; 16, 10; 19, 94
Darwin Canyon, 22, 110; ill., 11, 278
Darwin Glacier, ill., 11, 278
Davis Mountain, 11, 390; 12, 305; 23, 24
Day Needle, 11, 391; 26, 114; ill., 10, 175; 32, 30-31
De Alpibus Commentarius, 17, 33-42
Deadman Canyon, 6, 156, 158; 7, 71-72; 11, 119, 391; ill., 6, 156; 13, 36; 18, 7
Dease Lake (Alaska), ill., 10, 48
Death Valley (Death Valley Nat'l Monument), 1, 40-53; 17, 67-76; depression, 18, 110-111; maps, 24, 62-63, 78; trailing the forty-niners, 24, 74-108; ill., 17, 67, 70, 71, 74, 75; 24, 62-63; 27, 78-79; 30, 46-47; see also Panamint Range; Telescope Peak
Deer, eating habits, 5, 194-210; Mt. Rainier National Park, 6, 33-34; Yellowstone N.P., 12, 335-336; Yosemite N. P., 17, 12; ill., 11, 314, 315; 12, 236; 27, 78-79
Deer Creek, 10, 179-183; ill., 9, 2
Deer Creek Canyon, ill., 10, 135
Deerhorn Mountain, 11, 391; 13, 88; 17, 120; 18, 127; 25, 123, 124; 26, 129, 135; ill., 2, 79, 272; 9, 25; 10, 207; 15, 67
Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park: creation, 16, 29-36; Henry S. Graves Grove, 12, 198-199; ill., 16, 30, 31, 34, 35
Delaney Creek, 11, 391
Delphi (Greece), ill., 9, 278, 279
Denali Pass (Alaska), ill., 28, 30-31
Dendragapus, see Grouse
Dendroica auduboni, see Warbler, Audubon
Dendromecon rigida, see Poppy, Bush
Dentiform, Mt. (Canada), 33, 6-8, 127
Denudae, 2, 169
Denudation, 2, 295-311; 5, 33-43; ill., 2, 295, 296, 299, 301; see also Erosion
Depressions, 18, 110-111
Desert Peaks Section, 27, 137-138
Desolation Lake, 11, 391; ill., 11, 56
Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein, 18, 111-113
Devils Bathtub, 11, 391; 25, 111
Devils Crags, 1, 296; 19, 19-23; 27, 106-110; first ascent, 1913, 9, 180, 188; 11, 391; 19, 19;27, 106; ascents, 16, 104-105; 19, 19-23; 20, 73; 24, 128; 25, 121; 27, 106-110; ill., 1, 297;5, 2; 9, 162-163, 188, 189; 11, 359; 16, 15; 19, 20, 46-47; 25, 14-15; routes of ascent, ill., 19, 20
Devils Postpile National Monument, 1, 74; 8, 170-173; 11, 46-47, 391; 15, 1-8; established, 1911, 8, 226; map, 8, 227; water power site, 8, 52-53; ill., 8, 170, 171, 226, 227; 11, 45; 15,6, 7; 24, 30-31; 29, 46-47; 33, 30-31; see also Rainbow Falls
Devils Slide, 33, 130
Devils Tower (Grand Teton N. P.), 32, 128-129
Devils Woodpile, see Devils Postpile
Diablo, Mt., 16, 99
Diamond hitch, 1, 327-329; 21, 40-44; ill., 1, 328; 21, 41, 94-95
Diamond Mesa, 2, 274; 26, 129
Diaz Pass, 27, 63
Dicentra uniftora, see Steer's head flower
Dick 's Peak, 2, 121
Diet, see Camping-Food and commissary
Dinkey Creek, 11, 391
Dipper, see Water Ouzel
Dirt Glacier, see Flood Glacier
Disappearing Creek, 11, 392; 12, 7-20; 22, 106; 27, 88; ill., 12, 12, 16, 17, 20; see alsoEnchanted Gorge
Disappointment Peak, 16, 107; 24, 42, 56; 25, 16
Dishes, see Camping-Equipment
Diving Board, 24, 129; 25, 48, 49, 51, 53, 112
D.O.A.V., see Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein
Dodwell Rixon Pass (Washington), ill., 9, 152
Dog Lake (Mt. San Gorgonio), ill., 11, 53
Doghead Peak, 8, 136-137
Dogwood blossoms, ill., 30, 46-47
Dollar Lake, see Big Bird Lake
Dolomites, 11, 292-296; 21, 6D-63; 30, 80-81
Dome Mountain (Washington), 22, 78
Domes and dome structure, 5, 211-220; 9, 228-229; ill., 5, 216, 218, 220; see also Geological studies
Donald, Mt. Sir, see Sir Donald, Mt.
Donkey, 17, 89-93
Donner Summit, ill., 33, 102
Donohue Pass, 11, 392; ill., 7, 95
Donohue Peak, 11, 392; 25, 122
Doodad, 20, 106; 22, 53
Doré Cliff and Pass, 11, 392
Dorothy Lake, 11, 392
Dorst Creek, 11, 392
Double Rock, 20, 105
Douglas squirrel, see Squirrel, Douglas
Downingia montana, 11, 147-148
Draba lemmonii, 11, 149
Dragon Peak, 14, 87
Dragonback (Canada), 33, 126; ill., 33, 7
Dragtooth, 22, 53
Drawbridge Gap (Canada), 13, 6; ill., 13, 5
Drawbridge Peak (Canada)>, ill., 13, 5; 14, 10
Eagle Peak (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 9, 95
Eagle Peak (Yosemite N. P .), 3, 50; 11, 393
Eagle Peak Falls (extinct, Yosemite Valley), 7, 222-224; map, 7, 224
Eagle Point, see Eagle Peak (Yosemite N.P.)
Eagle Scout Peak, 12, 420; ill., 13, 80; 18, 47
Eaglehead, Mt. (Canada), 33, 126
Earthquake, 10, 20-21
East Creek, ill., 7, 187; 26, 95
East Creek amphitheatre, 2, 270-277; map, 2, 271
East Lake, 3, 155, 156; 11, 393; 26, 133, 134; 30, 57; ill., 2, 20; 8, 48; 26, 95
East Temple (Zion N. P.), 23, 112-114
East Vidette, ill., 8, 13, 48-49; 10, 179; 26, 14-15; see also Videttes
Echo Lake avalanches, 34, 74-81; ill., 34, 94
Echo Peaks, 20, 104; 34, 110-111; ill., 9, 292; 11, 21, 25
Echo Ridge, 17, 113; 20, 103" -104; ill., 15, 59; 20, 110-111; see also Matthes Crest
Ecuador, 22, 85-91
Edith Cavell, Mt. (Canada), 14, 20-21; ill., 14, 22
Edith Lake, 11, 393
Ediza, Lake, ill., 33, 30-31; 34, 15
Ehrnbeck Peak, 11, 393
El Capitan type of ice sculpture, 10, 75-76
El Capitan (Yosemite Valley), 7, 264; 9, 7-15; 10, 75-76, 206; 11, 393; 23, 115-116; ill., 1, 134; 3, 32, 47; 7, 85; 11, 410; El Capitan Chimney, 25, 54;
El Capitan Gully, 25, 49
El Commandante, 2, 47; ill., 2, 47
El Nevado de Toluca, see Nevado de Toluca
El Picacho del Diablo, see Picacho del Diablo
El Portal, 11, 394
El Yunque, see Yunque de Luquillo
Elbert, Mt. (Colorado), 29, 22
Elbrus, Mt. (Caucasus), 22, 92-93
Eldorado, Mt. (Washington), 22, 72
Eleanor Creek, 11, 393
Eleanor Lake, 1, 330; 5, 142; 11, 393
Electra Peak, 20, 104; ill., 17, 27; 20, 31
Electric Peak (Yellowstone N. P.), 12, 368
Electrical storms, 5, 259; 20, 62; see also Lightning
Elevations of mountain peaks, 4, 285-291; 5, 90; 7, 249-250; Mt. Rainier, 6, 10; Mt. Shasta, 6, 11; Mt. Whitney, 5, 90-101; table of elevations, 4, 290
Eliot Glacier (Mt. Hood, Oregon), 12, 309, 423
Elizabeth Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 161
Elizabeth Pass, 11, 120, 393; 18, 8-9; ill., 6, 156; 18, 6
Elk, Mt. Rainier, 6, 32-33; Yellowstone, 8, 217; 9, 207-208; 12, 335-336
Ellery Lake, 11, 394
Ellesmere Island arctic expedition, 101 324
Ellis Meadow, 11, 394
Elongatae (Long-cone pines), 2, 65-66
Elston bill, 26, 47, 48, 49
Elwha basin (Washington), 9, 150-151; ill., 9, 150
Emerald Bay, 1, 319; 2, 56-57; ill., 8, 140
Emerald Lake (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Emerald Peak, 11, 394; 12, 307; 27, 102
Emeric Creek and Lake, 11, 394; ill., 5, 218
Emigrant Spring (Death Valley), 24, 88
Emperor Falls (Canada), ill., 10, 272
Enchanted Gorge, 11, 394; 22, 106; 27, 88, 103; ill., 12, 12, 16, 17; see also Disappearing Creek
Eocene Peak, 22, 57
Erebia, 9, 86; ill., 9, 94
Erectes firs, 2, 162-167
Ericsson, Crag, see Ericsson, Mt.
Ericsson, Mt., first ascent, 1896, 2, 92; 11, 394; ascents, 22, 105; 25, 123, 124; 26, 135; ill., 2, 92; 9, 25
Eriodictyon glutinosum, see Verba santa Eriogonum, Alpine (Eriogonum incanum), 11, 149
Erosion, 3, 63-64, 74; 9, 136-147, 225-239; 10, 414--428; 11, 290-291; 22, 1-18; 30, 51-55; Matterhorn, 25, 78, 82; see also Geological studies
Eshom Creek and Valley, 11, 394
Estes Park (Colorado), ill., 7, 234
Estes Park, see Rocky Mountain National Park
Etching, 28, 76-78; ill., 28, 7& -79
Eucalyptus growing, 6, 282-283; 8, 76, 241-242
Eurymus, 18, 53
Eutamias, see Chipmunk
Evelyn Lake, 11, 394
Everest, Mt. (Himalayas), 11, 430, 453; 12, 78, 104, 182-'183
Evolution Basin and Evolution Region, 1, 221-237, 287-288; 2, 259-260; 3, 255; 5, 229-237; 9, 52-53; 11, 144-146, 251, 275-289, 395, 417-420; 12, 87-90, 220-222, 250-251, 306-307, 379-380; 13, 81; 16, 104; 19, 93; 21, 102; 24, 127-128; 25, 33-34; 26, 39; 27, 128; 31, 118; bibliography, 27, 111; climber's guide, 27, 86-111; map, 5, 229; 11, 387; ill., 5, 232, 234; 7,15, 16; 10, 104, 105; 11, 36, 137, 144; 12, 180; 19, 14-15
Evolution Creek, 5, 156, 229-233; 11, 395; 25, 33; 27, 87; ill., 12, 324; 19, 14-15
Evolution Lake, 5, 233-234; 11, 395; 27, 87-90; ill., 5, 234; 10, 104; 11, 36, 144; 19, 14-15
Exhaustos, 16, 14; ill., 17, 122
Exsertae spruces, 2, 160
Expansion bolts, 34, 123-130; ill., 33, 102-103
Ex-Wallace, Mt., see Mendel, Mt.
Fairview Dome, 5, 219; ill., 5, 214; 7, 95, 149; 8, 151, 225; 9, 36, 252
Fales Hot Springs, 21, 54
Fall River Falls, 9, 110; ill., 9, 110
Fall River Mills, 3, 297; 2, 194-196
Fallen Leaf Lake, ill., 8, 141
Farewell Gap, 4, 302; 5, 54; ill., 4, 302; 5, 54
Fasciculariae conifers, 2, 64-78
Fatalities, see Climbing and mountaineering-Accidents and fatalities
Fauna, see Animals; Birds; Butterflies; Conservation; Insects; Rattlesnake; Trout
Fawn, ill., 12, 236; 27, 78-79
Feather River, Middle Fork, 9, 110; ill., 9, 110
Federal Water Power Act, 1920, 11, 213
Fern Lake (Rocky Mountain N. P.), ill., 7, 234-235
Femandez Pass, 11, 395
Fin Dome, 3, 136; 11, 395; 21, 93; 26, 128; ill., 3, 138, 142, 146; 6, 102; 8, 10, 49, 64, 71;26, 14-15
Finch, Gray-crowned, see Finch, Rosy
Finch, Rosy (Leucosticte tephrocotis), 4, 144-145; 5, 157; nest and eggs, 8, 34-38; 17, 21-22;ill., 8, 34, 35
Finger Peaks, 17, 113-114; 19, 98
Finger Rock, ill., 3, 245
Fir (Abies), 2, 162-167, 173; Arizona (Abies Arizonica), 2, 167; Black, see Fir, Colorado white; Bristle-cone (Abies venusta), 2, 166; California white (Abies Lowiana), 2, 164-165; Colorado white (Abies concolor), 2, 167; Lovely red (Abies amabilis), 2, 163; ill., 2, 170; Noble (Abies nobilis), 2, 164; Oregon white (Abies grandis), 2, 164; Red (Abies magnifica), 2, 165; 4, 298;ill., 10, 24; Santa Lucia (Abies boacteata), 18, 66; Shasta (Abies magnifica shastensis), 2, 165-166; ill., 2, 156; 4, 51; Silver, see Fir, Red; Subalpine (Abies lasiocarpa), 2, 163
Fire Prevention Conference, 1924, 12, 191
"First Error" (Lost Arrow), 25, 59
First Recess, ill., 15, 11
First-aid, 12, 168-174; frostbite, 33, 31-33; rattlesnake bite, 18, 44-46
Fish, see Trout
Fish Creek, 4, 196; 11, 395; map, 4, 205; ill., 15, 30; 24, 1, 30-31
Fish planting, see Trout planting
Fish Valley, 11, 395
Fishermen's Peak, 4, 289; 14, 47; 32, 76; see also Whitney, Mt.
Fiske, Mt., 11, 200, 395, 417-420; 27, 87, 99; ill., 5, 234; 11, 418, 419; 19, 14-15
Fissures, 17, 30
Five Lakes Basin and Kaweah Peaks, ill., 11, 347; 18, 39
Flat-top (Canada), ill., 24, 62-63
Fletcher Creek and Lake, 11, 395
Flicker, Red-shafted (Colaptes cafer collaris), 4, 140; 6, 249
Flint bill, 12, 132; 26, 46
Flood Glacier (Alaska), 12, 122
Flora, see Puffball; Trees and shrubs;
Wild flowers
Florence Creek, 11, 396
Florence Lake, 11, 395; 20, 62
Florence Mountain, 10, 229-230; 11, 396; 17, 115; ill., 10, 231; 11, 410; 16, 47; 29, 46-47
Flowers, see Wild flowers
Flying Cloud Pass, 3, 143; ill., 3, 140-141
Flying squirrel, see Squirrel, Flying
Foerster Creek, 11, 396
Foerster Peak, 11, 396; 20, 105; 22, 102
Food for camping, see Camping-Food and commissary
Foothill trees and shrubs, 3, 303-312
Footwear, see Camping-boots
Foraker, Mt. (Alaska), ill., 28, 30-31
Forest conservation history, 16, 16-26
Forest denudation, see Denudation
Forest experiment station, 11, 330
Forest fires, 5, 148-149; 7, 77; 9, 70, 322-325; 10, 377-378, 484-485; 11, 330-331, 447-448;12, 97-98, 195; airplane fire patrol, 11, 221-222, 331; control, 12, 317; Du Bois system of fire prevention, 9, 209-210; effects, 6, 22-24; 31, 18-23; hunters, 11, 447-448; " Light burning, " 5, 33-39; 8, 43-47; 11, 89, 106-107, 173; 12, 197-198; ill., 5, 35, 39; 8, 42, 43; lightning, 9, 26;11, 447; lookout stations, 7, 207; Marin County fire, 31, 18-23; motion pictures, 9, 70; prevention, protection, 6, 208-209; 7, 207, 269; 8, 142-143; 9, 75, 185-188, 209--211; 10, 115-117; 11, 221-222, 331; 12, 168-174; 18, 44-46; Fire Prevention Conference, 12, 191; Santa Cruz Mountains, 5, 265; storms, 11, 447; suppression of, 6, 22-24; Tamalpais, Mt., 9, 185-188;10, 115-117; ill., 9, 185; see also National Forests
Forest Industries Committee, 10, 377, 484
Forest Reservations and Forest Reserves, 1, 254-286; 2, 290, 320-324; 3, 262; 4, 173-174, 248, 320-322; 6, 70-72; 139--140; area, 5, 145; Congressional Act of 1891, 1, 259; court decision on grazing, 4, 73; grazing and pasturage, 5, 146-148; list, 1, 258; 2, 303; management, 5, 145-149; need, 1, 285-286; policy, 2, 304-311, 322; public lands, 4, 246; Sierra Forest Reservation,1, 254-267; 6, 121-123; transfer, 5, 84, 326-327; see also Forestry; National Forests
Forest Service, see United States Forest Service
Foresters Pass, 8, 163-164; 16, 97; 17, 103; 18, 10-12; 25, 23; 26, 21; 27, 62; 30, 61; ill., 8, 69, 166; 18, 15, 22, 23; 22, 14-15
Forestry, 2, 201-204, 244-245, 290-293, 320-325; 3, 112-118, 182-188; 262-270, 336-339; 4, 71-75, 173-176, 246-252, 319--323; 5, 82-85, 145-152, 265-270, 325-328; 6, 22-24, 69-73, 139-142, 208-210, 282-283, 334-336; 7, 77-84, 135-137, 204-208, 269--271; 8, 76-80, 142-143, 240-242, 290-292; 9, 70-75, 116-117, 209-211, 322-325; 10, 115-120, 253-257, 373-378, 483-486; 11, 219--223, 327-334, 447-452; 12, 94-101, 195-199, 317-318; airplane patrol, 11, 331; American Forestry Association, 3, 115-116; American Forestry Congress, 5, 269--270; appropriations, 4, 73, 323; Boy Scout Forest Aid badges, 9, 325; California Forestry Law, 1905,5, 303-309, 325; California Forest Policy, 7, 205; California State Forestry Board created, 1919,11, 219; Canada, 9, 71; chaparral control, 7, 208; distillation experiments, 8, 292; Division of Forestry, 3, 200-202; eucalyptus planting, 6, 282-283; fire lookout stations, 7, 207; fire-warning publicity, 8, 290; forest ranger system, 3, 112-113; Germany, 8, 240-241; highway tree planting, 11, 449; homesteading, 8, 291; instruction, 4, 175-176; lumbering, 3, 200; memorial trees, 10, 486; municipal forests and forestry, 7, 204-205; San Diego, 8, 241-242; Europe, 9, 74; nursery, 10, 485; penal institutions and conservation, 8, 242; private forestry, 11, 171-174; ranger school, 7, 208; redwood conservation, 3, 200-202; 11, 328-329; revenues, 8, 242; President Theodore Roosevelt, 4, 71-73; schools (Cornell University, 2, 291; 5, 83-84; University of California, 9, 70, 209; 10, 376, 486; 11, 452; 12, 197; University of Southern California, 3, 116; Yale University, 3, 186-187, 270); Sequoia gigantea seedlings, 8, 291; Southern California Conservation Association, 12, 94; states rights movement, 9, 116-117; taxation, 7, 270-271; timber sales, 8, 240; 10, 483; 11, 448-449; tree census, 8, 292; turpentine experiments, 8, 290; Western Forestry Association, 8, 241; wood-using industries, 8, 79; see also Forest fires; Forest Reservations and Forest Reserves; National Forests
Formidable, Mt. (Washington), 22, 78; ill., 22, 94-95
Forsyth Pass, 25, 113
Forsyth Peak, 11, 396
Fountain-Dome Falls, 12, 10; ill., 12, 13
Fourteen-thousand-foot peaks, 18, 127; 21, 103-104
Fourth Recess, ill., 10, 293; 15, 14; 32, 30-31
Fox, 17, 16
Fox Creek (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 344
Fox Meadow, 11, 396
Fox's Bridge, 3, 152
Fracticonae pines, 2, 67, 70-72
"Frances, Lake," 5, 157-158; ill., 5, 158
Francis, Lake (Glacier N. P .), ill., 12, 158
Franklin Glacier (Canada), 21, 1
Frasera speciosa, 6, 160
Fraxinus dipetala, see Ash, Flowering
Freel Peak, ill., 33, 102-103
Fremont National Park, proposed, 8, 141
Fremontia californica, 3, 307; ill., 3, 306
French Alpine Club, 10, 43& -440
French Creek Canyon, 17, 123; ill., 10, 215; 19, 94-95
Frost, 10, 425-426
Frostbite, 7, 124; 33, 31-33
Frozen Lake Pass, 11, 425
Frying pan uses, 3, 181
Fry's Point, 11, 396
Fujiyama (Japan), 7, 229-233; 22, 94; ill., 7, 229
Funeral Range, ill., 17, 67
Fungi, see Calbovista; Calvatia; Lycope'.don
Funston Meadow, ill., 4, 304; 11, 172
Furnace Creek, 1, 51-52; ill., 17, 67
Gabb, Mt., 2, 252; 10, 292; 11, 396; ill., 4, 200; 12, 181
Galapagos archipelago, 27, 79-82
Gale Peak, 11, 397
Gallatin map of the West, 28, 40, 51; ill., 28, 30-31
Garda, Lake, 31, 32-45
Garden Wall (Glacier N.P.), 23, 103; ill., 12, 41, 111
Gardiner, Mt., 2, 19, 80-82; 11, 397; 26, 32, 40; ill., 1, 293; 2, 81; 4, 182; 5, 280; 29, 46-47
Gardiner Pass, 27, 63
Gardner, see Gardiner
Garnet Lake, ill., 11, 17, 231, 259; 15, 1, 39; 24, 30-31
Gasherbrum (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Gaylor Lakes, 11, 397
Geikie, Mt. (Canada)>, 13, 4, 7; 14, 22-24; ill., 13, 8; 14, 6, 23
Gem Lake, 11, 397
General Grant Big Tree Grove, 4, 90-91
General Grant National Park, 8, 225; 9, 319-320; 10, 249-250, 340; 11, 11; 26, 43; see alsoSequoia National Park
Genevra, Mt., 11, 397; 12, 307
Gentian Meadow, 4, 212
Gentry's, 1, 133-134
Geological studies, cockscomb type of crest, 11, 21-28; domes and dome structure, 5, 211-220;9, 228-229; ill., 5, 216, 218, 220; Eagle Peak Falls (extinct), 7, 222-224; map, 7, 224; glacial action, 3, 57-64, 74; glacial cirques, 5, 279-286; ill., 5, 271, 273, 280, 282, 284; glacial denudation, 10, 304-318; glacial polish, ill., 18, 127; glacier measurement and motion (Eliot Glacier, 12, 423; Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier, 17, 108; Nisqually Glacier, 6, 10S-114; value of measuring, 20, 20-27;
Giant Forest, 3, 170; 7, 103; ill., 12, 213, 236, 308; 13, 16
Giant Sequoia, see Sequoia gigantea
Gibbs Mountain, 11, 397; ill., 4, 19
Gibraltar Rock (Mt. Rainier), 2, 230; 3, 278; ill., 1, 116; 6, 4
Gilbert Lake, ill., 7, 240
Gilbert, Mt., 11, 398; 27, 97
Gilbert, Mt. (Alaska), ill., 10, 394
Gilia, Scarlet (Cilia aggregata), 11, 148
Giraud Peak, 11, 398; 12, 307; 24, 58
Giroud, see Giraud
Glacier Col, 22, 53
Glacier Divide, 25, 120; 27, 92, 97, 98; ill., 12, 221
Glacier Gorge (Rocky Mountain N. P .), ill., 7, 234-235
Glacier Lodge, 24, 44
Glacier Notch, 24, 49
Glacier Peak (Washington), 8, 174-184; 22, 72; ill., 8, 176, 180, 181
Glacier Point, 3, 29; 7, 265; 23, 118-119; 25, 57-58, 119; " Terrace " 25, 53-54; Trail circle, 25, 112; ill., 3, 28; 7, 153
Glaciers and glaciation, 10, 66-8, 184-201; 18, 71; bergschrund, 5, 276-277; ill., 5, 276; 6, 296; 7, 188, 189; glacial action, 3, 57-64, 74; 9, 225-239; 10, 184-201, 305-308; 19, 89; 29, 92-95; glacial cirque, 5, 279-286; ill., 5, 280, 282, 284; glacial denudation, 10, 304-318; glacial epoch in California, 3, 61-64; 9, 87; 10, 184-201; 11, 21-28; glacial erosion, 3, 60, 63; 10, 66-68; 11, 184-185; glacial flow diagram, 5, 282; glacial lakes, 9, 7-15; glacial moraines, 3, 59, 61, 77, 194; 9, 7-15, 140-144; 10, 308; 11, 70-74; glacial moraines with ice cores, 33, 87-96; glacial motion, recession, and measurement, 3, 59-60; 5, 282; 6, 108-114; 12, 309, 423; 17, 108; 20, 20-27; glacial polish, 3, 53; 10, 306-307; ill., 18, 127; glacial striation, 10, 307; glacial valleys, 10, 195-197; Himalayas, 7, 250; lect!lre by Prof. Joseph LeConte, 3, 57-64; photography, 5, 23-25; vanations, 5, 20-25; Yosemite, 9, 136-147; 10, 184-201; see also names of mountains for specific glaciers; see also Crevasse; Geological studies; Serac
Glacier National Park, 7, 225-228; 8, 218-219; 9, 63-64, 321; 10, 100-101, 245, 366-367; 12, 34-36; 111-120; animal life, 7, 226; 12, 117; compared with Sierra Nevada, 12, 111-114; glacier recession, 20, 22-23; Mountaineers' outing, 1914, 9, 311; Sierra Club ascents, 1937, 23, 102-103; Sierra Club outing, 1924, 12, 115-120, 158-162; ill., 7, 225-229; 30, 46-47; see also Avalanche Lake; Belly River; Black-foot Glacier; Boulder Peak; Bowman Lake; Browns Pass; Cleveland, Mt.; Crossley Lake; Elizabeth Lake; Francis, Lake; Garden Wall; Glenns Lake; Going-to-the-Sun Chalet; Gould, Mt.; Grinnell Glacier; Grinnell Lake; GrinneIl Mountain; Gunsight Pass; Indian Pass; Janet Lake; Josephine, Lake; Kinnerly Peak; Kintla Peak; Logan, Mt.; Logan Glacier; Logan Pass; McDermott, Lake; McDonald, Lake; Merritt, Mt.; Peary Lake; St. Mary Lake; Wilbur, Mt.
