President Biden Signs Federal Climate Legislation That Will Complement the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act Here in Illinois

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Contact: Hannah Lee Flath,, 860-634-0225

CHICAGO, IL -- Today, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) into law, marking the largest federal investment ever in climate and clean energy. This historic legislation directs $369 billion to over 100 programs that will chart a path to reducing emissions by 40 percent by the end of the decade. As a leader on state climate policy, Illinois is uniquely positioned to benefit from the IRA. The law includes funding for grants and loans that will accelerate the transition to clean electricity, foster new wind and solar development, and improve access to affordable electric vehicles and public transportation across Illinois. These investments in climate action, clean energy, and environmental justice are crucial for our livable future and for our economy. 

This victory is the result of decades of rallying cries and action from experts, advocates, and activists across the country. Sierra Club Illinois’ own Federal Action Team (FACT) contributed to this effort. FACT volunteers and partners across Illinois lobbied our Representatives, organized town halls and collective action calls, and hosted events and rallies calling on our state leaders to act on climate.

In response, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter Director Jack Darin shared the following statement: 

“This federal legislation comes nearly a year after the passage of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA)—landmark climate legislation that set Illinois on a path to 100% clean energy. Our state policy will now work hand in hand with this federal legislation so that Illinois can act on investments in clean energy and electric transportation, protect communities, and advance equity. It’s more critical than ever to bring renewable energy online in order to improve the resiliency of our electric grid and protect consumers from rising energy costs, and the Inflation Reduction Act will ensure significant strides are made in that effort.

“This law is unfortunately not without compromise, including unfortunate subsidies for fossil fuels and commitments to develop new oil and gas infrastructure. Overall, however, the IRA represents the largest investment in climate action ever by our nation. We applaud the members of Illinois' congressional delegation for heeding the urgent call for action on climate and the demands for equity and environmental justice. Together, we must remain committed to the long haul fight—we can and must achieve environmental justice and climate action for all.”  

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