Greater Louisville Group

on the left a green map of Grayson, Breckenridge, Meade, Hardin, Bullitt, Larue, Jefferson, Oldham, Trimble, Henry, Shelby, Spencer, Nelson, Washington, and Marion counties.  To the right a full map of the state of Kentucky showing the boundaries for all the Groups that make up the Kentucky Chapter.



The Greater Louisville Group encompasses Breckenridge, Bullitt, Grayson, Hardin, Henry, Jefferson, Larue, Marion, Meade, Nelson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, Trimble, and Washington counties.  

Join the Greater Louisville Group's Facebook group, visit their website, or check out the Calendar of events below.  

"Sierra Club Local Groups amplify the voices of concerned citizens and mobilize our volunteer members to take immediate action against environmental hazards in their own communities. They are the roots that support the entire organization."

– Julia Finch, Kentucky Chapter Director

The Greater Louisville Group Leadership:

Chair  Terrell Holder
Vice- Chair Wallace McMullen
Treasurer  Mary Lowe
ExCom Members: Emily Boone
  Pamela Raidt
  Steve Henry
  Edward Jewell
Beth Robinson
  Nicholas Johnson


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