Glass Mountain, 2, 316-318; ill., 2, 316, 318
Glen Alpine Gorge, ill., 8, 141
Glen Alpine Springs, 1, 319-320
Glen Aulin, 12, 41-42; ill., 17, 10
Glen Canyon (Colorado River), ill., 30, 62-63
Glen Pass, 3, 139-148; 6, 106; 7, 184; 11, 398; 26, 20; 27, 63; ill., 6, 106; 7, 186; 26, 94-95
Glenn Meadow, ill., 9, 164
Glenn Pass, see Glen Pass
Glenns Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 117
Glenora Mountain (Alaska), 11, 154-160
Glissading, 6, 172
Goat, Mountain, see Mountain goat
Goat Crest, 11, 398; ill., 5, 284
Goat Mountain, 2, 79; 3, 153, 158; 4, 190; 6, 104; 11, 398
Goat-grazing experiments, 7, 208
Goddard, Mt., 27, 100-101; first ascent, 1879, and naming, 11, 251, 398; 20, 64; 26, 39; 27, 87; ascents, 2, 259; 3, 255; 5, 237; 9, 52-53; 16, 104; 25, 11; ill., 12, 21, 181; 19, 14-15
Goddard Creek, 12, 7-20; map, 12, 8; ill., 12, 13
Goddard Divide, 27, 91; ill., 7, 16
Godwen Austen, Mt. or " K2 " (Himalayas), 7, 251; ill., 31, 14-15
Going-to-the-Sun Chalet (Glacier N.P.), ill., 12, 44
Gold Hill., 24, 84, 104
Golden Trout, see Trout, Golden
Golden Trout Creek, 4, 307; 5, 79; 11, 398; 12, 141; ill., 7, 252; see also Volcano Creek
Goodale Creek and Goodale Mountain, 11, 399; ill., 11, 422
Goodale Pass, see Silver Pass
Goode, Mt., 11, 399; 27, 97
Goode, Mt. (Washington), 22, 78; 23, 47
Gopher (Thomomys moliticola), 17, 19
Gould, Mt., 7, 186; 11, 399; 12, 140; 26, 40; ill., 10, 207; 26, 94-95
Gould, Mt. (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 111
Government control of water power, 7, 84
Grace Meadow, 11, 400
Grade profile in glacial erosion, 5, 271-278; ill., 5, 271, 273, 275, 276
Grand Canyon National Park and National Monument, and Grand Canyon of the Colorado (Arizona), 3, 333-335; 4, 160-172; 11, 6, 31& -319; 15, 107; bridge over the Colorado, 15, 107-108; boat trips, 22, 80-84; 27, 50-58; butterflies, 18, 55; cliff dwellings, 4, 162; Lake Mead, 24, 124-125; map, 4, 80; trails, 3, 333-335; 4, 160-164; ill., 11, 319; 27, 7& -79; 30, 46-47; see also Bright Angel trail; Cataract Canyon; Hance trail; Havasupai Canyon; Mystic Springs trail
Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne, see Tuolumne, Grand Canyon of the
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, see Yellowstone, Grand Canyon of the
Grand Mountain, 12, 66
Grand Sentinel, 3, 152; ill., 26, 94-95
Grand Teton, 12, 360-362; first ascent, 12, 361; ascents, 12, 356-364; 32, 128-129; ill., 11, 164; 12, 356, 368; 16, 54
Grand Teton National Park, see Devils Tower; Grand Teton; Jackson Lake; Jenny Lake; Middle Teton; Moran, Mt.; Owen, Mt.; Symmetry Spire; Tetons Granite Basin, 1, 294; 4, 254; 11, 400;ill., 9, 162
Granite Creek, 11, 400; see also Rock Creek
Granite detail photographs, 17, 6; 28, 78-79
Granite Falls (Colorado River), ill., 27, 78-79
Granite Meadows, see Little Jackass Meadows
Granite Pass, 10, 355; 11, 37, 400
Granite Peak (Montana), 12, 368-372; ill., 12, 368-372, 369
Granite Valleys, 10, 62-77
Grant Grove (Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park), ill., 16, 35
Grasshoppers, 17, 114-115
Graves Grove, see Henry Solon Graves Grove
Graveyard Meadows, 11, 400
Graviconae pines, 2, 73-74
Gray Peak, 11, 400
Grayback, see San Gorgonio, Mt.
Grazing and pasturage, 1, 169-171, 264-265; 3, 51-52, 56-57; 5, 146-148; 10, 322-323, 336-338, 433, 441-442; 11, 37-38, 100-101; 12, 176; 32, 36-42, 53-62, 71-74; chaparral control by goat grazing, 7, 208; drought conditions, 9, 104, 114-115, 116; effect on vegetation, 2, 292; Mount Rainier N. P., 10, 358; mountain meadows, 8, 40; 27, 16; 32, 53-62; 34, 140-143; recreational areas, 27, 115-116; Yosemite, 9, 104, 114-115; see also National forests -Grazing; National parks -Grazing
Great Western Divide, 1, 254; 11, 400; ill., 11, 120; 13, 17
Greece, 14, 34; 30, 71-78; see also Olympus, Mt.; Parnassus, Mt.
Green, Mt. (Canada), 2, 2; ill., 2, 152
Gregory 's Monument, 3, 157; ill., 2, 21, 22, 26; see also Stanford, Mt.
Grepon (Alps), 30, 82-85
Grinnell Glacier (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 37, 111
Grinnell Lake (Glacier N. P .), ill., 23, 110-111
Grinnell Mountain (Glacier N. P.), 23, 103; ill., 12, 4
Grizzly Giant tree, 3, 25; ill., 10, 430; 29, 46-47
Grizzly Lake and Meadow (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Grizzly Peak (Yosemite N. P.), 2, 217; 9, 133, 311; 11, 400; 21, 96; 25, 43, 49, 51, 57, 119
Grizzly Point, see Grizzly Peak
Grosbeak: Black-headed (Zamelodia melanocephala), 6, 246-247; 8, 119; California pine (Pinicola californica), 4, 141-142; 9, 33-35; ill., 9, 34, 35; Western evening (Coccothraustes vespertinus montanus), 4, 141-142; ill., 4, 141
Ground-squirrel, Sierra golden-mantled, 10, 408-409; ill., 10, 403
Grouse, Sierra blue (Dendragapus obscurus sierrae), 4, 136-137; 17, 21
Grouse Meadow, 7, 18; 11, 400; map, 11, 359; trail, 9, 191, 306, 307; ill., 7, 1, 17; 9, 133, 159, 303; 11, 153; 19, 14-15; 29, 46-47
Grouse Valley, see Grouse Meadow
Grunigen Creek, 11, 400
Guardian of the Grove tree, ill., 3, 222
Guatemala, 4, 266-269
Guitar Lake, 11, 400
Gul1, Ca1ifomia, 17, 21
Gull Lake, 11, 400
Gunsight, 25, 52, 118
Gunsight Lead, 24, 74, 93, 100
Gunsight Pa55 (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 40
Guyot, Mt., 11, 401; 26, 120; 32, 80
Haeckel, Mt., 11, 138, 144-146, 401; 19, 94; 20, 79; 21, 102; 27, 87, 95; ill., 11, 137, 144, 145, 279, 286, 418; 12, 181
Halberdier, Mt. (Canada), 22, 33
Hale, Mt., 26, 111
Haleakala (Hawaii), 11, 232-234; ill., 11, 234, 235
Halemaumau, see Kilauea
Half Dome, 7, 264; 11, 401-402; 25, 48, 51, 53; 31, 118; first ascent, 1875, 11, 401-402; 25,43, 48; ascent, 1884, 31, 1-9; ascents, 9, 133-135, 311-312; 19, 100; 21, 96-97; 31, 120-121; cable stairway, 11, 92, 101-103, 201; ill., 11, 100; geology, 5, 212, 219; 10, 71-77; ill., 3, 28;5, 212, 216; 7, 153; 8, 132; 9, 126-128; 10, 72-75; 11, 57, 101, 410; 16, 1, 38j30, 46
Hallett Glacier (Rocky Mountain N. P .), ill., 7, 235
Hal1iday's Corral (Bi." hop Creek), ill., 25, 102
Halstead Meadow, 11, 402
Hamilton, Mt., 11, 408-412; 12, 143; ill., 11, 41Q-411; 12, 181
Hamilton Lakes, lower (main) lake, ill., 10, 135; 18, 54; upper lake, ill., 18, 47
Hammond, Mt. (Canada), 8, 51
Hance Trail (Grand Canyon N. P.), 4, 163-164
Hand, The, (Pinnacles National Monument), 33, 123-124
Hanging valleys, 5, 10; 12, 231
Haplodon, see Beaver, Mountain
Happy Gap, 11, 402
Happy Isles, 11, 402; 25, 110
Hardscrabble Pass, 10, 293
Harebells (Campanula rotundifolia), ill., 12, 118, 348
Harper Glacier (Alaska), ill., 28, 30-31
Harrington, Mt., 2, 45
Harrison Pass, 1, 290; 2, 270; 3, 156-157; 5, 115-121, 297-302; 11, 402; 22, 101; 30, 58; ill.,5, 120, 297, 300; 9, 25; 30, 62; see also Madary's Pass
Hartmanweilerskopf (France), 11, 176
Harwood Lodge, see AureIia Harwood Memorial Lodge
Havasu Indians, 4, 78
Havasupai Canyon, see Cataract Canyon
Havasupai cliff dwellings (Grand Canyon National Park), ill., 4, 85
Hawaii National Park, 10, 244, 478; 11, 231-243; 12, 401; ill., 11, 239, 242, 243; see alsoHaleakala; Kilauea
Hawk, Cooper, 27, 15
Hawk's Head Notch, 22, 53
Hawks Rest (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 377
Hayden Peak (Alaska), ill., 32, 62-63
Hayes, Mt., see Gray Peak
Hazel Green, 11, 402
Heart Lake, 11, 402
Heart Lake (Yellowstone N. P.), 12, 272; ill., 12, 269
Heartstone, Mt. (Canada), 33, 125
Height of mountains, see Elevations
Helen Lake, 11, 402; 27, 88; ill., 11, 181; 11, 419
Helen 's Dome, 3, 110
Hell-for-Sure Pass, 11, 403; 19, 98; 27, 88, 91; map, 17, 106
Helms Meadow, 11, 403
Hemlock, Alpine ( Tsuga Pattoniana , Tsuga Hookeriana ), 2, 160; ill., 2, 160; Mountain [Western] (Tsuga mertensiana), 2, 159-160; ill., 9, 273; 10, 25; 17, 1
Hemlock spruce (Tsuga), 2, 159-161
Hemlock spruce, False (Pseudotsuga), 2, 161-162
Hennessy Lakes (Trinity Alps), ill., 11, 367, 370, 374
Henry, Mt., 11, 403; 25, 120; see also Kaweah Peaks
Henry Solon Graves grove (Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park), 12, 198-199; ill., 16, 31, 34
Hermit, 5, 232-233; 11, 403; 12, 222; 16, 104; 19, 93; 25, 120; 27, 87, 102-103; ill., 5, 232;11, 137, 140; 12, 325; 16, 7; 19, 14-15
Hermit group (Canada), ill., 23, 110-111
Hetch-Hetchy Fall, see Wapama FaIl
Hetch-Hetchy Reservoir: controversy, 6, 211-222; 7, 200; 8, 63, 206, 271; editorial in opposition, 7, 69-71; hearings, 7, 260-263; 9, 44-45; Hechy-Hetchy bill passed, 1913, 9, 174-176; Frederic Law Olmsted's report, 9, 192-199; Secretary of Interior's decision on application for sites, 6, 321-329; Sierra Club plea, 6, 264-268
Hetch-Hetchy Valley, 1, 332; 6, 211-222; 7, 96, 129, 152; 8, 156; 9, 145; 10, 71; 11, 403; bibliography, 7, 133; waterfalls, 6, 212-214; 7, 152; ill., 6, 211, 216, 218, 242; 7, 64-69, 152, 200, 201, 260-263; 8, 151, 156; 9, 260; 29, 46-47
Hidden Lake, 11, 355
High Horse Trip, 25, 21-25
High mountain route, 1, 61-84, 221-237, 287; 2, 249-262; 4, 177-184, 253-263; 7, 1-22; 20, 54-67; 25, 129-130; map of LeConte route, 7, 22; see also John Muir Trail
High Sierra Camps, 12, 37-42; 25, 115-116; map, 12, 38
High Sierra Trail, 16, 97; 17, 104; 18, 7; ill., 16, 99; 18, 54
High Sierra trails, 25, 108-116
High Trips, see Sierra Club-Annual outings
Highest mountain ascents, see Climbing and mountaineering-Highest ascents
Hikers' Camps, see High Sierra Camps
Hiking, 1, 314-324; automobiles, 17, 110; see also Camping; Knapsack trips
Hilgard, Mt., 11, 404; ill., 4, 200; 12, 181
Himalaya, 5, 78; 7, 250-252; 12, 403; ill., 31, 14-15; see also Baltoro Glacier; Bride Peak; Broad Peak; Everest, Mt.; Gasherbrum; Godwen Austen, Mt. (K2); Kangchenjunga; Karakorum range; Mustagh Tower; Paiju Mountain; Siniolchun
Hitchcock, Mt., 11, 404; 26, 117; 32, 80; ill., 7, 148; 22, 14-15
Hitchcock Lakes, ill., 7, 148; 22, 14-15
Hockett Lakes and Meadows, 11, 404
Hockett Trail, 1, 1-8, 101; 3, 169; 4, 207-208; 11, 404
Hodaka, Mt. (Japan), .22, 93-94
Hoffman, Mt., 11, 404, 405; 17, 31; 26, 32; ill., 5, 282; 8, 151; 9, 292; 11, 386; 20, 110-111; " The Thumb, " 9, 230; 20, 105; ill., 9, 230; 11, 386; 20, 110-111
Hoffman Glacier, 10, 185
Hog Ranch, 11, 405
Hoh Glacier (Olympic National Park), ill., 9, 153, 156
Holly, Wild, see Toyon
Homers Nose, 11, 405
Homestead Laws, 5, 82-83, 150-151; 6, 70-72, 336
Hood, Mt. (Oregon), 12, 309, 423; 19, 58
Hopkins, Mt., 20, 75; 32, 131
Horn Creek Rapid, ill., 27, 78-79
Horse Corral Meadow, 11, 405
Horsethief Creek (Canada), ill., 9, 241
Horton Lake, 11, 405
Hospital Rock, 11, 405
Howser Spire (Canada), 26, 6G-63; 27, 122-125; ill., 24, 62-63; 26, 94-95; South Tower, 27, 122; ill., 26, 94-95
Huascaran, Mt. (Andes), 7, 124, 249-250
Hulsea algida, 10, 284
Humboldt Redwoods State Redwood Park, 11, 327, 449-451; 12, 100; ill., 11, 303, 311
Hummingbird, 4, 135; 11, 148; ill., 12, 119; 25, 102-103
Humphreys, Mt., 2, 253-258; 11, 249-251, 277, 405-406; 19, 15-18; first ascent, 1904, 5, 153-175; 11, 250, 405-406; 19, 116; first ascent from the east, 21, 49-53; first ascent wrongly attributed to John Muir, 11, 182, 250-251; ascents, 11, 56-59, 203-204, 313; 15, 110; 16, 104;17, 119; 19, 16-18, 92; 24, 126-127; 26, 131-132; bibliography, 19, 18; Married Men's Point, 5, 170; 19, 16; origin of name, 11, 405; 19, 15; view, 11, 182; 24, 14; ill., 4, 200; 5, 153, 158, 168; 9, 306; 11, 56, 204; 15, 10; 19, 16, 46; 20, 62-63; 25, 102-103; routes of ascent on, ill.,19, 16
Humphreys Basin, 13, 35; ill., 19, 46
"Hundred Peaks" goal, 31, 115-117
Huntington, Mt., 20, 75
Hunt's Cove (Oregon), ill., 3, 204
Hurd Peak, 10, 440; 27, III; ill., 23, 14-15
Hutchings, Mt., II, 406
Huxley, Mt., 5, 234; 11, 406; 25, 121; 27, 87, 99; ill., 5, 234; 7, 15; 11, 36, 117; 19, 14-15
Hylochichla, see Thrush
Ibex Hills (Death Valley), ill., 17, 70
Ibex Meadows, 7, 110
Ice caves, 2, 318; 4, 159-160
Iceberg Lakes, ill., 23, 30-31; 24, 30-31; 33, 30-31
Icebergs, 26, 96
Iceland, 30, 30
Idaho, 26, 78-81
Idwal Slabs (Britain), 22, 92
IIlilouette Creek, 11, 406
Illilouette Fall, 3, 42-43; 6, 307; 11, 406; 25, 53
Illilouette Glacier, 10, 191-192
Illilouette Ridge Trail, 25, 112
Inimani, Mt. (Andes), 29, 80-81
Inclusae spruces, 2, 157-160
Inconsolable Range, 24, 56
Indefatigable Island (Galapagos) 27, 79-82
Indefatigable Island (Galapagos), 27, 79-82
Independence, view of Sierra Nevada, 22, 110
Indian arrowheads, 9, 325; ill., 9, 325
Indian baskets, 12, 193
Indian Canyon trail, 25, III
Indian Henry 's (Mt. Rainier N. P.), 9, 284-285; 16, 64; ill., 9, 284, 285
Indian Joe 's Spring, see Providence Spring
Indian legends, 12, 388-389
Indian names, 9, 55; 11, 382, 385, 386, 389, 393, 394, 401, 403, 406; 12, 49-52, 55, 59, 61,63, 64, 128, 130, 132, 137-140, 145, 146, 253, 388-390
Indian Pass (Glacier N.P.), ill., 12, 116
Indian pictographs: Cataract Canyon (Arizona), 4, 82; ill., 4, 82; Pate Valley, 6, 258-259; 27, 125; ill., 6, 258-259
Indian spearhead, ill., 10, 333
Indian villages and' camp-sites in Yosemite Valley, 10, 202-209
Indian Wells (Death Valley), 24, 95
Indians: Death Valley, 24, 80, 92, 101; Havasupai, 4, 78; Kings River region, 26, 28-29; Navajo, 24, 70; Queniult, 9, 156; ill., 9, 157; Yokut, 12, 385-400; 17, 50; ill., 12, 385; Yosemite, 10, 202-209; 11, 415; 17, 27
Infant Buttes, 11, 406
Insects, 9, 268-270; see also Bark Beetle;
International Geographic Congress, 5, 76, 260-261
Inyo County, 11, 406
Inyo National Forest, 26, 124
Ionian Basin, 27, 104
Ireland Creek and Lake, 11, 407
Iron Mountain, 23, 32; ill., 23, 30-31
Ironwood, Catalina (Lyonothammus ftoribundus), 18, 66
Irrigation, 4, 246-247; 6, 282
Irvine, Mt., 12, 306; 26, 118
Isberg Pass, 11, 407; Trail, 20, 59, 60; 25, 114
Isberg Peak, 11, 407
Island Pass, ill., 7, 6
Isosceles Mountain, see Merriam, Mt.
Italy, Lake, 11, 407
Italy Pass, 27, 63
Ixtaccihuatl (Mexico), 8, 52, 104-107; ill., 8, 96, 104-106
Izaak Walton, Mt., 11, 45-46; 24, 10; ill., 15, 30, 74; 24, 1
Izalco, Mt. (Salvador), 4, 269
J. O. Pass, 11, 407
Jack Main Canyon, 1, 181; 2, 280-283; map, 1, 179; name, 12, 126
Jackass Meadow, 1, 333-335; 11, 137; ill., 11, 136; see also Perfection Meadow
Jackrabbit, White-tailed (Lepus townsendi sierrae), 12, 343; 17, 14
Jackson Lake (Grand Teton N. P.), 11, 161-162; ill., 11, 164; 12, 356
"Jam Crack Joe" (song), 29, 82-89
Jan, Lake (Utah), 24, 109-120; ill., 24, 62-63
Janet, Lake (Glacier N. Po), ill., 12, 160
Japan, 6, 186-195; 7, 229-233; 22, 93-94; see also Asama-Yama; Fujiyama ; Ho-daka; Karuizawa; Yari, Mt.
Jasper Park (Canada), 14, 28-33
Jay, Blue-fronted (Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis), 6, 245-246; 8, 122; Rocky Mountain, 4, 139
Jay hawker Spring (Death Valley), 24, 88-89
Jay hawker Well, see McLean 's Spring
"Jay hawkers," 24, 78, 87-99, 105
Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, see Mill Creek Redwoods State Park
Jefferson, Mt. (Oregon), 3, 203-209; 12, 309-310; ill., 3, 189, 204, 208
Jennie Lake, 11, 407
Jenny Lake (Grand Teton N. P.), ill., 11, 165
Jerusalem Oak, see Mountain misery
Jester, Mt. (Canada), 22, 30; ill., 22, 30-31
Jigsaw Pass, 24, 45-46
Joe Devel 's Peak, 23, 108-109; 26, 118
John Muir-Kings Canyon National Park, see Kings Canyon National Park
John Muir Memorial Shelter, 16, 12, 97-98; 19, 7; 22, 99-100; 27, 91-92; ill., 16, 98; 19, 14-15;25, 102-103
John Muir National Park, 10, 14; see also Kings Canyon National Park
John Muir Trail, 10, 14, 86-92, 213, 221-225, 330, 343; 11, 34-48, 358; 12, 416-417; 14, 83;15, 37-46; 17, 103-104; 20, 56-57; 26, 39, 143; beginnings, 10, 86-91; 20, 54-67; 25, 28-40; elevation and mileage, 11, 48; 15, 45; knapsack trip, 1927, 13, 81-82; map, 7, 22; 17, 106; route, 10, 86-91; 11, 34-48, 358; 15, 40; ski trip, 1929, 15, 69-73; specifications and drawings,15, 43-44; ill., 10, 89, 104, 105, 159, 178, 199, 214, 215, 422; see also High mountain route
Johnson, Mt., 27, 97
Jordan, Mt. (Kings-Kern), 17, 47, 119; 22, 105; 26, 134; first ascent, 1925,
12, 307
Jordan, Mt. (North Palisade), 1, 296; 5, 3; 17, 47; see also North Palisade
Joseph, Mt., 11, 376-378; 28, 39-42
Josephine Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 14. 37 .
Joshua tree, ill., 17, 71
Julius Caesar, Mt., 19, 97
Jumbo (Canada), 9, 246
Jumbo Glacier, ill., 9, 245, 246
Junco, Sierra (Junco oreganus thurberi), 6, 251-252; 8, 158; ill., 8, 158
Junction Meadow, ill., 8, 274
Junction Pass, 10, 175, 218; 11, 36; ill., 10, 178, 214, 422 -
Junction Peak, 3, 172; 11, 407; 18, 127; 26, 40, 129, 135; first ascent, 1899, 3, 172; 11, 407;26, 40; ill., 8, 69; 18, 14, 15
June Lake, 11, 407; 12, 128; ill., 33, 102-103
Juniper (Juniperus), 4, 118-125; AIligator (Juniperus pachyphlaea), 4, 120; Basin (Juniperus utahensis), 4, 122; California (Juniperus calijornica), 4, 121; Cosnino (Juniperus utahensis cosnino), 4, 122-123; ill., 4, 103; Creeping (Juniperus communis Siberica), 4, 121; ill., 4, 111; Mountain, see Juniper, Western; One-seeded (Juniperus monosperma), 4, 124; Prickly (Oxycedrus), 4, 120-121; Rock (Juniperus scopulorum), 4, 124-125; Savin, see Sabina; Sierra,see Juniper, Western; Western (Juniperus occidentalis), 4, 123; 10, 298-303; 18, 115-116; ill.,4, 123; 10, 300, 301, 304, 305; 12, 244; 13, 81; 16, 22, 23; 18, 115; 25, 14-15; 28, 78-79; Wyoming (Juniperus Knightii), 4, 125
Junipero Serra, Mt., 6, 52-53
Junipers of Lake Valley, 10, 298-303
"K2" (Himalayas), see Godwen Austen, Mt.
Kaiser Pass and Peak, 12, 49
Kanawyer, 12, 49
Kangchenjunga (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Karakoram Range (Himalayas), 7, 250-251; ill., 31, 14-15
Karstens Ridge (Mt. McKinley N. P.), 18, 83; 28, 10-15; ill., 18, 86, 87; 28, 30-31
Karuizawa (Japan), 6, 186; ill., 6, 186
Kat Pinnacle, 26, 138
Kat Walk, 24, 129; 25, 54
Kaweah, Black see Black Kaweah
Kaweah, Mt., 2, 187; 4, 306; 7, 27-30; 12, 49; first ascent, 1881, 11, 254; 12, 49; 32, 81; ill.,4, 304, 306; 7, 30
Kaweah, Red see Red Kaweah
Kaweah, South, see Kaweah, Mt.
Kaweah Gap, ill., 9, 2; 18, 46; 22, 62-63
Kaweah peaks, 2, 185-191; 11, 254; 12, 49; " Gray Kaweah, " 21, 99; " Second Kaweah, " 12, 49; map, 2, 185; ill., 4, 304, 306; 5, 297; 7, 27; 9, 2-3; 11, 132, 172, 347, 410-411; 13, 17, 25; 18, 39; 22, 14-15, 62-63
Kaweah Peaks " Pass ", 7, 33-38
Kaweah River, 2, 185; 12, 49; Middle Fork, ill., 10, 135; 13, 37
Kearsarge Lakes, 12, 49-50; ill., 4, 95; 8, 12; 10, 207, 407; 12, 220; 26, 94-95; 29, 46-47
Kearsarge Pass, 2, 20; 4, 95; 9, 160; 12, 49; crossing, 1864, 10, 340; origin of name, 10, 342;12, 49-50; poem, 20, 50-53; Winter ascent, 7, 237-242; ill., 4, 95; 7, 238-241; 8, 67, 68; 10, 407; 12, 237; 15, 70
Kearsarge Peak, 12, 49-50
Kearsarge Pinnacles, 12, 49-50; 18, 126; 25, 123; ill., 1, lOO; 4, 95; 7, 239; 8, 12; 10, 179, 190, 207, 407; 12, 220; 26, 94-95
Keeler Needle, 12, 50; 26, 114; ill., 10, 175; 32, 30-31
Keith, Mt., 2, 84; 10, 237; 12, 50; first ascent, 1898, 2, 274; 12, 50; 26, 40
Kennedy Lake, Meadow and Pass, ill., 2, 280
Kern Basin : Cross-section diagram, 22, 18; ill., 22, 14-15, 30-31
Kern Canyon, see Kern River Canyon
Kern Lake, ill., 4, 302; 5, 58; 7, 27; 8, 275; 9, 17; 10, 423
Kern Point, 26, 131
Kern Ridge, 22, 105
Kern River, 4, 301-307; 9, 16-24; 12, 50; discovery, 13, 56; headwaters, ill., 13, 29; 22, 62-63;32, 30-31; origin of name, 12, 50; 15, 87; trails, 7, 195; 9, 111-112
Kern River Canyon, 4, 301-307; 5, 57-61; 7, 99; birds, 5, 102; glaciation, 13, 17-19; lightning-struck tree, 9, 25-27; ill., 5, 60; 9, 16, 21; 13, 28; 22, 14-15
Kern-Kaweah Canyon, 8, 166; 9, 21; ill., 7, 38
Kern-Kaweah Falls, ill., 5, 106
Kern-Kaweah Gap, ill., 4, 304
Kern-Kaweah Pass, 11, 130
Kern-Kaweah River, 2, 188; 7, 37; 9, 21; 12, 50; ill., 8, 166, 167
Kern-Kaweah Valley, see Kern-Kaweah Canyon
Kerrick Canyon, 1, 179; map, l, 177, 179
Kettle Dome, 11, 313
Keyser, see Kaiser
Keystone, ill., 4, 304, 306
Kid Peak, 26, 18, 127
Kilauea (Hawaii N. P.) 11, 231-243; ill., 11, 242, 243
Kinabalu (North Borneo) 8, 18-24; ill., 8, 18
King, Mt. Clarence, see Clarence King, Mt.
King, Starr, see Starr King, Mt.
King Spur, 26, 128
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned (Regulus calendula), 8, 161-162; ill., 8, 162
Kings Canyon National Park: boundary extension of Sequoia N. P. proposed by Sierra Club, 8, 207, 220-221; 12, 76-77; cave discovered, 6, 275; created, 1940, 26, 56-57; development plan, 1947, 32, 112-125; maps, 32, 112, 119; highway extension, 32, 112-125; 34, 41-45; legislative history, 11, 6; 26, 42-58; national park status proposed, 6, 115-125; 10, 14; 11, 29-33; trails and trail development, 3, 150-158; 23, 88-89; 26, 123-124; water-power sites opposed by Sierra Club, 11, 441-446; see also John Muir National Park; Kings River; Kings River Canyon; " Roosevelt-Sequoia N. P ."
Kings Canyon Road, 6, 121, 203-205, 276; 7, 130-131, 195; see also Kings Canyon National Park-Highway extension
Kings Kern Divide, see Kings-Kern Divide
Kings River: early history, 10, 340; 12, 51; 26, 28-41; map 1, 302; origin of name, 10, 237-238; 12, 51; 13, 58; 26, 29; water-power site applications, 11, 441-446; see also Kings River, Middle Fork of the; Kings River, South Fork of the; Kings River Canyon
Kings River, Middle Fork of the, 1, 293-313; 5, 1; 6, 119; 10, 352-356; map, 2, 49; 5, 18; ill.,6, 115, 120; 7, 1, 18, 19, 253, 256; 8, 41, 280; 9, 125, 146; 10, 222; 11, 37, 149, 153, 173, 180, 181, 196; 21, 30-31; 26, 14-15; 29, 46-47
Kings River, South Fork: headwaters, 1, 293-313; 4, 177-184, 253-263; 7, 180-187; 8, 163; Upper Basin, 9, 56; 11, 421-426; ill., 11, 423; 25, 14-15; 26, 14-15; see also below
Kings River Canyon, 2, 44-49, 106-109; 4, 88-99, 153; 6, 100-107, 115-125; 10, 352-356; 12, 224-236, 237-249; 20, 54, 66; 26, 1-8, 9-14; cave, 6, 275; compared with Yosemite Valley, 4, 96-99; 6, 115-117; 12, 224-236; 26, 5; cross-section diagram, 10, 71; 12, 232; early explorations, 12, 237-249; 26, 1-14, 28-41; geology, 4, 96; 12, 224-236; glaciers, 10, 69; 12, 229; history, 26, 28-41; in 1868, 12, 237-249; Indians, 26, 28; map, 12, 228; 32, 112; master plan map, 1947, 32, 112; mines, 26, 37; national park status, 6, 123; 26, 57; plant life, 26, 4; road, see Kings Canyon Road; Sierra Club report and recommendations, 6, 115-127; trails and routes, 1, 93-106, 209-213, 221-237; 3, 15G-158; 6, 120-121, 124; 7, 120; 11, 314; 20, 54-67;23, 88-89; Winter, 4, 156-159; ill., 6, 100, 104; 9, 158; 10, 69, 71; 12, 225, 229, 317; 26, 1, 14-15, 94-95; see also Kings Canyon National Park; Kings Canyon Road; Kings River, South Fork of the
Kings-Kern Divide, 1, 214-220; map, 2, 26; ill., 1, 92, 187; 2, 22; 8, 15; 10, 207; 26, 95
Kinnerly Peak (Glacier N. P.), 23, 103; ill., 12, 162
Kintla Peak (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 162
Kirkwood 's, 1, 321
Kit Carson tree, 1, 321; 2, 59
Klamath Lake Bird Sanctuary, 11, 95-97
Klamath River Road, 11, 451
Klapatchie Park (Mt. Rainier N. P.), 16, 64; ill., 16, 62, 67
Knapsack Pass, 24, 49; 27, 63
Knapsack trips, 1, 314-324; 27, 128-130; 32, 99-103; see also Camping; Packing
Knapsacking see Knapsack trips
Knots, 16, 70-72, 75; see also Bowline knot; Butterfly noose; Diamond hitch
Koip Crest, 12, 51; 25, 122
Koip Pass, 27, 62; ill., 11, 4
Kolana, ill., 7, 262
Korbel Peak, 3, 110
Kuna Crest and Peak, 12, 52; ill., 5, 220; 9, 247, 293
Lacey Transfer Bill, 4, 174
Ladder Lake, 27, 104
Lady Franklin Rock, 12, 52
Lafayette National Park, 11, 6; ill., 11, 12, 13; see also Acadia National Park ; Acadia Mountain
Laggard Pass, 10, 295
Laguna Mountain Recreation Area, 10, 483
Lake Canyon Creek, see Grunigen Creek
Lake Fork, see Kings River
Lake of the Fallen Moon (Poem), 11, 374
Lake of the Lone Indian, see Lone Indian, Lake of the Lake ramparts, 5, 157; 6, 225-234; bibliography, 6, 233-234; ill., 6, 225
Lakes, Salt and Alkaline, 3, 71-74
Lall, Lake (Utah), 24, 109-119; ill., 24, 62-63
Lamarck, Mt., 27, 92-93
Lamarck Col, 27, 89
Lambert, see Lembert
Lambert Soda Springs, see Soda Springs (Tuolumne Meadows)
Langille Peak, 27, 105, 129; ill., 19, 14-15
Langley, Mt., 1, 6; 12, 52; 26, 119; first ascent, 1871, 11, 253; 14, 41-43, 26, 119; mistaken for Mt. Whitney, 7, 141; 11, 253; 14, 41-43; origin of name, 12, 52; ill., 1, 6; 7, 147; 10, 175;14, 46; 22, 14-15; 32, 30-31
Langue Peak, ill., 7, 256
Lanivireo see Vireo
Larch (Larix), 2, 76, 78; Western (Larix occidentalis), 2, 76; Wooly ( Larix Lyalli ), 2, 76
Larix see Larch
Lassen, Mt., 2, 207-215; 3, 288-297; eruptions, 9, 300-304; 10, 92-96; Winter ascent, 18, 128-129; ill., 9, 298-302; 10, 96, 97; 17, 50
Lassen Butte, see Lassen, Mt.
Lassen National Forest, 4, 320-322
Lassen Volcanic National Park, 10, 244; 11, 324
Laterales pines, 2, 67, 72-75
Laurel Mountain, 16, 106
Lava, 11, 242-243; ill., 11, 242, 243
Lava Beds National Monument, 2, 312-319; ill., 2, 318-319
Lava Region of California, see California -Lava regions of Northern California
LeConte, Mt., 12, 53; 14, 86; 23, 109-110; 24, 131; first ascent, 1, 325-326; 12, 305; 26, 119;ill., 1, 325; 14, 46; 22, 15; 32, 30-31
LeConte Canyon, 12, 54; ill., 9, 159; 11, 153
LeConte Cascade, see LeConte Falls
LeConte Divide, 12, 52
LeConte Dome, see Half Dome
LeConte Falls, 1, 204; 4, 28; 12, 52; ill., 4, 31; 7, 218
LeConte Gully, 25, 53
LeConte memorial lectures, 11, 414, 435
LeConte Memorial Lodge (Yosemite), 5, 66-69; 10, 142-143; 11, 91; dedication services and address, 5, 176-180, 254; inscription, 5, 296; opening, 5, 135; reports, 5, 241; 6, 129, 268; 7,59, 191; 8, 129, 210; 9, 50, 181, 294; 10, 83, 215, 328; 11, 92, 201, 308, 435; 12, 83, 187, 414; 13, 71; 14, 77; 15, 103; 16, 95; 17, 100; 18, 106; 19, 79; 20, 100; 21, 80; ill., 5, 1, 66;10, 143, 395; 11, 208
Leaning Chimney, 26, 137; 27, 136
Leaning Tower, 21, 98; 25, 54
Leevining Creek, 12, 54; 13, 83-85
Lefroy, Mt. (Canada), 2, 1-8, 149-155; ill., 2, 5, 152; 8, 189
Lembert Dome, 7, 150; 12, 54; ill., 6, 235; 8, 1; 9, 225, 293; 11, 411; 16, 39
Leucosticte, see Finch, Rosy
Lewis, Mt., 16, 62
Lewis Creek, 12, 54
Lewisia, see Bitterroot
Liberty Bell, Mt. (Washington), 23, 46
Liberty Cap (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 1, 125; see also Rainier, Mt.-North Peak
Liberty Cap (Yosemite), ill., 3, 28
Libocedrus, 4, 101; see also Cedar, Incense
Lick Observatory, 11, 408-412
Liebre Peaks, 31, 116
Lieu Land Law, 5, 327-328
Life zones, 3, 298-312; 4, 132-145; 27, 80-81
Light-burning, see Forest fires-" Light burning"
Lightning, 9, 25-27; 17, 105-107; 34, 27-30; diagrams, 34, 28-29; fatalities on Bugaboo Spire, 1948, 34, 70-73; fire zones, 11, 447; lightning-struck tree in Kern Canyon, 9, 25-27; ill., 9, 26, 27
Lilium Kelleyanum, 4, 300
Lily, Mariposa, ill., 12, 33
Lincoln, Mt., ill., 27, 30-31
Lining, 27, 57
Lion, Mountain, see Mountain lion
Lion Rock, 2, 186; ill., 11, 410-411
Lippincott, Mt., 12, 54; ill., 11, 410-411
Little America, 26, 98-101
Little chief hare see Cony
Little Claire Lake, 4, 214; 12, 54
Little Five Lakes, ill., 13, 92
" Little Gem Co., " 26, 72-77
Little Jackass Meadows, 1, 335
Little Kern Lake, ill., 10, 170
Little Lakes Valley, ill., 27, 30-31
" Little Lost Valley" of Shepherd Crest,
see Shepherd Crest-" Little Lost Valley"
Little Pete Meadow, ill., 19, 14-15
Little South Fork (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Little Yosemite Valley, 7, 40-41; 8, 3-9; 12, 39; ill., 3, 28; 5, 216; 8, 6, 7
Live-oak, Foothill ( Quercus Wislizeni ), 3, 303
Lobelia (Downingia montana ), 11, 147-148
Loch Leven trout, see Trout, Loch Leven
Logan, Mt. (Glacier N. P.), 23, 102
Logan Glacier (Glacier N. P .), ill., 12, 162
Logan Pass (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 41; .30, 46-47
Lola, Mt., 31, 12
Lone Indian, Lake of the, 4, 197; 12, 55; ill., 4, 197; 11, 44
Lone Pine Canyon, 7, 105-118; ill., 22, 14-15
Lone Pine Creek, 5, 88
Lone Pine Peak, 26, 118; ill., 1, 326; 22, 15
Long Lake, ill., 9, 307; 10, 297
Long Meadow, ill., 11, 25
Longley Pass, 1, 190; 12, 55; 27, 63; ill., 1, 192, 193
Longs Peak (Rocky Mountain N. P.), 3, 196-197; 13, 62-64; ill., 3, 196, 198; 7, 234-235; 13,64, 65
Lookout Mountain, see Sugarloaf
Lookout Peak, 4, 187; 12, 145, 242, 245
Los Angeles Municipal Mountain Camp, 10, 335
Los Gatos Creek, ill., 2, 301
Lost Arrow, 12, 55; 21, 99; 23, 119; 25, 59; 27, 134; 31, 118; first ascent, 1946, 31, 121-122;32, 1-10; vertical ascent, 1947, 33, 103-108; ill., 26, 94-95; 32, 1, 12, 13; 33, 102-103
Lost Brother, 27, 133-134
Lost Canyon, ill., 7, 100; 9, 20
Lost Valley (Merced Canyon), 7, 40
Lost Valley (San Joaquin River), see Blaney Meadows
Louise, Lake (Canada), 2, 1; 23, 103; ill., 2, 1
Lowell Peak (Canada), 34, 144
Lucy, Lake, see Rae Lakes
Lucy 's Footpass, 3, 109
Lukachukai Mountain (Arizona), 24, 72
Lukens Lake, 12, 55
Lukens Trail, 2, 109
Lumbering, 10, 375; 32, 37-42
Lundy, 13, 40-53; ill., 13, 40, 41
Luther Pass, ill., 11, 295
Lycoperdon sculptum, 6, 39-42; ill., 6, 39
Lyell, Mt., 11, 185, 247-248; 12, 55-56; first ascent, 11, 247; 12, 56, 304-305; 23, 7; ascents,1, 136-143; 4, 22-23; 5, 181-186; 7, 218; 9, 251-253; ascent in one day from Yosemite Valley,23, 110; 26; 143; glacier, see Lyell Glacier; origin of name, 11, 246; 12, 55; south face ascents, 20, 104; 24, 126; Winter ascent, 23, 41; ill., 1, 66; 3, 326; 5, 20, 184; 7, 94, 95; 9, 250, 251; 10, 231; 11, 49, 410; 15, 47; 17, 22, 23; 20, 104; 29, 46-47; routes of ascent, ill.,20, 104
Lyell Fork, see Merced River -Lyell Fork; Tuolumne River-Lyell Fork
Lyell Glacier, 1, 63-64; 5, 23, 183, 276; 11, 185, 247; 23, 6-7; ill., 5, 20; 7, 188, 189; 11, 49;17, 22
Lyell group, ill., 7, 95
Lyell Meadows, ill., 11, 258
Lyman Glacier (Washington), ill., 8, 181
Lyman Lake (Washington), ill., 8, 184
Lyonothammus, see Ironwood
McAdie, Mt., 5, 317; 14, 86; 18, 133; 26, 117; ill., 7, 147
McArthur, Lake (Canada), ill., 8, 185
McCabe Lake, ill., 18, 71
McClure, Mt., see Maclure, Mt.
McClure Glacier, see Maclure Glacier
McClure Lake, 12, 57
McClure Meadow, 12, 57; ill., 11, 137
McClure 's Pass, map, 1, 173
McCormick, Mt. (Canada), 33, 125
McDermott, Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 36, 45
McDonald, Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 7, 225, 228-229; 23, 110; 30, 46-47
McDonald Peak (Canada), ill., 13, 9
McGee, Mt., 16, 104; 19, 93; 27, 101; ill., 12, 181
McGee Lake trail, 25, 113
McGonagall Pass (Mt. McKinley N. P.), 18, 81; ill., 18, 83
"Machete," The, (Pinnacles National Monument), 25, 130-131; ill., 25, 102-103
McKinley, Mt. (Mt. McKinley N. P., Alaska), 6, 280; 18, 81-87; 28, 1-35; 30, 95; 34, 95-109; first ascent, 1913, 18, 82; first ascent of North Peak by " Sourdough" party, 1910, 18, 81-82;34, 99-106; second ascent, 1932, 18, 81-87; ascent claimed by Dr. Cook, 1906, 6, 280; 34, 97-98; bibliography, 34, 109; discovery and exploration, 34, 95-97; Dr. Cook's false summit, 34, 107; ill., 34, 95; origin of name, 18, 81; 34, 96; " Sourdough" party, 18, 81-82; 34, 99-106; ill.,34, 94-95; temperature, 18, 83-84; war equipment testing expedition, 28, 1-35; ill., 18, 82, 83, 86, 87; 28, 30-31; 34, 94-95; see also Karstens Ridge; Mount McKinley N. P.; Muldrow Glacier
McKinley grove, 10, 296
McKinney's, 1, 317
McLean's Spring, 24, 80, 101
McLoughlin, Mt., ill., 17, 51
Maclure, Mt., 12, 56; 20, 104; ill., 3, 326; 5, 23; 7, 94, 95; 9, 250; 10, 231; 11, 410; 17, 22;20, 104; 29, 46-47; routes of ascent, ill., 20, 104
Maclure Glacier, ill., 5, 23; 17, 22
Macomb Ridge, 12, 56
Madary's Pass, 1, 195; ill., 1, 196; see also Harrison 's Pass
Magic Circle, 11, 275-283
Magpie, 4, 134-135; ill., 4, 134
Mahogany, Mountain (Cercocarpus parvifolius), 3, 308
Malaspina Glacier (Alaska), 2, 134-141
Malheur Lake Bird Sanctuary, 11, 95
Mallory, Mt., 12, 306; 21, 100; 26, 117; ill., 14, 43
Mammoth Hot Springs (Yellowstone N . P, ), ill., 12, 437
Mammoth Mine, 13, 48
Mammoth Mountain, 21, 57
Manly Lake, 17, 76
Manly Lookout, 24, 85, 86
Manzanita (Arctostaphylos), 3, 305, 309; ill., 3, 305
Maps: Big Basin, 3, 218; Mt. Brewer east basin, 3, 108; Brown, Prof. Bolton Coit, 1, 302; 2, 26; Brue map of California, 28, 30-31, 41; Bubbs Creek basin, 2, 114, 128, 271; Burr map of California, 28, 30-31, 41; California, 15, 83, 90, 91; 28, 30-31, 40-41; Carson Pass, 15, 83; Cartridge Pass trail, 17, 106; Center Basin, 2, 271; Colby Pass region, 11, 128; Crater Lake, 1, 37; Crespi map of San Francisco Bay, 13, 56; Death Valley, 24, 62-63, 78; Devils Postpile National Monument, 8, 226-227; Eagle Peak Falls site, 7, 224; Estudillo map of San Joaquin Valley, 26, 30; Evolution region, 5, 229; Fall River Mills to Susanville, 2, 194; Fish Creek upper basin, 4, 205; Fractional scales, 5, 260; Fremont explorations, 15, 83, 90, 91; Gallatin map of California, 28, 30-31, 40; Goddard Creek region, 12, 8; Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 4, 80; Grouse Meadow to Vidette Meadow, 11, 358-359; Hell-for-Sure Pass Trail, 17, 106; High mountain route, 7, 22; High Sierra Camps, 12, 38; Jack Main Canyon, 1, 179; John Muir Trail, 7, 22; 17, 106; Kaweah Peaks, 2, 185; Kerrick Canyon, 1, 177, 179; Kings River, Head-waters, 1, 302; Middle Fork, 5, 18; Kings River Canyon and Kings Canyon National Park, 2, 49; 12, 228 (development plans, 1947, 32, 119; Master plan, 1947, 32, 112); Kings-Kem Divide, 2, 26; LeConte map of Sierra Nevada, 4, 311; 25, 35; Little Lost Valley of Shepherd Crest, 18, 69; 34, 84; McClure's Pass, 1, 173; Medicine Lake Lava region, 2, 312; Mountaineers' Olympic outing, 9, 148; Muir Crest, 26, 110; Muir Gorge trail, 1, 206; Olympic Range (Washington), 9, 148; Ouzel Basin, 3, 109; Palisades, 5, 18; 24, 46; Pinchot Pass trail, 17, 106; Pine Ridge trail, 1, 210; Preuss map of California, 15, 91; Rae Lakes basin, 3, 136; Ritter range, 23, 30; Ritter-Whitney triangulation, 2, 286; Roaring River, 11, 128; Mt. St. Elias, 2, 136; San Francisco Bay region,13, 56; San Joaquin River, South Fork, 5, 229; San Joaquin Valley, 26, 30; Sequoia National Park, 8, 220; 12, 416; Shepherd Crest, 18, 69; 34, 84; Sierra Club Soda Springs property, 9, 37; Sierra Nevada, 4, 311; 25, 35; 32, 78; Sixty Lakes Basin, 3, 136; Slide Canyon to Kerrick Canyon, 1, 177; Susanville to Fall River Mills, 2, 194; Taboose Pass trail, 17, 106; Tehipite Valley, 12, 127; to Kings River Canyon, 2, 49; Tenaya Canyon, 9, 134; Triangulation between Mt. Ritter and Mt. Whitney, 2, 286; Tuolumne Meadows property, 9, 37; United States Geologic SuI:Vey maps, 2, 115-117; Vernon Lake region, 1, 185; Vidette Meadow to Grouse Meadow, 11, 359; Whitney region, 26, 110; Whitney-Ritter triangulation, 2, 286; Mt. Whitney trail, 1, 1; Wilkes map of California, 28, 31, 40; Yokut Indians range, 12, 388; Yosemite, Lake (ancient), 9, 11; Yosemite High Sierra Camps, 12, 38; Yosemite mining history, 13, 43; Yosemite Valley, 12, 228
Marble Canyon (Colorado River), ill., 27, 78-79
Marble Mountain Primitive Area, 18, 29
Margaret, Lake (Canada), ill., 2, 264
Marian, Lake (Utah), 24, 109-120; ill., 24, 62-63
Marie Lake, ill., 11, 40
Marin County fire of 1945, 31, 18-23
Marine borer protection, 8, 78
Marion Gorge (Olympic N. P.), ill., 9, 150
Marion Lake, 4, 259; 12, 56, 154; ill., 12, 316
Marion Peak, 12, 154
Mariposa Battalion, 25, 41; 26, 30-31
Mariposa grove, 3, 24-25; 5, 242-250; 6, 58-61; 7, 219; 12, 57
Marjorie, Lake, 12, 57
Marmolata (Canada), 26, 61
Marmot, 4, 281; 6, 37; 21, 86; ill., 12, 105, 120
Marmot Ridge, 3, 110
Marsh, Mt., 7, 109; ill., 7, 111
Marten, 17, 18; 21, 86
Martha Lake, 12, 57; 27, 88
Marvin Pass, 12, 57
Massive, Mt. (Colorado), 29, 22-23
Mather Pass, 11, 269-270, 359-367, 423, 424; 12, 57, 417-418; 16, 107; 27, 91; ill., 11, .362, 423; 15, 71
Matlock Lake, ill., 7, 240
Matterhorn (Alps), 6, 75-86; 13, 82-83; 14, 85; 18, 111; 25, 73-87; 30, 81-82; ill., 6, 75, 78, 82; 31, 14-15
Matterhorn Canyon, 1, 175; ill., 8, 209
Matterhorn Peak (Yosemite N. P.), 3, 159-163; 4, 287; 11, 256; 20, 76, 106; 22, 53; 27, 126;ill., 3, 118-162
Matterhorn Peak, False, ill., 3, 118
Matthes Crest, 17, 113; 34, 110-111; ill., 15, 59; 20, 110-111; 34, 86-87; see also Echo Ridge
Maturango Peak, 27, 138
May Lake trail, 25, 113
May Lundy mine, 13, 40-53; ill., 13, 40
Maye, Lake (Canada), 9, 242; ill., 9, 240
Mayon (Philippine Islands), 4, 228-234
Mazamas, 2, 57-58; 6, 132; 9, 200; 10, 231; 12, 309, 422-423; 13, 89; 14, 89-90; 15, 111; 17, 108; 18, 121; Glacier Peak outing, 1911, 8, 174-184; Mt. Jefferson outing, 1900, 3, 203-209; Mt. Rainier outing, 1897, 2, 192-193; 3, 271-287; 1914, 9, 310; Mt. St. Helens outing, 1909, 7, 170-179; Three Sisters outing, 1910, 8, 53-54
Mead, Lake (Colorado River), 24, 124
Meadows, deterioration and protection, 8, 39-42; 27, 16; 32, 53-62; 34, 140-143; ill., 8, 40, 41;32, 62-63; see also Wilderness areas and preservation
Meadows, Poison, 4, 195, 213
Medicine Bow Mountains (Wyoming), 12, 283-288; ill., 12, 288
Medicine Lake lava region, 2, 312-319; map, 2, 312; ill., 2, 314, 316, 318; see also Modoc Lava Beds
Melanerpes formicivorus, see woodpecker, California
Mendel, Mt., 16, 104; 27, 98
Mentzelia, see Blazing-star
Merced Canyon, 2, 105; 6, 235-237, 290-293; 7, 39-48; 8, 152-153; ill., 3, 28; 6, 236, 292; 7, 171
Merced Canyon soda springs, see Soda Springs-Merced Canyon
Merced grove, 12, 57
Merced Lake, 7, 40; 12, 57; ill., 6, 236; 7, 39, 171; 20, 30-31
Merced Lake Camp, 12, 40
Merced Pass and Peak, 12, 57
Merced Range, 11, 187-188
Merced River, 2, 197-199; 7, 265; 25, 114; discovery and naming, 12, 57; 13, 58; Lyell Fork,11, 315; 17, 8; ill., 6, 307; 7, 87; 8, 132; 11, 258; 17, 23; 20, 30-31
Merriam, Mt., 17, 123; 19, 93; ill., 19, 94-95
Merritt, Mt. (Glacier N. P .), 12, 165-167; ill., 12, 5
Mesa Verde National Park, 9, 65, 321
Metasequoia, 34, 82
Meteorological observatories, 5, 314; 6, 7-14, 177-185; see also Conness, Mt.; Rainier, Mt.; Rose, Mt.; Whitney, Mt.; Shasta, Mt.
