Pollinator Week Kickoff

Pledge Plant PostToday is the first day of a week-long celebration of pollinators. National Pollinator Week is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. It's a time to celebrate pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. The Sierra Club Monarch Team and Illinois Monarch Project urge everyone to Pledge, Plant, Post!

Pledge: The Illinois Sierra Club and Illinois Monarch Project encourage Illinoisans to take these pledge actions to support monarchs:
Plant: By taking an all-hands-on-deck approach everyone -- person, organization, agency -- can contribute.
  • Taking actions now, such as planting native milkweed and wildflowers, will preserve current and future monarch generations.

  • All Illinoisans can help contribute to Illinois’ goal of 150 million additional milkweed stems by 2038.

Post:  Share, share, share…..
  • Share your passion and spread the word.

  • Connect people to monarch conservation resources.

  • Collaborate with other monarch conservationists.

Log in again tomorrow to read about the Princeton Pollinator Garden--a stellar example of how a community came together to support a 2,400 sq ft pollinator planting.