Join us for our next monthly speaker series—Prescribed Fire and the Ecology of the Great Rivers Area—on Tuesday, November 9! Dr. John Lovseth of Principia College will share his research and insight into the role that human-controlled fire played in shaping the landscape of the Great Rivers area. Dr. Lovseth has been a resident of the Great Rivers area for the last 11 years and teaches forest management courses at Principia College. During the presentation, Dr. Lovseth will explore the ecological implications of historic fire practices, from early inhabitants to 19th century settlers, on the management decisions landowners now face. Brent Masiero, PPG ExCom Member and Director of the Great Rivers Prescribed Burn Association will join Dr. Lovseth for this presentation. Masiero will share information about the Great Rivers Prescribed Burn Association, which is new to the Alton area, and how he, Dr. Lovseth, and other partners can help private landowners introduce fire on their property. Register here to join us for the November 9 speaker series.