Ratepayers: You Have a Voice! NOW is the Time to Use It!

megaphoneEvery day, we turn on the lights and appliances in our homes.  We know that electricity is generated by power plants far away, carried by the power lines along our street.  We know that it’s there whenever we need it (except for the occasional outage).  And every month, we pay our power bill to keep that electricity flowing.  

For most of us, that’s where the interaction with our electric utility stops.  They make and deliver the electricity - we use it and pay for it.  And in Idaho (like most states), we don’t even have a choice as to which company provides our power.  We’re stuck with one option: a monopoly utility that serves the area where we live.  For most Idahoans, that’s private investor-owned utilities like Idaho Power in south/central Idaho, Rocky Mountain Power out east, or Avista up north (in addition to several co-ops and municipally-owned power companies that serve smaller areas throughout the state). 

As a ratepayer of one of the big investor-owned monopoly utilities, it’s easy to feel like you’re powerless (no pun intended!) to change anything about that power company - from how much you’re paying to exactly how the electricity is being generated.  You may care about the environmental impact of the energy sources, or the impact of high rates on low-income families, while the power company remains focused on generating the highest profits for its shareholders.  

But the truth is, you do have power.  As a ratepayer, you have a voice, and you have every right to be heard. 

As state-sanctioned monopolies, investor-owned utilities are overseen and regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC), whose job includes listening to and looking out for ratepayers, ensuring fair rates for customers while still allowing the utility to earn a profit. 

So if you want to see something change about your power company, you can always let the PUC know!  But one person saying something usually isn’t enough to turn the tide.  When you, your friends, your neighbors, and folks across the service territory speak up and demand justice, that’s when real change can happen.  We have thousands of Sierra Club supporters across the state who are raring and ready for change in our energy system, and the PUC needs to hear from all of you! 

Sierra Club Beyond Coal logo circleSo what kind of “change” are we talking about?  Right now, all three of Idaho’s investor-owned utilities are burning coal and gas to bring electricity to your homes, emitting toxic pollution into the environment, poisoning communities, and rapidly accelerating the climate crisis.  Unequivocally, this has to stop. 

Thankfully, Sierra Club activists and partners across the region have helped shift two of Idaho’s investor-owned utilities to recently commit to 100% Clean Energy by 2045: Idaho Power and Avista.  We know this shift needs to happen on a faster timescale, but are glad that these utilities are finally acknowledging that a coal-free and gas-free future is possible - and also more economical.  Rocky Mountain Power (part of the PacifiCorp conglomerate), on the other hand, is still dragging its feet, operating the largest fleet of coal plants in the West with no firm plans to be coal-free, leaving its Idaho ratepayers stuck with the costs of maintaining aging coal facilities and missing out on the benefits of a clean energy economy.

Right now, ratepayers have a unique opportunity to tell the PUC where they want their energy to come from - and we need you to speak up! 

That’s because each investor-owned utility just submitted their 20-Year Resource Plans to the PUC for approval.  They do this every two years.  These Plans predict how much energy will be needed in the region and how the utility is going to meet those needs - through existing or new power plants, energy efficiency/savings programs, or power lines to get electricity from where it’s made to where it’s most needed.  After a bunch of complicated modeling and analysis, the utility picks the final Plan that is “least cost, least risk” and puts it before the PUC for “acknowledgement.” 

If you are an Idaho Power, Rocky Mountain Power, or Avista ratepayer, this is the time to tell the PUC that you want your power company to rapidly invest in local, reliable, clean energy resources that bring good jobs and economic development to Idaho, reduce pollution and health hazards in the region, offer more stable and affordable rates to customers, and mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis, which threatens Idaho’s communities, ecosystems, economy, and way of life.  Tell them why it matters to you, and why you think it will benefit all customers.

The comment deadlines are fast approaching for these utility Resource Plans, and there won’t be a similar opportunity for another two years, so please take a moment to submit your written comment today To do so, visit the PUC’s Case Comment Form webpage and enter the case number corresponding to your utility (below), then type your comment and hit “Send!”

Submit your comment to the PUC today!


  • Case number: AVU-E-19-01
  • Comment deadline: Aug 19, 2020
  • Public hearing: Aug 5, 2020 - join our virtual workshop on Aug 3 to prepare!

Rocky Mountain Power: 

  • Case number: PAC-E-19-16
  • Comment deadline: Aug 5, 2020

Idaho Power: 

  • Case number: IPC-E-19-19
  • Comment deadline: TBD

As ratepayers, we do have power and a way to be heard.  Let’s exercise it - the future of our planet depends on it.

Picture of barn with solar panels on top, says "Idaho's Clean Energy Economy"

Idaho Sierra Club is a people-powered movement.  If you want to get more involved in advocating for more clean energy in your power company (hooray!), please reach out to Lisa Young, our Chapter Director, to share your interests and ideas and get connected with our volunteer teams: lisa.young@sierraclub.org