Amidst Historic Attacks on Civil Liberties and Unprecedented Challenges in the Illinois Primaries, Election Night Delivers Mixed Results

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Contact: Hannah Lee Flath,, 860-634-0225

Chicago, IL. -- Yesterday, many of the environmental champions endorsed by the Sierra Club Illinois Chapter PAC won their respective primary elections, officially setting the stage for important races up and down the ballot in the General Election this November. These victories are critical amidst the ongoing climate emergency, attacks on our democracy, and most recently, the attacks on reproductive justice and access to healthcare. Sierra Club celebrates these wins and looks forward to continuing to support candidates in the General Election this November who will keep Illinois moving forward.

Tuesday night’s primary election brought mixed results, with about half of the 21 environmental champions endorsed by the Sierra Club Illinois PAC for the Illinois General Assembly, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, and Cook County Board with clear victories and a few still too close to call. 

In response, Sierra Club Illinois Deputy Director Dominique Salice released the following statement: 

“In the wake of the historic Supreme Court rulings that attack our democracy and access to reproductive healthcare, it’s clear now more than ever that we must mobilize our communities and elect state and local legislators who will do what SCOTUS is failing to do: protect the civil liberties of the people they represent. As we take to the streets to do what Sierra Club Illinois does best—mobilize constituents across Illinois through traditional grassroots community organizing—we remain committed to the fight for clean air, clean water, and environmental justice. The fight for environmental justice is inextricably linked with the fight for our democracy, civil rights, and the future of Illinois. Through grassroots community organizing, we will build power and win in the fight for social justice.”

Sierra Club’s list of endorsements can be found here, and will continue to be updated as endorsements for the General Election are announced. Sierra Club’s contacts with Illinois voters on behalf of endorsed candidates are funded by Sierra Club Illinois PAC. Copies of our reports are available from the State Board of Elections in Springfield, Illinois.  

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