Forward Illinois Coalition Orgs Announce Backing in Two Critical Suburban Statehouse Races

Investments by progressive groups in support of State Rep. Anne Stava-Murray (HD81) and candidate Maggie Trevor (HD 54) support champions

CHICAGO - As early voting kicks off in our state, members of Forward Illinois - a coalition of major advocacy organizations and labor unions united around a progressive vision for Illinois - today announced investments in two key statehouse races in Chicago’s western suburbs. The group will roll out a series of four mail pieces in support of State Rep. Anne Stava-Murray (HD 81) and Democratic candidate Maggie Trevor (HD 54) to inform voters about the candidates’ leadership on progressive issues and show that the organizations have these progressive champion’s backs. 

“Illinois will need to be bold to recover from this pandemic, and build the equitable, clean future we all want for our children,” said Kady McFadden, Deputy Director of Sierra Club Illinois Chapter. “Progressive organizations are coming together for the first time to help elect these champions, because we need them to help lead Illinois out of this crisis to a future where everyone can earn a living wage, access quality health care, breathe clean air, and drink clean water.” 

“Illinois is the anchor of equality in the Midwest, but we can't rest on our laurels," said Brian C. Johnson, Secretary of the Equality Illinois PAC. "To keep Illinois moving forward, we members of Forward Illinois are taking electoral action to support two champions of equality and defeat the most anti-equality member of the Illinois House. We will demonstrate that a progressive vision inclusive of LGBTQ equality is both deeply rooted in our state's values and a winning message with voters."

“Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in Illinois. We need elected leaders who will stand up to the influence of the corrupt NRA lobby in Springfield and work to pass live-saving gun violence legislation,” says Kathleen Sances, Pres. and CEO of the Gun Violence Prevention PAC. “We must work together to move Illinois forward to elect lawmakers who will make health, safety, and equity a priority for all communities.”

“Putting Illinois working families on the path to a $15 minimum wage was a major accomplishment of the last legislative session,” said SEIU Illinois State Council Vice President Greg Kelley. “Now, working people across Illinois are coming together to protect progressive leaders and further expand the Democratic majority.”

“Support for reproductive rights is strong among suburban women and access to health care is top of mind for many voters this cycle, especially given the uncertainty surrounding the Supreme Court. We are proud to support candidates who share our progressive values” said Jennifer Welch, Chair, PPIA PAC.

Throughout the 2019 legislative session, coalition partners worked hard to pass major progressive wins like a $15 minimum wage, LGTBQ-inclusive history in public schools, cannabis legalization, and more. Now, the groups are coming together to protect legislators who have supported key issues and to expand the House majority even further. 

The program includes multiple mail pieces in each district - including one negative mailer - and each individual coalition partner will mobilize their respective memberships to get out the vote throughout the election season. 

To view the initial mail pieces, click here

Participating members of Forward Illinois are the Equality Illinois PAC, Sierra Club Illinois PAC, Planned Parenthood Illinois Action PAC, Gun Violence Prevention PAC, Local 881 UFCW, SEIU Illinois State Council and SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana. 

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