We Really Showed Up for Farmer-Owned Solar

Idaho Sierra Club led the effort to convene a small coalition of groups to help mobilize members of the public against Idaho Power’s proposal to weaken its solar net metering program for farmers, including active engagement from Idaho Conservation League, Snake River Alliance, Conservation Voters for Idaho, Portneuf Resource Council, Idaho Organization of Resource Councils, and Citizens Climate Lobby Pocatello.

By this week’s deadline, we were able to mobilize 96 written comments, recruit an additional 11 organizations to endorse a sign-on letter, and engage dozens of local residents and farmers in the public input process.  

We also submitted our own technical comments on the case, which were formally supported by the City of Boise and Idaho Clean Energy Association.  

Thanks to these efforts, we are already seeing results.  The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Staff are taking a similar position as us, and we’re hopeful that the Commissioners will side with us, as well!  We expect the final decision to be announced in December, which we’ll certainly share out. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in this mobilization to help save solar for Idaho farmers! 

young boy with farmer hat holding hay, says "Advocate for Farmer's Rights to Solar Power"