Mexico: Club de Exploraciones, see Club de Exploraciones de Mexico; mountains, 4, 264-273; 8, 96-109; see also Colima; Cordilleras; Ixtaccihuatl; Nevado de Toluca; Paricutin; Picacho del Diablo; Pico de Orizaba; Popocatepetl; San Felipe Desert; Sierra San Pedro Martir; Valle de la Grulla
Mice, 12, 344; 17, 20
Michaelis, Mt., 12, 58
Middle Fork, see name of river
Middle Kaweah, see Red Kaweah
Middle Palisade, 19, 96; 24, 42, 55-56; first ascent, 1921, 11, 252, 264-270; 12, 62; 24, 42; ascents, 12, 307; 16, 105, 107; 25, 16, 121; new route, 19, 96; West Peak, 16, 107; 19, 96;24, 55; ill., 9, 189; 10, 223; 11, 197, 266, 267, 274, 423; 12, 325; 19, 94-95; routes of ascent,ill., 11, 266; see also Palisades
Middle Teton, 16, 47-54; ill., 16, 50, 51, 54; routes of ascent, ill., 16, 50
Milestone Basin . 9, 1-6; 18, 13; ill., 9, 2-3
Milestone Bow. see Milestone Bowl
Milestone Bowl. 2, 188; 9, 1-6; 12, 58; ill., 4, 306; 11, 121
Milestone Creek, ill., 13, 93; 18, 38
Milestone Mountain, 11, 313, 440; 12, 58-59; 26, 130; first ascent, 1912, 9, 1-6; 12, 59; ill., 9, 2-6, 48; 11, 120. 410-411; 18, 30, 31, 126; 22, 30" -31
Mill Creek Redwoods State Park (now Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park), 25, 106-107; ill.,25, 102-103
Miller Lake, 1 174; 12, 59; 28, 97
Mills, Mt., 15, 110; 32, 78
Mills Tower (Canada), 33, 125
Mimulus, 26, 67
Minaret Gap, 23, 23
Minaret Lake, ill., 23, 30-31
Minarets, 1, 74-76; 17, 114; 19, 99; 23, 110; 24, 6-7, 126; 31, 117; Climber's Guide, 23, 27-32; Clyde Minaret first ascent, 1928, 14, 87; 15, 109-110; 23, 27; comparison between Clyde and Michael Minaret, 15, 109; highest point, 15, 109; 17, 119; Leonard Minaret first ascent, 18, 134; map, 23, 30; Michael Minaret, 19, 83-85; 22, 106, 109; 23, 27; first ascent, 1923, 12, 28-33, 59; search for Walter A. Starr, Jr., 19, 81-85; ill., 1, 78; 6, 290, 304; 11, 48; 12, 28, 29;15, 31; 23, 28, 29, 30" -31; 24, 30-31; 33, 30-31; 34, 15; see also Ritter Range
Mineral King, 3, 170, 255-257; 12, 59; winter sports possibilities, 34, 112-118; ill., 33, 102-103
Miner's Peak, see Sawtooth Peak
Mining history east of Yosemite, 13, 40-53; map, 13, 42; ill., 13, 40, 41, 48, 49
" Minnesota National Park " proposed, 3, 263
Minster, 3, 110; 25, 123
Mirror Lake (Yosemite N. P.), 3, 34; 8, 94; 9, 318; 12, 59; 25, 112; ill., 8, 89
Mirror Point, 26, 116
" Mississippi Boys, " 24, 78-105
Mist Falls, 1, 243; 8, 16; ill., 26, 14-15
Mitchell Meadow and Peak, 12, 59
Miter, 26, 118
Moat Lake (Canada), ill., 13, 5; 14, 30, 71
Modoc Lava Beds, 2, 312-319; 12, 96; see also Medicine Lake lava region
Momotombo (Nicaragua), 4, 270
Monarch Divide, ill., 11, 173
Monkey-flower, 26, 67
Mono County, 12, 59
Mono Craters, 3, 80-81
Mono Creek, 1, 226; 12, 59; Poison meadows, 4, 195; ill., 32, 30-31
Mono Creek Canyon, 1, 221-237; 2, 251-262; 4, 194; 7, 8-14; ill., 2, 256
Mono Creek Pass, see Mono Pass
Mono Lake, 3, 78-79, 82-83; 7, 95, 195; 12, 59; ill., 3, 326
Mono Lake Basin road, 7, 130
Mono Mesa, 32, 15-18, 130
Mono National Forest, 26, 124
Mono Pass, 12, 59; 15, 113-115; ill., 7, 14; 10, 105
Mono Rock, 32, 131
Mono Trail, ill., 10, 293
Montara Club, 4, 313
Montgomery, Mt., 20, 102
Monument Peak (Death Valley), 25, 117-118; ill., 25, 102-103
Monument Valley (Arizona), 24, 68-73
Moose, 12, 335; ill., 12, 340
Moraga expedition, 1806, 13, 58
Moraine Dome, 25, 112
Moraine Lake, 4, 306; 9, 19; 10, 226-227; ill., 7, 27; 9, 18-19; 10, 174, 198; 11, 172
Moraine Park (Rocky Mountain N. P.), 3, 194-196; ill., 3, 193, 195; see also Willow Park
Moraines, see Glaciers and glaciation
Moran, Mt. (Grand Teton N. P.), 11, 161-166; 12, 365-367; 32, 129; ill., 11, 164; 12, 356, 360, 368
Moran Point (Yosemite), 25, 112
Moro Rock, 12, 60; 25, 127-128; 34, 145-146
Morris Meadow (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Morrison, Mt., 12, 60; 32, 130
Mott Lake, 13, 85; ill., 15, 23
Mount Desert Island (Maine), ill., 11, 12, 13; see also Acadia N.P.
Mount Lyell Camp, 12, 40
Mount McKinley National Park (Alaska), 10, 244; see also Karstens Ridge; McGonagaIl Pass ; McKinley, Mt.; Muldrow Glacier; Parker Pass
Mount Olympus National Park, see Olympic National Park
Mount Rainier National Park (Washington), 2, 320; 6, 44-51; 7, 194, 247; 8, 55, 222; 9, 65, 208, 320; 10, 99, 109, 248, 358, 367; animal life 6, 32-38;
Mountaineers' Outing, 1930, 16, 63-66; see also Cowlitz Glacier; Eagle Peak; Gibraltar Rock; Indian Henry's; Klapatchie Park; Liberty Cap; Navada Falls; Nisqually Glacier; Paradise Glacier; Paradise Park; Paradise River; Paradise Valley; Rainier, Mt.; Skyline Trail; Spray Park; Tatoosh Range; Unicorn Peak; .Van Trump Park
Mount Shasta Rest House, 11, 307
Mount Whitney Club Journal, 4, 318
Mount Whitney Trail, 1, 1-8; 5, 258-259; 14, 84; map, 1, I; ill., 1, 292; 22, 14-15, 62-63; 32, 31
Mountain beaver, see Beaver, Mountain
Mountain building, see Geological studies; Mountain summits
Mountain Creek (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 341
Mountain goat, 6, 20, 32; 7, 226; 12, 117; ill., 8, 177; 12, 186, 187
Mountain lion: Yellowstone N; P., 12, 338; Yosemite N. P., 10, 442; 17, 16; ill., 10, 442, 486
Mountain meadows, see Meadows
Mountain military training, 31, 46-56
Mountain misery (Chamaebatia foliolosa), 3, 311; 9, 4!}-42; ill., 9, 41
Mountain photography, see Photography
Mountain ranges of the United States, 6, 201-203
Mountain summits, 11, 181-193, 290-291
Mountain troops, see United States Army-Mountain troops
Mountain warfare, 31, 32-56
Mountaineering, see Climbing and mountaineering; Skiing and ski-mountaineering
Mountaineering and conservation organizations, see Alpine Club of Canada; Alpine Congress; American Alpine Club; Appalachian Mountain Club; Associated Mountaineering Clubs of North America; California Alpine Club; California Associated Societies for the Conservation of wildlife; California Botanical Society; Canadian Alpine Club; Club Alpin Franc; ais; Club Andino Boliviano; Club de Exploraciones de Mexico; Colorado Mountain Club; Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein; French Alpine Club; Mazamas; Montara Club; Mountaineers Club of Seattle; N ational Parks Association; Save-the-Redwoods League; Scottish Mountaineering Club; Sierra Club; Southern California Conservation Association; Tamalpais Conservation Club
Mountaineers Club of Seattle, 9, 81-83; 149-158, 200, 311; 10, 232-233; 11, 91; 12, 310, 423;13, 90; 15, 111; 16, 63-66, 101; 17, 108; 18, 123
Mountains, naming, see Place names
Muir, Mt., 12, 60, 306; 21, 100-102; 26, 116; ill., 14, 43; 22, 14-15; 32, 30-31
Muir Crest, 22, 6; bibliography, 26, 121; Climber's Guide, 26, 102-121; map, 26, 110; passes,26, 105; ill., 22, 15, 110; see also Whitney region
Muir Gorge, 1, 14, 205-206; 2, 181; 7, 215-216; 12, 60; descents-swimming, 17, 82-88; 20, 42-45; naming, 1, 206; map, 1, 206; i" ., 6, 241; 7, 216; 17, 82, 83, 86, 87
Muir Hut (Muir Trail), see John Muir Memorial Shelter
Muir grove, 12, 60
Muir Lodge (San Gabriel Range), 9, 80, 170-172, 181; 10, 60-61, 334; ill., 9, 170, 171; 10, 60
Muir Pass, 5, 236; 10, 346-347; 11, 3& -39, 139-140, 281; 12, 60; 27, 91, 129; ill., 11, 141, 181; 12, 248; 16, 11; 19, 14-15; 25, 14-15
Muir Pass-John Muir Memorial Shelter, see John Muir Memorial Shelter
Muir Trail, see John Muir Trail
Muir Woods National Monument, 6, 276, 285, 287-289; 11, 324-325; 13, 79; 21, 31; ill., 6, 285-288
Muldrow Glacier (Mt. McKinley N. P.), 28, 4-7; ill., 18, 83
Mules, 20, 71; 25, 14-15; 32, 10& -110; 33, 19-22; 34, 23-24; ill., 22, 95
Mulkey Meadows, 1, 4; 12, 61
Multiple-use policy of U. S. Forest Service, see United States Forest Service-Multiple-use policy
Municipal forests and forestry, 7, 204; Europe, 9, 74; San Diego, 8, 241-242
Murdock Lake, 12, 61
Muriel Lake, 27, 92
Muriel Peak, 27, 97
Muro BIanco, ill., 6, 118
Murphy Creek, 12, 61
Murray Canyon, 11, 351, 353
Muskeg, 14, 3
Muskrat, 12, 340
Mustagh Tower (Himalayas), ill., 31, 15
Myiochanes, see Pewee
Mystic Spring Trail, 3, 334
Names and naming, see Place names
Nance Peak, 12, 61
Nannus, see Wren
Narada Falls (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 9, 95
Narrative of Zenas Leonard, 27, 36-48
National Conference on Parks, 1921, 11, 196
National Conservation Commission, 7, 77
National forests: 6, 334-336; 11, 329-331; 32, 71-74; ~ agriculture, mining, fire and their influence on forest land, 3, 226-229; ill., 3, 226; American Forestry Congress, 1905, 5, 269-270; boundaries and boundary changes, 7, 135-137, 269-270; California, 12, 96; California Forestry Law, 1905, 5, 303-307; Clarke-McNary Act., 12, 317-318; concessions, 6, 335; denudation of vegetation, 2, 295-311; ill., 2, 295, 301; district administration, 7, 79, 82, 135, 137; Division of Forestry studiesfor scientific lumbering, 3, 200-202; experiment stations, 7, 81; federal vs. state control, 9, 72-73; fire prevention laws, 6, 208-209; fish planting, see Trout planting; forest fires and fire prevention, see Forest fires; grazing and pasturage (8, 80; 10, 483; 12, 298, 410; court decision, 4, 73-74; effects, 2, 295-311; 32, 36-42; High Sierra policy, 2, 292-293; limited grazing permission, 9, 104; Sierra Club stand, 27, 115-116; see also Grazing); hillside farmer and the forest, 5, 33-39; homestead laws, 5, 82-83, 150-152; 6, 70-72; list of national forests, 1908, 6, 336; management, 5, 145-150; 6, 334; maps, 10, 117, 375; multiple-use policy of U. S. Forest Service, 4, 71-72; 6, 125-National forest (cont.) 127; 32, 71-74; need for forest reserves, 1, 269-270; 2, 295-311; primitive areas, 18, 24-30; 23, 93-96; see alsoWilderness areas and wilderness preservation; public camps, 11, 448; public lands withdrawal for national forests, 4, 247-249; reasons for federal control, 9, 46, 72; recreational uses, 10, 117-120, 253; 23, 85-93; reforesting, 3, 224-229; 7, 206-207; 8, 291; relation to national parks, 9, 60; 10, 253-255; 12, 98; revenue, 6, 139; 7, 80; San Francisco field headquarters, 7, 82; state regulation of deforestation, 6, 335; timber sales, 9, 116; transfer of reserves to Department of Agriculture, 5, 326; trout planting, see Trout Planting; United States Forest Service, see United States Forest Service; White Pine blister rust, 11, 334; see alsoConservation; Forest fires; Forest Reservations and Forest Reserves; Forestry; Grazing; United States Forest Service; Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation; see also Angeles National Forest; Appalachian National Forest; Dakota National Forest; Inyo National Forest; Lassen National Forest; Ocala National Forest; Sequoia National Forest; Shasta National Forest; Tahoe National Forest; Trinity National Forest
National Irrigation Law, 1902, 4, 246
National Park Act, 1916, 10, 241
National Park Bureau, 8, 205, 231, 232-234, 282, 284
National Park Conferences, 8, 234; 9, 67; 10, 104, 250
National Park Idea, 12, 270, 348, 350; 33, 46-76; bibliography, 33, 77-78
National Park Service, 10, 362-372, 433; 11, II; 14, 69-70; beginnings, 8, 205, 232-235, 282-283; bill, 10, 113-114, 241-242; created, 1916, 10, 244; 26, 47; proposed, 9, 288; 10, 80; reports, 10, 362-372, 476-478
National Parks and Monuments: 4, 174; 8, 55-63, 217-239, 282-289; 9, 28-32, 60-69, 113-115, 106-208, 316-321; 10, 97-114, 214, 241-252, 362-372, 47~ 482; 11, 5-13, 117; Act of 1916,10, 241; additions and extensions pro-National Park and Monuments (cont.) posed, 10, 107; 11,6, 11-12; administration, 9, 114; animal life, 10, 107; 15, 108; animal problems survey, 1929,15, 108; appropriations and revenues, 10, 103-105, 247-248, 349, 364; 11, 321; area, 1, 257;8, 59; 10, 107; automobiles, 10, 104-105, 252; 11, 15, 321; California, 25, 108-116; commercial interests, 11, 212-214; conservation, 1, 272; 10, 107; dates of establishment, 8, 59; economic value, 10, 103, 349-350; first mention, 33, 52; grazing and pasturage, 10, 322-323, 330, 336-338, 371-372; 12, 176; growth and development, 8, 58-63; 11, 5-13, 212-218; jurisdiction, 10, 107; landscaping, 29, 61-66; list, 1, 257; 8, 59; National Park Service, seeNational Park Service; need, 8, 236-239; 9, 28-32, 60-61; 11, 117; " National Park Idea, " 33, 46-78; new national parks, 10, 108, 244; Frederic Law Olmsted on governmental preservation of natural scenery, 29, 61-66; origin, see National Park " Idea" ; overcrowding, 11, 15; 34, 31-54; patented lands, 9, 177; photograph exhibits, 8, 219; policy, 1; 0, 97-101, 478-482; private holdings, 8, 61; 9, 177; 10, 105-106; publications, 9, 69; recommendations proposed, 8, 58;11, 11-12; relation to national forests, 9, 6{}-61; 10, 253-255; 12, 98-99; reports, 7, 197; 8, 231; 10, 113, 251; 11, 212-218; road standards, 34, 31-54; ill., 34, 34-35; trail development,see names of individual national parks; see also Trails, supervisors, 1918, 10, 372; visitors, 8, 63; 10, 103, 104-105, 252; 11, 89, 321; 34, 31-54; Water Power Act, 11, 321; see also Acadia National Park; " Appalachian N .P ." ; Bryce Canyon N. P.; Canyon de Chelly National Monument; Death Valley N. M.; General Grant N. P.; Glacier N. P.; Grand Canyon N. P.; Grand Teton N. P.; Hawaii N. P.; Kings Canyon N. P.; Lassen Volcanic N. P.; Mesa Verde N. P.; " Minnesota N. P." ; Mount McKinley N. P.; Olympic N. P.; Mount Rainier N. P.; Muir Woods N. M.; Oregon Caves N. M.; " Palm Canyon N. M." ; Saguaro N. M.; Pinnacles N. M.; Rainbow Bridge N. M.; Rocky Mountain N. P.; " Roosevelt-Sequoia N. P." ; Sequoia N. P.; " Tahoe N.P." ; Zion N.P.
National Parks Association, 11, 103-105
Natural history, see Animals; Birds; Butterflies; Insects; Puffball; Rattlesnake; Trees and shrubs; Trout; wildflowers
Nature-guide service in Yosemite Nat'l Park, see Yosemite Nat'l Park-Nature-guide service
Navajo desert region, 24, 68-73
Navajo Indians, 24, 68-73
NealI Lake, 12, 61
Needle, Third, see Third Needle
Needle borer, 9, 206
Needles, see Shiprock
Nevada Fall, 3, 38; 6, 308; 12, 61; ill., 3, 28, 39; 30, 46-47
Nevada Glacier, 10, 188; ill., 10, 190
Nevado de Toluca (Mexico), 8, 97-101; ill., 8, 97, 100, 101
New Guinea, 28, 58, 68-69
New York Butte, 27, 138
Newcomb, Mt., 26, 118
Niagara Falls, 7, 131-132; 8, 239, 279; 33, 69, 72
Nicaragua, 4, 270
Nichols, Mt. (Canada), ill., 2, 152
Niles Peak (Canada), 8, 189-190; ill., 8, 188
Niles-Daly Glacier (Canada), ill., 8, 188
Nine Lake Basin, 7, 35; ill., 10, 182
Nineveh legend, 18, 97-99
Nisqually Glacier (Mt. Rainier N.P.), 3, 287; motion,, 108-114; chart, 6, 112; recession, 20, 21-22; ill., 6, 2, 108, 110
Nisqually Valley, ill., 9, 82
Nivation, 18, 72; 22, 17; ill., 22, 30-31
Nomenclature, see Place names
Noon Mark, 3, 110
Norden, 20, 2-3; ill., 22, 94-95; 26, 94-95; 27, 30-31; see also Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge
North Dome, 12, 61; ill., 3, 43; 8, 132
North Fork, see name of river
North Guard, ill., 26, 94-95
<p='margin-left:.25in; text-indent:-.25in;="" tab-stops:81.0pt;="" mso-layout-grid-align:none;="" text-autospace:non="" north="" palisade,="" <i="" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8000001907349px; line-height: normal;">1, 296; 5, 1-19; 11, 204-205, 251; 12, 62; 19, 24-27; 24, 42, 51-53; first ascent, 1903, 5, 1-19; 11, 204, 205, 251; 12, 62; 19, 24; 24, 42, 52; North Palisades (cont.) ascents, 9, 180; 11, 204-205, 251, 313; 12, 91; 14, 58-60, 86-87; 16, 105, 107; 17, 124-125; 19, 24-26, 95-96; 23, 33; glacier, see Palisade Glacier; named Mt. Jordan, 1, & 96; Northwest Peak, 24, 53; routes,11, 204-205; 19, 25; 24, 52-53; traverses, 16, 105; 19, 25, 95; 24, 128; Winter ascent, 1940,26, 142; ill., 1, 297; 5, 15; 9, 263; 10, 223; 11, 205, 267; 12, 92, 305; 16, 14; 19, 14, 25, 94-95; 21, 3(}-31; 23, 62-63; routes of ascent, ill., 19, 25; see also Palisade Glacier; Palisades; " U" -Notch route
North Peak, ill., 18, 70, 71; 34, 86-87
North Sister (Oregon), 8, 54
North Star Mountain (Washington), ill., 8, 181, 184
North Star Park (Washington), 8, 183; ill., 8, 184
Northeast Gully (Yosemite N. P.), 25, 51
Novitates (Arizona pines), 2, 72 -
Nucifraga, see Clark Crow
Nutcracker, Clark, see Clark Crow
Nuthatch, Red-bellied (Sitta canadensis) 6, 248
Nutmeg, California false (Tumion californicum) 4, 127-128; ill., 4, 123
Nutmeg, Coast (Tumion californicum littoralis), 4, 128
Oak, Blue (Quercus douglasii), 3, 304; Brewer's (Quercus breweri), 3, 308; ill., 3, 309; Scrub (Quercus dumosa), 3, 309; see also Live-oak
Obelisk, 33, 120
ObergabeIbom (Switzerland), ill., 6, 78
Observation Peak, ill., 8, 280; 9, 189
Ocala National Forest (Florida), 7, 77
O'Hara, Lake (Canada), ill., 8, 188
Olancha Peak, 26, 120
Old Baldy, see San Antonio, Mt.
Old Faithful geyser (Yellowstone N. P .), ill., 30, 46-47
Olympic National Park (Washington), 21, 22-24; Mountaineers' Outing, 1913, 9, 149-158; ill.,21, 15; see also Elwha Basin; Hoh Glacier; Olympus, Mt.; Queets Basin; Quenault River; Seattle, Mt.
Olympic Range (Olympic National Park), 9, 148-158; map, 9, 148; see also Olympic National ParkOlympus, Mt. (Greece), 9, 313-315; 30, 71-77; bibliography, 9, 315; ill., 9, 309
Olympus, Mt. (Olympic N. P.), 9, 152-153; ill., 9, 152, 153, 156; see also Olympic N. P.
Olympus, Mt. (Rocky Mountain N. P.), ill., 7, 234
" One Hundred Peaks" goal, 31, 115-117
Onion Valley, ill., 7, 240
Oregon, 20, 109; see also Crater Lake; Eliot Glacier; Hood, Mt.; Hunt's Cove; Jefferson, Mt.; North Sister; ThieIsen, Mt.; Three Fingered Jack; Three Sisters; Washington, Mt.
Oregon Caves National Monument, 9, 58-59, 115
Oregonia, 18, 51-52
Organizations and clubs, see Mountaineering and conservation organizations
Orientation, 32, 12-13
Orizaba, see Pico de Orizaba
Osprey, 14, 36
Otter, Sea, 33, 13
Ottoway Peak, 12, 61
Outpost, 22, 57
Ouzel, Water, see Water Ouzel
Ouzel Basin, 3, 109-111; 12, 62; map, 3, 109
Ouzel Camp, 3, 110
Ouzel Creek, 3, 109; 12, 62
Ouzel Pool, 3, 110
Overgrazing danger, 32, 36-42; see also
Grazing and pasturage
Ovis canadensis, see Bighorn Sheep
Owen, Mt. (Grand Teton N. P.), 32, 129
Owens Lake, 12, 62; 17, 72
Owens River, 12, 62
Owens Valley, 12, 62; Sierra Nevada ascent routes, 13, 31-35; skiing, 19, 47; ill., 7, 31
Oxycedrus, see Juniper, Prickly
Pacific Glacier (Alaska), ill., 10, 17
Pacific slope conifers, see Conifers of the Pacific Slope
Pack animals, 2, 36-43, 287-289; 17, 89-93; 21, 40-44; Harrison Pass crossing, S, 115-121, 297-302; see also Diamond hitch; Packers and packing
Pack trips, see Packers and packing
Packers and packing, 2, 36-43, 287-289; 16, 9; 24, 25-28; 25, 14-15, 21-25; 34, 22-26; commissary list, 24, 27; meadow conservation, 34, 140-143; saddling and loading, 21, 40-44; wilderness policy, 32, 96-98; ill., 11, 439; 24, 30-31; 26, 94-95; see also Bivouacking; Camping; Diamond hitch; Sierra Club-Annual outings.
