Sierra Club Statement on Passage of Historic Climate Legislation in the Illinois Senate

Monday, September 13, 2021

Renner Barsella,
Hannah Flath,, 860-634-0225

SPRINGFIELD, IL -- Today, after months of negotiation and a sweeping victory in the House, the Illinois Senate passed the Climate and Equitable Jobs Bill, marking one of the nation’s most groundbreaking advancements in climate justice and workforce transition on a state level. This victory sets Illinois on a path to a carbon free power sector by 2050, builds an equitable clean energy future for all Illinoisans, and holds utilities accountable. Sierra Club thanks the Illinois General Assembly for voting in favor of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act and looks forward to partnering with legislators and stakeholders to implement this historic bill. 

In response, Sierra Club Illinois Director Jack Darin released the following statement: 

“Today is a historic day, not just for Illinois, but for the entire nation. Today, legislators listened to the voices of all Illinoisans in passing the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act, and Illinois will act on climate change with a plan for a 100% clean energy future that centers equity and racial justice.

“This bill came about through a coalition-led community engagement process that centered people's needs today and their hopes for the future, and not utilities or special interests.

“We applaud the work of legislators and stakeholders that helped reach this agreement, and particularly the bold leadership of Governor Pritzker in delivering this historic win for Illinois communities and our planet.” 

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