Sierra Club Illinois Statement on the Passage of the Reimagining Electric Vehicles Act

28 October 2021

Contact: Hannah Lee Flath,, 860-634-0225 

SPRINGFIELD, IL -- Today, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Reimagining Electric Vehicles (REV) Act, which builds on the new Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) to create jobs in clean energy, prioritize underserved communities, and expand electric vehicle infrastructure in Illinois. The REV Act encourages companies in the electric transportation industry to locate and expand in Illinois in order to meet the demand for electric vehicles and related infrastructure. Alongside the recent passage of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act, the REV Act firmly situates Illinois as a leader in building climate solutions. 

Under the REV Act, companies receiving state incentives will be:

  • Incentivized to hire employees out of CEJA’s new statewide network of community workforce hubs for jobs that pay at least 120% of the average wage paid in the county where they are located. Companies will be required to outline a hiring plan and make commitments to hiring full time workers and diversify the workforce.

  • Incentivized to locate new facilities in former coal communities facing transition, and underserved communities, similar to CEJA’s prioritization of these communities for renewable energy projects.

  • Required to construct new facilities in compliance with green building standards and have a relationship with a recycling facility or demonstrate their own recycling abilities, with annual reporting.

In response, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter Director Jack Darin shared the following statement: 

“Sierra Club applauds Governor Pritzker and the Illinois General Assembly for building on CEJA’s foundation of equitable economic opportunity and bold action on climate change with the passage of the REV Act. Transportation is the leading source of the pollution causing climate change and threats to our health. In order to address these critical issues, our nation and world will need major growth in the electric transportation sector to meet our goals of averting the worst consequences of global warming and cleaning up the air in our communities. The REV Act makes it more likely that this growth will occur here in Illinois, and benefit those most in need of these economic opportunities.”  

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