Avista Customers: Great Job, Keep Speaking Up!

A couple of weeks ago I had to sit through a 3.5-hour evening conference call from 6:00-9:30pm.  And it was magnificent

Wind turbine blades rise above pasture horizonIt was the public hearing for Avista’s 25-year Resource Plan (northern Idaho’s investor-owned utility), and one after another people kept calling-in to express their support for Avista’s 100% clean energy commitment and urge Idaho decision-makers to give the utility the green light to, well...go green

Over 30 North Idaho residents chose to spend their whole evening on a telephonic public hearing, waiting for their chance to speak up on the environmental and economic promise of a clean energy future and the perilous risks of delaying action on climate change for their communities.  It was truly moving to hear each person share their personal story, including several Sierra Club members.

There’s no doubt that these stories had an impact on the Public Utilities Commissioners and utility representatives listening in.  The Commissioners will decide in the coming weeks whether to “acknowledge” Avista’s 25-year Plan and provide requirements and recommendations regarding Avista’s next cycle of planning (the utility makes a new long-term energy plan every two years, and is already working on the next one now).

Avista’s 2020 Integrated Resource Plan commits the utility to achieving 100% clean energy by 2045 and exiting coal by 2025, based on the reality that coal is now exceedingly expensive.  Idaho Sierra Club fully supports this transition, and urges the utility to move even faster off of polluting coal and gas, while developing renewable energy projects and jobs right here in Idaho.  You can read our full testimony to the Public Utilities Commission here.


Public comments on Avista’s 25-Year Plan are due tomorrow (Wed, Aug 19, 2020), so there’s still a chance for you to make your voice heard!  We need to show the Commission that a groundswell of Avista customers want to grow Idaho’s clean energy economy, and that the utility’s swift transition to 100% clean energy mitigates economic risks and serves the public interest, which is the Commission’s mandate.  Find more talking points and instructions for submitting a comment here.  You do not need to be an “energy expert” to comment - any Avista customer can and should share their thoughts - short and sweet is perfectly fine!  As a ratepayer, you have a voice, and now is the time to use it!

Submit your public comment TODAY!