
Mobilizing local action to restore a safe and stable climate.

Hello Climate Activists!

The Sierra Club’s CEM Team supports local movements seeking comprehensive, immediate, and sustained actions to restore a safe and stable climate.

We collect and share the most effective climate actions to create the broadest possible impact in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, maximizing carbon sequestration, and facilitating a just transition to a net zero emissions society.

Communities throughout the world are declaring climate emergencies and forging ahead with local actions. This work is part of a growing global movement calling for bold, transformative change and a new climate culture that accepts the challenge of escalating climate disruption and the call for immediate action. We embrace this global movement and invite you to join us.

Become a member of our team to:

  • plan more educational webinars.
  • add new local climate actions to our Toolbox website.
  • share news on social media or in our newsletterThe Climate Activist.
  • define new ways in which we might encourage and support local action.

If you are interested in helping with any of our upcoming climate-related work, or have ideas for work that you’d like to contribute, please contact Richard Rollins.

We also invite you to subscribe to our discussion list serve at GN-CEM-DISCUSSION. To do so, go to https://lists.sierraclub.org, find the GN-CEM-DISCUSSION list, open the link and then click "subscribe."

Toolbox of Local Climate Actions

The Toolbox is a compilation of actions taken by cities, counties, and regional governments to mitigate the deterioration of the Earth’s climate. Its purpose is to inspire activists, officials and staff in localities across the country to consider which ordinances, regulations, and other actions might prove feasible to adopt within their own jurisdictions.


The Climate Activist is a quarterly newsletter supporting local climate activists in their efforts to reduce climate warming emissions and increase carbon sequestration. It also features actions taken by climate activists across the country who are making the transformational changes needed to restore a safe and stable climate.  Action Alerts are published in the months between newsletters and highlight national, community, and personal actions that are addressing the causes of our climate crisis.

Newsletters and Alerts.


The Grassroots Network Climate Emergency Mobilization Team organizes webinars during which recognized experts, activist allies, and experienced volunteer leaders share information and resources that can be useful to climate activists everywhere. These webinar presentations, typically occurring 3 to 4 times per year, have been a regular part of our work to share resources with climate activists everywhere.

Click here to watch past recorded webinars.

Articles & Announcements