

Donate to the Kentucky Sierra Club Kentucky Political Action Committee here.

While polls demonstrate that millions of Americans value progressive environmental policies, they have also shown that voters regularly rank environmental issues lowest among the issues they value most when it comes to elections. If environmental protection is not a voter priority, it will not be a priority for policymakers. This paradox highlights the issue: Environmentalists are not voting (source). In order to have our voices heard and our concerns addressed, the Sierra Club believes in having a powerful political presence.

The Sierra Club sees the importance of having environmental champions at all levels of elected office. These are the champions we need to pass laws to protect our water and wild places, expand transit and renewable energy, and to keep us moving forward. That's why every year, we endorse state and municipal candidates that we believe will be true champions on our issues. For presidential and congressional endorsements, please visit our national Sierra Club Voter Guide.

How the endorsement process works

To ensure the Sierra Club only endorses the best environmental candidates, our volunteers and staff have developed a multi-step process and criteria for selecting which candidates receive our support. Each of our Congressional endorsements is voted on by two committees made up of volunteers. Typically, our Political Committee volunteers examine each candidate's record and distribute questionnaires to all candidates to fill out. The questionnaire responses are then evaluated, and interviews with candidates are conducted. Our Chapter ExCom then holds a second vote to confirm the endorsement. Throughout our process, volunteers and staff evaluate the environmental and public health records of candidates, their electability and their propensity to be a true champion on our issues.

Questions? Please contact our Political Committee Chair Tom Morris.

Find Your Voter Information

Make sure you are registered to vote and find out who your representatives are:

  1. To check your voter registration status; find out which city, county, and state congressional districts you live in; see sample ballots; and find out where your polling place is, visit the State Board of Elections website.
  2. To find out who your state Representative and state Senator are, visit OpenStates.org and enter your address.