Cleaning Up Transportation in Idaho

In the first week of October, two major transportation developments were announced that represent huge opportunities for Idaho to plan for the future of clean transportation in Idaho.

On Monday, October 2nd the Volkswagen Settlement Agreement Environmental Trust was approved, starting the clock for state Governors to apply for funds allocated for clean transportation efforts. Idaho is set to receive upwards of $17 million that can be spent on a variety of projects, including electric vehicle charging infrastructure and electric vehicles.

On Wednesday, October 4th the Governors of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to provide a framework for creating a Regional Electric Vehicle Plan for the West (REV). The purpose is to build out an electric vehicle charging network that connects more than 5,000 miles of freeways, making travel for all electric vehicles possible between all signatory states. 

Taken together, Idaho is looking at a pot of money to spend on electric vehicle charging and an assurance that other states will build with us. This is a unique opportunity where both a goal and funding are on the table at the same time – and the Sierra Club is determined to make the most of this moment. Help us tell Idaho's leaders we want to see a commitment invest in clean transporation

It is critical we tell our leaders that we want to see them build out our statewide fast charging along interstates now as a first step by using the maximum amount of VW Settlement money allotted for infrastructure. Infrastructure should be our first priority because investments in EV charging increase EV sales and resolve the lack of adequate charging for light duty vehicles, a major impediment to rapidly increase EV adoption.

Our second priority moving forward, both with the VW Settlement funds and REV West, should be the encouraging the rapid transition to electric vehicles. This means Idaho commits to spending the remaining 85 percent of VW Settlement funds exclusively on electric vehicles and seriously perusing actions outlined in REV like encouraging manufactures to stock EVs in Idaho, pursuing policies that encourage additional infrastructure developments, identifying more opportunities to promote EVs more widely in Idaho.

It is critical to cleaning up Idaho’s transportation sector and preparing for the future of transportation technology. Transportation is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases and a major source of harmful pollutants in Idaho. The cleanest technology available today are electric vehicles, which are zero emission vehicles.

EV also present a variety of economic benefits from lower fuel price, savings on maintenance and operation. With more manufacturer commitments to electrification of their vehicles, it is becoming increasingly clear that EVs are the car of today, as well as the dominant car of the future. Encouraging the rapid transition to electric vehicles is an all-around win for our climate, our public health, and our economy. 

The Sierra Club is urging for the funding to be used on clean, electric transportation options rather than compressed natural gas, diesel, or propane vehicles. Learn more about our work with electric vehicles and how we would like to see Idaho invest in a clean transporation future on our website.