Packsack, 22, 38-39
Paiju Peak (Himalayas), ill., 31, 14-15
Painted Lady, see Colored Lady
Pait Valley, see Pate Valley
Palisade, Middle, see Middle Palisade
Palisade, North; Northeast, see North
Palisade, South; Southeast, see Split Mountain
Palisade Creek Canyon, 5, 9; 11, 357; ill., 9, 189; 11, 197, 358, 359, 363; 19, 14-I5, 46-47, 94-95; 25, 14-15
Palisade Crest, 24, 55; ill., 19, 95
Palisade Glacier, 5, 12, 13; 9, 261-263; 14, 58-60; 17, 124; 19, 25; ill., 5, 15; 9, 54, 262, 263
Palisade Lakes, lower lake, ill., 11, 363; upper lake, ill., 11, 358
Palisades, 1, 296; 5, 1-19; 12, 62; 16, 107; 17, 124-125; 19, 24, 95-96; 23, 33-35, 104; 24, 40-58; bibliography 24, 44-45; Climber's Guide, 24, 40-58; history,, 2-3; 11, 251-252; 12, 62;19, 24; 24, 42; map, 5, 18; 11, 359; 24, 46; origin of name, 5, 3-4; 11, 251; 12, 62; 19, 24; Owens Valley ascent routes, 13, 33-34; passes, 24, 45, 49; ill., 1, 297; 4, 177; 5, 2, 5, II; 9, 188; 10, 223; 11, 173; 19, 95; 21, 30-31; 23, 62-63; see also Middle Palisade; North Palisade; Palisade Glacier; Sill, Mt.; Split Mountain
Palm, Washington (Washingtonia filifera) 11, 218, 325-326, 351, 352; ill. 11, 350
Palm, Wax, 22, 86-91; ill., 22, 94-95
" Palm Canyon National Monument " proposed, 11, 325-326; ill., 11, 350
Palm Springs, 11, 218, 325-326; ill., 11, 350
Palmer Mountain, 12, 62
Pam, Mt. (Canada), 10, 272-273; ill., 10, 276, 277
Panama Canal, 4, 271
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 9, 178, 288
Panamint Lake, 171 72-73
Panamint Range, 271 83; ill., 24, 62-63
Panamint Valley, 24, 87, 90, 104
Panorama Cliff, 22, 108; 23, 117; 25, 57
Papago Saguaro National Monument, see Saguaro National Monument
Papilio indra, 9, 90-91; 18, 51
Paradise Glacier (Mt. Rainier N. P .), ill., 1, 113
Paradise Park (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 11, 96
Paradise River (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 1, 113
Paradise Valley (Kings River), 1, 242-243; 3, 152; 4, 178-179; 6, 102-103, 117-118, 123; 7, 181-182; trail, 7, 190-191; ill., 2, 90; 6, 118; 7, 182; 8, 16, 48-49; 26, 14-15, 94-95
Paradise Valley (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 9, 82, 83
Paragon Peak, 13, 6; ill., 13, 9, 12
Paricutin (Mexico), 29, 67-76; ill., 29, 46-47
Parker Pass (Mt. McKinley N. P.), ill., 28, 30-31
Parnassius, 9, 93-94; 18, 49; ill., 9, 94
Parnassus, Mt. (Greece), 9, 278-283; ill., 9, 280-283
Parsons Memorial Fund, 9, 223-224
Parsons Memorial Lodge, 9, 223, 287; 10, 144, 359; 23, 96-97; reports, 10, 84-85, 436; 11, 202; 21, 80; ill., 9, 224; 10, 80, 81, 88, 143; 11, 411
Parsons Peak, 12, 63
Partridge, Plumed, see Quail, Mountain
Parviconae pines, 2, 69-70
Passes, 271 59-64; see also Place names; Climbers Guide to the High Sierra
Pasturage, see Grazing and pasturage
Pate Valley, 1, 207; 2, 181-182; Indian pictographs and relics, 6, 241-242, 258-259; 271 125; rattlesnakes, 2, 182; ill., 6, 242, 258, 259; 9, 261; 12, 24, 25
Patented lands, see National Parks and Monuments-Patented lands; Yosemite N. P .-Patented lands
Patriarchs (Zion National Park), ill., 10, 340
Pavilion Dome, 12, 63
Peaks, elevations of, see Elevations of Mountain Peaks
Pear Lake ski slopes, ill., 271 30-31; 33, 102-103
Peary Lake (Glacier N. P.), ill., 12, 104
Peeler Lake, 12, 126
Peltiphyllum, see Umbrella plant
Pendente spruces, 2, 157-162
Peninsula Meadow, see Cascade Valley
Penthestes, see Chickadee
Perfection Meadow, ill., 11, 136
Perkins, Mt., 12, 63; ill., 11, 422
Persistentes, 2, 64
Peter, Lake, 12, 63
Peter Grubb Hut, ill., 27, 30-31
Peter Peak, 27, 102
Pewee, Western wood (Myiochanes richardsonii), 8, 264-265; ill., 8, 265
Phacelia, 26, 67, 69
Phelan Bill, 11, 6; 26, 47-49
Philippines, 4, 172; 5, 26-32; 14, 37-38
Phlox, Alpine (Phlox douglasii), 11, 149; ill., 12, 348
Photography, 11, 408; 25, 30; 26, 82-89; 29, 41-46; 31, 15-17; birds, 5, 103; 8, 158; comparison photography, 29, 95-96; composition, 26, 88-89; development, 26, 87; equipment and technique, 8, 158; 10, 409-413; 20, 55; 26, 83-89; 29, 42, -43, 44; film material, 26, 84; filters, 26, 85; glaciers, 5, 23-25; interpreting the natural scene, 30, 47-50; lenses, 26, 85; lighting and exposure, 26, 86; sunshades, 26, 85; see also, in Index of Names: Ansel Adams, Joseph N. LeConte, Vittorio Sella, Cedric Wright
Picacho (California), 19, 101-102
Picacho del Diablo (Mexico), 18, 56-62; ill., 18, 58, 59, 62
Picea, see Spruce
Pickering, Mt., 26, 118
Picket Guard, 2, 189; 12, 63; 22, 105; ill., 4, 304
Picket Range (Washington), 22, 78
Pico de Orizaba (Mexico), 8, 106-109; 9, 109; ill., 8, 108
Pictographs, see Indian pictographs
Pigeon Spire (Canada), 26, 63; ill., 24, 62-63
Pika, see Cony
Pike's Peak (Colorado), 3, 190
Pilot Knob, 19, 92
Pinaster pines, 2, 65, 66-75
Pinatubo, Mt. (Philippines), 5, 26-32
Pinchot, Mt., 4, 262, 288; 12, 63; ill., 11, 422
Pinchot Pass, map, 17, 106; ill., 11, 422, 423; 32, 30; 34, 14-15
Pines: 2, 64-75; Balfour (Pinus balfouriana), 4, 214, 299, 303; 27, 24; Big-cone, see Coulter Pine; Bishop (P. muricata), 18, 65-66; 31, 20; Black, see Jeffrey Pine; Foxtail (P. aristata; P. Balfouriana), 4, 208, 214, 219, 303; 27, 24; ill., 4, 214; 9, 74; 10, 158, 167; 22, 62; Heavy-coned, see Graviconae; Jeffrey (P. jeffreyi), 27, 24; Lodge-pole (P. murrayana, 4, 208-209, 299; 9, 206; 12, 136-137; 27, 24; destruction by pests, 9, 206; ill., 4, 209; 10, 328; 11, 53; 16, 18); Lone, see Torrey Pine; Monterey (P. radiata), 18, 65; Nevada nut, see Pinon Pine; Pinon (P. monophylla), 4, 298-299; 11, 150; Prickle-cone, see Bishop Pine; Rocky Mountain white (P. ftexilis), 4, 299; Single-leaf, see Pinon Pine; Sugar (P . lambertiana), 13, 13; Swamp, seeBishop Pine; Tamarack, Tamrac, see Lodgepole Pine; Torrey (P. torreyana), 18, 66; Western yellow (P. ponderosa), 11, 52; White-bark (P. albicaulis), 4, 299; 27, 24; ill., 10, 159; 34, 1;see also Conifers
Pine Ridge trail, 1, 209-213; map, 1, 210
Pinicola, see Grosbeak, California pine
Pinnacle Pass, 26, 106
Pinnacle Pass Needle, 22, 109; 26, 115 Pinnacle Ridge, 26, 114; Pinnacles, 19, 93; 25, 120; see also Pinnacles National Monument
Pinnacles National Monument, 5, 85; 11, 325; 19, 93; first ascent of the " Hand, " 33, 123-124; first ascent of the " Machete, " 25, 13{}-131; ill., 25, 102-103
Piranga, see Tanager
Piscator Peak, 11, 46
Pitons, 19, 34; 27, 73-74; 31, 86-90; ill., 33, 102-103; see also Climbing and mountaineering
Pitt River Canyon, ill., 2, 318
Piute Branch, see Piute Creek (San Joaquin)
Piute Creek (San Joaquin), 5, 154-155, 255; 11, 278; 12, 63; ill., 10, 89
Piute Creek (Yosemite N. P.), ill., 20, 62-63
Piute Indians, 12, 63
Piute Mountain, 12, 63
Piute Pass, 11, 277; 27, 89
Pivot Crag, see Fin Dome
Place names, 2, 53-55; 3, 109-111; 4, 239-241; 5, 139-140, 254-255, 260; 6, 52, 87-99, 201-203; 9, 55; 11, 27; 27, 104; of High Sierra region; Names A-J, 11, 380-407; K-Q. 12, 47-64; R-Z, 12, 126-147; of Southern Sierra peaks, 11, 244-254; see also Indian names; Rainier, Mt.-Tacoma-Rainier controversy; Sierra Nevada-Nomenclature
Plains-Trees and shrubs, 3, 301-302
Planesticus, see Robin
Plants, Galapagos Archipelago, 27, 81-82; Sierra Nevada-east side, 33, 42-45; reappearance on burned areas, 31, 18-23; see also Trees and shrubs; Wild flowers
Plum, Wild (Prunus subcordata), 3, 309
Pohono trail, 12, 64; 25, 112
Point Lobos Reserve State Park, 18, 110, 120-121; Cypresses, 18, 64-67; poem, 18, 63; ill., 18, 63, 66, 67
Poison meadows, 4, 195, 213
Poison-ivy and Poison-oak, 12, 173-174
Polemonium, ill., 17, 14; 26, 14-15
Polemonium Club, 27, 9
Pollux Peak (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 276
Pongo de Manseriche (Brazil), 18, 94; ill., 18, 94
Pope's Peak (Canada), 8, i90-191; ill., 8, 189
Popocatepetl (Mexico), first ascent, 1519, 25, 88; early ascent by Spanish .conquistadores, 11, 316; 25, 88-95; ascents, 2, 10; 8, 101-104; 17, 77-81; 28, 71-75; ill., 8, 96, 104, 105
Poppy, Bush (Dendromecon rigida), 3, 309
Porcupine, Sierra Nevada, 15, 57-58; Yellowstone, 12, 343; ill., 10, 296; 12, 337
Porcupine Flat, ill., 8, 40
Pothole Lake, ill., 10, 191
Powell, Mt., 12, 64; 27, 88, 96; first ascent, 1925, 12, 222, 250-251; 27, 96; ill., 11, 275; 12, 248
Prattville, 3, 289
Predatory animals, 33, 13-17
Preuss map of California, ill., 15, 91
Primitive areas, see Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation
Primrose, Sierra (Primula suffrutescens), 6, 165; 11, 149; 21, 89-90
Primrose Pond, 3, 110
Primula, see Primrose
Projectile, Mt. (Canada), 33, 4-5, 124
Providence Spring, 24, 94
Prunus, see Plum
Pseudotsuga, see Spruce, Douglas ; Spruce, Big-cone
Ptarmigan, 4, 144; 6, 38; ill., 12, 119
Public lands, 3, 112; 4, 246-249; frauds, 5, 269; laws, 4, 322; 5, 82-83
Public service, 12, 78
Puffball, Sierra, 6, 39-42; 14, 61-63; 21, 90; ill., 6, 39; 14, 62, 63; see also Calbovista; Calvatia; Lycoperdon
Pulpit Rock, 23, 119; 26, 140; 31, 119; first ascent, 1939, 25, 62, 119
Pumice, 15, 4
Purcell Range, see Bugaboo Range
Purple Lake, ill., 33, 30-31
Pyramid Peak, 2, 120
Pyweack Fall, 25, 49-50
Quail, Mountain (Oreortyx picta), 17, 21; 27, 15
Quarry Peak, 27, 127
Quarter Domes, 25, 47-48
Queets Basin (Olympic N. P.), 9, 152-153
Quenault River (Olympic N.P.), 9, 154-157; ill., 9, 157
Quinn Horse Camp, 12, 64
Rabbit, Snowshoe, 12, 343
Rae Lakes, 7, 182-183; 8, 16-17; 12, 127; map, 3, 136; ill., 6, 102; 7, 183; 8, 10, 16-17, 49, 64, 65, 71; 9, 160, 161; 10, 431; 21, 31; 26, 14-15
Rafferty Creek, 12, 127; ill., 6, 225
Rafferty Peak, 12, 127
Ragged Peak, 30, 94; ill., 10, 289; 17, 15
Rainbow Bridge National Monument (Arizona), 7, 249; 24, 68; 30, 69
Rainbow Falls (Devils Postpile N. M.), 8, 52, 172; 11, 46; ill., 8, 171; 29, 46-47
Rainier, Mt., 1, 109-132; 16, 63-66; ascents, 1, 109-132; 2, 192-193, 227-237; 3, 271-287; 6, 1-6; 9, 310; Camp Muir Shelter Hut, 10, 233; Crater Peak, 1, 124; elevation, 6, 10, 13; 9, 97-98, 189-191; glaciers, 6, 108-114; meteorological observatory, 6, 7-14; naming, 1, 109-110; 6, 12-13, 87-99; Rainier, Mt. (cont.) 9, 95-98; North Peak first ascent, 1, 124; Success Peak, 1, 124; Tacoma-Rainier name controversy, 1, 109-110; 6, 12-13, 87-99; 9, 95-98; Winter, 11, 94-95; ill., 1, 109, 113, 115, 116, 125; 3, 271, 277, 284; 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 21, 108, 110; 7, 170; 9,82, 83, 95, 98, 285; 11, 9, 96, 97; 16, 62, 63, 66, 67; 28, 78-79; see also Cowlitz Glacier; Gibraltar Rock; Indian Henry's; Klapatchie Park; Liberty Cap; Mount Rainier National Park; Nisqually Glacier; Spray Park; Van Trump Park
Ralston, Mt., ill., 10, 304; 33, 102-103
Rambaud Creek, ill., 11, 180, 197
Rambaud Peak, 12, 127; 19, 95; 27, 106
Ramparts (Canada), 13, 4-9; 14, 3, 22-24; ill., 13, 5, 8; 14, 6, 23, 30, 31, 70, 71, 78
Rancheria Canyon, ill., 3, 161
Rancheria Mountain, 8, 156; 9, 255-256; ill., 27, 78-79
Rappel, 16, 86-88; 25, 96-101; bibliography, 25, 100-101; ill., 16, 87; 25, 102-103; see alsoRope technique
Rat, Wood or Trade, 12, 342, 343
Rattlesnake, 2, 182; 12, 9; 18, 38-46; first-aid for rattlesnake bite, 12, 171-172; 18, 44-46
Rattlesnake Creek (Trinity Alps), 21, 15
Rearguard (Canada), ill., 14, 94
Recess Peak, 12, 127; see also Hilgard
Records, see Sierra Club-Registers
Recreational values in the Sierra Nevada, 23, 85-96; see also, Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation
Red Kaweah, 9, 48; 12, 49; ill., 13, 24; see also Kaweah peaks
Red Mountain, 1, 309; see also Pinchot, Mt.
Red Mountain (Yellowstone N. P.), ill., 12, 269
Red Pass, 1, 304
Red Peak (Yosemite N. P.), 8, 25-33; 15, 110; ill., 20, 62-63
Red Slate Mountain, 2, 251-252; 11, 248; 12, 128; ill., 4, 200
Red snow, 5, 174; 6, 167
Red Spur, 2, 189; ill., 4, 302, 304, 306
Red-and-White Mountain, 4, 193-206; 12, 127; 16, 103; ill., 2, 252; 4, 197, 200
Red-berry, see Toyon
Redbud (Cercis occidentalis), 3, 306
Redoubt Peak (Canada), ill., 13, 5; 14, 71
Reds Meadow, 8, 172; 12, 128
Redwood, Coast, see Sequoia sempervirens
Redwood, Dawn, see Metasequoia
Redwood Highway, 16, 28, 31; " Avenue of the Giants, " 25, 106
Redwood Meadow (Sequoia N. P.), ill., 13, 16
Redwood Mountain Big Trees, 25, 107-108
Redwood Reservation Act, 3, 338-339
Redwoods League, see Save-the-Redwoods League
Reflection Crag, 3, 109
Reflection Lake, 1, 192; 4, 281; 12, 128; ill., 8, 14, 15; 30, 62-63
Reforestation, 6, 72; Shasta National Forest, 7, 206-207; Sierra Nevada, 3, 224-229; Tahoe National Forest, 8, 291; see also Forestry; Sequoia gigantea
Registers, see Sierra Club-Registers
Regulation Peak, 12, 128; 17, 4-5; ill., 7, 151; 9, 257; 11, 255
Regulus, see Kinglet
Reinstein, Mt., 12, 128
Relief Creek, ill., 2, 280
Resplendent, Mt. (Canada), 14, 7-9; ill., 10, 277; 14, 11, 35, 42, 79
Return Canyon and Creek, 1, 170-171; 10, 288
Reversed Creek, 12, 128
Rhoda Lake, see Charlotte Lake
Ribbon Fall, 12, 128
Ribes velutinum, 3, 304
Ringtail, 17, 18
Ritter, Mt., 11, 188, 248; 12, 129; 23, 24-27; first ascent, 11, 248; 12, 129; 23, 24; ascents, 1, 67-68; 5, 186-193; 6, 290-306; 11, 259, 313; 12, 91; 17, 115; 27, 137; early ascents, 1, 9, 10, 67, 68; 5, 193; origin of name, 11, 248; 12, 129; triangulation map, 2, 286; ill., 1, 66, 74, 78;5, 184; 6, 290, 296, 304; 7, 6; 10, 447; 15, 1, 31, 34, 38, 39, 46, 47, 50; 17, 27; 23, 1, 14, 25, 30-31; 24, 30-31; see also Ritter Range
Ritter Lakes, ill., 23, 30-31
Ritter Pass, 23, 23
Ritter Pinnacles, 23, 27
Ritter Range, 8, 170-171; 15, 2; Banner-Ritter saddle, 23, 22; bibliography, 23, 22; Climber's Guide, 23, 30-32; map, 23, 30; passes, 23, 22-24; ill., 6, 290, 296, 304; 15, 31; 23, 30-31
River of No Return, see Salmon River (Idaho)
Rixford. Mt., 3, 149, 155, 158, 169; 7, 186; 12, 129; 18, 126; ill., 3, 145; 6, 102; 7, 183; 8, 16-17, 65, 71; 9, 160, 161; 10, 431; 26, 14-15
Rixon's Pinnacle (Yosemite Valley), 34, 148-149
Roads in national parks, high versus low standards, 34, 31-54; ill., 34, 34-35; see also Big Oak Flat Road; Kings Canyon Road; Tioga Road
Roaring River, 1, 189-190; 7, 71-73; 11, 314-315; map, 11, 128; ill., 1, 189; 6, 156; 8, 163, 167; 10, 183
Roaring River basin, 3, 167; 6, 119; map, 11, 128
Roaring River Falls, ill., 29, 46-47
Roaring River Gorge, 11, 314-315
Robin, Western (Planesticus migratorius propinquus), 6, 245; 8, 118-119
Robson, Mt. (Canada), 10, 269-275; 13, 1-3; first ascent, 1913, 10, 270; 13, 2; 14, 14; ascents, 10, 270; 14, 13-19, 32-33; bibliography, 13, 3, 9; origin of name, 14, 32; ill., 10, 269, 272, 273, 277; 13, 4; 14, I, 14, 15, 18, 19, 26, 27, 35, 38, 39, 86, 94
Robson Cirque, ill., 14, 35
Robson Glacier, ill., 14, 27, 38, 39
Rock climbing, see Climbing and mountaineering
Rock Creek, 1, 178; 12, 129; ill., 32, 30-31
Rock Island Lake, 1, 178; 12, 129; ill., 11, 254
Rock-rabbit, see Cony
Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado), 3, 189-199; 7, 234-236; 9, 113; 10, 100, 101-102, 250, 365, 477; ill., 9, 81, 113; see also Bear Lake; Big Thompson River; Fern Lake; Glacier Gorge; Hallett Glacier; Longs Peak; Moraine Park; Olympus, Mt.; Willow Park
Rocky Mountains, 3, 189-199; see also Rocky Mountain N. P.
Rocky Point, 25, 112
Rodgers Lake, 12, 129; 17, 4; ill., 7, 151; 8, 153; 9, 257; 11, 255
Rodgers Peak, 12, 129; 20, 110-111; ill., 11, 10; 17, 23, 26; 20, 31
Roosevelt National Park, see Kings Canyon National Park
" Roosevelt-Sequoia National Park" proposed, 10, 431-433; 11, 6, 29-33, 40-41, 2)6, 301-302, 306, 323-324, 428-429, 442; 12, 186, 298; 26, 42-58; water-power sites, 11, 441-446; see alsoKings Canyon N. P .-water-power sites
Rope, Climbing, 31, 77-85
Rope technique in climbing, 7, 175-176; 16, 67-88; 19, 28-30; 25, 44, 77, 79, 81, 96-101; 27, 69-72; belaying the leader, 31, 68-100; see also Belaying; Rappel Roping down, see Rappel
Rose, Mt., 4, 224-226; 8, 250-259; meteorological observatory, 6, 177-185; ill., 4, 224; 6, 177, 180, 182, 184; 8, 250, 251
Rose Lake, 12, 130
Rostrum, 27, 134
Rosy Finch, see Finch, Rosy
Rothorn (Switzerland), ill., 6, 78
Rowell Meadow, 6, 154; 12, 130
Royal Arches, 12, 130; 21, 97-98; 22, 108; 23, 117; 25, 60; ill., 3, 43; 8, 132
Royce Peak, 17, 123-124
Rubicon Springs, 1, 318; 2, 56
Rundle, Mt., ill., 28, 78-79
Rush Creek, 1, 65; ill., 9, 253
Ruskin, Mt., 12, 130
Russell, Mt., 12, 130; 26, 110-111; first ascent, 1926, 12, 382-384; 26, 110; ascents, 13, 86;14, 86; 17, 121; 18, 128; 21, 100; ill., 12, 384; 13, 88, 89; 22, 14-15
Rutherford Lake, 12, 130
Ruwenzori Range (Africa), 6, 207; ill., 31, 14-15
Ryekrisp, 7, 196
Sabrina, Lake, 12, 130
Sacramento River, 1, 54-59
Saddle trips, see Sierra Club-Saddle Trip
Saddlebag Lake, 3, 323; ill., 3, 323; 11, 250
Saddlehorn, 25, 121
Sadler Lake and Peak, 12, 130
Sadlier, see Sadler
Safety in climbing, 21, 94; 27, 65-78; see also Climbing and mountaineering-Accidents and fatalities
Saguaro cactus, ill., 30, 46-47
Saguaro National Monument (Arizona), 9, 317; Saguaro cactus, ill., 30, 46-47; see also Papago Saguaro Nat'l Monument
St. Elias, Mt., first ascent (1897), 2, 129-148; second ascent, 32, 63-70; map, 2, 136; ill., 2, 144; 32, 62-63, 70
St. Elmo lights, 17, 107
St. Helens, Mt. (Oregon), 7, 170-179; first ascent, 1853, 19, 58; ill., 7, 170
St. Mary Lake (Glacier N.P.), ill., 7, 227; 12, 1, 44
Salix, see Willow
Salmon Alps, 11, 368--373; ill., 11, 366, 367, 370, 371, 374, 375; see also Trinity Alps
Salmon River (Idaho), 26, 78--81
Salmon-Trinity Alps, see Salmon Alps; Trinity Alps
Salmon-Trinity Alps Primitive Area, 18, 29
Salt and alkaline lakes, 3, 71-74
Salvador, 4, 269
San Antonio, Mt., 5, 122-132; 11, 49-51; 12, 313-314; 25, 69-70; Bighorn sheep, 23, 98; ski lodge, 21, 83-84; skiing, 19, 43; ill., 5, 122; 11, 52; 12, 191
San Bernardino Mountains, 12; 314-316; 25, 70-71; 31, 116-117; ill., 11, 52
San Bernardino Peak, 16, 106
San Diego Mountains, 31, 117
San Felipe Desert (Mexico), ill., 18, 58
San Francisco Bay region map, 13, 56
San Francisco Peaks (Arizona), 5, 108--114; ill., 5, 108
San Gabriel Range, 11, 50; 25, 70; 31, 116; ill., 11, 52-53
San Gorgonia, Mt., 11, 52-54; 16, 107; 17, 106; 25, 70; Winter, 17, 121-123; 19, 45-47; 20, 112; ill., 11, 53; 19, 47
San Gorgonio Pass, 11, 348-349
San Jacinto, Mt., 11, 54-55, 348-356; 19, 47; 25, 71; ascents, 10, 332-334; 18, 134-135; effort to save, 12, 313-315; game refuge, 12, 190; 13, 74; ill., 10, 332; 11, 351
San Jacinto Range, 31, 117
San Joaquin Company, 24, 76, 100
San Joaquin Dome, 10, 71
San Joaquin Mountain, ill., 15, 51
San Joaquin River, 12, 131; Middle Fork, 8, 170; ill., 15, 51; North Fork, 1, 61-84; ill., 9, 253; South Fork, 1, 225; 2, 249-262; 10, 292-297; map, 5, 229; ill., 10, 344; 11, 136
San Joaquin Valley map, 26, 30
San J uan River (Utah), 24, 69; 30, 63-67; ill., 30, 62-63
San Marcos Pass (Guatemala), 4, 267-268
San Marcos Range, 13, 56; see also Sierra Nevada
San Pedro Martir, see Sierra San Pedro Martir
Sandpiper, Spotted (Actitis macularius), 6, 247
Santa Ana Mountains, 31, 117
Santa Barbara Range, 31, 115-116
Santa Cruz Mountains, 4, 276; fire of 1904, 5, 265-266
Santa Rosa Mountains, 31, 117
Santa Rosita, ill., 28, 78-79
Saranbid, Mt. (Ceylon), 19, 91
Sarcodes, see Snow-plant
Sardine Lake, 12, 131
"Sarvis" bush, see Service bush
Sastise Mountain, see Shasta, Mt.
