Sierra Club to Rep. Bourdeaux: Don’t Undermine Climate Action

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nine House Democrats, including Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux of Georgia’s 7th Congressional District, have threatened to halt progress on the most important climate legislation in U.S. history and the only potential vehicle for major action on climate, care, jobs, and justice in near term view.

This comes on the heels of dire warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that the extreme weather events we’re already experiencing — including historic droughts, superstorms, record-breaking wildfires, and unprecedented coastal flooding — will continue to rapidly worsen unless the world cuts all carbon pollution in half by 2031.

Other House members who are presenting obstacles to much-needed community investments are Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, Filemon Vela of Texas, Jared Golden of Maine, Henry Cuellar of Texas, Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, Ed Case of Hawaii, Jim Costa of California and Kurt Schrader of Oregon.

In response, Sierra Club Georgia Chapter Director Jessica Morehead released the following statement:

“We are disappointed that Congresswoman Bourdeaux is threatening the passage of such an important piece of legislation. Her constituents in Georgia will benefit significantly from the budget reconciliation bill and are excited to see federal action on the climate crisis through investment in improved transit and the expansion of clean energy, not to mention the resulting family-sustaining jobs. Congress can pass both the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the budget reconciliation bill; there is no reason to give up leverage now. We encourage Congresswoman Bourdeaux to reconsider her decision.”

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