20 Faith Leaders Ask Boise Mayor Bieter to Endorse 100% Clean Energy Future

BOISE, ID - A group of Faith Leaders gathered at City Hall on Monday afternoon to turn over a letter asking Mayor Bieter to endorse a 100% clean energy future for Boise.

The letter included signatures of leaders from Catholic, Islamic, Jewish, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Mennonite, United Church of Christ and Buddhist religious traditions representing 20 faith communities throughout the city.


The City of Boise is already working to define a renewable energy strategy for electricity citywide. This group represents a growing constituency of people from around the city that would like to see a vision set before the city begins to work on a implementation strategy.  

“We recognize Boise’s work in protecting our environment and the people of our community,” said Reverend Robert Spencer. “We thank them for their leadership and ask that they guide their future work by setting a vision that 45% of the country endorsed this Monday morning at the U.S. Conference of Mayors .”

"On my way to Mayor Bieter's office NPR reported that the US Confenece of Mayors had just voted their support for 100% clean energy," said Thomas Rogers, member of Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel's social action committee. "I reported this at the meeting and emphasized that this is why it is important we look to the future of our city and the world we'll leave our children, grandchildren, and everyone else who will need clean air and sustainable energy to make a better world for all."

118 mayors have signed onto this vision in their community as part of the Mayors for 100% Clean Energy initiative Co-Chaired by several mayors throughout the country. Two mayors in Idaho have already endorsed the vision, both Mayor Nina Jonas of Ketchum and Mayor Anne Shaha of Dover, and the faith leaders asked Mayor Bieter to do the same thing here in the capital city.

“I’m so glad to be part of the group in dialogue for the betterment of our city,” said Padre Jesus Camacho. “It is so nice to see people in Boise willing to listen to our religious perspective on clean energy.”

Earlier this morning the U.S. Conference of Mayors approved a historic resolution that establishes support from the nation’s mayors for the goal of moving to 100 percent clean and renewable energy in cities nationwide. The 100% Renewable Energy in American Cities resolution could pave the way for cities across the country to adopt 100 percent renewable targets within their communities.  

“What better way to kick off Donald Trump’s energy week than with a message from our nation’s mayors that cities are ready for 100 percent clean and renewable energy,” said Casey Mattoon, Conservation Program Manager. “The gathering of faith leaders this afternoon demonstrates that our community wants Boise to join with other cities in defining the path toward a healthier, stronger and more prosperous future powered with 100 percent clean, renewable energy.”

According to a new Sierra Club analysis, if cities belonging to the U.S. Conference of Mayors were to transition to 100 percent clean and renewable electricity, it would reduce electric sector carbon emissions by more than that of the five worst carbon polluting U.S. states combined. If the 100 percent energy targets were achieved by 2025, the total electric sector carbon pollution reductions would fill anywhere from 87 percent to 110 percent of the remaining reductions the United States would need to achieve in order to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.



Casey Mattoon

Conservation Program Manager

Idaho Chapter Sierra Club


Campaign Name:

Boise is Ready for 100