Sierra Club Storms Capitol Hill

By Laura Asher, Piasa Palisades Group Chair (shown here with one of her environmental heroes, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune).

For two days in March, I joined 100 Sierra Club volunteers and organizers in Washington, D.C. to ask our elected officials to "Stop Polluter Payoffs."  Our seven person Illinois team visited 19 of the 20 Illinois congressional offices and met with staff in 15.  We encouraged legislators to support the EPA by emphasizing three key issues:

First, the Clean Power Plan presents an opportunity to be progressive in our quest for safe, renewable energy.  It is also a catalyst for economic development: Illinois already has 100,000 clean energy jobs (compared to 1,000 coal jobs).  We estimate that the Clean Power Plan would grow 10,000 more jobs per year for our state.  We reminded our officials in Washington to support this plan.

Second, the government is reviewing our nation's smog standard.  During the administration of President George W. Bush, particulate emissions were capped at 75 ppb (parts per billion).  The American Lung Association and the American Heart Association, however, recommend a cap of 60 ppb.  This limit would greatly reduce asthma attacks, trips to the emergency room, and medical costs.  Although 60 ppb is the lower limit being considered, we asked our congresspersons to fight for this strong statue.

Third, the first ever federal coal ash resolution was finalized in December.  While that resolution lacks several important elements, it does allow states to craft and implement their own protections.  We spoke with legislators about our goals for coal ash in Illinois, and we asked them to safeguard the federal coal ash resolution from potential rollbacks.

As you can imagine, my trip to Capitol Hill was both inspiring and exhausting.  I enjoyed becoming more informed on these nationwide issues, and meeting with the legislative staff was exciting.  The best part of the experience, however, was getting to know so many other Sierra Club leaders from around the country.  Each of us is one piece of the larger puzzle, and together we are making a difference!

If you would like to hear more about my trip and learn how you can help "Stop Polluter Payoffs," I invite you to join me at Bossanova (112 W. 3rd St., Alton) on Monday, April 20th from 5:45 - 6:45 PM for discussion, dinner, and drinks.  RSVPs are encouraged, but not required.

You can also take action today by sending this e-letter to your legislators.

Photos from the event:


Team Illinois Takes on Capitol Hill! From Left to Right:  Liz Perera (DC), Verena Owen (Winthrop Harbor), Laura Asher (Alton) Barbara Klipp (Grayslake), Kady McFadden (Chicago), Robin Garlish (Pekin), and Alex Morgan (Waukegan)

Team Illinois Visits the office of Senator Mark Kirk.  Lucky for us, he houses the "candy desk!" We powered up with Snickers Bars, Jelly Bellies, and Hubba Bubba.