Saurian Crest, 12, 131; 27, It6; ill., 8, 157; 27, 78, 79
Save-the-Redwoods League, 11, I, 87, 302, 327; 12, 308-309, 421-422; 25, 106-107
Sawblade, 22, 56
Sawmill Pass, 11, 421
Sawtooth Mountain (Trinity Alps), 21, 94-95; ill., 21, 14-15
Saw-Tooth Mountains, see Palisades
Sawtooth Peak, 4, 302; 12, 131; ill., 7, 101, 103; 9, 20; 10, 171; 11, 410--411; 13, 21
Sawtooth Ridge (Yosemite N.P.)>, 19, 31-33; 20, 39, 46-49; ascents, 3, 159-163; 17, 6, 113-114; 18, 134; 19, 31-98; 20, 46-49, 76, 105-106; 31, 117-118; Climber's Guide, 22, 50-57; ill.,3, 119; 19, 46-47; 20, 110-111; 22, 52; see also Matterhorn Peak; Three Teeth Scaffold Meadow, 6, 156
Scarper Peak, 4, 243-Z45 S
Scenery, 7, 64-69, 199-201; 29, 61-66; 30, 47-50; 33, 48-59
Schofield Peak, 12, 131
Scimitar Glacier (Canada), ill., 33, 6-7
Scottish Mountaineering Club, 1, 339; 6, 131
Scylla, 12, 131; 27, 88, 103, 104; ill., 12, 12, 17
Sea lion, California, 33, 13
Searles Lake, 17, 72; 24, 93
Seattle ; Mt. (Olympic N. P.), ill., 9, 151
Seattle Mountaineers, see Mountaineers Club of Seattle
Seavey Pass, 12, 131; ill., 12, 57
Sebrina, Lake, see Sabrina, Lake
Secretary of the Interior, reports, 8, 58-63; 9, 66-67; 10, 101-108
Selden Pass, 11, 41-42; 12, 131; 24, 23; ill., 11, 40; 24, 30-31
Seldon Pass, see Selden Pass
Selkirks (Canada), 8, 51; 9, 240-246; ill., 9, 240, 241, 244-246; 23, 110-111; see also Bruce, Mt.; Hermit Group; J umbo; Maye, Lake; Sir Donald, Mt.; Starbird Glacier
Senger, Mt., 12, 132; 16, 103
Sentinel, Mt. (Washington), 22, 77
Sentinel Dome, 3, 27-28; 12, 132
Sentinel Rock, 12, 132; 22, 107; 25, 51-52; 26, 136; 31, 119; 34, 147-148; ill., 3, 35; 11, 410;29, 1
Sequoia, 2, 170; nomenclature, 18, 116-118; see also Metasequoia; Sequoia gigantea; Sequoia sempervirens
Sequoia gigantea (Big Tree), 2, 171-172; 4, 293, 295-296; 26, 3; avalanche in a Sequoia N. P. grove, 18, 118-120; conservation, 11, 1-4; discovery, 1833, 27, 46; McKinley Grove, 10, 296; nomenclature, 18, 116-118; Placer County grove, 1, 17-22; seedlings, 8, 291; Yosemite Valley planting, 1913, 9, 201-203; ill., 2, 170; 9, 110-111; 11, 414; 12, 213, 236, 308, 400, 401; 13, 16; see also Calaveras Big Tree grove; Giant Forest; McKinley grove.
Sequoia Lake, 26, 10
Sequoia National Forest, 12, 132
Sequoia National Park, 3, 264, 265; 8, 57-58, 220; 9, 319; 10, 98, 249, 368, 477; 11, 10, 217, 323-324; animals, 8, 57; avalanche, 18, 118-120; Barbour Bill, 11, 433, 441-443; 12, 409; 26, 49-51; Elston Bill, 26, 47-49; enlargement, 8, 58, 207, 220-221, 280-281; 10, 249, 352-356, 360, 431-433; 11, 6-7, 10, 216-217, 323-324; 12, 76-77, 331-332, 408-.409; 26, 53; map, 8, 220; 12, 216; established, 1890, 16, 21; 17, 51-52; 26, 43; fishing, 8, 57; Flint Bill, 12, 132;26, 46; Giant Forest, ill., 12, 213; improvements proposed, 8, 225; legislative history, 11, 216;12, 132; 26, 42-58; origin of name, 12, 132; Phelan Bill, 26, 47-49; trails and roads, 9, 319;16, 97; 25, 109-110; Vandever Bill, 16, 21; 26, 43; see also General Grant N. P.; Kings Canyon N. P.; "Roosevelt-Sequoia N. P."
Sequoia sempervirens (Coast Redwood), 2, 170-171, 244-245; 11, 1-4, 328-329; 12, 45, 99-100; forestry, 11, 328-329, 451; 12, 99-100; Monterey County, 12, 190-191; Schwarz gift, 1924, 12, 198-199; ill., 3, 200, 202; 6, 285-287; 11, I, 4, 5, 8, 303, 311; 16, 34, 35; 25, 102-103; see also Dyerville-Bull Creek Redwoods; Muir Woods National Monument; Save-the-Redwoods League; see also California State Parks for list of Redwoods State Parks
Sequoia Waskingtoniana, see Sequoia gigantea
Serac, ill., 14, 39; see also Glaciers and glaciation
Serra, Mt. (Canada), 33, 9, 126-127
Serpentine Glacier (Alaska), ill., 10, 394
Service bush, 6, 161
Seven Gables, 11, 205-206; 12, 132; first ascent and naming, 1894, 1, 230; 11, 205-206; 12, 132; ascents, 2, 253; 10, 293; 11, 206; ill., 10, 104; 12, 181; 15, 22; 24, 31
Sewellel, see Beaver, Mountain
Shadow Creek, ill., 23, 31; 24, 30-31
Shadow Lake, ill., 10, 447; 15, 31, 34, 51; 24, 30-31
Shadow Lake trail, ill., 15, 35
Shand, Mt. (Canada), 33, 125
Sharktooth Peak, 12, 132
Shasta, Mt., 2, 205-215, 242; 12, 193, :, 252-267; first ascent, 1854, 12, 254; I, 19, 58; ascent by John Muir, 27, 130; r ascents, 12, 254; 18, 128-130; 19, 58-70; 20, 111; 27, 23-29; bibliography, 27, 29-30; botanical ascents, 27, 23-29; elevation, 6, 11; 9, 190; 12, 258-259; 19.68; geology, 12, 261; history, 12, 252-262; 19, 58-70; 27, 23-29; meteorological observatory, 6, 7-14; mountaineering, 12, 259; names, 12, 253; natural history, 12, 263-267; poem, 11, 13; record ascents, 12, 260; 27, 130-131; routes, 2, 240-243; shelter lodge, seeShasta Alpine Lodge; summit monument, 12, 257; timberline traverse, 14, 91-96; Winter ascent, 18, 128-130; ill., 2, 205, 211; 12, 252, 253, 260; 17, 50, 51
Shasta Alpine Lodge, 11, 433, 438-440; 12, 83-85, 187-188, 414-415; 13, 71-72; 14, 76-77; 15, 104-105; 16, 95-96; 17, 100-101; 18, 106-107; 19, 78-79; 20, 100; 21, 81; ill., 11, 438
Shasta Butte, see Shasta, Mt.
Shasta National Forest, 7, 206-207
Shaste, see Shasta
Shastl, see Shasta
Sheep, Mountain, see Bighorn sheep
Sheep grazing and sheep herders, see Grazing and pasturage
Sheep Mountain, 25, 125; see also Langley, Mt.
Shepard, see Shepherd
Shepherd Creek, 12, 133; ill., 10, 159, 199
Shepherd Crest, ill., 10, 288; " Little Lost Valley, " 18, 68-80; 34, 85-86; ascents, 19, 99; 22, 111; map, 18, 69; 34, 84; ill., 18, 70, 71; 34, 86
Shepherd Pass, 12, 133
Sherbrooke Lake (Canada), 8, 185-192; ill., 8, 189
Sheridan, Mt. (Yellowstone N.P.), ill., 12, 269, 372
Shiprock, (New Mexico), 23, 114-115; first ascent, 1939, 25, 1-7; ill., 25, 1, 14-15
Shoes, see Camping: Boots
Shorty's Well, 24, 83, 103
Shoshone Lake (Yellowstone N. P .), 12, 271
Shrew, 12, 344
Shrubs, see Trees and shrubs
Shuksan, Mt. (Washington), ill., 28, 78
Sialia, see Bluebird
Sierra Blanca, see White Mountain (New Mexico)
Sierra Club: 10, 135-145; 20, 95-96; 22, 96-97; achievements, activities, 5, 71-73; 8, 150; 10, 142-145, 211-212; 20, 95-96; 22, 96; archives, 15, 97-98; base camps: 1940, 26, 133-135; 1941, 27, 136-137; 1946, 32, 130-132; Bulletin, 10, 152-154; 11, 428; 13, 67; 21, 79; 28, 109; burro trips: 1938, 24, 31-39; 1939, 25, 122; 1940, 26, 131-133; by-laws, 6, 143-151; desert peaks section, 27, 137-138; local walks, 10, 335; charter members, 6, 152; conservation work,14, 82-83; cups, 25, 64-67; directors and officers, 1892-1935, 21, 77-79; 1892-1943, 28, 105-108; 1892-1945, 30, 106-108; fish transplanting, see Trout planting; founding, 1892, 10, 139;27, 28; 32, 108; " fourteen-thousand-foot" climb certificates, 21, 103-104; gifts and bequests,10, 153; 11, 196; history, 10, 135-145, 211-212. 16, 1-15; " Hundred Peaks" goal, 34 115-117; knapsack trips, 1939, 25, 123-125; 1941, 27, 128-130; 1946, 32, 99-103; local walks, 5, 136;10, 144; ill., 5, 136; meadow use, 33, 29-30; 34, 140-143; membership, 9, 289; 10, 323; 11, 87-88, 211; 1894, 1, 107-108; 1897, 2, 124-'-127; offices in MiIIs Building, 6, 316; officers: 1892-1935, 21, 77-79; 1892-1943, 28, 105-108; 1892-1945, 30, 106-108; origin, 12, 428; packers and packtrain, 24, 25-28; ill., 15, 38; 17, 114; 18, 6, 22; 24, 30-31; 26, 94-95; presidency, 10, 79; publications, 10, 152-154; 19, 109-110; 20, 96; 22, 97; 28, 109-110; 30, 109-110; purposes, 5, 71-73; 8, 150; 12, 77-78; 20, 95-96; records lost in fire of 1906, 6, 131-134; registers, 1, 337-338; 2, l20-122; 23, 117; ill., 12, 157; saddle trips, 1939, 25, 21-25; 1948, 34, 130-137; seal, 10, 142; Soda Springs property, 8, 272-274; 9, 36-39; 10, 144, 359-360; map, 9, 37; ill., 9, 36, 224, 225; 17, 115; song, 15, 26; stove, 16, 4-'-5; twenty-fifth anniversary, 10, 211-212; in World War 1 (children's fund, 10, 360-361; honor roll, 10, 447-449; war service letters, 10, 450-475; war service record, 10, 320-321; 11, 106); in World War II (correspondence from members, 28, 54-'-70; 29, 1-35, 46-47; 30, . 1-43; GI climbs in the Alps,30, 79-85; harvest camps, 29, 9091; war service record, 31, 102-111); Yosemite and the Sierra Club: 23, 11-19; 9, 297-298; Yosemite Valley headquarters, 2, 239-240; 4, 61; 10, 142-143; Lodge, ill., 10, 142; 29, 46-47
Sierra Club annual outings (or High Trips); 3, 250-253; 7, 259-260; 10, 143, 152-153; 12, 373-375; 22, 97; 33, 19-30; camps, ill., 13, 92; 15, 39; 23, 110-111; 24, 30-31; campfires, 25, 19; ill., 12, 25; 22, 62-63; 25, 14-15; 27, 32, 30-31; Comments and impressions: Appalachian's, 12, 377-381; Britisher's, 15, 22-25; Easterner's, 24, 16-24; Freshman's, 24, 16-24; Leader's, 33, 19-30; memories of twenty-nine years, 16, 1-15; packer's, 24, 25-28; Sierra Club cups, 25, 64-67; Sierra sounds, 30, 44-47; social aspects, 5, 221-228; food and commissary, 16, 5-9; 25, 15-16; ill., 11, 209; 12, 373; 24, 30-31; grazing and meadow use, 32, 59-60; 33, 29-30; 34, 140-143 Articles on outings: 12, 374; 1901 first annual outing-Yosemite National Park), 3, 250-253; 4, 12-24, 60-61; 16, 1-3; 1902 (Kings River Canyon and Mt. Brewer), 4, 62-63, 185-192, 236, 278-284, 292-300, 314-317; 16, 3; ill., 12, 376; 1903 (Kern River and Mt. Whitney), 4, 236-238; 5, 50-65, 74-75; bibliography, 5, 257; 1904 (Yosemite National Park), 5, 221-228, 240, 258; bibliography, 5, 258; 1905 (Mts. Rainier, Hood and Shasta), 6, 1-6, 50-51; 1906 (South Fork, Kings River), 6, 100-107; 1907 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Rainier), 6, 235-243, 255-257, 261-262; 7, 85-98; 1908 (Kern River and Mt. Whitney), 7, 23-32, 61-62, 99-104; fatality, 7, 62, 63; 1909 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Ritter), 7, 85-98, 149-152, 189-190; 1910 (South Fork, Kings River), 8, 10-17, 49-50; ill., 8, 48; 1911 (Yosemite National Park), 8, 151-157, 208; 1912 (Kern River and Cottonwood Lakes), 9, 16-27, 48-49; 1913 (South and Middle Forks of Kings River), 9, 159-164, 179-181; 1914 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Ritter), 9, 247-Sierra Club annual outings (cont.) 257, 258-260, 292-293; ill., 9, 293; 1915 (Yosemite National Park and Devils Postpile), 9, 293-294; 10, 82-83; 1916 (Kern River Canyon and Bubbs Creek), 10, 170-178, 217-219; 1917 (Yosemite National Park), 10, 287-291, 328-329; 1919 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Ritter), 11, 7, 14-20; 1920 (South Fork, San Joaquin River and Middle Fork, Kings River), 11, 136-150, 199-201; ill., 11, 209; 1921 (Yosemite National Park and Mt. Ritter), 11, 255-260, 307-308; 1922 (Kern River Canyon and Kings River Canyon), 11, 433-435; 1923 (Yosemite National Park), 12, 21-27, 82-83; ill., 12, 25; 1924 (Glacier National Park), 12, 115-120, 156-157, 158-162; 1925 (South and Middle Forks, Kings River and South Fork, San Joaquin River), 12, 213-223; 1926 (Yellowstone National Park), 12, 268-276, 333-355, 377-381; 1927 (Kern River and Roaring River), 13, 10-16; ill., 13, 32, 92; 1928 (Canada: Jasper Park, the Ramparts and Mt. Robson), 14, 1-12; ill., 14, 10; 1929 (South, Middle and North Forks, San Joaquin River), 15, 9-25; ill., 15, 22-25, 38, 39; 1930 (South Fork, San Joaquin River and Middle Fork, Kings River), 16, 11-15; 1931 (Yosemite National Park), 17, 1-24; ill., 17, 122; 1932 (Giant Forest, Bubbs Creek and Kern River), 18, 5-19; 1933 (South Fork, San Joaquin River and Middle Fork, Kings River), 19, 1-14; 1934 (Yosemite National Park), 20, 32-45, 48; 1935 (South Fork, Kings River), 21, 35-39, 86-87, 91-94; 1936 (Kern River), 22, 58-68, 104-106; ill., 22, 62-63; 1937 (Glacier National Park), 23, 102; ill., 23, 110-111; 1938 (North and South Forks, San Joaquin River), 24, 1-28; ill., 24, 30-31; 1939 (South Fork, San Joaquin River and Middle Fork, Kings River), 25, 8-20, 120-122; 1940 (South Fork, Kings and Kern River, 26, 16-24, 127-131; ill., 26, 94-95; 1941 (Yosemite National Park, 27, 1-13, 125-127; 1946 (Kern River, South and Middle Forks, Kings River and South Fork, San Joaquin River), 32, 19-30; 1947 (North, Middle and South Forks, San Joaquin River), 33, 19-30; 1948 (South Fork, Kings River),34, 1-14
Sierra Club chapters: Loma Prieta, 19, 76, 78; Riverside, 18, 106; 19, 77-78; 24, 124; San Francisco Bay, 1924, 12, 189-190; 1925, 12, 312-313; 1926, 12, 426; 1927, 13, 73; 1928, 14, 74; 1929, 15, 102-103; 1930, 16, 94-95; 1931, 17, 99-100; 1932, 18, 104-105-; 1933, 19, 75-76; rock climbing section, 19, 28-30; 24, 127-128; Southern California: 1913, 9, 181; 1914, 9, 295; 1917, 10, 332-336; 1921, 11, 223; 1922, 11, 437-438, 449; 1923, 12, 86-87; 1924, 12, 190-192; 1925, 12, 313-316; 1926, 12, 426-427; 1927, 13, 74; 1928, 14, 75-76; 1929, 15, 102; 1931, 17, 98-99; 1932, 18, 105-106, 133; 1933, 19, 76-77; 1938, 24, 124-125; beginnings, 5, 126; founding, 8, 209; 10, 144
Sierra Club lodges and shelters, 20, 95-96; 22, 96-97; see also Aurelia Harwood Memorial Lodge; Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge; J ohn Muir Memorial Shelter; LeConte Memorial Lodge; Muir Lodge; Parsons Memorial Lodge; San Antonio, Mt.-Ski Lodge; Shasta Alpine Lodge
Sierra del Pongo (Brazil), 18, 94
Sierra Forest Reservation, 1, 254-267, 284
Sierra Madre (Southern California), see San Gabriel Range
Sierra National Forest, 1, 254-267; 12, 133
Sierra Nevada, administration, 23, 91; animal life, 10, 240; 17, 12-24; 21, 86-88; 27, 14-22;33, 11-18; see also Animals; bibliography, 15, 94-95; 28, 51-53; biology of wilderness protection, 27, 14-22; birds, 4, 132-145; 5, 262-263; 6, 245-254; 8, 118-124; 8, 158-162; 17, 21-24; see also Birds; butterflies, 9, 85-94, 99-101; 21, 88-89; collecting, 18, 47-55; see also Butterflies; camping, see Camping; campsites, 23, 90; changes, 15, 27-36; chipmunks, 10, 401-413; comparisons: Alps, 14, 85-86; 22, 1; Glacier National Park, 12; 111-114; Rocky Mountains of Colorado, 3, 189-190; conservation, see Conservation; crest traversed, 1895, 1, 314-324; 22, 101-102; 1939, 25, 129-130; crest-lines, see Crest-lines; cross-section diagram, 22, 4, 18; description, 10, 285; 15, 1-2; 16, 27-28; discovery, 13, 54-61; early explorations, 10, 135-137;11, 375-379; earthquake, 10, 20; eastern slope, 13, 31-35; 21, 54-59; 33, 41-45; ill., 22, 110;25, 15; Easterner's impressions, 12, 377-381; elevation of peaks over 12, -000 ft., 4, 290-291; endurance records, 23, 110-111; 26, 143; fish, 27, 16; flora, 6, 158-174; 11, 147-153; 26, 67-71; 33, 43-45; see also Trees and shrubs; Wild flowers; John Fremont in the Sierra Nevada, 11, 152-153; 15, 74-95; fungi, see Puffball; geology, 4, 292-293; 15, 1-8; see also Geological studies; Glaciers and glaciation; glaciers, see Glaciers and glaciation; grazing, 23, 90; see also Grazing and pasturage; history of explorations (10, 135-137; 11, 244-254; Fremont, John, 11, 152-153; 15, 74-95; Smith, Jedediah, 11, 375-379; 26, 30; 28, 36-53; Spanish, 13, 54-61; Walker, Capt. Joseph R., 9, 165-169; 11, 152-153; 12, 141-142; 27, 35-49); Indians, 6, 258-259; 10, 202-209; 11, 375; 12, 49, 385-400; see also Indians; insects, 9, 268-270; lakes, 3, 122; life zones, 1, 259-262; 3, 298-312; 4, 133-134; chart, 3, 301; maps by LeConte and Solomons, 1, 335-336; 4, 311; 7, 134; mining, see Mining history east of Yosemite; natural history course, 11, 105-106; nomenclature, 13, 66-67; 25, 39-40; 28, 41; see also Place names; northern Sierra, 1, 316-324; 2, 194-196; origin of name, 12, 133; 13, 54, 55; Owens Valley ascents, 13, 31-35; passes, 27, 59-64; photographs from Mt. Hamilton, 11, 408-412; ill.,11, 410-411; 12, 181; place names, see Place names; recreational values, 23, 85-96; reforestation, 3, 224-229; see also Reforestation; roads, 15, 33-34; skiing, see Skiing and ski-mountaineering; sky-line, ill., 22, 30-31; Jedediah Smith's first crossing, 11, 375-379; 15, 75;26, 30; route, 28, 36-53; snowfall, 6, 310-314; 15, 73; 34, 55-67; see also Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada; soil formation, 11, 85; sounds, 30, 44-46; summit formation, 11, 181-193; Telescope Peak view of Sierra Nevada, ill., 27, 79; trails, 15, 31-33; 23, 86-90; 26', 123-125; see also Trails; trees, 1, 259-262, 282-283; 2, 61-78, 156-173; 3, 298-312; 4, 100-131, 154, 299; see also Trees and shrubs; wagon trips, 3, 210-217; Capt. Joseph R. Walker's explorations,9, 165-169; 11, 152-153; 12, 141-142; 15, 75; 27, 35-49; wilderness areas, 23, 93-96; see also Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation; Winter, 3, 126, 242; 4, 64-66, 156-159, 216-227;7, 105-118, 237-242; 8, 249-259; 15, 69-73, 97-98; weather records, 15, 72-73; see also Sierra Nevada-Snowfall; zones, see Sierra Nevada-Life zones; illustrations, see Sierra Nevada-Photographs from Mt. Hamilton; glacier variation, 5, 20-25; grade profile in glacial erosion, 5, 271-278; ill., 5, 271, 273, 275, 276; Kern Canyon glaciation, 13, 17-19; lake ramparts, 5, 157;6, 225-234; ill., 6, 225; moraines with ice cores, 33, 87-96; mountain building, 11, 181-193; mountain sculpture, 9, 225-239; mountain summit collapse, 11, 290-291; post-glacial denudation, 10, 414-428; rock-sliding and striped rock floor of Little Yosemite Valley, 8, 3-9; ill., 8, 6, 7; Shepherd Crest and Little Lost Valley, 18, 68-80; 34, 82-86; ill., 18, 70; 34, 86-87; snow sheet formation, ill., 23, 15; soil formation, 11, 69-85; Studies in the Sierra by John Muir (l-Mountain sculpture, 9, 225-239; 2-Mountain sculpture, origin of Yosemite valleys, 10, 62-77; 3-Ancient glaciers and their pathways, 10, 184-201; 4-Glacial denudation, 10, 304-318; 5-Post-glacial denudation, 10, 414-428; 6-Formation of soils, 11, 69-85; 7-Mountain-building, 11, 181-193); Whitney region's geologic history, 22, 1-18; winds of Yosemite Valley, 8, 89-95; Yosemite Valley, glacial history, 9, 136-147; 10, 62-77, 184-201; studies by F. E. Matthes (l-The extinct Eagle Peak Falls, 7, 222-224; 2-The striped rock floor of the Little Yosemite Valley, 8, 3-9; 3-The winds of the Yosemite Valley, 8, 89-95; 4-El Capitan moraine and ancient Lake Yosemite, 9, 7-15); Yosemite Valley and Kings Canyon compared, 12, 224-236; see also Cleavage; Erosion; Glaciers and glaciation; Nivation; Sierra Nevada-Geology; Whitney, Mt.; Yosemite Valley-Geology, Glacial origin Geyser, see Casa Diablo Hot Springs " Geyser" ; Old Faithful Geyser
Sierra Point, 2, 216-221; 25, 43
Sierra Puffball, see Puffball, Sierra
Sierra San Pedro Martir (Mexico), 18, 56-62; ill., 18, 55, 58, 59, 62
Sierraville ski tour, 31, 10-14
Sill, Mt., 24, 53-54; first ascent, and naming, 1903, 5, 3, 13; 12, 133; 19, 24; 24, 42, 53; ascents, 12, 221; 13, 87; 16, 105; 23, 34-35, 104; traverse to North Palisade, 16, 105; !9, 25-26, 95; 20, 73; ill., 5, 11, 15; 10, 223; 11, 267; 12, 64, 304; 19, 94-95; 21, 30-31; 23, 62-63
Silliman, Mt., 12, 133
Silver Creek, 12, 133
Silver Lake, 1, 320-321
Silver Mountain (Washington), ill., 22, 94-95
Silver Pass, 11, 44-45; 12, 133; 24, 22-23; ill., 11, 41; 15, 22; 24, 30-31; 33, 30; 34, 14-15
Silver Peak, 12, 133
Silver Spray Falls, 12, 134
Silver Star, Mt. (Washington), 22, 75-77
Silversword (Argyroxiphium), 11, 237; ill., 11, 238
Silvertop (Montana), 12, 369
Simmons Peak, 12, 134
Simon Peak (Canada), 13, 5
Simpson Meadow, 4, 255; 9, 162; Tehipite Valley trail, 10, 225; ill., 6, 120; 8, 41; 10, 222; 11, 149; 12, 309
Simpson Peak, 21, 100
Sing Peak, 12, 134
Siniolchun ( Himalayas ), ill., 31, 14
Sir Donald, Mt. (Canada), 23, 104; ill., 23, 110-111
Sixty Lake Basin, 3, 139; map, 3, 136; ill., 21, 94--95; 26, 14--15; 32, 30-31
Sixty Lakes Pass, 27, 63
Skies, see Skis
Skiing and ski-mountaineering, 9, 271-273; 15, 64-68; 20, 1-19; Alps, 18, 113; Andes, 29, 77-81; ascents, see Mts. Clark, Lyell, Starr King, Whitney, Winchell, etc.; bibliography, 15, 68; 20, 5; Bishop Creek, 23, 36-39; ill., 23, 14--15; California (16, 39-43; 20, 1-7; ski terrain, 33, 97-102; airphotos, 33, 102-103); Camp Hale (Colorado), 28, 55-56, 59-60; Crater Lake, 10, 356-358; early history of skiing, 3, 125; 9, 200, 271-273; 10, 356-358; 15, 64--65; early illustrations of skiing (in Lapland, 23, 100-101; ill., 23, 62-63; Snowshoe Thompson, 20, 8-19; ill., 20, 11, 17, 30-31; snow-skating, 1865, ill., 17, 123; ill., 9, 83, 272); east side of the Sierra Nevada, 21, 54--59; 23, 106-107; equipment: clothing, miscellaneous items, 20, 6; 22, 46-47; skis, 4, 312-313; 20, 5; 23, 37; sled, 3, 246; 5, 318-319; snowshoes, 4, 64-66; 5, 318; tent, 5, 319-320; 22, 39-42; 26, 90-94; see also Camping-Winter; Skis; Sled; Tent; Equipment Testing Expedition to Mt. McKinley, 1942, 28, 1-35; food, see Camping-food and commissary; games,32, 11-14; lodges and cabins, 15, 98; 25, 116; see also Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge; Pear Lake Ski Cabin; Peter Grubb Hut; Mazamas, 1913, 9, 200; Mineral King region, 34, 112-118; John Muir, 3, 125; John Muir Trail, 15, 69-73; Palisades region, ill., 23, 62-63; photographs, see end of skiing and ski mountaineering section; pronunciation-" Skee" vs. "Shee," 23, 98--99; Mt. Rainier N. P ., ill., 9, 83; safety precautions, 20, 6; Sierra Nevada, 11, 292-299; 15, 67, 69- 73;16, 39-46; 18, 132-133; 19, 88-89; 20, 1-7; 21, 54-59, 104-106; 23, 36-45, 106-107; 26, 141-143; 31, 10-14; 32, 89-95, 134; 33; 97-102; 34, 112-118; ill., 9, 272; Sierraville, 31, 10-14; sites, 33, 97-102; Southern California, 19, 42-47; 25, 70-71; technique, 9, 271-272; see also Skiing and ski mountaineering-equipment; tests, 20, 4; Tioga Pass, 18, 132-133; ill., 15, 66; Trans-Sierra, 11, 292-299; 18, 132-133; Tuolumne Meadows, 21, 104-106; 32, 89-95, 134; ill.,16, 39, 42; waxes, 20, 6, 12; Mt. Whitney, 27, 127-128; Whitney Pass, 23, 106; Yosemite National Park, 16, 44-46; 19, 88-89; 21, 104-106; 26, 141-142; ski huts and trails, 25, 116; ski photographs and illustrations, 4, 312; 9, 83; 11, 294, 295; 15, 66, 67, 70, 71, 74, 75; 16, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46; 17, 123; 19, 47; 20, 11, 17, 30-31; 22, 94-95; 23, 14-15, 62-63; 26, 94-95; 27, 30-31; 28, 30-31; 33, 30-31; 34, 35; see also Skis
Skis: compared with snowshoes, 4, 65; construction, 4, 312-313; ill., 4, 312; selecting, 20, 5;23, 37
Skyparlor Meadow, il113, 25
Sky pilot, see Polemonium
Sky-line Trail (Mt. Rainier N. P.}, ill., 6, 17
Slate valleys, 10, 62
Sled, 3, 246; 4, 216; 5, 318; ill., 5, 318
Slide Canyon, 1, 177, 332; map, 1, 177; ill., 11, 450
Slide Pass, 3, 141
Slippery Ford, 1, 320
Smedberg Lake, 12, 134; ill., 8, 208
Smith Meadow and Peak, 12, 134; Snag-tooth Ridge (Washington), ill., 22, 94-95
Snake River (Wyoming), ill., 30, 47
Snake-bite, 12, 171-172; 18, 42-46
Snow camping, see Camping-Snow, Winter; Skiing and ski mountaineering
Snow chutes, 22, 15
Snow Creek Falls, ill., 7, 168
Snow detail, ill., 18, 127; 26, 14-15
Snow Gulch, 3, 109
Snow Peak, 27, 125
Snow-bird, see Junco
Snow-brush (Ceanothus integerrimus), 3, 310
Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada, 6, 310-314; 15, 69-73; 16, 43; 34, 55-67; bibliography, 34, 67; charts, 6, 311-314; 34, 56, 62-63, 64
Snowpatch Spire (Canada), 24, 61; 26, 59-63; first ascent, 1940, 26, 62; 34, 68; ascent, 27, 123-125; ill., 24, 62-63; 26, 94-95
Snow-plant (Sarcodes sanguinea), 4, 13-14; 11, 147
Snowshoes, 4, 64-66; 5, 318; 17, 37-38; ill., 4, 65, 66
Snow-skating, 1865, ill., 17, 123
Snow-Tongue Pass, 5, 160
Snowy Range (Wyoming), 12, 283-288
Soda Creek poison meadows, 4, 213
Soda Springs, 3, 66-67; Merced Canyon, 6, 237, 292; 7, 44; Tuolumne Meadows, 3, 55; 10, 110-111; Chemical analysis, 10, 111-112; ill., 1, 136; 3, 55; 17, 115
Soda Springs property of Sierra Club, see Sierra Club-Soda Springs property
Soil flow (solifluction), 18, 72; 22, 17
Soil formation, 11, 69-85
Solifluction, see Soil flow
Solitaire, Townsend, 17, 22-23
Sorata, Mt. (Andes), 8, 278
Sotcher Lake, 12, 134
South Africa, 30, 92-94
South America, 7, -249-250; see also Andes
South America, Lake, 12, 134
South Dome, see Half Dome; Sentinel Dome
South Fork, see name of river
South Guard, 10, 230-231; 12, 134, 307; ill., 2, 20; 7, 187; 26, 94-95
South Kaweah, see Kaweah, Mt.
