About Us

Group Executive Committee

The NWCCG is guided by an executive committee elected by the members. "ExCom" volunteers are elected or appointed to leadership positions and serve 2 year terms.

Jim Wallace - Chair

Pat Nuccio - Vice Chair

Sergio Valsecchio

Barbara Hill

Paul Culhane

Amy Kitzmiller

Richard Dobson

Contact Us

General questions and comments should be directed to NWCCSierraClub@gmail.com


Sierra Club Illinois Chapter & Groups

Nature Photos

No matter where you live, there's a Sierra Club chapter or group near you. There are chapters in every state. All chapters have groups, which are organized geographically within the Chapter.

Each chapter and group is guided by an executive committee elected by the members. Approximately 5,000 volunteers nationwide are elected or appointed to leadership positions, such as chapter chair, chapter treasurer, committee chair, and outings leader. The Club structure allows us to work on multiple levels to solve problems. Nationwide membership gives the Sierra Club clout with Congress and the White House, while local groups and chapters help us influence city council members, county commissioners, and state officials. The local groups also put pressure on their members of Congress — remember what former House Speaker Tip O'Neill said: "All politics is local." This "one-two" punch is a powerful combination.

The Illinois Chapter currently has approximately 25,000 members and 14 local groups. The office in Chicago is staffed by several paid staff members and the local groups are managed entirely by volunteers. Click here for The Illinois Sierra Club Website.

The National Sierra Club

The Sierra Club's members are over 1.3 million of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 by John Muir.

Sierra Club Mission Statement:

  • Explore, enjoy and protect the wild places of the earth.
  • Practice and promote responsible use of the earth's ecosystems & resources.
  • Educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment.
  • Use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying and litigation, the Sierra Club works to protect the health of our environment and to preserve our remaining wild places.

Here are just a few of the accomplishments that the Sierra Club has helped bring about:

  • Establishment of Yosemite and Yellowstone National Parks.
  • Enactment of the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act.
  • National Monument status for Utah's Grand Staircase - Escalante.
  • Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act designating more than 100 million acres of parks, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas.