Industrial Transformation

Industrial Transformation

Industrial Transformation

In this moment of interlocking crises, a movement of movements is joining together to fight for an industrial transformation that unites frontline communities fighting for clean air and water, workers fighting for good jobs, and advocacy  groups fighting for racial and economic equity.

We seek a new approach to industrial policy that replaces handouts  for corporate polluters with protections for people and the planet. We seek comprehensive solutions that create good-paying, clean manufacturing jobs, cut industrial pollution, and build climate resilience for those hardest hit by the fossil fuel economy. 

For too long, U.S. economic policies have prioritized corporate polluters, not the people and planet. Corporate trade deals and status-quo spending policies have padded the pockets of CEOs while exposing communities of color, immigrants, and working-class families to toxic pollutants, climate disasters, and low wages.

Our cross-sector movement to build a second Industrial Revolution based on 21st century innovation and clean manufacturing processes  is building unity and gaining momentum. It’s time for us to win the future we all need and deserve. Join us!

Fumes from a smokestack at a steel mill in Cleveland, Ohio. iStock

Coming Clean on Industrial Emissions

A new Sierra Club report and interactive map reveals — for the first time — the facility-level emissions for four heavy industries: Steel, cement, aluminum, and metallurgical coke.

Explore The Report
October 6, 2021

As Congress negotiates the details of the final Build Back Better Act, which will move in tandem with the bipartisan infrastructure bill, it’s imperative that any deal must pass the climate test, which means cutting climate pollution in half by 2030…

September 30, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With a potential vote looming on the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the U.S. House of Representatives today, the Sierra Club urges members of Congress to vote “no” in order to ultimately get to “yes” on climate. More…

September 29, 2021

PHOENIX, AZ -- As Congress considers the scale of investment in climate, jobs, and justice in the Build Back Better Act, it’s clear that voters in Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s home state of Arizona want climate and clean energy priorities to be fully…

September 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC -- Yesterday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee unveiled the completed text of its portion of the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill, and it includes $30 billion to replace lead pipes and service lines in our drinking…

August 31, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC -- This week, thousands of grassroots activists across the country are joining the Sierra Club’s Week of Action to demand Congress pass a big and bold budget reconciliation bill and crucial democracy reforms.