South Lyell Glacier, see Nevada Glacier
South Palisade, see Split Mountain
South Park Canyon, 24, 107
Southern California Conservation Association, 12, 94
Southern California mountains, 11, 49-55; 25, 68-72; mountains over 5000 feet, 31, 115-117
Southfork Pass, 24, 48
Spanish discovery and exploration, 13, 54-61
Sparrow, Chipping (Spizella passerina), 6, 252; White-crowned (Zonotrichia leucophrys), 4, 143;ill., 4, 142
Spectre of the Brocken, 22, 105; 28, 57
Spencer, Mt., 5, 234; 12, 134; 27, 87, 99; ill., 11, 137, 144, 279; 19, 14-15
Sphinx, 26, 131; ill., 21, 94-95; 26, 94-95
Spiller Creek, 1, 172-173; 12, 135
Spiller Lake, 12, 135
Spiraea, Desert (Chamaebatiaria millefolium), 9, 41-42
Spirit Lake (Washington), ill., 7, 170
Spizella, see Sparrow, Chipping
Split Mountain, 11, 314; 12, 135; first ascent, 1902, 4, 262; 11, 252, 314, 423; 12, 62; ascents,11, 314, 423; 19, 94; 23, 35; origin of name, 1, 309; 11, 423; 12, 62, 135; Winter, 26, 142; ill.,1, 309; 4, 253, 261; 11, 422; 15, 71; 25, 14-15
Split Pinnacle, 24, 129; 25, 58-59; 26, 139
Spray Park (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 16, 63
Spruce, 2, 157-159; Big-cone (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa), 2, 162; Blue (Picea pungens), 2, 159; Columbian (Picea columbiana), 2, 158; Douglas (Pseudotsuga taxifolia), 2, 161; ill., 2, 156; Engelmann's (Picea Engelmanni), 2, 159; ill., 2, 160; Feather-cone (Exsertae), 2, 160; Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), 4, 299; Naked-cone (Inclusae), 2, 157-160; Tide-land (Picea sitchensis),2, 157-158; Weeping (Picea breweriana), 2; 158; ill., 4, 51
Squirrel, 21, 87; Douglas, 8, 26; 10, 401, 405; Flying, 12, 342; 17, 19; Yellowstone N. P., 12, 341-342; Yosemite N. P., 17, 18-19; ill., 12, 105; see also Ground-squirrel
Stanfield Grazing Bill, 12, 298, 410
Stanford, Mt. (Kings-Kern Divide), 2, 22; 3, 156-157; first ascent and naming, 1896, 2, 94, 121;3, 109; 12, 135; 26, 40; ascents, 17, 20
Stanford, Mt. (Mt. Goddard), 12, 135; 13, 81
Stanford Basin and Stanford Brook, 3, 110
Stanford Point, 31, 120
Stanley, Mt. (Ruwenzori Range, Africa), ill., 31, 14-15
Starbird GI.acier (Canada), 9, 243-244; ill., 9, 244
Starr, Mt., 32, 130
Starr King, Mt., 12, 135-136; 17, 115-118; 21, 96; 25, 53; first ascent, 1876, 12, 136; 17, 116;25, 43, 53; ascents, 12, 136; 17, 115-118; origin of name, 12, 135; Winter, 23, 44, 117; 25, 53
State Parks Commission, see California
State Parks Commission
State Peak, 12, 136
Steer's head flower (Dicentra uniftora), 8, 266-269 : 26, 69 : ill., 8, 267, 268
Stefansson expedition, 1917, 10, 324
Stikine Glaciers (Alaska), 12, 121-125; ill., 12, 123
Stikine River (Alaska), 10, 347-349; 12, 121; ill., 12, 121, 122
Stiletto Needle (Canada), 33, 8-9, 127
Stiletto-Dentiform Ridge, 33, 1-10; ill., 33, 6-7
Stocking streams and lakes, see Trout planting
Stone's Peak (Colorado), ill., 3, 193, 195
Stove, 6, 3
Strawberry Lake area, ill., 33, 102-103
Strawberry Peak, 25, 128
Striped Mountain, 12, 136; ascent, 11, 422; origin of name, 1, 309; 11, 423 j ill., 11, 422
Strobus pines, 2, 65
Stuart's Fork (Trinity Alps), ill., 11, 367
Stubblefield Canyon, 1, 330-332; ill., 3, 161
Sugar Bowl, ill., 27, 30-31
Sugarloaf, 1, 188 : 12, 136; 22, 106; ill., 1, 188
SugarJoaf Creek and Meadows, 12, 136
Sun Dance Canyon, ill., 28, 78-79
Sunrise Mountain, 18, 134
Sunset Peak (Trinity Alps), 4, 49, 69; ill., 4, 41
Susanville, 2, 194-195
Swallow, Violet-green (Tachycineta thalassina), 4, 135-136
Swedish bread, see Ryekrisp
Sweet-scented shrub (Calycanthus occidentalis), 3, 305
Switzerland, 8, 289; 14, 85; see also Alps; Matterhorn; ObergabeJhorn; Rothorn; Weisshorn
Swift, White-throated (Aeronautes melanoleucus), 6, 251
Symmetry Spire (Grand Teton N. P.), 32, 129
Table Mountain, 7, 72-73; 12, 136; 13, 88; ill., 9, 48; 13, 29; 18, 126; 22, 14-15, 30-31
Table Mountain (Bishop Creek), 21, 103; 25, 126; ill., 23, 14-15
Table Mountain (Colorado), ill., 3, 196
Taboose Pass, 12, 136; ill., 8, 68
Tacoma, Mt., see Rainier, Mt.
Taft Point, 12, 136; 24, 129
Tahoe, Lake, 3, 96-100; knapsack trips, 1, 314-324; origin of name, 15, 87; Winter, 3, 119-126; 4, 216-227; 9, 274-277, ill., 8, 140, 141, 257; 9, 272, 274, 275; 25, 102-103
Tahoe Forest Reserve, 2, 321; National Park status proposed, 8, 141
Tahoe National Forest, 8, 291; ill., 27, 30-31
" Tahoe National Park" proposed, 8, 141
Tahoe Valley, ill., 25, 102-103
Tahoe-Yosemite trail, 10, 256, 374, 486
Tahoma, Mt., see Rainier, Mt.
Tahquitz National Game Preserve, 11, 353
Tahquitz Rock, 23, 111-112; .?5, 71
Tai Shan (China), 10, 165-169; ill., 10, 166
Tamalpais Conservation Club, 12, 311
Tamalpais State Park, 5, 85; 9, 185-188; 13, 79-80; Tamalpais National Park proposed, 8, 140-141; ill., 9, 185
Tamarack Flat, 12, 137
Tamarack Meadow, 3, 110
Tamarack pine, see Pine, Lodgepole
Tamrack pine, see Pine, Lodgepole
Tanager, Western (Piranga ludoviciana), 6, 246
Tappaan Lodge, see Clair Tappaan Memorial Lodge
Tar bush, see Mountain misery.
Tarn Erica, 3, 110
Tatoosh Range (Mt. Rainier N. P.), 6, 15-21; ill., 6, 15, 17, 18, 21; 9, 82, 83
Taxaceae (Yews), 4, 125-126
Taxodiae, 2, 63, 168-172
Taxodium, 18, 117-118; see also Sequoia
Taxus, see Yew
Taylor Act, 32, 38-42
Tehachipi Range, 31, 116
Tehipite Dome, 2, 47; 6, 119; 10, 354; 11, 142; elevation, 2, 284; origin of name, 12, 137; ill.,2, 44; 6, 115; 9, 49, 125, 146; 11, 173, 196; 20, 63; 29, 46-47
Tehipite Valley, 9, 125; 10, 352-356; 12, 137; map, 12, 127; route to Kings RiverCanyon, 2, 44-49, 106-110; map, 2, 49; Simpson Meadows trail, 10, 225; ill., 9, 7, 49, 75, 125
Telegraph Peak, ill., 19, 46-47
Telescope Peak (Death Valley), 10, 285; 24, ~1, 86; 27, 83-85; fi.rst ascent, 1860, 27, 84; ascents, 13, 36-39; 25, 125; 27, 84; ill., 27, 78-79
Tellot Glacier (Canada), ill., 33, 6-7
Tellot Peak (Canada), 33, 126
Tempest Peak, ill., 27, 3Q-, 31
Temple Crag, 9, 262; 13, 33; 24, 57; fi.rst ascent, 1909, 24, 57; ascents, 11, 312-313; 12, 420;20, 73; North Peak, 26, 141; ill., 9, 1; 12, 64
Ten Lakes Basin, 12, 137; ill., 10, 329, 414, 415; 11, 20; 20, 62-Q3
Tenaces pines, 2, 74-75
Tenaya Canyon, 7, 153-169; 9, 127; 25, 49; early explorations, 7, 153-154; 9, 127; 10, 276-281; map, 9, 134; Mono Indian trail, 10, 278; traverses, 3, 23Q-, 235; 7, 153-169; 9, 126...133; 10, 276-281; 19, lor; 21, 96; ill., 7, 153, 168; 9, 126-132; 11, 101
Tenaya Creek, 12, 137
Tenaya Glacier, 3, 62; 10, 186-188
Tenaya Lake, 3, 52-53; 12, 137; Tuolumne Meadows trail, 25, 113; ill., 3, 53; 6, 225; 9, 147;10, 487
Tenaya Lake Camp, 12, 42
Tenaya Peak, 3, 55; ill., 10, 487
Teneiya, see Tenaya
Tent, 5, 319-320; 22, 39-42; diagrams, 22, 39, 40, 41; sectional tent, 26, 9Q-, 94; diagrams,26, 91, 92
Tenth Mountain Division, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-56 -
Terminales pines, 2, 67
Teton, Grand, see Grand Teton
Teton, Middle, see Middle Teton
Tetons (Grand Teton N. P.), 11, 162; 12, 360; 16, 49; 32, 102; ascents, 32, 101-103, 128-129, 133; 33, 121; ; U 11, 164, 165; 12, 356, 357, 360, 361; 30, 47; see also Grand Teton; Grand Teton National Park; Middle Teton
Tharp's Peak, see Alta Peak
Tharp's Rock, 12, 138
Thielsen, Mt. (Oregon), 20, 109
Third Needle, 26, 114; 34, 145
Thomomys, see Gopher
Thompson, Mt. (Evolution peaks), 27, 96-97; first ascent, 1909, 10, 440; 27, 96; origin of name, 12, 138; 27, 88; ill., 11, 275
Thompson Canyon, 1, 179; ill., 3, 161
Thompson Peak (Trinity Alps), 4, 68; 21, 95; ill., 11, 367; 21, 14-15
Thompson Ridge, ill., 11, 275
Thor Peak, 23, 105; 26, 115
Thordyke's Canyon, see South Park Canyon
Thousand Island Lake, 8, 171; ill., 11, 16; 15, 58, 75; 24, 30-31
Three Brothers, 12, 138; 27, 132; ill., 23, 111; see also Brothers -Lower Brother, Middle Brother
Three Fingered Jack (Oregon), 20, 109; Ill., 3, 204; Three Patriarchs (Zion N. P.), ill., 10, 340
Three Sisters (Oregon), 8, 53-54; ill., 3, 204
Three Teeth (Yosemite N.P.), 19, 31-33; 20, 47-48; 22, 54-56; 27, 126-127; ill., 19, 46-47; 22, 52; see also Sawtooth Ridge
Thrush, Sierra Hermit (Hylochichla guttata, 4, 37-38; 6, 250; 8, 161; ill., 8, 159
Thumb (Mt. Hoffman), see Hoffman, Mt.-The " Thumb"
Thumb, The (Palisade Creek), 11, 271-274; 24, 56.
Thunder Mountain, 12, 13& ; 13, 88; 18, 127; 26, 135
Thunderbolt Peak, 17, 125; 19, 95; 24, 51; 32, 130; ill., 23, 62-63
Thuya, 4, 101, 102; see also Arbor-vitae
Tiedemann, Mt. and Tiedemann group (Canada), ill., 33, 6-7
Tilden Lake, 8, 155; ill., 8, 157; 27, 78, 79
Timber exchanges, 9, 177-178, 206-207, 211, 316; 10, 106; 11, 329-330
Timber-line forest, ill., 10, 158 " " '-
Tinemaha Mountain, 23, 10'}---
Tioga Mine, 3, 322; 13, 44
Tioga Pass, 12, 138; winter, 18, 132-133; 32, 90--91
Tioga Road (Yosemite N. P .), 8, 132; 10, 97; 12, 138; 34, 37, 38; improvement, 34, 50--54; Leevining Grade, 7, 195; relocation, 19, 85-88; standards, 34, 37, 38, 50--54; ill., 34, 34-35
Tirek (Caucasus), 2, 295, 297
Toluca, see Nevado de Toluca
Tom, Mt., 12, 420; 13, 35
Tonquin Pass (Canada), ill., 13, 5
Tonquin Valley (Canada), 13, 1-9; bibliography, 13, 9
Tooth, East; Middle; West, see Three Teeth
Topocobya Canyon (Arizona), 4, 81
Topographic maps, 10, 238
Totem pole drawings by John Muir, 10, 41, 61
Tower Peak, 2, 282; 8, 155; 27, 126; first ascent, 1870, 12, 419; ill., 2, 282; 3, 161; 8, 155, 157; 27, 78, 79
Tower Rock (Kern River), ill., 5, 60; 10, 423
Towhee, Green-tailed, 6, 252
Towne's Pass, 24, 81-82, 90
Townsend Solitaire, see Solitaire, Townsend
Toyon conservation, 11, 97-98
Trail building, improvement and maintenance, 2, 110; 9, 49; 10, 336; 26, 123-125; 31, 57-67; diagrams and drawings, 15, 43, 44; 31, 57-67; see also Trails and trail systems
Trails and trail systems, 23, 86-90; 25, 108-116; see also Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation-Trails
Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Dolomites), 30, 80--81
Trees and shrubs: Kings River region, 4, 298-300; Redding to Trinity Mountains, 4, 39-58; zonal distribution, 3, 298-312; see also Conifers of the Pacific Slope; Plants; see also Arbor-vitae; Ash; Aspen; Big tree; Bryanthus; Buckeye; Buckthorn; Button bush; Cactus; Cedar; Chemisal; Christmas trees; Cryptomeria; Cypress; Dogwood; Eucalyptus; Fir, Fremontia. " Grizzly Giant" ; " Guardian of the Grove" ; Hemlock; Ironwood; Joshua tree; Juniper; Kit Carson tree; Larch; Lightning-struck tree; Live oak; Mahogany; Metasequoia; Mountain misery; Nutmeg; Oak; Palm; Pine; Poison Ivy and Oak; Poppy, Bush; Redbud; Redwood; Ribes velutinum; Saguaro cactus;Sequoia; Service bush; Spiraea; Spruce; Sweet-scented shrub; Toyon; Willow; Yerba Santa; Yew
Triangulation, 16, 99-100; map of Ritter-Whitney triangulation, 2, 286
Trident, The (Yellowstone), ill., 12, 365
Trinity Alps, 4, 39-58; 21, 12-21, 94, 95; bibliography, 21, 21; flora, 4, 53-58; record of ascents, 21, 95-96; routes and camps, 4, 67-69; ill., 4, 41; 11, 366, 367, 370, 371, 374, 375;21, 14-15
Trinity County, 4, 66-69
Trinity National Forest, 4, 320-322
Triple Divide Peak, 11, 127-128; 18, 126; 22, 105; 26, 131; " Pass, " 8, 167; 10, 182; ill., 8, 167; 11, 120
Triple Falls (Cartridge Creek), 4, 257; ill., 9, 162-163; 29, 46-47
Triple Peak Falls, 6, 292-293
Trout, 9, 48; 21, 87; Golden, 7, 26, 195; 8, 165, 193-199, 215-216; 11, 398-399; coloration, 8,68, 75, 166, 216; Cottonwood Creek, 8, 193-199; 9, 48; protection and preservation, 7, 52-53; varieties, 8, 196-197; Loch Leven, 7, 255; Nelson Rainbow, 18, 57
Trout planting, 6, 198; 7, 26, 50-52, 55-59, 252-257; 8, 64-75, 165, 215-216; 9, 308-310; Cottonwood Creek and Lakes, 8, 193-199; 9, 48; Gardiner Creek and Kings River, 7, 195, 252-254; Kern River region, 9, 48; report by W. E. Colby, 1908; 7, 50-54; Yosemite N. P., 7, 127, 198; 8, 222-223; ill., 7, 26, 252-257; 8, 66, 67, 69
Trout transportation, see Trout planting
Truckee Valley, ill., 11, 295
Tsashtl, see Shasta
Tsuga (Hemlock spruces), 2, 159; see also Hemlock; Spruce, Hemlock
Tucki Mountain, 24, 81, 88
Tueeulala Fall, 6, 212-214; 7, 152; ill., 7, 152, 260
Tulainyo Lake, 10, 231; 12, 139, 382
Tumbling Glacier (Canada), ill., 10, 269, 273; 14, 86, 87
Tumion, see Nutmeg
Tunemab Pass, 12, 139; 26, 38 : 27, 63
Tunemab Peak, 12, 139
Tunnabora Peak, 10, 231 : 12, 139; 26, 110
Tuolumne, Grand Canyon of the, 1, 9-16, 199-208; 2, 174-184; 5, 287-296; 6, 221-222; 7, 221; diagrams, 10, 69; 198; explorations, 1, 9-16, 199-208; 2, 50-52, 174-184; 4, 25-30; 6, 56-58, 238-243; 7, 216-217; 9, 258-260; 12, 65-74; 25, 37; geology, 1, 11; origin of name, 12, 139; rattlesnakes, 2, 182; 5, 295; trail, 11, 307; 12, 303; ill., 2, 50; 4, 31; 5, 290, 292; 6, 235, 241, 256; 7, 216-221; 8, 224; 9, 254-256, 258-261; 17, 82, 83, 86, 87; 20, 62; 27, 78-79; see alsoHetch-Hetchy Valley; Muir Gorge; Pate Valley; see also Cathedral Creek -Falls; LeConte Fal1s; Tuolumne Falls; Waterwheel Fa11s
Tuolumne Falls, ill., 5, 290; 6, 256
Tuolumne Meadows, 1, 10-12; 3, 55-57; 5, 287; 6, 221; 7, 149-150; 8, 1-2; 11, 13-14, 21-28; 12, 41; 23, 96-98; origin of name, 12, 139; routes (Eleanor Lake, 1, 330-332; Hetch-Hetchy, 1, 332-333; Jackass Meadows, 1, 333-335; Yosemite Valley, 5, 314); Sierra Club property, seeSierra Club-Soda Springs property; skiing, 21, 104-106; 32, 89-95, 134; Soda Springs, 3, 55; 8, 272-274; 10, 110-112; trails, 25, 113-114; Winter, 21, 104-106; 32, 89-95, 134; Mt. Whitney in six days, 26, 143; ill., 1, 136; 3, 55; 4, 19; 6, 235; 7, 95, 149; 8, 1, 40, 151, 225; 9, 36, 224, 247, 252, 293; 10i 435, 446; 11, 411; 12, 32; 34, 35
Tuolumne Meadows Camp, 12, 41
Tuolumne Pass, 10, 477; ill., 16, 43, 46
Tuoluml1e Peak, ill., 23, 14-15
Tuolumne River, 12, 139; ill., 4, 19; 6, 235; 7, 69; 9, 254, 259; 17, 10; Lyell Fork, ill., 7, 94, 150; 10; 446; see also Tuolumne, Grand Canyon of the
" Turret, The" (Sierra Nevada), 3, 110
Turret, The (Yellowstone N. P; ), ill., 12, 341
Turret Peak (Canada, ill., 13, 8; 14, 6
Tuttle Pass, 26, 106
Twin Peaks, ill., 11, 423
Tyndall, Mt., 12, 140, 443-444; 26, 107; first ascent, 1864, 11, 252-253; 12, 140, 443-444; 14, 40; 26, 32, 103, 107; ascents, 1, 214-220; 11, 440; 25, 124; 26, 130; origin of name, 11, 252;12, 140, 443-444; West Peak, 12, 107; ill., 1, 91; 10, 214; 18, 30
Tyndall Col, 26, 106
Typhoid fever vaccination, 12, 174
Tyrol, 12, 289-296
Uinta Mountains (Utah), 24, 109-120; ill., 24, 62-63
Umbrella plant (Peltiphyllum peltatum), 27, 24
Unicorn Peak (Cathedral range), 12, 140; 17, 113; 20, 103; ill., 1, 136; 3, 55; 7, 95, 149; 8, 1, 225; 9, 224, 252, 292; 12, 32
Unicorn Peak (Mt. Rainier N. P.), 6, 15-21; ill., 6, 18, 21
United States Army Mountain troops, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-56
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Bench marks, 16, 99-100
United States Forest Service, 6, 140-141; 8, 286-287; 11, 222-223; forest fire precautions, 8, 142-143; multiple-use policy in National Forests, 4, 71-72; 6, 125-127; 32, 71-74; National parks policy, 8, 139; San Francisco headquarters, 7, 82-83; see also National Forests; Trout planting. United States Geological Survey, maps, 2, 115-117, 285; meteorological observatoriessee Meteorological observatories
United States National Forests ; National Parks and Monuments, see National Forests; National Parks and Monuments
University of California, Forestry Department, 9, 209; 10, 376; Wood Technology Laboratory,ill., 10, 368
University of California Peak, see University Peak
University Peak, 12, 140; first ascent, 1896; 2, 83-84; 12, 140; 26, 40; ascents, 2, 20; 4, 242;8, 14; 26, 129; name given to Mt. Gould, 11, 399; 12, University Peak (cont.) 140; origin of name, 1, 100; 12, 140; panorama from, 3, 173; routes, Bullfrog Lake, 3, 154-155; 13, 32; ill.,2, 81; 7, 240; 8, 285; 10, 191; 11, 410-411; 29, 46-47
U-notch route (North Palisade), 24, 47
Upper Basin, see Kings River, South Fork-Upper Basin
Valle de la Grulla (Mexico), ill., 18, 55
Valley View (Yosemite N. P.), ill., 3, 32
Van Trump Park (Mt. Rainier N. P.), ill., 16, 66
Vandever, Mt., 12, 140; ill., 4, 302
Vermilion Valley, 1, 227; 12, 140
Vermivora rubricapilla, see Warbler, Calaveras
Vernal Fall, 3, 37; 6, 308; 12, 140; ill., 3, 28, 37; 6, 308
Vernon, Lake, map, l, 185; ill., 2, 282
Victoria, Mt. (Canada), ill., 8, 189
Vidette Lake, ill., 8, 14
Vidette Meadows, map of route to Grouse Meadow, 11, 359
Videttes, 2, 272; 12, 141; ill., 2, 79, 272; 10, 207; 15, 67; East Vidette, ill., 8, 13, 48-49; 10, 179; 26, 14-15; West
Vidette, ill., 8, 274
Vigilant, Mt. (Canada), 22, 33
Vireo, Cassin (Lanivireo solitarius), 8, 119-120; Red-eyed, 5, 106-107; Warb-ling (Vireosylva gilva), 6, 253
Virginia Canyon, 10, 287-291; ill., 10, 288
Vogelsang Lake, 12, 141
Vogelsang Pass, 12, 141; ill., 20, 30-31
Vogelsang Peak, 12, 141
Volcanic Knob, 12, 141
Volcanic Ridge and Volcanic Peaks, 23, 32; 24, 7; ill" 23, 30-31
Volcano Creek, 12, 141; see also Golden Trout Creek
Volcano Falls, 12, 141
Volcanoes, 29, 67-76; see also Asama-Yama; Coast Range of Mexico and Central America ; Devils Postpile, N . M.; Fujiyama; Haleakala; Hawaii N. P.; Ice caves; Kilauea; Lassen, Mt.; Lassen Volcanic N. P.; Lava; Lava Beds, N.M.; Mayon; Mexico-Mountains; Mono Craters; Paricutin Volunteer Peak, 12, 128; ill., 17, 1 Vosges Mountains (France), 11, 175-180
Waddington, Mt. (Canada), 1935, 21, 1-11; 1936, 22, 29-37; 1947, 33, 1-10; first ascent, 22, 32; ill., 21, 1, 14-15; 33, 1
Wagon trips to the Sierra, 3, 210-217
Walker Pass, 12, 141-142; 27, 47
Walker River, 12, 141-142
Wallace, Mt., 27, 95-96; first ascent and naming, 1895, 12, 142; 26, 40; 27, 87, 95-96; ill., 11, 137; 19, 14-15; see also Mendel, Mt.
