Sierra Club Hosts Panel to Educate Public on the Toll of Longwall Mining


Contact: Hannah Flath,, 860-634-0225

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, IL -- The Kaskaskia Group of Sierra Club Illinois will host a panel discussion, “The Toll from Longwall Mining” on Monday, June 21 at 6:30pm. The panel is part of a speaker series that aims to educate the public on the environmental and public health impacts of longwall mining in the wake of Hillsboro Energy’s recent request to expand their Deer Run Mine permit in Hillsboro by 7,731.8 acres. This request was approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources on April 13, 2021. 

Longwall mining is a highly mechanized mining process that removes nearly 90% of subsurface coal, leaving no support to maintain ground level. This form of mining leads to topsoil erosion, stream disruption, and threatens water supply and air quality. In addition, coal mining and burning  is one of the largest factors in human-induced causes of climate change, with some estimates linking it to 75% of greenhouse gas emissions. Citing these climate and health dangers, community activists filed an appeal to Hillsboro Energy’s expansion permit last month. 

“The environmental and human toll of longwall mining has to be addressed. No one is totalling the erosion impacts, lost agricultural acres to coal slurry impoundments, and disruption of streams,” said Sierra Club Heart of Illinois Group member Joyce Blumenshine. “Most people in Illinois think coal mining underground is room and pillar and has no surface impacts. Well, they have not heard of longwall mining and should know what it does to our communities.” 

WHAT: Longwall mining expert and local environmental activists will share the impacts of longwall mining in Montgomery County 
WHEN: Monday, June 21, 6:30pm Central Standard Time  
WHERE: Register here for "The Toll from Longwall Mining." This event is free and open to the public.

Mary Ellen DeClue, Citizens Against Longwall Mining
Aimee Erickson, Director of Citizens Coal Council 
Joyce Blumenshine, Sierra Club Illinois Chapter

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