Solarize Metro East

Solarize Metro East



  • Quick update: so far, Solarize Metro East has reached 78.83 kW and counting. This is great progress! We're more than half way to our second benchmark of 150 kW. And as of right now, everyone who goes solar through the program will be getting $30 off for every kilowatt of solar they install. 
  • We've added a bunch more Solar Power Hours (full calendar below) through September, giving you (or your friends, relatives, neighbors, coworkers, and even your enemies) plenty more opportunities to learn about solar. And to that end...
  • Please help spread the word! The group buy gets big when participants tell their networks about the opportunity. Have you shared with your friends on Facebook or Twitter? #Solarize
  • Reminder: the deadline to make a decision to go solar through this program is September 30. 

New to Solarize Metro East? Start by attending a Solar Power Hour. This free information session teaches you the basics of solar, its financial implications for your household, and how the solar group buy program works. Then, get a free, no obligation site assessment from the competitively-selected solar installer for Solarize Metro East. 

The more people who go solar, the lower the price for all. That's because each time we collectively reach certain benchmarks (50 kW, 150 kW, 250 kW, and 500 kW), the price drops for everyone. Doesn't matter if you decide to go solar at the beginning of the program or the end: the same price breaks apply to everyone. The deadline to make a decision is September 30.

A major point of interest this year is expanded access for renters and those whose sites are not suitable for solar (like if you have a lot of trees or a neighboring building shading your roof). Community Solar Arrays (CSA) are going to be available in Illinois in the near future, but they are not ready yet due to the ongoing process of gaining permission from the state. That said, we want to educate folks about how they work, and if a CSA is right for you, we want to make sure you're made aware of availability as soon as possible.

Farms, Businesses, Congregations, and Nonprofits have added options as well. To find out more, please reply directly to this email.

If you've already been to a Solar Power Hour, you can set up a site assessment with StraightUp Solar's online scheduling tool here:

This program was brought to you by the Madison County Resource Management Program, the Cities of Columbia and Belleville, Illinois, Lewis & Clark Community CollegeGlen Carbon Cool Cities Committee, Piasa Palisades Sierra Club, and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association. We welcome everyone to help spread the word!



(All are free and open to the public; click each date for the Facebook event)


The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration. To learn more about our work, visit