Wallace Creek and Lake, 12, 431
Walton, Mt. Izaak, see Izaak Walton, Mt.
Wanda Lake, 5, 236-237; 12, 142; 27, 88
Wapama Fall, 6, 214; 7, 152; ill., 7, 152, 263
Wapta, Mt. (Canada), 23, 103-104
Warbler, Audubon (Dendroica auduboni), 4, 141; 6, 253; ill., 4, 141; Calaveras (Vermivora rubricapilla), 8, 120-121; Pileo1ated (Wilsonia pusilla), 6, 253; Yosemite Valley, 6, 253
Warren, Mt., 12, 142
Wasatch Range (Utah), 11, 61
Washburn Lake, 2, 198; 12, 142; ill., 6, 236, 292; 7, 39
Washburn Plateau, 11, 315; 17, 8-9
Washington, Mt. (New Hampshire), 3, 313-318; 28, 55
Washington, Mt. (Oregon), 20, 109
Washington Column, 19, 100; 23, 117; first ascent, 1934, 21, 97; ascents, 21, 97; 22, 106-107;25, 119; direct route, 26, 137; fat man chimney, 25, 56; lunch ledge, 25, 52, 56; piton traverse,25, 56; ill., 3, 43; 8, 132
Waskingtonia filifera, see Palm, Washington
Watch Tower, see Sphinx
Water and Forest Association, 3, 224
Water Ouzel (Cinclus mexicanus unicolor), 1, 57-58; 4, 137-138; 5, 102-107; 6, 247; poem, 6, 244; ill., 5, 105, 106; 6, 44
Water Power, 7, 84; 8, 292; sites, 11, 430, 441-446
Waterfalls, see Hetch-Hetchy Valley; -Tuo1umne, Grand Canyon of the; Y 0-semite Valley
Waterproofing, 22, 42, 46
Waterwheel Falls, 1, 14, 204; ill., 7, 221; 8, 224; 9, 254, 256
Watkins, Mt., 7, 167; 12, 143; ill., 8, 89; 16, 38
Watkins Gully, 26, 139
Watkins Pinnacles, 33, 121-122
Waucoba Mountain, 27, 137
Weasel, Mountain, 17, 17
Weather observations on the John Muir Trail in winter, 15, 69-73; see also Snowfall
Weather observatories, see Meteorological observatories
Weathering, see Erosion
Weisshorn (Switzerland), ill., 6, 78
Wellingtonia gigantea, 18, 116; see also Sequoia gigantea
Wells Peak, 12, 143
West Spur, 26, 135
West Temple (Zion N.P.), 19, 38-41; ill., 19, 46-47
West Vidette, ill., 8, 274; see also Videttes
Western Divide, ill., 4, 306
Weston Meadow, 12, 143
Wetterstein (Germany), 21, 60-61
Whaleback, 11, 120; 22, 105; ill., 1, 189; 8, 163; 11, 120; 13, 33; 26, 14-15
Whatcom, Mt. (Washington), 22, 78
Wheel Mountain, 19, 94; 27, 104, 110
Wheeler Peak, 12, 143
White House Ruin (Canyon de Chelly N.M.), ill., 30, 46-47 -
White Mountain (New Mexico), 2, 222-226
White Mountain (Sierra Nevada), 1, 309; 11, 423; ill., 11, 423
White Mountain Peak (Inyo), 10, 283-286; 27, 137;, ascents, 20, 102-103; 25, 125; 26, 142, 143; ill., 10, 284
White Mountains (Inyo), 10, 282-286
White Mountains (New Hampshire), 3, 313-318
" White Pass, " ill., 21, 30-31
White pine blister-rust, 11, 334
White River Canyon (Washington), ill., 8, 177
White Top, 19, 20-21
Whitehorn, Mt. (Canada), 14, 25-27; ill., 10, 281; 14, 26, 37
Whitehorse, Mt. (Washington), 22, 72
Whitewater River, 11, 350
Whitney, Mt., 12, 143-144; accessibility, 5, 87-90; age, 22, 18; altitude, see Elevation; airplane flight, 1914, 32, 87-88; ascents, 1873, 4, 288-289; 5, 96-97; 7, 142; 8, 137-138; 11, 253; 12, 144; 14, 45-52; 20, 81-85; 26, 103, 112; 32, 75-76; 1875, 20, 85-88; 32, 76; 1878, 20, 88-89;32, 76; 1881, 5, 97; 7, 142; 20, 89-93; 32, 76, 80-81; 1883, 20, 110; 32, 81-83; 1885, 20, 110; 32, 81; 1890, 32, 83-85; 1895, 1, 290-292; 1902, 32, 85-87; 1903, 5, 44-45, 61-63; 32, 87; barometric readings on summit, 5, 91; Campbell-Abbot expedition, 1909, 7, 142-148; 21, 66-72; 32, 76-77; Climber's Guide, 26, 112-114; confUsed with Mt. Langley, 1, 5; see alsoWhitney, Mt.-Ascents, 1873; controversy over first ascent, 1873, 14, 46-51; 32, 75-76; controversy over name, 14, 51-52; 32, 76; east buttress, 23, 105, 106; 26, 113-114; east face ascents, 1, 1; 17, 53-58, 120; 20, 84-85, 109; 22, 105, 109; 23, 104-105, 106; 24, 130; 25, 129; 26, 113; 34, 145; electrical storm, 17, 105-107; 21, 66, 68; elevation computation, 4, 288-290; 5, 90-101; 7, 141-142; 11, 254; 14, 53-57; 21, 73-75; 32, 77; exploration, 4, 207-215; False Mt. Whitney, see Langley, Mt.; fatality in thunderstorm, 17, 105-107; 21, 66, 68; first ascent, see Whitney, Mt.-Ascents, 1873; first ascents by women, 1, 290-292; 20, 88-89; Fisherman's Peak, 4, 289; 14, 47, 51-52; geographical location, 21, 75; geology, 11, 189-190;22, 1-18; history, 7, 141-142; 14, 39-52; 20, 81-93; 21, 64-75; 26, 102-103; 32, 75-88; Langley expedition, 1881, 7, 142; 20, 89-93; 32, 76, 80-81; leveling, 14, 53-57; meteorological observatory site, 5, 87-101; 6, 7-8; 20, 89-93; 21, 64-72; 32, 76; military reservation, 21, 64; mountaineer's route, 16, 108; 20, 85; 26, 112; north face route, 26, 112; observatory-shelter on summit, 7, 141-148; 20, 93; 21, 67-72; origin of name, 11, 253-254; 12, 143; Pinnacle Ridge,25, 129; routes of ascent, 26, 112-114; routes to Mt. Whitney, 1, 187-198; 5, 87-88; scientific studies, 7, 141-148; shelter, see Whitney, Mt.-observatory-shelter; Sierra Club moonlight ascents, 18, 14-15, 127; 32, 31-35; southeast face ascent, 27, 131-132; summit, 20, 82; temperatures, 7, 248; trail, 1, 1-8, 93-106; 4, 207-215; 5, 139, 258-260; 14, 84-85; 21, 65-66;32, 31-35; map, 1, 1; triangulation map, 2, 286; Tuolumne Meadows in six days, 26, 143; weathering, 22, 17-18; Winter ascents, 5, 316-317; 7, .105-118, 239; 23, 106-108; 27, 127-128; illustrations: east, 5, 87; 7, 143; 14, 43; 20, 89, 110-111; 22, 14-15; 23, 110-111; north,1, 61; 2, 249; 5, 48; 13, 88; 18, 38; 22, 14-15; south, 14, 46; 22, 8; summit, 1, 197; 7, 141, 142; 10, 175; 20, 110-111; 21, 94-95; 22, 14-15; 32, 30-31, & 6, 87; trail, 1, 292; 22, 14-15, 62-63; 32, 31; view, 7, 31, 146, 147, 148; 10, 175; 20, 110-111; 22, 14-15; 32, 30-31; west, 1, 7, 105; 5, 50; 9, 22; 20, 91
Whitney Creek, 4, 210-211; see also Golden Trout Creek
Whitney Creek Gorge, 5, 79-80
Whitney Pass, 23, 106-108; 26, 105; ill., 14, 43
Whitney Region : Climber's Guide, 26, 102-121; map, 26, 110; see also Muir Crest
Whitney-Russell Pass, 26, 106
Whitney Surveys of 1863 and 1864, see California State Geological Survey
Whorl Mountain, 19, 99; 20, 106; ill., 20, 62-63
Wilbur, Mt. (Glacier N.P.), 12, 4-6; 23, 103; ill., 12, 4, 5, 36
Wild flower conservation, 8, 200-203; 9, 204; 11, 88, 97-98; 12, 96-97
Wild flowers, 6, 160-174; 11, 147-150; 26, 67-71; Yellowstone N.P., 12, 346-348; Yosemite N.P.-List of species, 6, 269-273; ill., 16, 19; 26, 14-15; see also Plants; see also Arenaria Rossii; Bitterroot; Blazing-star; Bryanthus; Bunchberry; Carpenteria; Cassiope; Columbine; Cyclamen; Downingia; Draba; Eriogonum; Frasera; Gilia; Harebells; Hulsea; Lilium Kelleyanum; Lily, Mariposa; Lobelia; Mimulus; Polemonium; Primrose; Silver-sword; Steer's head flower; Umbrella
Wild life conservation, 9, 45, 57, 176; 33, 11-18; see also Conservation; Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation
Wilderness areas and wilderness preservation, 12, 313-316; 15, 27-36; 23, 93-96; 32, 43-52; biology of wilderness protection, 27, 14-22; meadows, 8, 39-42; 27, 16; 32, 53-62; 33, 19-30;34, 140-143; ill., 8, 40; 32, 62-63; need, 32, 43-52; packing and the wilderness, 32, 96-98; 33, 19-30; 34, 140-143; roads, 34, 31-54; trails, 23, 85-96; 25, 108--109; see also Conservation
Wilkes map of California, 28, 40, 53; ill., 28, 31
Williams Meadow, ill., 32, 62
Williamson, Mt.: first ascent, 1884, 11, 253; 12, 144; 26, 108; ascents, 1, 90-92; 2, 25-27; 5, 46-48; 11, 440; 12, 192-193, 307; east peak, 25, 130; 26, 109-11" 0, 130; origin of name, 11, 253; 12, 144; routes, 26, 108-110; ill., 1, 61, 91; 5, 44, 47, 48; 7, 146; 10, 214, 422; 18, 30
Willow, Arctic (Salix arctica), 11, 150; Pollard, ill., 28, 78--79
Willow Creek Divide (Trinity Alps), ill., 11, 371, 375
Willow Park (Rocky Mountain N.P.), 3, 194-196; ill., 3, 193, 195; see also Moraine Park
Wilmer Lake, 12, 144
Wilson Creek, 12, 144
Wilsonia, see Warbler, Pileolated
Wimmelcbe River, 28, 41; see also Kings River
Winchell, Mt., 13, 33-34; 16, 105; 24, 50-51; first ascent, 1923, 12, 90-91, 145; 16, 105; origin of name, 5, 3; 12, 145; 24, 42; 26, 39; Winter ascent, 23, 45; ill., 12, 92; 21, 30-31
Winchell, Crag Alexander, see Crag Alexander Winchell
Winchell's Peak, see Lookout Peak
Wind River Range (Wyoming), 33, 120
Window Peak, 26, 127
Winds, see Yosemite Valley-Winds
Windy Point, 21, 36; ill., 21, 30-31
Winter in the Sierra Nevada, 7, 237-242; 8, 249-259; 15, 69-73; see also Avalanches; Camping-winter; Skiing and ski-mountaineering; Snowfall
Winter sports values, 9, 53-55
Wit-sa-nap, see Convict Lake
Wiwaxy (Canada), ill., 8, 188
Wizard Island (Crater Lake), 1, 31-39; ill., 1, 36
Wolf, 6, 35
Wolverine, 15, 50-58; Mt. Rainier N.P., 6, 34
Wolverton Creek, 12, 145
Women and mountaineering, 7, 249; on Mt. Brewer, 1902, 4, 279; Cathedral Spire, 1934, 20, 107; Mt. Lyell, 1892, 1, 136-143; Mt. Shasta, 1856, 19, 65; Tuolumne Grand Canyon, 1896, 2, 50-52; 1897, 2, 174-184; Mt.Whitney, 1878, 20, 88; 1895, 1, 290; Mt. Williamson, 1893, 1, 90-92; 1896, 2, 24-26; 1903, 5, 48
Wood, Mt., 12, 145
Woodchuck, 12, 341
Woodpecker, 12, 152-154; Arctic three-toed (Picoides arcticus), 4, 141; ill., 4, 134; California (Melanerpes formicivorus), 6, 248; Harris's (Dryobates villosus), 6, 248-249; Log-cock, 4, 140-141
Woods Creek, 12, 145; ill., 8, 48
Woods Creek Basin, 6, 118
Woods Creek Canyon, 6, 104-105; ill., 8, 48-49; 12, 244
Woods Lake, ill., 21, 30-31
Woodworth, Mt., 1, 295-296; 12, 145; 26, 40; 27, 110; ill., 1, 297; 5, 2; 9, 162-163
World War I, 10, 322, 325, 360-361, 373-374, 438-440, 445, 447, 449, 486; 11, 175-180; 12, 294; Sierra Club honor roll, 10, 447-449; war service letters, 10, 450-475; war service record,10, 320-321; 11, 106
World War II, 31, 32-56; correspondence from Sierra Club members, 28, 54-70; 29, 1-35; 30, 1-43; GIs in the Alps, 30, 79-85; 31, 32-45; Sierra Club members roster, 31, 102-111; postcards from prisoners of war, ill., 29, 46-47; postwar mountain training, 31, 46-54
Wren, Western winter (Nannus hiemalis), 8, 122
Wynne, Mt., 25, 122
Xintecatl, see Nevado de Toluca
Yari, Mt. (Japan), 22, 93-94
Yellowhead, see Ground-squirrel, Sierra golden-mantled
Yellowhead Pass (Canada), 14, 31
Yellowstone, Grand Canyon of the., 12, 274-275; ill., 12, 277, 336, 349, 364
Yellowstone Lake (Yellowstone N.P.), 12, 273; ill., 12, 352
Yellowstone National Park, 11, 161; 12, 268-276; animal life, 8, 217; 9, 207-208; 12, 333-345;ill., 12, 268, 337, 340, 345; bibliography, 12, 277-282; dam proposed, 11, 195, 199, 207; history, 12, 270; 33, 72-76; poem, 11, 412; reports, 8, 217-218; 9, 68, 207-208, 316; 10, 99, 245, 365-366, 476; Sierra Club outing, 1926, 12, 349-355; trails, 12, 268-276; wild flowers, 12, 346-348; ill., 12, 269, 276, 277, 336, 341, 344, 349, 352, 364, 365, 372; 373, 377, 437; 30, 46-47; see also Absaroka Range; Angel Terrace; Big Game Ridge; Bridger Lake; Castor Peak; Electric Peak; Fox Creek; Hawks Rest; Heart Lake; Mammoth Hot Springs; Old Faithful; Pollux Peak; Sheridan, Mt.; Shoshone Lake; -Tri-dent; Turret; Yellowstone, Grand Canyon; Yellowstone Lake
Yerba santa (Eriodictyon glutinosum), 3, 306
Yew (Taxus), 4, 125-127; Pacific (Taxus brevifolia), 4, 126-127
Yodeling, 25, 17
Yoho Valley (Canada), ill., 8, 188
Yokut Indians of the Kaweah region, 12, 385-400; map of range, 12, 388; ill., 12, 385
Yosemite, Lake (ancient), 9, 7-15; map, 9, II
Yosemite Creek Glacier, 10, 185
Yosemite Falls, 3, 40-42; 6, 308; 7, 92-93, 265; 12, 145; Lower Fall, 25, 52; 31, 119-120; ill.,3, 1, 41; 7, 87, 92, 93; 8, 284; 11, 168; 29, 46
Yosemite Glacier, 3, 62-63; 9, 7, 139-144; 11, 22-23; 12, 229-232
Yosemite Museum, 11, 415; ill., 11, 415
Yosemite National Park, 7, 127-129, 198-199, 264-266; 8, 55-57, 222-224; 9, 62, 63, 206-207, 318; 10, 97-98, 109-113, 368-372, 476-477; 11, 7-10, 215-216, 322; animal life, 17, 12-24; Bighorn sheep, 20, 28-31; birds, 6, 245-254; 17, 21-24; boundary change, 5, 250-253, 267-268, 328; 8, 285-286; 10, 112, 350-351; buildings and concessions, 10, 98, 245-247; canyons in north of Yosemite N.P., 1, 168-186, 330-335; maps, 1, 173, 177, 179, 185; congressional appropriations, 7, 263; 8, 228; 10, 247; creation, 1890, 1, 275-276; 23, 11-12; 29, 49-60, 61-66; educational development, 11, 413-416; 20, 111-112; see also Yosemite N. P .-Nature-guide service; explorations by John Muir, 1872, 23, 4-8; flora, 6, 270-273; 8, 27-28; forest fire protection, 10, 110; forests, 14, 68; geology, 9, 225-239; see also Yosemite Valley-Geology; glaciers, moraines, 10, 184-201; grazing, 9, 104, 114-115; 10, 371-372; see also Grazing and pasturage; Hetch-Hetchy, see Hetch-Hetchy; High Sierra Camps, see High Sierra Camps; history, 1, 275-278; 6, 59-61, 69-70; 12, 145-146; 13, 40-53; 21, 85-86; 23, 11-19; 29, 49-60, 61-66; 33, 47-78; "Idea," 33, 47-78; Indians, 11, 415; see also Indians-Yosemite; mining activities, 13, 40-53; map, 13, 43; natural history survey, 9, 289, 297-298; 10, 80; 11, 10; nature-guide service, 11, 167-170, 413-414; ill., 11, 168, 169, 414; origin of name, 10, 203;12, 146, 147; over-development, 33, 79-86; patented lands, 8, 55, 223; 9, 62, 318; 10, 370;14, 79-82; Patented Lands Act, 1912, 8, 288-289; pine tree pests, 9, 206; private holdings, 8, 223, 288-289; 14, 68-69, 79-83; rangers, 10, 110; recession, 8, 206; see also Yosemite Valley-Recession; roads and trails, 3, 259-260; 6, 262-263; 7, 128, 198-199; 8, 56; 10, 342-343, 369-370; 11, 215; 25, 110-116; 26, 123; 34, 31-54; ill., 34, 34-35; see also yosemite Valley-Roads; see also Arch Rock entrance; Big Oak Flat Road; Tioga Road; School of Field Natural History,20, 111-112; Sierra Club, 23, 11-19; ski exploration, 16, 44-46; 19, 88-89; 21, 104-106; ski huts and trails, 25, 116; timber exchange, 9, 206, 316; trails, 25, 110-116; see also Yosemite N. P .-Roads and trails; troop withdrawal, 9, 316; visitors, 10, 370; water-power, 11, 213; wild flowers, 6, 270-273; 8, 27-28; see also Yosemite Valley
Yosemite Point Couloir, 24, 63-67; 25, 59-60
Yosemite Valley, 3, 27-47; 7, 87-92; birds, 6, 245-254; 8, 124; bibliography, 8, 124; list of species, 8, 123; Climber's Guide, 25, 41-63; climbing, 19, 34-37, 100; 21, 96-99; 22, 106-108;23, 115-119; 24, 63-67, 130; 25, 41-63, 120; 26, 135-140; 27, 132-136; 32, 134; 34, 147-150; compared with Hetch-Hetchy Valley, 6, 212; compared with Kings River Canyon, 4, 96-97; 6, 115-117; 12, 224-236; 26, 5-6; cross-section diagram, 9, 13; 10, 71, 196; 12, 232; depth, 10, 70-72; discovery, 9, 166; 15, 75; 25, 41; 27, 35-49; 32, 126-127; bibliography, 27, 48-49; earthquake of 1872, 10, 20; earthquake origin of Yosemite, 10, 63-64; erosion origin of Yosemite, 10, 65; explorations by Prof. Joseph LeConte, 1870, 3, 27-51; federal jurisdiction, 5, 242-250, 268; 7, 129-130; 10, 143; field school, 1934, 20, 111; fish hatchery, 11, 9; flora, 6, 270-273; 26, 6-70; geology, 3, 35, 258; 7, 222-224; 8, 3-9; 9, 7-15, 136-147; 10, 62-77; 12, 224-236; 25, 45; see also Geological studies-Yosemite Valley; glacial origin of Yosemite, 3, 48-49, 258; 9, 7-15, 136-147; 10, 3, 62-77, 184-201; 12, 227-230; 21, 28; 23, 9-10; 29, 92-95; glaciers and moraines, 9, 7-15, 136-147; diagram, 10, 69; hanging valleys, 12, 231; history,23, 11-19; 25, 41-44; 27, 35-49; 33, 64-76; Indians, 10, 202-209; 25, 41; Kings River Canyon from Yosemite, 1, 221-237; 2, 104-106; 20, 54-67; latitude, 12, 93; Yosemite National Park (cont.) LeConte Memorial lectures, 11, 9-10; map, 12, 228; Mono Pass route, 15, 113-115; John Muir in Yosemite in 1872, 23, 4-8; origin of name, 10, 203; 12, 146, 147; overdevelopment and overcrowded conditions, 33, 79-86; 34, 33-36; recession to federal control, 5, 242-250, 268, 311, 328; 6, 58-61; 8, 229-230; 10, 143; 23, 13; roads, 6, 262-263; 7, 127-128; sequoia planting, 9, 201-203; Sierra Club lodge, ill., 10, 142; 29, 46-47; trail projects, 25, 110-112; Tuolumne Pass route to Tuolumne Meadows, 5, 314-316; waterfalls, 6, 307-309; 7, 88; see also Bridalveil Fall, Eagle Peak Falls (extinct), Illilouette Fall, Nevada Fall, Ribbon Fall, Snow Creek Falls, Vernal Fall, Yosemite Falls; wild flowers, 6, 270-273; 26, 68-70; winds, 8, 89-95; ill., 3, 1, 32, 35, 37, 41, 43, 45, 47; 6, 307; 7, 169; 8, 89, 132, 249, 264; 10, 69, 195; 11, 168, 169; 12, 224; 16, 1; 30, 46-47; see also Yosemite National Park
Young, Mt., 12, 147; 20, 108-109; 26, 111, 112; 32, 80; ill., 22, 14-15
Young Lake, 10, 291; 12, 147; 25, 113; ill., 10, 285, 289
Yunque de Luquilio (Puerto Rico), 27, 134
Zabriskie Point (Death Valley), ill., 17, 67
Zamelodia, see Grosbeak, Black-headed
Zillertal (Austria), 12, 289-292; ill., 12, 289
Zumwalt Meadow, 12, 147; 21, 91; ill., 26, 14-15
Zion National Park and National Monument (Utah), 10, 338-339; 11, 6, 317-318; ascent of East Temple, 23, 112-114; ascent of West Temple, 19, 38-41; ill., 10, 336, 337, 340, 341; 19, 46-476; waterfalls, 6, 307-309; 7, 88; see also Bridalveil Fall, Eagle Peak Falls (extinct), Illilouette Fall, Nevada Fall, Ribbon Fall, Snow Creek Falls, Vernal Fall, Yosemite Falls; wild flowers, 6, 270-273; 26, 68-70; winds, 8, 89-95; ill., 3, 1, 32, 35, 37, 41, 43, 45, 47; 6, 307; 7, 169; 8, 89, 132, 249, 264; 10, 69, 195; 11, 168, 169; 12, 224; 16, 1; 30, 46-47; see also Yosemite National Park
Young, Mt., 12, 147; 20, 108-109; 26, 111, 112; 32, 80; ill., 22, 14-15
Young Lake, 10, 291; 12, 147; 25, 113; ill., 10, 285, 289
Yunque de Luquilio (Puerto Rico), 27, 134
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Zabriskie Point (Death Valley), ill., 17, 67
Zamelodia, see Grosbeak, Black-headed
Zillertal (Austria), 12, 289-292; ill., 12, 289
Zumwalt Meadow, 12, 147; 21, 91; ill., 26, 14-15
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Zion National Park and National Monument (Utah), 10, 338-339; 11, 6, 317-318; ascent of East Temple, 23, 112-114; ascent of West Temple, 19, 38-41; ill., 10, 336, 337, 340, 341; 19, 46-47