Protecting Public Lands

Our Goals

Sierra Club's Wild Illinois Campaign is focused on permanently protecting our last remaining natural areas, working to restore the health and vitality of natural areas already in public ownership, and helping Illinoisans from all walks of life to learn about and experience first-hand the natural beauty and wonder of Illinois.

We work for an Illinois with wildlife populations that are recovering, not receding. An Illinois with healthy examples of our natural heritage that are accessible to all of our communities. An Illinois that offers kids, today and in the future, the chance to play, explore, and learn outside in nature instead of in front of a TV or computer screen.

Our goals for protecting and restoring wild places in Illinois include:

  •     Shawnee National Forest Campaign

  •     Fighting for A Strong, Professional Illinois Department of Natural Resources

  •     Protecting National Wildlife Refuges in Illinois

  •     Restoring Healthy Habitats in Our Public Lands


Restoration and Maintenance


The movement to lend a helping hand to nature and restore biodiversity to neglected public lands began here in Illinois when Sierra Club members teamed up with allies to restore prairie and savannah habitats in the Cook County Forest Preserves. Ever since, we've been working in many places and many ways to restore wetlands, prairies, and forests that had been lost or degraded to their natural health.

Check out our calendar of outings and events to find out if there are any Sierra Club restoration activities near you that you can volunteer at.