People's Climate Marches Around Idaho

Join us this Saturday, April 29th for the People's Climate March in Idaho.


Saturday,  April 29th marks the 100th day of the Trump Presidency and people across the world are taking to the streets for the People's Climate March in support of climate, jobs, and justice.

 A decade ago Governor Butch Otter endorsed the science behind climate change and warned of future economic and environmental impacts for Idaho, yet the state has been slow to act in the following ten years. Just look to the fact that this spring Idaho was the only state in the nation to remove references to climate change in school science standards, the opposite of progress. This march aims to change all of that by reframing the conversation about climate change in Idaho.

In Boise, the Sierra Club has been hard at work organizing for People's Climate March in Idaho at 12 pm at the State Capitol Building. The event will begin with a series of five citizen speakers who will touch on their experience with climate change through the perspective of wildfire, engineering, grassroots organizing, faith and education. We will then march around the capitol building, lead by beautifully painted banners.


The People's Climate March will finish out with speeches from Boise City Council Pro Tem Lauren McClean and Representative Ilana Rubel. As elected officials, they will share their vision for Idaho in the face of climate change and how we can move forward with progress.


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 Other events will be taking place around the state, including Sandpoint, Moscow, and Ketchum. All told, hundreds of Idahoans will march in solidarity for solutions and Saturday will be an important day for climate change throughout the state.

The public has show up for the science which tells us it is happening, surveys show us that a large majority of Idahoans (72%) believe that climate change is happen. Now is when we must come together and forge a path forward for Idaho. That path needs to include everyone and works towards equitable access to clean energy, healthy communities and a vibrant economy that empowers all members of our state.

Let us know your are coming by registering on our website.

Hope to see you all there this Saturday! For more information or to volunteer at the march, contact me at or call us at 208-384-1023.

Casey Mattoon, Conservation Program Manager