Voices from the Field

Voices from the Field is a weekly blog from Sierra Club Illinois' political organizers Rachel Neese and Josselyn Fano. The blog shares updates about Rachel and Josselyn's work to support Sierra Club endorsed candidates up and down the ballot across Illinois. Check out what Rachel and Josselyn have been up to below! 

Voices from the Field, from Rachel Neese
Sierra Club members and our endorsed candidates are ready to start Getting Out The Vote! This past weekend I spent time with State Senator Karina Villa of District 25, State Representative Maura Hirschauer of House District 49, and DuPage County Forest Preserve District President Daniel Hebreard, who are all running for re-election. I was met by friendly neighbors while knocking doors in a part of West Chicago I had never been to before, and also stopped by State Senator Suzy Glowiak-Hilton’s campaign office to talk with her staff about their needs for GOTV. Most importantly, Linda Sullivan and Connie Schmidt of the River Prairie Group have been absolutely invaluable in recruiting members to participate in our GOTV efforts, and have drawn on their MANY connections and friendships to create a fun and energized environment at every event they set up!

Hanging out with Senator Villa’s little dog (who I’m holding in the picture) named Bernie Sanders was definitely the highlight of my weekend!
River Prairie Group Chair Connie Schmidt (left) kicked us off on Saturday with her signature positivity and introduced Senator Villa (right) to the group!


Voices from the Field, from Josselyn Fano
One more week until Election Day! If you haven’t yet voted, today is your day to perform your civic duty. Make sure all of your friends, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws, coworkers, neighbors, mail carriers, and sanitation workers have voted, too. This past weekend, we had a wonderful canvas with the Woods & Wetlands Group up in Gurnee with some of our endorsed candidates, including: Joyce Mason for State Representative, Bob Morgan for State Representative, and Anthony Vega for Lake County Clerk. I am looking forward to our GOTV phonebank coming up to get that last push of support for our endorsed candidates!

The Woods & Wetlands Group was happy to Get Out the Vote for endorsed candidates this past weekend!