Riverbend Town Hall Forum to Discuss the Dynegy Retirement & Our Community

January 12, 2016 -- Jacoby Arts Center

Meeting Notes & Community Report

Background: In November 2015, Dynegy announced the retirement of its 60 year old, 465 megawatt coal fired power plant located in East Alton, Illinois. The plant sits on the Berm Highway and employees 90 local workers. The Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign and allies in the Metro East have been calling on community leaders to start planning for the inevitable transition of aging power plants like the Wood River coal plant for more than a year.

With a retirement expected in 2016, the Sierra Club co-hosted a town hall forum, moderated by Monica Bristow of the Riverbend Growth Association, so the community could discuss the collective needs and concerns that come with the retirement.  It was also an opportunity for community members to share their visions of what future energy, clean up, and potential re-use of the site could look like. 

The mayors expressed concern for the loss of tax base, including $1.8 in tax revenue from the plant, along with economic activity the plant brings to the region. 

Dynegy CEO Bob Flexon said the plant is expected to close in June 2016 if the grid operator, MISO, approves the retirement, they expect to know more in February. Flexon also spoke about a commitment to clean up coal ash and estimated a needed $18 million dollar investment in the closure of the coal ash ponds. Information about the Wood River coal ash ponds can be found on their CCR Rule Compliance Data and Information website1. Dynegy has worked out a tax plan with the community as the plant moves towards retirement and plans to keep workers in the Dynegy family with a “soft landing” for employees. 

IBEW is working with Dynegy and expressed that Dynegy is a good employer to many union employees in Illinois. IBEW also asked for patience in the transition process because it can take a long time for plants to go offline. 

Over 100 community members attended the forum with representatives from Sierra Club, IBEW, Dynegy, the cities of Alton, East Alton, and Wood River along with other concerned citizens. During conversations at each table, attendees were able to identify what they knew about the plant retirement, concerns about the plant and/or retirement, and what they wanted to happen during the transition process. Tables were then asked to share with the larger group. 

Large Group Discussion 

● Coal ash: long term effect and the cost of clean up

○ Will funds be adequate? Is $18 million enough?

○ Who takes responsibility for clean up? Will Dynegy pay for it?

● Local transition from coal to clean energy

● Plant Closure Date

● Employee Welfare

○ Job loss

○ Pensions for long term employees

○ Retraining options

○ Mental health support

○ Job equivalency 

 ● Future of site

○ Property reuse

○ Site clean up?

● Local economy/schools

● Community impact

○ Economic impact

○ Loss of tax base

○ Will electricity costs change?

● Continued citizen involvement

○ Citizen task force

 Submitted by Elizabeth Scrafford