River Prairie Group

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Welcome to the River Prairie Group





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Upcoming Programs

You are invited!
Apocalypse Now: The Disappearance of Insects: In 2019, reports that North America lost 25% of its bird population shocked many people; but in 2017 German researchers reported a loss of 70% of the insects in Germany. Since then, researchers have documented the rapid decline of insects in many areas throughout the world. In Apocalypse Now, John Cebula examines the vital role insects play in both environmental and human economic health, the reasons for the decline, and what we can do to lessen and perhaps reverse this trend. Registration recommended.
May 22, at 7pm
Glen Ellyn History Center
800 N Main St, Glen Ellyn
I am looking forward to seeing you at this highly-regarded program.
Jeff Gahris, Vice Chair
River Prairie Group

Local News and Information

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