Fun with Worms: Easy Backyard Vermicomposting
How I stopped worrying about kitchen waste and learned to love worms.
What do you think of when you hear the word, “worm?” Fish bait? A reprehensible human being? A weird dance move? Something you don’t want in your computing network? How about squirmy little powerhouses that can transform the very nature of our soil and its ability to grow food for us.
Learn how you can put worms to work transforming your kitchen waste into castings that are rich in nutrients and that increase porosity and microbial activity in soil. You can reduce the amount of fertilizers and other chemicals you purchase, and boost the health of your garden or lawn. At the same time, you can reduce the amount of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, going into our atmosphere from landfills. All it takes is a few square feet of land and some inexpensive materials. Plus, worms are cool.
The presenter, Susan Murray, has tried a variety of vermicomposting methods and will share the method she has used for the past fifteen years.
The Piasa Palisades Group of Illinois Sierra Club will host its May Virtual Speaker Series on Tuesday, May 11 from 6 – 7 pm. You can register for this online at: