Idaho Sierra Club Statement on Idaho Power Withdrawing from Boise Pride

Our Statement on Idaho Power's Withdrawal from Boise Pride

We were very disappointed to hear about Idaho Power withdrawing its participation from the Boise Pride event this year. Whether intended or not, the impact of this withdrawal sent a strong message to Sierra Club’s LGBTQ+ members, neighbors, employees, family, and friends that Idaho Power is not willing to stand by their side as they seek to celebrate their vibrant community and overcome deep discrimination in our state. It sent a message that Idaho Power would rather stand with fear mongers than those cultivating a more caring, welcoming Boise.

As we–and Idaho Power–work to create a 100% Clean Energy future for Idaho to address the worsening climate crisis, we must do so in a way that uplifts and centers those who have historically been pushed to the margins. Our queer siblings are disproportionately impacted by climate change and the energy industry, and hold the wisdom, skills, and resilience to help us tackle the monumental challenges before us.  

We urge Idaho Power to examine how it can improve its practices around inclusion, empowerment, and allyship with LGBTQ+ individuals and organizations in the communities it has committed to serve with “Safety First, Integrity Always, and Respect for All.”

Lisa Young, Director, Idaho Chapter Sierra Club

UPDATE: We were relieved to hear that Idaho Power didn't pull its financial support from Boise Pride, it just decided not to have a booth at the event due to safety concerns for its employees after receiving violent threats through their call center and one physical altercation from a community member toward an employee.  We were reassured from reading this Twitter post from the Director of Boise Pride.  We hope Idaho Power will continue to support Boise Pride and other LGTBQ+ community efforts into the future.