A Day of Service in Arizona

(pictured above: Back left to right, Matt Jevnikar-Sierra Club Volunteer, Louie Adam-City of Phoenix Park Ranger, Sandy Bahr-Sierra Club Grand Canyon Chapter Director, Koy Mangan-City of Phoenix Park Ranger. Front left to right, Alicia Hamilton-Sierra Club WILD Organizer, Melissa Guttierrez-Sierra Club Volunteer, Angela Fears-Outdoor Afro Fellow)

On January 18, 2016, 100 volunteers from the Sierra Club, Outdoor Afro, Arizona State University student clubs, and many more local organizations gathered at Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area to honor Dr. Martin Luther King by serving the community and the local wildlife that reside in the area.

The Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area is a unique five-mile wetland stretch along the Rio Salado river bottom. The river cuts through central Phoenix offering respite for 118 known species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish. The area has walking trails which offer nearby recreational opportunities to the surrounding communities. Yet for some participants, the service outing was their first experience with this great place. 

The volunteers diligently worked and planted six new mesquite trees, removed graffiti, extracted invasive plant species such as Buffelgrass, picked up litter, and beautified the main parking lot and trailhead by sweeping up and removing trash. Their work improved the park and had a positive effect on the volunteers as well. It was a great day for the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area, which depends on volunteers to keep it going, for the particpants who were inspired by the place and each other, and for the wildlife who call the area home. 


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