Science Standards Debate moves to Senate

After a contentious hearing in the House Education Committee and national coverage of our fight for equitable science education, the debate has moved to the Senate. With the support of the 1,000+ folks that stepped up and signed out petition in favor of the science content standards, we are following the debate and getting the voice of students heard. 

Leading up to the Senate Education Committee public hearing on February 14th, we were feeling empowered by the outpouring of support we received from our community and coverage in the press. In particular, the Boise Weekly detailed our efforts to support the science content standards and supporting content and lifted up the narrative of student voices. With what felt like the entire community of actively engaged Idahoans behind us, we marched confidently into the Senate hearing and testified once again in support.

Therese Etoka and Adam Thompson, pictured on the left, testified at the hearing while Cassie Kenyon and myself supported them and the more than a dozen other folks that voiced unanimous support for the content standards. We heard testimony from teachers, parents, students, retired folks and industry representatives. Again and again the message was clear -- the standards and supporting content are critical to help prepare Idaho students for a comprehensive education and competitive future. 

The hearing concluded with no action, so now we must wait to see if the Senate Education Committee will pass the full standards and leave the supporting content in tact. We are asking for your help to demonstrate that there is overwhelming support for the science content standards while we wait. We need as many people as possible to write in to our leaders as possible and let them know we stand behind the science content standards.

In your message to the Senators, be clear that you want the standards to pass. Tell them to trust the teachers and experts that crafted the standards, the people of Idaho who overwhelmingly support them, and urge them to equip students and teachers with as much information as possible by including the supporting content.

Help us today by sending a quick email to voice your support. Send your comments in support of the science content standards and the supporting content to the Senate Education Committee at


Emily Her, Student Organizer

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